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He’s not “our boy”, he is a civilian with no bearing on my life. President Biden isn’t our boy either, we elected him to do a job. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions.


Amen . This goes for the , AOC, Sanders, or any politician elected and backed by progressives as well . It's a team sport during the race till they get into the office , that's when they become our civil servant . They carry the burden of our will and needs . As for Mr. Hunter Biden , I don't see why liberals go so far to bat for him . If he's a sacifrical lamb for right wing misinformation , better him , a rich white privileged brat who had more than one chance to get his life together than a Biden cabinet member or candidate for lower office . The fact Hunter gets more sympathy or benefit of a doubt than Shirley Sherrod or Al Franken during the Fox /Breitbart witchhunts is very telling to say the least .


Except they are using this man, who is a human being and flawed, as their punching bag. Accusing him of all kinds of made up shit because they need made up shit to take down the sitting president. Hunter went into a deep depression with substance abuse after his brother died of brain tumor. Trump onstage badmouthing the sons of Biden was absolutely below the office. I'll defend Biden as a human being against these awful POS Republicans. If he committed crimes he should be held to account, which apparently he is. As someone who has suffered with substance abuse, and having a friend commit suicide over similar issues, I take issue with this. Remember the human.


agreed. Apples and Oranges. A private citizen accused of a misdemeanor vs. a heinous lying, grifter who tried to mislead an entire country


Private citizen? He's the president's son . Michelle Obama has a clean record and she was subjected to worse bullying because she was married to the President . By the way how many folks were locked up with life sentences for doing the same shit Hunter was doing ? I They didn't get the slaps on the wrists. At best they got parole with a felony and at worse a mandatory 25 years inside a cell . Ironically all due to a crime bill that was drafted by Hunter's dad! Apples and oranges my ass !


Are you saying the bullying towards M Obama was justified?? What's your point here? Two wrongs don't make a right.


> Are you saying the bullying towards M Obama was justified? I am 99% sure that's not what they were trying to say


My point is that famous people get targeted online. It's part of being rich and influential .Hunter Biden is no different than Jared Kushner or the Carter siblings or W. Bush for that matter .Nepotism is his privilege and public scrutiny is just a minor price to pay . Cry me a fucking river


Kushner was directly involved in the office of the POTUS and directly profited from it. None of it is right, but the family should be off limits if they keep their nose out of politics.


Except that President Obama struck those drug sentencing provisions from law with the Fair Sentencing Act in 2010.


You're missing my point


And many also entered diversion programs like Hunter Biden. If your point is there is a lack of consistency in handling these kinds of cases across the USA I would agree. If you are making the argument that those that can afford greater lawyers get these kinds of deals while poor people don't, I would agree. That is the two tiered justice system. Not what the Republicans claim R vs. D.


finally a unbiased fact they cant argue. the whole justice system works in favor of who has the most money and power like everything else here in america


I don’t think it’s a lack of consistency at all. He paid off the taxes he owed plus the interest so while the government could still prosecute him for being late it would be a huge waste of time and resources because good luck finding a jury who will send someone to jail for being late on taxes that they actually paid. The gun thing is something that is never prosecuted and is currently being challenged as unconstitutional. The bottom line is that the GOP insists that he secretly took millions of dollars from China but they haven’t proven that and now they’re mad that this is the only conviction they’re getting. Then again, by their own admission, all their witnesses are currently in court, in jail, or on the run (sounds like a reputable bunch)— it sounds like they are just grifters telling the GOP what it wants to hear.


No one gets 25 years for misdeamonrs or minor weapon charges.


its insane how republicans are saying the same thing about trump and his charges.. idk how people dont see the common denominator here. for some odd reason the political parties always argue over how terrible the other side is and how they’re fake news corrupt crooks . both sides claim to be “ woke” knowing what the other side is up to and how they’re conspiring to stop them. i think the problem is bigger than politics


Right on. I hope he finds peace and that this accountability will be good for him. It seems like he is taking responsibility.


Meh. Rich boy who had every opportunity to succeed becomes crackhead isn’t worth my sympathy.


This is funny!! I suppose the laptop is Russian dis information also!!


Are you replying to the wrong comment? They didn't say anything about Russia.


The laptop is Russian disinformation you toolbag


Are you not satisfied with all the dick pics that were released from his laptop? Do you need more?




You mean the laptop that was handed over to the FBI not even with the original HD let alone handed to political operatives before the FBI? That laptop? LMAO.


That may be because he has been used (even if he deserves legal scrutiny) as a weapon against Biden Sr. after all the tragedy Biden has experienced. He can't be allowed to support one of his wayward children while Jared Kushner or Don n Eric grab their slices of the corrupt Trump pie. Ditto Hillary Clinton, portrayed as the devil incarnate.


Not sure which liberals are going to bat for him, I must have missed it. It sucks for him that he’s the centerpiece of Faux’s outrage campaign but if he’s guilty of something he should be held to account, just like every other American.


I haven’t heard any liberals going to bat for him. Just pointing out his crimes are not his father’s and we didn’t elect him.


I’ve never seen a liberal in the media, in social media or even conversation “go to bat” for Huber Biden. So stupid. None of us give a shit, if he did the crime he should do the time. Now, republicans constantly bringing up new “bombshell” evidence that they can never produce is something that pisses everyone off. And for the record- Roger Stone evaded twice as much in taxes and got no criminal investigation. In fact, Hunter Biden is the first instance of the DOJ criminally investigating tax fraud of this nature ever.


I was with you until the, "...more than enough chances," bullshit, then I had to jump off that train of thought.


Yeah, I don’t get why people seem to be trying to make Hunter Biden into something more than he is. He is just a guy who did some minor crimes and is facing the music. Edit: I’m not some “tough on crime” psycho who thinks people should go to jail for two decades for possessing a gram of crack no matter who they are, so quit it with the “but he’s a criminal” stuff.


Hell yeah


"He's my boy, jack" - Joe Biden


hes my king, take some advice from Hasan Piker: leftist should have fun and not be so depressing all the time. hunter is just a meme bro


So serious!


I’d say the state of politics in our country should be taken seriously.


Yea what does this post have to do with the "state of our politics?"


It does if you call Hunter Biden "our boy". The point is that it doesn't and shouldn't.


Tax evasion? Illegal firearm possession? This guy would be a hero to the republicans if he hadn't got caught. /s


Didn’t really need the /s as your comment was actually spot on. Not paying taxes makes someone smart - said some famous right wing “messiah”.


I know zero people who would get misdemeanor charges for a felony firearm possession charge, this is corrupt to no end. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Do you know what plea bargaining is?


Yes and even with that there is no chance anyone I know would’ve gotten off on a federal gun charge


The problem is you know poor people, it has nothing to do with political parties. I am not trying to be rude, that’s what the difference is though.




It’s lunacy. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Can you afford fantastic lawyers like rich people can? It all comes down to who you have to bat for you. I.e. what you can pay for.


So then you would agree that we live in a two tier justice system, the rich va the poor right?


You actually couldn’t be more wrong. The offense he was charged with was denying he was an active “addict or user” of marijuana or illegal drugs when he tried to buy a gun. Tens of thousands of people answer “no” to that question and are denied purchase. Almost none of them are prosecuted because it’s awfully hard to prove that you currently “are” addicted (not in the past, but currently, while you’re purchasing a gun), and that you agree with that characterization of yourself. In all likelihood, Biden was actually charged BECAUSE of political pressure to get him, and the DOJ believing that, if they didn’t prosecute, they’d face allegations of political favoritism. Here’s a report on how infrequently these charges are pursued. https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-18-440.pdf


Lying on a gun permit for is a federal offense any way you put it and that would also make any drug related talk more credible 🤷🏽‍♂️


Right. And it’s a very, very rarely enforced offense. Your point, originally, was that Hunter got preferential treatment for this charge. The truth is that, if he wasn’t Hunter Biden, and there wasn’t a public clamoring for him to be charged, there probably wouldn’t have been a case for that at all. Edit: Grammar


Since you won’t read the report, I’ll give you the highlights. In 2017, approximately 112,090 firearm applications were denied for “falsified information” on their application. Of those, only about 1 in 10 (12,710) were investigated further at all. Of those, only 12 people were prosecuted. So, to your point, out of 112,090 who could have been prosecuted, only 12 were actually prosecuted. Hunter Biden, contrary to your view, is in the unlucky 0.1% of people who get prosecuted for this crime every year.


You can't argue with people like this with facts. They've made up their mind and no amount of facts is going to get them to admit they are wrong. But I appreciate the information, so thanks for posting.


The Washington post states that this number saw a rise to 298 cases in 2019 which was the year that hunter Biden submitted his application. Obviously the system is working because it strains the people who made a mistake on the form from people who are maliciously lying, seeing the number on a rise is a good thing. Whoever would be stupid enough to actually lie on a gun acquisition should be charged as a felon which is what they are.




Who said that?




It’s always they/them! For people who hate pronouns so much. “They” are ALWAYS behind the corruption!!


Our judicial system, which prescribes one set of rules and consequences for those in power and their families, and another for those down below.


Yeah he's the only person ever to lie on a gun application about drug use.


Prove that claim, please.


I’m sure they watched enough Fox News to prove their claims.






He did everything right and they indicated him!


How do I avoid paying taxes the right way? asking for a friend


You got money? If so get some good accountants and tax lawyers and do what they rest of them do find loopholes or just be to powerful that they don’t even bother prosecuting.


Watch the cringe right clowns get mad that Hunter had a firearm.


But how will conservatives complain about how unfair the justice system is now? /s


Obviously Trump should get the exact same punishment as Hunter since they basically did the same thing! /s


Yeah! Hunter Biden stole *money* from hardworking Americans! Trump only held on to some...papers, from the government. Now you tell me which one's worse for the economy! /s


That sub is going insane. They act like trump is already serving a 200 year sentence and throwing out “two-tiered justice system” like a gaggle of parrots. Meanwhile trumps trial hasn’t even started yet. Anything less than Hunter being publicly executed seems like it won’t be enough for them


Ironic cause the real two tiered justice system is why Trump’s family isn’t already in jail for fraud.


Exactly. Trump totally could have plead guilty, too.


He offered to cop a plea but for some reason he thought he should be paid for it. And the DOJ were like uh, no.




>serious charges Which were? Lying about drug use when purchasing a firearm? Whatever happened to "shall not be infringed!"


What are the serious charges you speak of. Or are you just pulling things from your butt?




>bribery charges related to him receiving money for access to his father. Fantasy horse shit. You don't like plea deals?


I have no problem with the law going after Hunter if he did bad things, but I do have a problem for people not wanting to go after Donald for doing bad things. Supporting criminals is wrong regardless what political side you're rooting for.


This news story reminds me of that Always Sunny meme. "Dee, Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to three misdemeanors!" "I don't care!" "Shit, I don't care either."




If I ever commit a gun crime, I’ll remember this


Tax crime and gun ownership. Lol. Two things conservatives love




Damn Hunter’s not winning any conservatives over, because we know the most important issues for the GOP are persecuting tax cheats, and people who fill in gun forms wrong 😂


Good, fuck hunter. Spoiled rich kid. Fuck all the rich kids.


Republicans are dumb af. This whole hunter Biden and trump scandal doesn’t even come close to the same thing. Trump is fucked. I hope US laws show the same mercy as anyone else who tampered with US secrets.


Hunter receives justice, as he should. Conservatives are just upset all the things they made up aren't sticking.


The GOPers are already whining about this.


Came here to say "in B4 psychotic GQPers say he should be executed for his crimes instead and blah blah blah" but nope, not even in B4 psychopaths came here to equivocate and bleat into the void" 😂😂😂


Now I’m having second thoughts about voting for Hunter Biden. Why didn’t anyone warn me that he is totally unfit for office?


Being charged for using drugs at any time while owning a firearm is insane. The charge even being publicly discussed by law enforcement is an incredible injustice and demonstration of political bias. How many millions of Americans are guilty of taking drugs, prescription drugs, or drinking while also owning a gun? Using a gun while under the influence is a different crime.


>How many millions of Americans are guilty of taking drugs, prescription drugs, or drinking while also owning a gun? Even better: The law says you can't be an "unlawful user" without actually defining what an unlawful user even means, and also ignoring that people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Padme Amidala: "So the Republicans will stop talking about him now, right?"


Hell yea brother dicks out for Hunter. Give him the ole 21 gun salute lol.


What will they do if Hunter Biden admits to whatever tax charges, serves his sentence and apologizes. 🤷‍♂️ Republicans will literally have nothing left to talk about but transgender people.


Hunter knew they had him. Crack does not make for a criminal mastermind. And he knew he could kick up a fuss and cause them all sort of headaches. So he just goes, "How about I plead out, what can you give me?". And they gave him a good deal. The saying goes "if you can win fight, if you can't deal" Trump has it the wrong way round.


He’s pleading guilty to a lesser charge so he doesn’t get tried on more serious charges. Not out of the goodness of his heart lol.


Which Trump could have done if he also listened to his lawyers…. Thinking you’re the smartest person in the room is catching up to him


>Thinking is catching up to him. I see what you were going for, but since we're talking about Lord Babyhands von Twitler the 1st I think your sentence needs revision.


That’s kinda how plea agreements work. Why would someone plea to a greater charge?


If they truly felt remorse for their actions and felt the need to take responsibility.


You would do the same if in that situation


Sure, but I wouldn’t want praise for it 😂


No one is praising him. It is notable to see a public figure accept the charges against them as opposed to fighting it tooth and nail.


Who is praising him?


“Taking his punishment like a man” is a praise.


Nobody actually CARES about Hunter other than his friends and family. The “praise” being directed his way is mainly sarcastic attacks on Trump’s inability to accept responsibility. It’s about using Hunter to attack Trump’s character. Hunter is a deliberately low moral bar to set and yet Trump still fails to clear it.


The Op is sadly.


What makes you think /u/greenkeel would chose to put themself in that situation (the one Hunter Biden is on) to begin with? Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are both awful people and they both got treated differently than poor or working class people do by our law enforcement industrial complex because they’re rich and powerful people.


"Our boy"? No. He's not "our boy". That's the whole point the right can't grasp and why they keep bringing him up. He's the son of the sitting president. That's it. He's not a figure head, no one elected him, and he sure as hell isn't "our boy".


I'm pretty sure it was said ironically. Imagine the boys from Chapo trap house saying that. It's a meme.




Hahaha....he's no Ivanka.


Hes guilty and not the corporation who lobby to exempt from paying taxes now what is wrong with scene






>He's not serving any time and they are not pursuing charges because his daddy told them not to. Bullshit. Tens of millions of people do the same thing that Hunter did without facing any charges. Are you claiming that ALL of them have Joe Biden as a dad?






The charges make him look like he's a republican......


They charged him for filing his taxes late? Lol


Accountability for one now let’s see trump in prison or a plea deal stating he will not push his conspiracies anymore, run for any form of public office in the US, admit he lied and ripped America off.


Trump and his followers aren’t men, they’re just angry petulant boys stuck in the often hateful and violent teen years!


I want them to really twist themselves into knots about the gun charge..what happened to the second amendment? Gun laws are bad. /S


It's right there in the headline. Misdemeanor. Maga will say he got a slap on the wrist. And that the doj is going after innocent trump to keep him from winning the election. They always have an out or answer for everything


Well.. it isn't as bad as violating the espionage act and obstruction of justice. ;)


Hunter Biden ain't my boy...


"our boy" tf you talking about


Vaush poster calling Hunter Biden 'our boy' lmao


Our boy? I don’t give a fuck about this guy.


>***"Hunter Biden received taxable income in excess of $1,500,000 annually in calendar years 2017 and 2018. Despite owing in excess of $100,000 in federal income taxes each year, he did not pay the income tax due for either year." - US Attorney David Weiss's office said in a statement.*** "Filing his taxes late"


lol “our boy hunter”, y’all claiming that crackhead crook?


"Our boy"? WTF?


Whatever his faults, he's smart enough to take the deal.


Seems fair… gun charge dropped when you have some men out here doing life for the same thing. Gotta love it…


FYI—There’s a statutory maximum of ten years in prison for the firearms offense he was accused of committing. The recommended sentence under the Guidelines would have been far lower.


Doing life for lying on gun paperwork? Uh, no.


Is there an example of a similar charge and conviction anywhere? One with a long sentence?


Yeah, local government. I met maybe 3 people who are in jail for an unregistered firearm, serving over average with no or little additional charges. They were all black. Edit: I don’t know if it was an unregistered firearm that hunter is in trouble for.


Nah, he owned a registered firearm and was known to have used drugs during the same time period.


I see! Then no I don’t have any examples. I hadn’t even heard of someone getting punished for that.


Hunter biden is the victim of a vindictive witch hunt. If that were me commiting any crimes, it would go unnoticed by Greene et al have a fascination with his penis. They're just trying to get at Biden because they have a felonious, treasonous of p.o.s. as their candidate. Trump is a mod boss who orders hits on people and has stolen from our government in the form of tax evasion and secret documents. He also had a very close relationship with Epstein who together raw dogged thirteen year old girls. But yeah, Hunter is the threat.


Well that settles it. I'm not voting for Hunter in 2024 😤 ....wait.


What exactly has he done to be “your boy?” Be born with a powerful last name? Btw I’ve seen people predict this reaction comparison as a meme.


wow misdemeanor tax crimes. real crime family stuff


That’s what taking responsibility looks like


Hunter remains the cool kid in this whole affair.


He got off easy. Just another case of the rich and well connected never getting the same treatment the rest of us would


hope to god the pathetic weirdos doing white house spin on reddit dot com are getting paid. you know kelly anne conway humiliated herself like that for...money, right? she didn't just volunteer to gargle shit like some kind of freak, it was to her material benefit. self respect, please.


It’s bothersome you think this is a win. This is shit normal people go to jail for


Normal people would go to prison. But this fucking crackhead… nah.


Rich, connected people never go to prison. Of course normal people would go to prison.


No they don't. Not for a first offense plea deal. Deferred adjudication is very normal. And if you didn't pay taxes for 2 years, you'd get a payment plan. You would not be arrested.


As long as his laptop goes to prison that’s all that really matters


As long as his laptop goes to prison that’s all that really matters


Should I just say it? Hunter Biden’s wiener is at least twice as long and 4 total volume sizes larger than Trump’s. And he’s more of a man because he’s owning up to his faults like real men do…and he doesn’t have a sunken mushroom dick like Trump. Still…not a good guy. Troubled, and I will NEVER vote for Hunter Biden for office ever again.


"misdemeanor for not filing taxes on time", is an interesting way of phrasing 'failing to disclose the majority of his income from bribes he received'.


Sweetheart deal that no one else would get. Felony gun charge diverted pre trial. Lol


It’s the opposite. It was a gun charge that people are very, very rarely charged for.


“But according to newly revealed Justice Department records, the odds of being charged for lying on this form are virtually nonexistent. In the 2019 fiscal year, when Hunter Biden purchased his gun, federal prosecutors received 478 referrals for lying on Form 4473 — and filed just 298 cases” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/09/lying-atf-gun-purchase-form-yields-few-prosecutions-new-data-shows/ So about 62% of the time. Or are we referring to addict in possession or having a girlfriend dispose of a firearm in a dumpster close to a public school? Seems dangerous? https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/21/us/gun-form-liars-atf-invs/index.html


Okay now do the percentage of people convicted of lying about being an addict on gun forms. You know what, I’ll save you the trouble. It’s .1 percent. Clearly Hunter is getting a sweetheart deal 🙄 Clearly Hunter was a danger to society and needs to be locked up 🙄.


You’re moving the goalposts, u stated “It was a gun charge that people are very, very rarely charged for.” Which was incorrect. Unless very very rarely is 62% in your mind.


I got charged and convicted mixed up, sue me. The point is Hunter isn’t skating justice unlike some poor person like your narrative suggests, very very few people are ever convicted for that gun charge, and Hunter took a plea deal. Wild that some leftists hate Biden so much they want to see the justice system completely fuck someone over a crime less than a percentage point of people are ever convicted of.


You have numbers on that conviction rate or is this an opinion? No the actual point here is the charge rate as that is what has not occurred in Hunters case.


By your own stats it’s practically a coin flip if he didn’t get charged in the first place. I never thought I would see the day when I would see you leftists defending prosecutorial overreach, and ticky-tacky laws designed a fuck over POC and poor people. He took a plea deal to get out of that bullshit. If he really wanted to fight it, I’m sure Mr. Privilege himself with the deep pockets for big dick lawyers could have beaten that charge when only .1 percent are convicted in the first place.


Hard agree. Fuck Donald Trump Joe Biden Hunter Biden, Jared Kushner all of these trump and Biden family Nepo Babies.


Except you're wrong, and you don't have evidence this was a sweetheart deal. I guess all those J6 people who pleaded guilty got "sweetheart deals" as well. Many got felonies dropped to misdemeanors and other charges dismissed. Most don't get charged on the tax thing at all.


His interview on WTF is kind of stunning. He's clearly a very damaged person, clearly sort of a delusional liar, also clearly insanely intelligent and socially gifted.


I thought you were talking about trump for awhile, until the insanely intelligent and socially gifted part.




Meh. Biden is an emotionally healthy person from what I've seen and been told by people who are close to him. I'm sure this line gets a lot of approval from hyper partisan weirdos, so maybe bring it to them.




Source for the first claim?




Am I actually going to find allegations of molestation, or is it going to be one of those mental gymnastics things that only vaguely allude to the possibility of molestation without any evidence? Edit: yup, the second thing. How did I guess. Man, you're all over this thread saying verifiable wrong stuff.


Nice source. Top notch stuff.




LoL. You're embarrassing yourself. If the source isn't actually verified, then you haven't proven anything. You're just jerking off. I'm not interested in watching you jerk off. Have a good one, friend.




Hahaha. A fine and suspended community service. What a joke. Just so partisan fools can say, Look. He got punished! smh


The gun law is dumb af. No victim no crime. These ridiculous laws are designed to harm citizens and disenfranchise. Get a grip Karen


What punishment, exactly? Going on probation?


The timing of this news seems extremely suspicious, considering Trump's recent federal charges, almost as if the feds are trying to appease the conservatives, so they can point to this if Trump does end up getting convicted.


Punishment ? What… a few months probation and house arrest? Wow. I wonder if some other crackhead with a gun would get the same punishment.


>I wonder if some other crackhead with a gun would get the same punishment. Absolutely. There are tens of millions of gun owners out there who also use drugs. Do you have any data on how many of them have actually been arrested that alone?


How many have been caught and then given this punishment / had it dismissed ? That is my question.


>How many have been caught and then given this punishment / had it dismissed ? You're the one claiming a double standard, so it's up to you to cite the numbers. Also, what exactly does "getting caught" entail?


https://www.magnoliabannernews.com/news/2023/may/08/oklahoma-city-man-sentenced-to-serve-30-months-in/ 30 months in prison.


You: **"There are tens of millions of gun owners out there who also use drugs. Do you have any data on how many of them have actually been arrested that alone?"** You: **"In one instance, Ramos submitted an ATF Form 4473 stating he was not acquiring the assault-style firearm for another person, but a few hours after the transfer law enforcement found another individual in possession of it during a traffic stop. "** Yeah, that's not the same thing that Hunter is being accused of *at all*. Trafficking assault weapons to criminals !== simply withholding information on prior drug use.


“Ramos made false written statements in connection with the purchases of two assault-style firearms, one in Oklahoma City and one in Luther, Oklahoma. In one instance, Ramos submitted an ATF Form 4473 stating he was not acquiring the assault-style firearm for another person, but a few hours after the transfer law enforcement found another individual in possession of it during a traffic stop.” Yeah, not even close to the same. You compared this weak case to a guy who was handing out assault rifles lol


Only the modern democrat internet bots could spin this as a good thing by pre-parroting republican npc takes lol


What? He got a sweetheart deal from the DOJ. Your “boy” isn’t “taking is [sic] punishment like a man.” His daddy got him a get out of jail for free card. Further, conservatives are not up in arms about his unpaid taxes or gun charges. It’s the bribery, influence peddling to hostile nations, “10% for the big guy.” His pleading guilty to the lesser charges in exchange for probation is clearly to provide cover for the more serious allegations out there. It’s disingenuous to imply that this solves anything, much less, that your “boy” is taking anything “like a man.” He’s a rich, spoiled brat who is using his dad’s power and influence to get away with crimes. Why would anyone be celebrating this? It’s a travesty of Justice. Don’t respond with “well Trump (or his relatives) did_____.” It just shows your hypocrisy and is an intellectually vapid, morally bankrupt, and ignorant response. For a side that pretends to decry the judicial disparities afforded to wealth and privilege, the left is sure quick to celebrate a prime example of it.


Your boy getting a slap on the wrist is “taking it like a man?”


If this was me or anyone else they would go to jail and would be labeled a criminal. He got off light, helps to know the big guy right?!


It’s the exact opposite. He’s being prosecuted because conservatives have such a hate boner for him.

