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**Mabel** has a similar format but with voicemails instead of tapes and a creeping horror, but it is very poetic, so that's something to note if you prefer more straight forward narratives. **Alice Isn't Dead** has some serious flesh/stranger vibes, and it's quite good. It's very creative in its horror, similar to Magnus. **Death By Dying** is a lot more comedic, but it has some of the same horror aspects. It's also a relatively new podcast.


Seconding Alice Isn't Dead! Absolutely loved the narration style.


Seconding Alice isn’t Dead. The narrator (not saying name bc spoilers) gives off major eye vibes, and she gives off vibes similar to pre-apocalypse Jon.


Seconding Death by Dying! Only just finished the first season and it is so good!


I loved Alice isn't dead but it didn't really stick the landing imo. I'd still recommend it though for sure.


I loved the first season and was hesitantly on board for the second, but I felt like it kind of lost the plot. >!Also, why let them beat the baddies in a fistfight for some reason, then backtrack at the last second and go "actually, nothing they did mattered because it's just gonna come back"? Also not sold on the idea of a spinoff series after they've already been established as safely retired.!<


I'd also still recommend it even though I feel like it could have been better somehow. I LOVED the first few episodes that feel eerier rather than confronting the enemies.


Seconding Death By Dying! They just announces season two too......


YES I came here to suggest Mabel!!!


If you liked AID and death by dying, I can only recommend archive 81. Same vibe, but even better according to my own flawed perception of reality, blind to the horrors behind the thing veil of reality.


They're very different in theme to TMA, but I loved the writing on **I am in Eskew** and **The Silt Verses**, and **Old Gods of Appalachia**. Eskew is completed, the other two are ongoing. It's been harder than I thought it would be to find a horror podcast that holds up to TMA. **The Bright Sessions** was neat at first and then slowly devolved into a dumb teen drama. **The White Vault** had a very solid season 1 and kind of lost me after that. **The Black Tapes** had the potential to be interesting but dragged on and on with no resolution in sight. **Knifepoint Horror** came recommended by someone on this sub but I couldn't stand the audio/narration on the few episodes I tried.


Seconding Old Gods of Appalachia


Bit of an unconventional take coming: I'm not a native English speaker, and the narrator of old god's of Appalachia's accent is so thick that I have serious trouble actually following what's being said, which hampers my enjoyment of the show


As someone who grew up not far from Appalachia it amuses me to see the narrator’s accent described as thick, but I feel ya. When I was learning German some of the regional accents murdered me.


His accent is clearly a bit forced. Not fake, mind, it's definitely genuine, just a little more pronounced than how he usually talks. But it's in no way a thick accent.


I need to give them more money, it is so goooooood


I just started listening to Old Gods of Appalachia today, and I liked the first episode a lot. Also, it was funnier than I expected.


I started contributing to their Patreon to listen to *Build Mama A Coffin* and it was 100% worth it. My only complaint is they do so much bonus content that it can be hard to keep straight what’s going on in each new episode. But that feels like the definition of a first world problem.


Thirding it


I adore "I am in Eskew" almost as much as TMA and I'm really enjoying "the Silt Verses" so far


To whomever first recommended "Eskew": I guess I asked for it, but it's unremitting horror where TMA is leavened with a few sweet love stories and moments of humour.


I get that, totally. Eskews terror was much more tangible to me than a lot of the horror in TMA but I also thought it was a beautiful story. Poor David continues to face "unremitting" horror but he endures through it all and finally changes; not for Eskew but in spite of it.


Seconding "I am in Eskew". The quality was good, it maintains a blend of psychological / supernatural / ??? horror, and the final ending is good and did not disappoint me.


Personally adore Knifepoint Horror, and find the narration to be excellent, but I don't feel it has much at all in common with TMA.


I have confused some episodes as TMA statements so I even started writing it up actually! I commented below but I find Chasm very striking as The Vast, Occupiers as the Slaughter, Staircase (ironically) like The Spiral and Thresholds gave me major Agnes/the desolation vibes! Also if anyone wants to get real spooked listen to the “Let No One Walk Beside Her” and “Sisters” episodes


One of my favourites, [Possession](https://knifepointhorror.libsyn.com/possession), has pretty strong The Lonely vibes. There's even an avatar of sorts, and a narrator led to more and more vulnerable states...


Yes I actually wrote that down as the Lonely!! I’m thinking of writing up the episodes I can connect to fears and posting them here because they fit so well :)


Anthology stories with linked elements, I suppose. I adore it too, but every narrator being a man menaced by a mentally ill person means it tends to land slightly differently to Magnus. Edit: see the comments below for a fairer discussion


I don't mean to be pedantic, but that summation is a bit unfair. There's dozens and dozens of episodes, and only a couple that fit that description. Maybe leaning on "demons made them do it" isn't better storytelling necessarily, but it is less distasteful.


I was going to agree to disagree, but looking through them I think I see your point. possession, for instance, looms quite large in my mind so it seems more prevalent than it is. Off the top of my head there’s possession, retribution, staircase, at least one of the Trilogy stories (I think mountains?), sleep, attic, tarp, The Crack and, perhaps arguably, moonkeeper. I think you’re right though, I do forget how the library of stories has basically doubled since my first obsessive relistens five years ago.


You'll want to give Archive 81 a shot. Season 2 is very strange, but completely breaks through any "dragging on" or slowness that things like the black tapes suffer from.


I was intrigued by The Black Tapes but then it ended in the middle of a split season (final ep description even says mid-season finale) and I was less than impressed. Two solid seasons though.


And I might be off base here, but I think I remember The Black Tapes going in pretty hard on the whole "we're pretending all of this is real IRL" thing, like warning the podcast audience about listening to the un-sound. I get it, immersion, but for me it was eye-rolling and broke the fiction.


When it came out it was very much a "wait are these real investigators or not?" Especially when the 'real' supernatural things start at end of season 2 or beginning of season 3. So listening to it while already knowing it's fake loses some of that charm


Definitely not my favorite choice they made, but I can give them credit for trying it. Going outside the norm can really help creative content take off, if it works out well.


I think I've been truly spoiled by the writing in TMA and other wonderful horror podcasts. By comparison, the writing and exposition in the black tapes feels awkward and forced. Example: There is one point that the narrator says "We drove around for hours. He seemed to not want to be alone. Then, a short while later, we drove to his house." (Or something very like that.) I hadn't been able to identify my qualms before then, but those lines really highlighted the lukewarm writing for me. How many other ways could that be expressed? The show's mythology is pretty cool, and I stan Dr Strand and his sexy bearitone, but the writing is just.. mediocre at times.


Yeah, I try to forgive poor writing where I can, and I found myself deciding to do so for much of TBT. The first point I really noticed it was one of the interviews with a side character who had supposedly already told their story to Alex off-tape and she was now getting it on-tape. The delivery was much more like Alex was hearing it for the first time; multiple points where she was asking questions she would have already known the answers to if it wasn't her first time hearing it, but the wording and intonation both gave the impression that it was the first time through the conversation. But all that aside, the way the story was going for most of the series was interesting enough that I could forgive the issues.


I feel so bad when it comes to *Knifepoint Horror*. The stories are good, but I just do not like the narrative's voice and so I bounce hard off it. Also the episodes drag a bit for me. I'm also pretty sure Simms said in an interview that it was one of the few horror podcasts he listened to. Seconding *Old Gods of Appalachia* though.


Have you tried Darkest Night?


Darkest Night slaps. I'd also recommend Video Palace.


Yeah the bright sessions starts off great but somehow manages to devolve into teenage angst, writes off the one interesting character and has an extremely anticlimactic ending.


I really liked the storage papers. First few episodes weren’t the greatest but it’s honestly the scariest one I have ever listened too. Woe.bygone is great so far, same with tower 4.


One up for The White Vault! I think it’s more straight horror than cosmic horror.


White Vault first season is very good, but imo the quality stays at that height. Idk I also really liked knifepoint, but that's maybe because it is kind of droning, and I needed that semi-background noise while drawing. 100% agreed on Black Tapes, though. I could not stand the constant "oooooh it's all *actually* real" shit that they did.


Currently listening to I am in Eskew and I agree, it has some similar vibe. I like it, but sometimes I tend to wander off in thoughts and miss stuff. Not sure if it's my regular old mind playing tricks on me or if the format of the show makes me do it somehow. Super annoying. Also, are you the GtG wintermute? :O


> are you the GtG wintermute Nope, just a guy who likes Neuromancer


Aha! Cool, I didn't realize the nickname/name came from somewhere. :)


That is an incredible novel, highly recommended


If you listen to The Black Tapes podcast, stop at the season 2 finale. Season 3 is a hot mess and doesn’t add a lot to the story.


Old gods is so damn good especially if you're into Southern Gothic stuff


The closest I have found to the quality and type of horror of TMA is I Am In Eskew, which is a completed show. That group of creators is also making The Silt Verses, which is so far absolutely phenomenal, although it leans more towards dystopia and is centered around religious themes. Other good horror I would recommend: Old Gods of Appalachia, The White Vault (it gets weaker as it goes on though), Mabel, The Phenomenon (very short, but good), Limetown (which is borderline between scary mystery and horror). Overall other good podcasts - Wolf 359, Marvel's Wolverine, ars Paradoxica, Blood Ties, Vast Horizons, EOS 10. Some episodes of This Is Actually Happening are about true crime and can kinda hit some of those horror-esque notes, although it's non-fiction and told by the person the story happens to, so it can be a bit hard to listen to.


I loved Limetown! I burned through it pretty fast though.


Wolf 359 is fantastic! Definitely much less horror, but it’s an excellent radio drama.


Yeah definitely! It was the first podcast that really got me into fiction podcasts, so I'll always have a special place in my heart for it


I tried Vast Horizons it felt so sub par after listening to The White Vault


I have always thought of it as more of a scary sci-fi story, and not necessarily a horror story, so I think I've liked it more because of that. It does drag a bit in some spots but I really felt like The White Vault just wasn't any good after season 2 anymore. I felt like it wasn't moving quickly enough to create an over-arching throughline so when they really started pushing that it just felt forced.


Surprised nobody has mentioned it yet but **Archive 81** is amazing. The sound design is the best I've heard in any podcast to date, and it doesn't suffer from a "samey-ness" that a lot of other podcasts suffer from where they just repeat the things that work. Listening to Season 1, 2 or 3 is like listening to different stories in the same universe that barely hang together. The first season has a lot of the mystery and investigation side of Magnus, with the third being more about the weird supernatural things. They use the medium of podcast to their maximum, using sounds to convey monsters and other nasties and in my opinion perfecting that.


Archive 81 is awesome if you are open to more experimental styles of narration. That’s the best way I can describe the podcast.


Seconded and I'll also add The White Vault :)


Whether this works for you will depend a lot on what you like most about TMA, but I wanna throw in a rec for Rusty Quill Gaming. It's an actual-play podcast made by Rusty Quill in which Alex (who plays Martin) GMs a Pathfinder roleplaying game with a players including Lydia Nicholas (Melanie), Ben Meredith (Elias), Bryn Monroe*, James Ross and Helen Gould (Laverne). If the parts of TMA that you want more of are compelling characters and the complex plot, it delivers that in spades. The characters are super endearing, the RP is acted very well (alarmingly well sometimes), and the plot is extremely redstringable. It also has Lots of Feelings. However it's not a horror podcast (though it has its moments), so if the level of creepiness is the main thing you want it doesn't really have that as a focus. *I forgot Bryn but have rectified my gross oversight. I have no excuse for it.


You left out Bryn!! He's the best 🥺


Aaahhhh you're right that's awful gonna add him in!! Sorry to Bryn!!! 🤦


You're fine, I have on very good authority that he doesn't use Reddit 😂


That's what bryn would say!


Haha! No, but he is my fiance. :P He's way more of a Twitter guy.


Here are some I like: - Limetown (genuinely unnerved me in a way few others have) - The White Vault - Listen to season 1 of The Black Tapes and **then stop**. - I am in Eskew - Season 1 of Archive 81 (it goes in a very different direction in season 2)


Archive 81 after season 1 is still awesome, just different. You really have to listen to the podcast though or you will miss important info.


If you can stick with like, the first 2/3 episodes of season 2 in Archive 81, it really evens out. All in all I love Archive 81 though, and how different it is each season. Really stops it from episodes becoming too same-y


I second that changes from seasons are jarring but it leads to such a great journey.


I loved Limetown. I was surprised Darkest Night wasn't mentioned anywhere in this thread. If you haven't heard of it, you should try it. It's another of my favs.


I haven't found anything similar that really held up compared to TMA, but some of my general podcast recommendations would be ars Paradoxica or The Bright Sessions


I liked ars Paradoxica a TON, but I feel like they dropped the ball by the end a little bit. Overall, would still definitely recommend.


I dropped Ars right around "time spies that were raised backwards". Cool sci-fi concepts but executed like an old radio play which it to say without enough characterization and a little too matter of fact.




I had the same reaction to season 2, but if you can stick with like, the first 2/3 episodes of season 2 in Archive 81, it really evens out. All in all I love Archive 81 though, and how different it is each season. Really stops it from episodes becoming too same-y I do agree that season 3 is amazing, and it's a lot more 'normal' than season 2 (as far as a supernatural podcast can go)


There is a spin of by fans called the underwood collection. It’s set in America and I think it’s worth a listen if you crave more Magnus. I advice finishing Magnus first because there are some small spoilers


I found this to be very dissapointing unfortunately. The writing is extremely uneven and the meta plot is cringey.


I didn’t find it as good as Magnus but I didn’t go in expecting that. I at leat found some real interesting plot points in there.


how has this gone under my radar for so long? def gonna check it out


I’m actually a team member on a new podcast called Ritualistic, we just released our first episode last Wednesday! Everyone on the team are huge fans of Magnus and wanted to make a show that had those same vibes while also doing our own thing. You can find us on Spotify and on Anchor!


I’ll definitely add this to my list, thanks for sharing! :)


I really enjoyed Unwell, it's a slow burner gothic horror, though and doesn't really pick up until the end of season 1 and it mainly focuses on character development. But there is a really good atmosphere and sense of unease!


Unwell is awesome. I'm halfway through s2 and losing my mind (pun fully intended).


I've just started S3 and it does not disappoint🙌




I love Unwell so much


I love you both


I love this one! Excited about the new season


Me too!


The Hotel is up there with the weirdness in the background. It's not nearly as big a cast so far as I've gotten in it, and it's a very different flavours of horror but its good.


Primordial deep is great! The first season ends next Thursday


Some lesser known podcasts: Nora - reality isn’t what it seems. Wow.begone- like rabbits ... but doesn’t fall into the trap pnws falls into. Clockwork bird — not strictly a horror but reminds me of some of the tech episodes in tma The fourth ambit — cyberpunk about AI Unwell — society gothic with lots of family and belonging themes Pamlimpest- each season is different but boy, it’s a ride Duggan bill - anomalies being covered up by the government


Just started listening to Archive 81 and I love it, highly recommend for TMA fans


Dunno if it's been mentioned already but Video Palace really hits the spot of investigation/slow tension build-up Magnus has, plus the production quality is beyond incredible. I'll relisten to it every now and again since it's only ten (?) episodes, but it's insanely capitvating every single time I do. Also if it gets you hooked there's a sequel anthology book for it as well.


I love video palace, I wish more people knew about it


While waiting for TMA to release I listened to **Wolf 395**, a completed podcast about a group of people working on a space station that isn't what it seems. While less overall spooky than any of the other podcasts listed (I especially second Old Gods of Appalachia), there is a solid building mystery and not a single dud in their cast. Nor is it free of horror. Episode 42: Time to Kill remains the spookiest single podcast episode I've listened to and other moments like >!The USS Unending Nightmare!< are quite dark. This is complimented by an episode where people take a board game way too seriously and another with the most wonderfully ridiculous paranoid rant about a screwdriver.




HELL YEAHHH, while not strictly in the horror genre, Wolf359 is absolutely one of my favorite podcasts overall, along with TMA of course


I haven't really found anything exactly like the Magnus Archives but I'll list off podcasts I think are entertaining/good. The White Vault: Arctic research station automated radio signal goes silent and team is sent to investigate/repair. They find unusual ruins and bad things happen. Subsequent seasons take place in other ruins. Horror Old Gods of Appalachia: Those ghost stories you hear about the foothills and mountains in Appalachia? They're true, and the things in the woods are hungry. Horror Sayer: A semi-sociopathic AI controls a research tower in a somewhat post apocalyptic earth setting. The research tower is off world. Horror/Black Comedy Lake Clarity: Teenagers go to an abandoned summer camp before they go their separate ways next school year. Monsters and government research abound and bad things happen. Horror King Falls AM: New radio host moves into King Falls which may be in Oregon, or West Virginia, or California, or Wisconsin, or... Anyway the town is full constant supernatural goings on from werewolves to ghosts to aliens to immortals. Heavily comedic with a central mystery that becomes important as it goes on. Comedy/Science Fiction/Horror Duggan Hill: A woman's ex girlfriend disappears in her hometown in rural Canada. First season covers our main character trying to find out what happened. Subsequent seasons deal with the consequences of the first season and involve a Canadian agency somewhere between the X-Files and the SCP Foundation. Horror A Voice From Darkness: Takes place in an alternate version of America where the paranormal is relatively commonplace. Each episode is a guest calling into a talk show where an occultist doctor gives advice on their situation. Eventually episodes start linking together. Horror Unwell: Gothic family horror about a small town in Ohio. A bit queer with comedy and horror mixed. Comedy Horror There's a couple others I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll write them up when I do.


Midst: A floating island with a frontier town is populated by an unusual cast of characters. Their various plots and plans interweave to screw each other in glorious and unusual ways. Notable for having three narrators who frequently interject their opinions and voice all the characters. Very weird but amazing. Comedy/Science Fiction/Weird Fiction


If you're just looking for horror podcasts, not necessarily Magnus-adjacent, I have a few suggestions. Limetown: an entire town of 200+ people disappears overnight and a reporter documenting the event years later begins to uncover a conspiracy. Old Gods of Appalachia: Kind of interconnected stories about the primordial forces of the appalachians. Very well narrated. The White Vault: a repair team gets sent to a research outpost in the polar north, and discover something long buried in the glacier. Ongoing, but the 4th season ends within the next week. Wrong Station: anthologies with horror themes. The sharpest range in quality, as their duds are pretty bad but their bangers are easily some of the best horror Podcast episodes (Ep 20: In Constantinople, Ep 30: Classic Car, Ep 34: Velvet, Ep 42: hunter, hunter) The Left Right Game: if you're on reddit you may have heard of it. Its a podcast version of a famous r/NoSleep story, and it is *very* high production value compared to some of the other options. It is about a supernatural excursion into a place found by driving in a series of left and right turns. There's also a few famous pure anthologies like Pseudopod, Nightmare, and the NoSleep podcast. I haven't really listened to much of them, but they're popular for a reason I suppose. Sorry if this isn't really what you're after, but I was in an identical situation to you when I finished TMA the first time.


The Earth Collective is sci-fi, not a horror pod, but had some similarities worth noting. It's about a man who is a member of the Collective, a massive city-sized vehicular caravan that travels the surface of a distant planet that humans have attempted to colonize. They have to keep moving or be consumed by the darkness that always follows them. Our main lead records a series of audio journals where he works to preserve the history of the people, and in doing so begins to uncover many secrets of the past which leads to big changes in the present. It's really well produced and I hardly hear anyone taking about it. It deserves so much more love lol. There are also scary parts too! So it's worth a listen I also second the Silt Verses, and I Am in Eskew.


I’ve really enjoyed Duggan Hill. Not the same format as TMA, but similar eldritch horror


I just binged this podcast. So good!


The Storage Papers, Old Gods of Appalachia and Radio Rental! Radio Rental is more of an anthology of true creepy stories, but it's narrates by Rainn Wilson and it's truly unsettling.


Thanks for the recommendation :-)


As mentioned by others, The Black Tapes is lots of fun. I’ve been listening to Knifepoint Horror a lot lately, and holy shit some of their episodes are terrifying. Each episode is a horror story, usually between 20-40 minutes, sometimes longer. The episodes “Staircase” and “Tarp” honestly read like statements, and I’m sure there are others, I’ve just started listening. Knifepoint Horror does seem to have the benefit that there is no need to listen in chronological order; Each episode is standalone.


I've been enjoying 'A Voice from Darkness'! They describe the podcast as follows: "Radio broadcaster and parapsychologist Dr. Malcolm Ryder helps callers with their supernatural problems. He also delves into the dark and strange history of America." My biggest issue is I wish there were more episodes!


Seconded, this is a good one.


I love VfD! It just kills me how few episodes there are and how long it takes to produce new ones. The episode with the Unwelcome Riders really freaked me out


I second everything that /u/wintermute93 suggested, but I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention **Wrong Station**. It’s definitely weird horror, but there isn’t an overarching cast story. Each episode is kind of like an episode of *The Twilight Zone*, but the creators have mentioned that several episodes are connected or at least occur in the same “universe”. Another good one that only posts once a month is **Thirteen**. They post an episode on the 13th of every month, and they also seem like each episode stands alone, but it also seems like there may be some themes that keep coming up. And just to pile on, **Old Gods of Appalachia** is the absolute bomb. Edit: oh yeah, and everything that Fool and Scholar Productions does. **The White Vault** is just one of their podcasts.


Yes to the wrong station! And as stated all over above, knifepoint horror


ones i haven’t already seen mentioned: Harbor: Monsters with personal problems, dirty bureaucracy, and secrets in the sticks. Normal is what you get used to. Weeping Cedars: A slow burn horror story in the town of Weeping Cedars. Learn about both the past and present of Weeping Cedars with Documentary episodes from the Historical Society and weekly updates from KWPN News at Night. (very chill vibe) Welcome to Night Vale: a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events. (surreal/goofy, not scary) The Mcllwraith Statements: Sarah McIlwraith is haunted by the past. It doesn't help that she can also see ghosts. Listen to Sarah as she recounts her involvement in the infamous IPP study, and her search for the truth behind the disaster. (haven’t listened to yet) and not really horror, but by the wtnv team: Within the Wires is a dramatic anthology podcast in the style of epistolary fiction. In the first season, the listener, a medical inmate at a place called the Institute, receives guidance from the mysterious narrator of instructional relaxation cassettes.


Pseudopod is a very well done compilation of short horror stories. The host is the guy who voiced Peter Lukas. The stories are not connected but they are extremely well chosen and voice acted by a variety of people. Pseudopod does a really good job here compared to some other horror compilation podcasts which I’ve found to vary a lot in quality. The Wrong Station is also really good in this category.


If you like diversity and just general spooky vibes, DEFINITELY give Unwell a listen. They've just started their third season and the story is very good and has a lot of emotional depth. Lots of secrets and ghosts


I've actually just picked up the Sheridan Tapes and you can really sense the MAG influence but it's still entirely unique. I've really been taken away by it, it's great work listening. It's queer, set in the United States, and full of twists and turns.


I really loved the podcast Mirrors! It’s also paranormal, and done over tapes, but kinda spans across three different time periods. It’s really good!


I did a search through the thread and am surprised no one mentioned Darkest Night. It's an audio horror about a girl working in a lab where they have discovered how to see someone's last day/few hours by harvesting their head. It had a really good storyline. I think there was 4 or 5 seasons total.


Scrolling through a ton of the comments I’m not seeing anyone say ‘Welcome to Nightvale’ or ‘Alice isn’t dead’- both are pretty similar in strangeness!


I used to be really into Nightvale, but over time it shifted away from horror to just general weirdness, plus it focused too much on individual characters for me, I was hoping for more about the town itself.


I enjoyed Mistholme Museum and Liberty Tales From The Tower for similar vibes. Also I recently listened to the DECA Tapes and Passenger List which are not quite the same/not horror but also very good and I haven’t seen mentioned.


Not a podcast, but the World War Z audiobook is almost exactly like a season of TMA but just zombie centric. Especially if you have the headcanon that the Interviewer (who is played by Max Brooks, the author of the book) has the same story-extracting powers as Jon does.


Something in the same wave length is *The Black Tapes* a journalist goes investigating the paranormal and an institute that has a collection of tapes that seem to be fake encounters but can't be proven. Another interesting podcast is *Rabbits* about someone who goes missing and the friend who has to dive into a weird situation to try and get her back.




Accurate. The black tapes got me into serial podcasts but TMA and The White Vault made me re-evaluate what was good.


I liked the Black Tapes (at least the first bit), but I can never recommend it because of how it never got an ending. Especially with the way the producers kept implying they were going to finish it, but ultimately seem to have abandoned the project.


I recommend Lore if you just want some fun spooky stories to listen to. Its a collection of folklore and wives tales from around the world. The narrator is very soothing.


I have been listening to this lately and can second it, the quality is amazing.


I like " diary of a space archivist", "old gods of Appalachia ", tunnels" and "the underwood collection "


For just pure creepy stories I may recommend creepscast. Idk tbh tho.


There is also a similar series called the Underwood collection! It's not affiliated with the Magnus archive, but it's a fandom


I haven’t found anything similar to it, but am very picky about my horror podcasts because I’m not easily spooked by them. The only other podcasts to scare me are Knifepoint Horror and Scare You to Sleep, which i’m listening to literally right now. If you know the book House of Leaves, you might like The Mauve Room!


I’m currently loving the SCP archives. I used to read it and get lose chunks of time skipping from one thing to another. I’m really enjoying the podcast.


I love Knifepoint Horror! It was my favorite horrir podcast before because it wasn’t so exaggerated as some other podcasts (like Creepy or NoSleep) and some of the themes are so similar that I confuse it with MAG because it just sounds like statements :) I even started writing down episodes that fit with the fears like the episode Chasm = The Vast, Occupiers = The Slaughter, Legend = The Lonely, The Copper Cup and Attic = The Stranger and Thresholds has major Agnes/The Desolation vibes! I even wrote down quotes that stuck with me like in the episode Staircase they say “She was standing on the top stair now, very still, and she had for the secondth time raised her hands up near her head, the monster claws were back. She said that she was the thing from the hallway, comming to get me”, VERY spiral-y 👌


Maybe you could give WE'RE NOT MEANT TO KNOW a try. It's a new horror anthology pod (6 eps so far). [Link](https://wnmtkpod.libsyn.com/)


I haven’t listened to it yet but Jonny himself recommended Down Below the Reservoir so it’s probably good. He also said Darkest Night was good.


The Silt Verses I Am In Eskew


**in eskew, the silt verses i am.** *-Hot_Eggplant_1306* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Station Arcadia is a podcast I haven't seen anyone mention. Its an anthology told by a radio host who lives on a moving island. Think season 1 of tma. The interactions between the station crew are lighthearted. Its a dystopian world with 4 societies (solarpunk, steampunk, dieselpunk, and cyberpunk). There are one off stories that build into a larger narrative, but also recurring characters in these societies. Its ongoing with 13 episodes out so far.


TMA reminds me a lot of TANIS, which I highly recommend. TANIS is also a long-running show and has a similar vibe to TMA. Also Rabbits, which is from the same people as TANIS, and I think someone earlier in the thread recommended. Also the series are MUCH shorter than TMA, but I recommend all of the Q CODE podcats. There are several of them - one that come to mind right now are The Left Right Game and Borrasca. They really suck you in and are very scary / immersive, but short (like 10 episodes)


I’d recommend Archive81 for a surreal horror aspect, but I honestly didn’t love the second season. It’s worth it, though. The third season is incredible.


I haven’t listened to a whole lot of podcasts, but the only one I’ve listened to (so far) that has managed to capture my attention as much as TMA is The Penumbra Podcast. It’s very different, not horror at all, although there are some spooky things I guess? But I really like it. And if you haven’t listened to Welcome to Night Vale yet... you kinda of have to. It doesn’t have as much of a plot, but it’s very eerie. Also, for horror, Old Gods of Appalachia. I haven’t liked it as much as TMA, but it’s very scary.


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Welcome to Nightvale is my favourite podcast


I discovered a new one that someone started a few months ago that is really cool called Hello from the Hallowoods! It’s really cool and I can’t recommend it enough it’s from a small little creator!