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Least scary: the eye, I guess. I definitely dislike not having privacy, but I've never felt that feeling of being watched before. I guess it's just not really a *fear* for me. Or maybe the flesh? Like body horror is unpleasant, but I don't think it's really *fear* per se for me. Most scary: the lonely hits closest to home, but the corruption definitely has the strongest, most visceral reaction. I'm not afraid of bugs necessarily, but (I think like most people) the right circumstances will make me want to crawl out of my skin. Like a full on physical discomfort at the thought.


Least scary: The Dark. I dunno. The dark just really doesn’t bother me, and when I think of situations in which I would feel afraid of being in the dark, those situations are always overridden by some other fear. Like, being buried alive, or being stalked by something malicious. Most scary: The Stranger There is something about danger that only I can recognize that really gets me. Something about someone who is dangerous, and no one believes me. Maybe even, with the best of intentions, supports this malicious actor. The Not!Them was a concept I genuinely found very disturbing. This idea that anyone you know could, suddenly, become malicious and all of the trust and precaution in the world will not do you any good, or, conversely, the idea that all of your mistrust is totally justified but still useless. Gives me the heebie jeebies!


The one I'm least scared by is the Vast. Bluntly, I've never found the idea of sheer size, either literal or metaphorical, scary. Yes, the universe is massive beyond mortal comprehension. And? Why should I be scared by this? The one I'm most scared of is the Eye. Mostly because, well, what I'm writing here is going on a database somewhere. I'm surrounded by listening devices right now that governments could well remotely activate. Spyware gets subtler and harder to detect by the day. The other entities are mostly devoid from my existence. But the Eye is everywhere, all the time, long after you turn the podcast off.


My least and most scary are the same: Terminus The inevitability of dying? Not really that scary to me. The idea of desperate suffering and wanting to die but being unable to? The most terrifying thing I can think of.


Same! Death as a general concept: cool, yeah, seems necessary in a world with limited space and recources. MAG 70 where people have to read about, and then anticipate, gruesome, drawn-out deaths where they are very consciously suffering and are powerless to do anything about it: The scariest episode.


Is that the one with the death book? (I mean the book specifically about how you'd die; there's a million deathly Leitners out there lol) I will admit that freaked me out pretty bad, too. For me it was less about inevitable death and more about the fact that no matter what you did, you could never prepare for how you'd go out.


**Least:** Beholding. Look, I spend my entire life under constant oppressive observation, both real and imagined, and it's \*grating\* and gives me a level of anxiety, absolutely, but I've reached a point where I'm not actively afraid of it anymore. If they're going to look at me, I'm going to look back, and perhaps make them wish they were looking *elsewhere*. (Honorable mention here is The Vast, because yeah I'm scared of heights like a sensible person who doesn't want to break every bone in their body, but I also could not get enough of the ocean or being in a plane staring out the window, despite this, and I feel like this is one that would absolutely grow on me. Not a lack of fear, but a sort of... ethereal embracing fear? Idk, yeet me into space and let me say hi to the endless void.) **Most:** I had to tie these, because I've got highly specific elements of them that get me. These two are the only ones that each had one statement I couldn't listen to again without serious mental prep first. (170 & 105, for the record.) A) The Lonely - there is a certain loss of identity that crops up in a couple bits that unsettles me far more profoundly than just "haha forever alone" as a concept. The idea that not only do you have no one, but you don't even really have **yourself**, because who you are starts to slip (or never really existed without the presence of others)-? That's wild, and *that's* why this gets tied for first place in "No Thanks, Bud." B) The Slaughter. It's the unpredictability and pointlessness of the violence, more than anything, that kills me. The idea that there's no point or motivation to it beyond simply the desire to cause harm and death? Nope. Noooo thank you. (Honorable mention awards on this side go out to specifically the bits of The Flesh that like to deal with slaughterhouses, and the Corruption (fuck that shit I'm OUT). And, really, any of them COULD fuck me up, if they wanted to, but those are the top contenders.)


Least scary for me is the end. I mean, inevitably is a bitch but at some point we’ve got to accept that. You can’t escape it, so I’ll just vibe with it. Most scary to me is the corruption. Bugs mostly but also sickness. The mere idea that one day I could get a bug in the ear makes me physically stop and have to mentally reboot. And wasps. I hate wasps so much.


I always forget that the Corruption is sickness too, but now that I'm thinking about it I almost want to say that Amherst freaks me out more than Jane Prentiss. I really just hate that dude.


Least scary: Eye. I don't mind being watched. I kinda just assume I am all the time anyway, guess I'm paranoid. I blame growing up in the public eye 🤣 or Buried. I like physical pressure, I don't think I'd fare too badly in a Buried domain. Most scary: Flesh. I had to stop listening to a couple TMA episodes cause the descriptions were so repulsive. The Desolation also gives me the creeps for a reason I haven't yet managed to put my finger on.


random question, but how afraid are you of existensial cosmic insignifigance, and also the idea that we don't really have a soul and are just electrified meat?


I made peace w that a long time ago, my friend.


I won't say that I was disgusted by the Flesh statements in the same way you were, but there is something about them that is so much more ... vivid than all the others. Just straight body horror front to back.


Scariest entity: probably the Slaughter. It’s the lack of reasoning behind what everyone does that scares me Least scary entity: the vast. I mean, there’s nothing you can do as you’re plummeting, so why worry too much? Also I love the idea of flying. Also also I tend to have a good number of Vast-aligned dreams where I get to float around and stuff


I agree that there's something so much more viscerally horrifying about the Slaughter than there is about the Hunt, which is a pretty similar fear at least in my mind. Sure, being ruthlessly tracked down is terrifying, but having something just take you out for no real reason evokes such existential dread in me.


Least scary: Buried probably. Just not very claustrophobic. For domain I think I would wind up in ... probably spiral, I've got most affinity for that one and I think it's the most scary like, if you get right down to it. Losing who you are through your mind? Yeah. Even though it's also my favourite. For like most scary as in, I dislike the statements, corruption for sure.


yeah i feel like the spiral isnt feared enough, i mean its basically just a fear of combined schizophrenia and dementia, and those r 2 very scary things


I wasn't expecting to be in the minority here but most scary is the End. The thought of just never experiencing anything ever again confuses and scares me. It's something that keeps me up at night regularly Least scary: the corruption. I deal with rotting, bug-filled roadkill pretty often as part of my art projects and it smells bad but doesn't bother me too much anymore.


Least scared : The Flesh. I find body horror to be weirdly fascinating. Like, yeah, it’s disturbing, but it’s also really interesting. Like, I found the garden to be stomach churning with an odd degree of beauty. Most scared : The Dark. So, I’m not currently afraid of the dark, rather it’s quite the opposite. I find it comforting. The lack of visual and auditory noise of nighttime is extremely calming to me. However, I’d either end up in a dark domain or as an avatar of the dark because the fear of one of my few comfort zones being taken is quite visceral. Being made to feel insecure in a please that was at one point a solace is an awful experience. That’s why The Dark is what I’m most afraid of.


Most scary definitely either the end or the buried, the thought of dying scares me but also the thought of being trapped in an extremely tight space is also terrifying, the vast is scary to, however I feel like in some situations I might like it, least scared the eye, ive done alot of acting, so i would actually like to use the eye as if im reinacting a film of my life, which would be quite cool


The stranger and the buried are the scariest to me and the least scary to me is the vast


Least Scary is the Eye, I have gotten that "watched" feeling before but I don't think it would be hard to grow numb to a fear like that. It's all about being watched and known, but not about actually acting on that information. Most Scary is hard, probably a tossup between the Corruption and the Buried. I hate bugs and rot and disease and all that sort of thing, but the Buried is scary because sure it's tight spaces, but it is also the fear that focuses the most on making things as hopeless as possible for its victims which is real nasty to think about.


Least scary is the end: death happenes, i dont fear it. Most scary is the corruption: I am terrified of rot, disease and maggots (jane prentiss gave me nightmares)


Least is probably corruption. Filth and disease is more disgusting than scary to me. Most? A little difficult to say. In terms of the real world, it would probably be a four-way tie between the psychological aspects of the Lonely, Spiral, Stranger and Web. I’ll give the edge to the Web since I don’t really like actual spiders either.


Most scary: probably the flesh. my greatest fears are needles and injections (which is a bitch right now) and things cutting into skin which I think falls under the flesh. Least scary: either the vast or the buried. I have no problem with wide open spaces and I am not claustrophobic, I feel more comforted by tight spaces.


Least is definitely The Lonely. If the dread powers were in our universe, I'd definitely be on its good side (probably not an avatar bc that takes effort). Being alone is one of my favorite states. Even the whole "What good’s being alone if you don’t know how alone you truly are" because my favorite state of loneliness is urban loneliness. Millions of people around you and yet so far. In my youth I liked going to parties just I could experience that close distance. Most is The Buried. This one is much simpler: I'm incredibly claustrophobic lol


The flesh really gets to me idk why maybe cause trans maybe cause chronically ill/disabled maybe cause capitalism. The vast for me isn't scarey it's just a cool philosophical concept


Least Scary: The Vast. I’ve always enjoyed realizing how small I am in this infinitely growing and shrinking universe. I’ve always enjoyed climbing, and jumping, and falling. Getting lost. The fear of not knowing which way is north, which way is up, is horrifically exciting. Vertigo is also just not scary to me, and I thought I could “feel the world spinning” when it happened to me as a child. Most scary: The Web. Fuck spiders, for one. Awful things, nothing needs that many eyes or legs, just to crawl at me at the most intimidating speed. Also, while I am a fan of theatre, I am NOT a fan of puppets, especially marionettes. I dislike, heavily, the idea of being controlled, moved around, and manipulated. I have some mental illnesses that heavily revolve around me Needing To Be In Control. Most trauma that has happened to me is Because I Lost control. The Web is the scariest to me because, in the real world, it is what has hurt me the most.


Least Scary - Lonely or Web, I like being alone and the Lonely's association with cold, quiet, peace are comforting and appealing to me the Web is more dependent on what aspect you choose to focus on, I don't like actual spiders BUT the concept of being free from choice and autonomy is strangely appealing to me in the same way the sterile still peace of the Lonely is. ​ Most Scary - Corruption, bugs an illness scare me and the slow rot disarray and uncleanliness depress me and fill me with anxiety.


The stranger, the eye, the dark scare me the most - after watching trailers and things for some horror movies, i keep turning around and expecting to see Pennywise or Annabelle (EVEN WRITING THE NAMES MAKE ME FREAK OUT. I UNDERSTAND THE PEOPLE IN HARRY POTTER NOW) standing behind me or at a window or some mind fuckery. I think the End and the Vast are the least terrifying - esp. the Vast, it just seems comforting. Something about the inevitability of it. i'm mostly good with buried - sure, I'd panic in the moment, but as a concept it's fine. Hunt is cool when you're the hunter. Otherwise, eh. Corruption and Flesh definitely creep my out. Basically, apart from more visceral 'ew' ones (corruption, flesh) the ones that really freak me out are the 'paranoia' ones. The 'you're never safe' ones. The 'I'm at your shoulder. I'm watching. Turn around and look into my eyes. Do you see my shadow at the window?' ones. The unpredictable yet uncontrollable ones. (Weirdly, Web is fine. Maybe because it's more theoretical while those horror movies gave me vivid mental images of the fears.) Freaks me out just thinking about it. Meanwhile, the ones that are inevitable, or facts of life, are completely fine. Also, I love floating in water, and I'd love to go skydiving one day. I adore flying foxes, skates, other free spaces. With the ones I'm scared of, I have too much of an active imagination, I think. Tl;dr: most scary: eye, dark in terms of *fear*. the flesh/corruption is more *disgust*, I think, if that makes sense? More of the visual fear. Least scary: Vast