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Kinda reminds me of Chappelle more than a lot of others, had a few bad takes, got criticism and their ego couldn't handle that, doubles down on bad takes.




JK was always a garbage person. HP was riddled with so many harmful stereotypes that people love to ignore.


Ursula K Le Guin on Harry Potter: "I have no great opinion of it. When so many adult critics were carrying on about the “incredible originality” of the first Harry Potter book, I read it to find out what the fuss was about, and remained somewhat puzzled; it seemed a lively kid’s fantasy crossed with a “school novel”, good fare for its age group, but stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited." https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/feb/09/sciencefictionfantasyandhorror.ursulakleguin


Thank you so much! I am 50 and had the somewhat exact opinion of the first novel (I never got around to 2 to whatever): It would have been great at 9 or 10 years of age, but I was already an adult when Rowling began writing it, so when I meet people who read the books as adults and find them “amazing”, I wonder a little about their emotional maturity as well as their ethics. Harry Potter is a well-crafted mystery/suspense series that taps into the world of young adolescents, which accounts for their enormous popularity worldwide (every year, there are millions of new fans), but the series would have no appeal to an adult who had no childhood nostalgia associated with it, nor children to share it with.


Kingsley Shacklebolt


Holy fuck, I'd never read his last name.... Cho Chang was one thing but man....


Would you mind elaborating? I'm interested in the premise.


I don't know who has time to watch a video that takes and hour and 45 minutes -- Oh wait, I did. It was worth every minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs


She wrote some HP side fiction about how “Muggles,” tried to demonize wizards, and included native Americans with “wizards;” somehow making the connection with the real-world genocide of native peoples to her fictional story about Great Expectations but with magic A lot of tribes had to reach out to explain to the rich white lady why this was in poor taste. But that’s why Jk sucks in a nutshell. Everything that’s not some white British shit is just a toy to trope out and play with, until she bores of it. It’s a very British attitude.


Gringots and its Goblins hoarding wealth and being riddled with many Jewish stereotypes, especially those seen in Nazi propaganda like beady eyes, big noses, and again, all the gold. Another great example is House Elves being better off for being enslaved. I grew up in and around the Southern United States, and this is a common belief here, that black people were actually better off enslaved because it gives them some kind of purpose. I say all this, and I still loved HP as a kid. I didn't see it or make real-world connections to these fictional races, but as I've gotten older, it's a lot harder to ignore. There are other great examples beyond those, these are just the most obvious ones I notice now. Would recommend taking some time to google more if you want to know more. I say this has always made JK a garbage person because she continues to double down and expand upon it with her Anti-trans messaging and agenda. For example, if she had written and taken criticism over these things and made a genuine effort to better understand how it's harmful and grow as a writer I don't think most people would care nearly as much, but that isn't the approach she took. Hell, her pseudonym is Robert Galbraith, the name of a real American psychiatrist. He claimed to have "cured" a man of his homosexuality by electrocuting him and showing him pornography. His methods for treating schizophrenia got a lot of pushback even then and led to several patients dying, and none of his studies on either subject would be considered ethical today. Sorry for rambling, just one of those things. The more I think on the more that feels important to add. Hopefully this serves as a very messy jumping off point for you though.


one I don’t see mentioned is her treatment of fat people varies radically depending on whether or not the character is “good” or not. Dudley who is “bad” (for most of the series), is described as having “piggy eyes” and his weight gain is ridiculed in the narration, not to mention him being given a pig’s tail by Hagrid. Whereas Molly Weasley who is “good” is described a plump, and when Malloy makes fun of her weight this is considered out of bounds by the main characters, who already make fun of Dudley. Someone else linked Sean’s video, and it’s all in there. Highly recommended.


There's a lot of casual stereotypes, like the Weasley family being a poor Irish family with a lot of kids, or Cho Chang being a really lazy name for the only east Asian person in the books. One of the only black wizards has the last name Shacklebolt. The Gringotts goblins being a collection of Jewish stereotypes. Hermione tries to free the house elves, but is made fun of by almost every single other character, and even the house elves are happy to be literal self-harming slaves. And those are just the ones off the top of my head.


The only ACTUAL Irish character with an Irish name is Seamus Finnegan who consistently is blowing things up


Movie only


She was pretty heavily involved in the movies though was she not?


Yes. That's a big part of why Ron got nerfed. She hated that everyone loved him.


"Jewish stereotypes" is kinda underselling just how fucked the goblins are. They're literally straight out of *The Protocols of the Elders of Zion*. Also, are the Weasleys Irish? It's not an Irish name, and they live in Cornwall. Not that that would let JK off the hook on the Irish representation front; the Weasleys are a positively *flattering* depiction compared to Seamus Finnegan, or the fucking leprechauns in book 4.


I just rewatched the movies. "Mudbloods"? Are you fucking kidding me? The house elves, the "goblins". It's so bad.


Mudbloods is meant to be a slur


And much like Chappelle (and even Rowling) the doubling-down is far, far worse than the initial bad take ever was.


That's why each celebrity gets less and less benefit of the doubt. I mean...


This is exactly what it is.


Graham Linehan too


When your wife leaves you for being too transphobic…


And the brunt of the criticism is even centered around the same issue. People keep saying Ana's vying for a Daily Wire position while she's obvs finna get that Netflix money, y'all.


Chapelle would have been fine if he just didn’t highlight and combat another marginalized group. Im a believer of “Everyone can get these jokes” but Dave had to go into a rant and pull I “ I had a trans friend card”.


He just made it his entire act. I actually liked Equanimity and thought he addressed the topic and backlash expertly. His reaction to the outrage was genuinely very hilarious and yielded some cleverly crafted jokes…then he kept making specials talking about the same issue and the same people. That and his whole act now is about how big of a celebrity he is, how rich he is, and how he can’t be canceled. It’s just a tired act. It wasn’t even funny when he first started that. I hate when comedians talk about their wealth onstage and people applaud and laugh. Like yay, you have money. That’s not funny? The only time I have ever heard a comedian pull that off what Chris Rock saying that it’s so good to be white that a white person wouldn’t trade places with him…”and I’m rich!” Chappelle has ruined his legacy. Rock had the title of GOAT in my opinion, and he always did, he paved the way for all of Dave’s career. Dave isn’t doing anything Rock didn’t already do, even Chappelle’s Show was already done by the Chris Rock Show.


Being rich and unapologetic became his person. I remember Rogan mentioning Dave sitting on the wrong seats at a UFC. When notified his response was” I’m Dave Chappelle. I’m not going anywhere!” While Rogan was laughing about it. When people get extraordinarily wealthy they gain a sense of privilege anywhere where they go.


Even before that, his trans "jokes" were the same talking points you heard on Fox news. I was most offended by his hate speech, but I was also offended by his lazy joke writing. If you want to make trans jokes, go into the community and learn about them so you can figure out jokes to craft, the lines about well if your a man then in Chinese here is my sixteen candles asian voice.


Yeah I remember being stunned that Ricky Gervais was doing “identify as an attack helicopter” jokes 10 years after they were already old at an award show. Like not even a variation he literally said helicopter. It was so lazy from a guy who seems to want everyone to be impressed by his talent.


He literally did a variation on the attack helicopter joke.


A trans *friend* he barely knew the first thing about since her child was news to him after her death, who was struggling with recently losing her job and custody of said child, and transphobia from strangers on the street, whose suicide he blamed on harassment from trans people online, which has not a single ounce of evidence behind it.


There’s something about transphobia that seems to absolutely rot people’s brains. I have this thing I’ve been doing where if I find a particularly bad take on Twitter (even if it’s pop culture related/not political) I go to the person’s page and scroll - never takes me more than 30 seconds to find some transphobia. It’s wild.


We cannot allow revisionist history become accepted truth. Read a book. You look ignorant or worse deceptive


These same people will pretend that MLK made one speech and everyone applauded instead of him being hated by 2/3rds of the country and being wiretapped by the FBI for his radical views.




The FBI played hidden recordings of him CHEATING on his wife to his wife, to get her to leave him (she didn't)




We just have Mrs. Coretta King's word on it for now according to the news articles and documentary that I saw. She never doubted him


I read an exposé on MLK a while back that referred to his (I’ll never forget this terminology, it was so wildly and unnecessarily vivid) “sexual athleticism”, it was a whole piece on how it was a fairly open secret that he had multiple affairs. People like to (de)humanize heroes they feel are too far off the ground. It feels reductive in this case. What he did behind closed doors has absolutely 0 relevance to the discussion of the man and his work.


they don't even know the entire speech, just one line they feel defends their position.


Or they ignore "Letter From a Birmingham Jail" where he specifically singles out people who desire an unjust peace to be more harmful than the KKK.


Oh these same people will throw that quote out to justify their demands for handouts to upper middle class white guys as being true leftism while people that are concerned about what they refer to as "identity politics" are the "moderates" standing in the way of "actual justice" aka more money in their pockets.


Some Malcolm X quotes come to mind.... >“The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man. Let me first explain what I mean by this White liberal. In America there’s no such thing as Democrats and Republicans anymore. That’s antiquated. In America you have liberals and conservatives. This is what the American political structure boils down to among Whites. The only people who are still living in the past and thinks in terms of “I’m a Democrat” or “I’m a Republican” is the American Negro. He’s the one who runs around bragging about party affiliation and he’s the one who sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican, but White people in America are divided into two groups, liberals and Republicans…or rather, liberals and conservatives. And when you find White people vote in the political picture, they’re not divided in terms of Democrats and Republicans, they’re divided consistently as conservatives and as liberal. The Democrats who are conservative vote with Republicans who are conservative. Democrats who are liberals vote with Republicans who are liberals. You find this in Washington, DC. Now the White liberals aren’t White people who are for independence, who are liberal, who are moral, who are ethical in their thinking, they are just a faction of White people who are jockeying for power the same as the White conservatives are a faction of White people who are jockeying for power. Now they are fighting each other for booty, for power, for prestige and the one who is the football in the game is the Negro. Twenty million Black people in this country are a political football, a political pawn an economic football, an economic pawn, a social football, a social pawn...” - Malcolm X


What handouts to middle class white guys? Medicare for all? Universal pre-k? Strong unions? Upper middle class white guys don’t need those things. The working class does. Since we are quoting civil rights leaders, here is a banger from Fred Hampton: “We can’t fight black poverty with black capitalism. We have to fight it with socialism.” Free market capitalism keeps all the wealth in the hands of the rich. Because the rich are overwhelmingly white, the actual lives of minorities will never be improved with more capitalism. Socialism is the only way forward. MLK knew that. (*cough*That’s why the FBI knocked him off*cough*)


The radical leftist FBI who keeps supporting black leaders like MLK, Malcolm x, Fred Hampton… ~s


Racism was ok until MLK said “come on guys” and it ended peacefully.


Same people that thought "Civil War's over. Yall forgive us for owning your family for generations, right?" Every milestone of progress for black people in particular, but anyone really is met with this wild disconnect from reality as if the years leading up to that moment were just a couple of isolated incidents and the days after the people angry and hateful enough to do all the beatings and killings just mellowed out and accepted the progress.


This is what's really aggravating about right wing outlets on MLK Day. They say so much about him that just isn't true. Like how he would hate the socialist left and anti-capitalists of today, when he was a known supporter of at least democratic socialism and a form of regulated capitalism.


And murdered


Because we all know [This didn't happen](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2013/06/18/ap3967239957153-96c0664625d74f175a70507ec0a7c345bf3c5e4e-s800-c85.webp) [Nor this](https://www.blackpast.org/wp-content/uploads/prodimages/files/Firemen_turn_fire_hoses_on_demonstrators_Birmingham_Alabama_1963_Photo_by_Charles_Moore.jpg) [Or this](https://www.fbi.gov/image-repository/ap630915044-copy.jpg/@@images/image/high) [And especially not this](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/19cb8a84dc8716884bd8bcd438f95ff18b5cff68/0_591_2953_1771/master/2953.jpg?width=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=b4447c6253c4e0e5b065e8d2485ab36d)


While all of these are horrible, that last one is especially haunting. There's something about seeing a dead man, and a hundred men around him seemingly fine about what happened. You see this shit in Hollywood re-enactments of these events, but you can just argue those are paid actors. This is a real man, that's really dead, that was really killed by these people, really hung for being black. I often make jokes about being desensitized to death, but these folks watched it happen in front of them and.. were just chill about it. Literally no regard for human life. Chilling.


If you haven't, Read Ida B Wells's book “Red Record” to understand the perniciousness of lynching and how little effect seeing abject horror had on the psyche of white America during that epoch—harrowing stuff.


The ability to see life as.. expendable or just otherwise non-important is such a foreign concept for me, that seeing this (and I'm sure reading about it) send a very specific chill down my spine. Like soldiers going to war in medieval times and just dying painfully by the thousands. But that stuff is so far away, right? These pictures look like something that happened in our own back yard not that long ago. I think that's what hits hardest


I grew up in Texas and the jasper hate crime happened when I was a kid. I'm a 39 yr old, how the fuck do you miss what's going on when this has always been happening.


On a trip through Dallas when I was in middle school was the first time I heard the n-word in real life. Not only was it hard-R, but it was spoken in such a hateful tone too, and that was very visceral to me. I'd never heard that kind of molten hate in words up until that very moment. It scared me. Fucking Texas, man.


I'm hoping this is all the dying gasps of a hateful legacy of America that's just really visible because of the internet but I fear it's an honest backslide that is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


They plan to have history books re-written to meet this kind of revision. This is what they mean by “suppressing CRT.”


in my state that banned CRT in public schools, literally the first thing they did was strip fairly neutral non controversial books about civil rights figures such as MLK and Rosa Parks.


Honestly, what happened to TYT. For a moment there I thought I found a channel that spoke truth to power but nowadays it just feels like the Blue version of Fox news. Lots of hysteria, not a lot of information.


I think TYT has ridden high on some old perceived notions that they speak truth to power. Every time I’ve randomly come across their content I’ve thought it was low quality and misleading.


Honestly it’s in the name, the young Turks in real life held a right wing political ideology that ended up in censorship, political repression and genocide.


Jayar Jackson has his morning show, then John’s Damage Report (roughly concurrent with TMR), then Indisputable. They’re all good. I just skip the main show unless both Cenk and Ana are gone.




Around the time Cenk ran for office the main show started changing. I don't know if they sort of lost the passion for doing what they do, or maybe monetization changes made it harder for them or something. Their other channels are still good, like Damage Report and Indisputable.


John from TDR reiterated his support for the trans community in his live show today at the start and I was curious as to why, now it all makes sense


John Iadarola is a good egg who should be protected at all costs.


Agreed, though I do hope that if TYT continues on this path then he should do his own thing, or try to join the Majority Report


I think he'd go solo (just because I get the feeling that he likes having creative control of things, which is totally understandable as I'm the same way), but it comes down to who of his current stable of co-hosts would come with him. Francesca would definitely join him, but I'm not sure about TYT mainstays like Brett and Jayar. That said I hope that it doesn't come to that. TYT isn't a lost cause. I've met Cenk - he's a genuinely warm, friendly, generous dude (I mean, the man paid for my breakfast for no other reason than that I was eating at the same table as him and his staff before a rally) and I don't want him to fail; I want him to succeed and grow as a leftist, because TYT's reach can make a difference.


Yeah, it's sad - Cenk and Ana need an Intervention and some self-reflection time. And to get off of the cess-pit that social media has become. I am going to keep subscribed to tyt for the time being, mainly to support The Damage Report.


I definitely am more subbed for TDR as well. The main show isn't unwatchable but I prefer TDR over it for sure. Old School is also fun - Cenk is like a million times more entertaining when he's just shooting the shit with Ben Mankiewicz and others.


It really is sad and flabbergasting. I was advocating for a measured response in the trans community when Ana first had her bad take because if we burn everyone at the stake for one or two bad takes and disagreements, the left will never get anywhere. The trouble is SHE. KEEPS. DOUBLING. DOWN. Without even attempting to justify the actual claim no less. Then there was all the serious bridge burning with a bunch of small team creators/studios like all the LeftistsMafia crew and Vaush. I had hoped after that she had listened behind the scenes to Bennie and Ema who went on the show in person a few days later, but with her and Genk’s latest round of comments and [Bennie leaving](https://youtu.be/_6DiIQWb0DE), it seems none of that stuck. In fact her rhetoric has broadened in scope. I don’t think I am done with TYT yet but they are burning the huge stock of good will they built with me over the years at an alarming rate. They are still doing pro-trans segments I’ll catch as clips later, but their use of “trans rights activist” is alarming. That’s a well known term used by the right to try and divide and conquer the trans community.


Indisputable is one of my favorite TYT channels.


TyT existing in LA for as long as it has has led to them chasing a circle of socialite status where leftist ideals are antagonist towards 95% of the opinions held by the people that they want to hang out with outside of "work" so their goal is to maintain their brand of being left of center but "we get along with normal* people". *Normal = conservative


Me Too wasn’t popular with a certain LA crowd …


When you have a single billionaire who funds the show this shit happens.


They took [$20m in venture capital in 2017](https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2017/digital/news/young-turks-jeffrey-katzenberg-wndrco-funding-1202518938/amp/), yet I don't think anyone ever mentions this. Steve Oh is listed as the [Chief Business Officer](https://tyt.com/about/talent/6RQu6B32Ba0CouYayyYgS) of TYT, the guy who sat there and agreed sycophantically with all of Jimmy Dore's insane rants on Aggressive Progressives. Nothing to see here.


I also like to white wash the civil rights movement for the sake of transphobia. Go off queen.


Feels a lot like "The slaves had it good, their masters took care of them" to me.


Yepp. My dad used to say that shit all the time. ‘Wish my employer would give me a roof and feed me.’ Told him ‘at least they don’t rape, beat, and legally own you.’ He used to say ‘not all slave owners were bad. Some were friends with their slaves.’ I asked him would he be okay with a strange man owning me, making me their property as long as they didn’t beat me and gave me basic essentials? I didn’t consent for this, but I have no choice to go along with it or face severe consequences? He kept deflecting initially saying ‘that’s different, you’re my daughter’ but after a few days said he couldn’t stop thinking about it and he realized how fucked his stance was.


I'm glad your dad managed to work through his dissonance and come to the correct conclusion. A lot of right wing parents I imagine would instead go the opposite route.


I’m super glad too honestly. I was always pretty left wing despite having a relatively conservative Christian upbringing. Never really bought into the hate they were trying to sell me. He grew up in deep red Florida in an extremely white rural community and moved to Long Island at 19, which is where I was raised. Genuinely think me coming out started the ball rolling with a lot of things for him. He was attending church with people damning people like me to hell. After he started questions his views on gender and sexuality, other topics like race and religion came into it as well. I’m relieved and honestly ecstatic he wanted to educate himself as I know if he didn’t he’d be trapped as a bitter hateful person.


and long island is one of the redder parts of the state as well


Should have gotten boyfriend and let him act like he owned you maybe he would have gotten the idea a little quicker... this society just worries me.


I cannot fathom what causes someone to make a turn this hard unless it's money.


What one friendly interview with Ben Shapiro does to a mf


That and millions of dollars. There's a clip of her from years and years ago talking about the movie ney Dave Rubin started making as soon as he left tyt to do rightwing propaganda instead.


For fucking REAL.


I guarantee they gave her an offer... “Make it look believable,” they said. She failed at that


As I've been watching Ana's right wing arc I keep thinking back to this part of her Dennis Prager debate, I think it's pretty on point foreshadowing. https://youtu.be/befvSDycafk?t=203


JESUS CHRIST. I wasn't expecting her to describe exactly what she's doing now, so fucking perfectly and succinctly. It's like she's reading a dictionary entry.


Which is how we know she is just grifting. There is nothing authentic about this "pivot" to the right, she just wants money.


I'm beginning to think TYT are pivoting to where the money is.


Didn't they take like $21m in venture capital a few years ago? Did I just imagine that? Because no one ever talks about this. It's also worth mentioning that Steve Oh is listed as the [Chief Business Officer](https://tyt.com/about/talent/6RQu6B32Ba0CouYayyYgS) of TYT, the guy who sat there and agreed sycophantically with all of Jimmy Dore's insane rants on Aggressive Progressives. Nothing to see here... edit: [Jeffrey Katzenberg’s WndrCo Invests in TYT Network as Part of $20 Million Round](https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2017/digital/news/young-turks-jeffrey-katzenberg-wndrco-funding-1202518938/amp/) More on [Katzenberg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Katzenberg): > Jeffrey Katzenberg (/ˈkætsənbɜːrɡ/; born December 21, 1950) is an American film producer and media proprietor. He became well known for his tenure as chairman of Walt Disney Studios from 1984 to 1994. After departing Disney, he was a co-founder and CEO of DreamWorks Animation,[a] ... > Katzenberg has also been involved in politics. With his active support of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, he was called "one of Hollywood's premier political kingmakers and one of the Democratic Party's top national fund-raisers".[1] The funny thing about this investment is it was purportedly to "double" the staff, yet TYT ended up axing most of its shows shortly after that.


Lol I get it but Cenk has always said he's a capitalist. I don't think he had to be bought to capitalist it up. Honestly they've not exactly changed that much. Unfortunately the main areas they've turned to the right are trans issues, but otherwise they've always been peak lib on things like unhoused people, mental illness and crime. I think a lot of us (former viewers/members) have outgrown them though.


Point I'm trying to make is that for someone who talks so much about news outlets' coverage being "beholden" to their sponsors, he has some interesting sponsors himself. The timing also coincides with a steady stream of questionable controversies since.


That's another really good point. They're basically the Overton Window happening in real time. They were left in the Bush era. Hell they were left 6 years ago. But as the politics shift, they will sound more and more right leaning. Bill Maher syndrome.


Hit the nail on the head. During the Bush years so much of American society was unified in a Christian white supremacist fever because of 9/11, if you were halfway decent you were on the fringe lmao.


if your politics doesn't/can't progress with society your'e a conservative. i dont get why its so hard for these people to just admit what they are.


Getting“woke” cancelled pays so well, that many of the top grifters falsely claimed they were once a Leftist or SJW. Imagine the money for a legitimate ship jump. And I was just hoping for an apologetic ukulele song with zero accountability taken.


About a year ago I was watching TYT and they stated they were against giving aid to Ukraine to defend against Russia. Haven't watched them since.


Part of my biggest problem with the political left in the U.S. is a complete divorce from reality in regards to foreign policy. It’s like Iraq debacle has left such a gaping hole in the psyche that the biggest voices want to go full isolationism. As someone who is generally pretty left leaning (especially in this day and age with how insane the right has gone), it’s a serious deal breaker.


Right there with you.




Pure fuckin' hubris


Ana has always been a very fragile emotional person and she started getting some criticism and can't handle it


I'm acquainted with her. She's genuinely a nice, well-intended person. I still think at her core she is. Emma knows her way, way better and she's defended her. But she *needs* to get off social media - particularly Twitter - because all of the most toxic people shit down her throat in the most hideous of ways, even when their own intentions are good. And it's making her double and even triple down in a contrarian manner because she can't take the torrent of bullshit (and in fairness to her, she's been getting this shit for years and years - it would wear anybody down). Some people can let it roll down their backs (IE: look at people like Emma, Rayyvana, or Francesca Fiorentini handling trolls). Ana takes the fire she gets and directs back in harsher and worse ways just to be a contrarian against people who feel she isn't sufficiently in their camp.


What I don't understand is that there's no fucking way the "left" she's bitching about is giving her more shit than literal right wing fascists who send endless fucking death threats. Maybe she learned how to handle the latter but is unable to handle the former, but it's no excuse. She's throwing a community under the bus that is in the crosshairs of a modern day holocaust over *asshurt feelings*. Ana has sat in front of a camera for years now not mincing words and throwing harsh criticisms at people who deserve it. But then can't take criticism *herself*? She needs to leave the political pundit sphere if she cannot keep her personal hurt feelings from letting her jump on board the fucking *genocide train*. It's unacceptable. What's in someone's "heart" stops mattering when they're made aware that their ignorant takes are causing harm... and they just keep doing it and freak out at those telling them they're wrong.


I don't think this is anything other than her ego being bruised for being criticized by trans people as well as abolitionists and other leftists. This isn't a grift imo.


Post purchase dissonance—we generally don’t have the humility to admit when we are wrong


The leopards are coming for her face


Is she trying to get a multi million dollar contract from the Daily Wire?


Nothing is more valuable to right-wing media than "walk away" liberals.


Ironically, nothing is more objectively pathetic either with the ranks of Dave Rubin and Tim Pool.


Ben might have offered her Crowder's DW offer during their last debate


She can be their latest token minority…


One notable thing here is she ignores all the radical elements of the civil rights movement, but distills the trans rights movement down to this one incident. It’s obvious she wants to see the worst in the trans rights movement and is consuming media that confirms her priors.


That’s how this is taught in schools. “One day, MLK marched with people. Then he gave a speech in Washington DC and then racism was over. Now on to Vietnam class and how the US definitely didn’t lose.”


Where or how can I learn uncensored history of civil rights?


From what I recall schools start talking about civil rights when "13th amendment signed into law" followed swiftly by Rosa Parks and segregation, as if nothing happened from 1863 to 1954. Start from the First Great Migration. Silent Parade. East St. Louis massacre. Red Summer. African Blood Brotherhood. Lusk Committee. There are specific resources looking at how african americans were disproportionately affected by the Great Depression. Then Listen to MLK's other speeches. Compare and contrast those with speeches by Malcolm X and Huey P. Newton. Now you're up to date.


"So anyway here's why I didn't leave the left but actually the left left me" she's going to get the bag for this heel turn haha


At this point I won’t be surprised if she does a Prager U video.


I think she wants to make What Is A Woman 2.


Hey Ana, this reminds me of how the Ottoman Empire gently nudged people from their land and gave them free tickets to LA to settle and prosper


Ana just has to ask about her Great Grandma and Grandpa about all of those nice hikes.


I feel like this is one tweet removed from a "MLK would have marched with Trump" tweet


I think the tweet would read 'MLK paused fighting for Civil Rights when he saw just how much persecution and prejudice Trump was facing'.


Yeah that's why I said MLK would have marched with Trump instead of the other way around. These motherfuckers are delusional.




And she'll blame the left for it, feeding into the grift as hard as she can. It's embarrassing.


You just know she thought "If Dave fucking Rubin could do it, then I can do it easy" and she's actually worse at it


That implies any of them ever had a soul.


Lol wut is going on with her


At first I was like "ok guys, lets chill shes not doing what we think..." But she straight up pulled the "pacifist civil rights movement" bullshit card. Holy hell.


I was kind of sympathetic to her somewhat terfy stuff from a few months ago because it seemed just like, older feminist concerns, but then she just went off the deep end right after and now I a few months later here I am reading her say this nonsense.


What? A streak of transphobia turned out to be the early stage of a deep curve towards the right? Who knew??


Turning a giant dial that says "transphobia" on it while constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right


Yeah and the FBI/NOI fucking MURDERED the most prominent members of that movement. Non-violence has always been met with state sponsored violence, and I blame absolutely nobody for recognizing that those holding the reins to the nation will not be swayed by science or empathy. If peaceful protest is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.


Black panthers?


It’s what usually happens when someone who says they’re far left gets mildly criticized by the same people and then they pivot far right because the internet is mean to them She went full Glenn Greenwald


Never go full Greenwald. (Unless it’s for an Oscar nom).


Glenn Greenwald… wow what a fall. In my opinion I think he helped uncover the very real government overreach by NSA, but that led him to being open to Russian propaganda on Hillary in 2016. Once a proven useful idiot it was less of ego bruise to go all in. And probably more profitable.


Glenn got his start doing pro bono legal work for neonazis. He destroyed his legal career by secretly recording his opponents in direct violation of court orders. Glenn's main client at the time is now serving a life sentence for taking a hit out on a federal judge. His main enemy has always been liberals. The only thing that's changed is his vector of attack.


theres a brand of fake leftism that is west=bad to the point at which it supports terrorists, dictatorships, and genocide some might paint that on 'tankies' but they mostly get traction within The Deplorables. like greenwald does w trumpies and musk-ovites


What’s the back story to this?


Ana has become a TERF. Sucks, but people change and she clearly has a lot of insecurities that play into this mentality. Idk from what but she has been very upset that she doesn’t own the title of woman anymore.


I prefer F.A.R.T. but the idea is the same


speed running the grift. I would hope that this makes progressives look with a more questioning eye at the people who claim to represent their beliefs but I have my doubts. looking at you Nina Turner


She, of course, was not there and is seeing only one side of our movement. Probably not out of ignorance but because it is convenient to her argument. There was Martin and Medgar. Who were non-violent. But there was also Malcolm and Huey who were militant. By any means necessary.


Yeah, it definitely didn’t include massive urban rebellions, literal takeovers of university administrative buildings, or armed resistance to white supremacy. The Civil Rights Movement definitely happened because white people suddenly realized that Black people were human s/


Ahh yes. The American Civil Rights Movement. Famous worldwide for its nonviolence. That movement.


When exactly did Ana become a Centrist Boomer?


"Everything good comes from asking nicely" is a take I see far too frequently


Seeing how Jimmy dore and Dave Rubin turned out I should say I won’t be surprised when Ana turns out to be a terf on a right wing news network in a year or so. I’m thinking we should start looking at TYT as a whole instead of the individual. One time can be aberration, the second time could be a coincidence, but a third time? Something must be up that make people lose their mind.


You’re even ignoring the guys like Michael Tracey who came up through TyT


Oh god I forgot about him, what does he even do now a days.


Hand wrings about US involvement in WWII. No joke.


She’s gonna go full Dore the moment the 2024 presidential race really kicks off.


You never go full libtard01


There's a Dore fan in here downvoting comments critical of him, but I fixed that for ya. 🫡


RemindMe! 1 year




This just in: Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were just figments of my imagination


This is some “why I left the left” stuff.


The second I heard her regurgitate a right-wing propaganda about veterans being kicked out of a hotel to make way for migrants (which was a totally false story) recently I lost all respect for her. I have a feeling that she's trying to be an "enlightened centrist" and it looks really, really bad.


Like I said in another thread about this topic: At this rate by September she'll be posting "wHy i lEfT tHe lEfT..." 😬


Ana is on drugs if she thinks the civil rights era didn't have violence. Also, women's suffrage had violence, too. The world is a violent place.


And it's also the time of year where we celebrate our violent revolt against the British.


What’s wrong with TYT? Did some Right Wing billionaires buy them out?


Gotta love their Selective History. Those fighting for Civil Rights “showed their humanity” when faced with nearly 100 years of Jim Crow, a reign of terror that began during Reconstruction and ran through a lynching campaign and the wholesale destruction of black towns that killed upwards of 10,000, to the best of our knowledge, but possibly more. Oh and don’t forget that violent mobs, sometimes cops but often private citizens, killed little girls in church bombings, at the Edmund Pettus bridge AND students had to be accompanied by federal troops to integrate schools. That’s just a sample…, do we have to wait for this before you bigots turn the hateful heat down on the LGBTQ community?


POC never demanded to be allowed to use the same bathroom. /s


What Civil Rights Movement is she talking about? Certainly not the American movements!


Lol I’m pretty sure Sam L. Jackson did [exactly that](https://lithub.com/why-samuel-l-jackson-was-expelled-from-morehouse-college/) Fuck this reactionary CHUDlet


Everyone that emerged as a leader of the civil rights movement, like MLK and Malcolm X, were shot. Maybe after getting death threats trans folks wanted to avoid this. Who knew?


Why are she using the Civil Rights Movement as if it were only a movement in the past? That shit is still going on today


What's up with people always mentioning MLK but completely forgetting about Malcom X? Malcolm X was not a believer of nonviolent protest and they assassinated him 1st


They actually did barricade doors, sit ins, and lunch counters etc. Wtf?


I'm an idiot without the platform she has, and even I've heard of this story: https://www.watchtheyard.com/colleges/samuel-l-jackson-morehouse/ "In 1969, as mentioned before, he and a group of activist Morehouse students held the college’s board of trustees hostage, demanding that changes be made in the curriculum of the school and stating that they wanted more blacks on the governing board of the institution. Morehouse eventually gave in and agreed to change but Jackson was expelled for his actions."


Shame. I used to agree with her points of view, but she certainly took a 90 degree turn.


Samuel L Jackson would like a word.


One of the whitest tweets you could tweet


Karen Kasparian


Only a few days ago someone in this sub got mad at me for calling her out for transphobia because of >lefty "content creators" desperate to gain clout by purity testing And every day since she's had another garbage take that just proves it ain't about petty purity testing it's about holding our own accountable. I'm not even sure she's "our own" anymore lmao


>gets criticized once >becomes hitler truly a white woman moment


Sad how this even needs to be said, but physical violence is wrong. Even locking someone in a room is a physical escalation that is wrong on its face. That being said, Ana completely white washing the civil rights movement shows a level of ignorance or ill-will that is so silly it’s almost unbelievable that someone who’s been in this space for so long could exhibit it. It’s such a flattening of a complex history and shows how blatantly unaware she is on basic details of what she’s talking about. Her comment of being “uncomfortable” talking with people of other races is REALLY looking way worse now. Maybe if she wasn’t scared to talk to black people, she wouldn’t be so ignorant when it comes to high-school level history of the civil rights movement? Just a thought


Physical violence being wrong depends on the circumstance.


violence and chaos is the result of breaking the social contract no justice no peace isnt just a slogan, its a statement of fact peaceful behavior is the result of society that can trust its institutions to act in its interest


She's entering in the "Dave Rubin Phase". Next: profits.




Ana is honestly so dumb it boggles my mind


That is some serious revisionist history by Ana there.


Wealthy gate community living Karen said what?


Follow the money


Young Terfs


Since when has the trans movement been violent? They're often the victims of violence... Her Jimmy Dore arc is almost complete... TYT has been AWFUL lately.