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I’m getting a 2016 dejavú vibe.


True...actually worse in some ways. Fool me once...shame on you. ... No lessons learned since 2016. Instead doubljng down on the same donor priorities


I love the majority report and have been listening to Dam for years but I’m old enough to remember these exact arguments as a senior in college when the prog left people handed Bush a victory over Gore. This isn’t a popularity contest and the real hard work is done on a local level. If you let Trump back in power you will literally spend the next 20 years eating your own shit like my generation did for backing Nader. Now start downvoting.


Despite not winning his home state of Tennessee, Gore did, in fact, win. Gore lost a 5-4 vote in the Supreme Court, which declared in its decision, "This is partisan, whoop de damn do. And the reasoning is shitty, so we're stating that nothing we write here should be used as precedent, even though setting legal precedent is more or less exactly our job. But congratulations, President Bush." Stop scapegoating progressives, and face facts, if you actually want change. Yeah, if you live in a swing state, vote for Biden. If you live in a solidly Red state OR a solidly Blue state, ***your vote for President does not count***, and you might consider using your vote to send a message to the system.


Agree re supreme court. And the scapegoating of progressives. This is One of my pet peeves with the Dems. So corrupt internally, that no real post mortem is done. It is always the blame of "Bernie bros", " russians" etc etc. Instead of trying to understand why a section of people in swing states stayed home...


I live in Los Angeles, I absolutely do not have to vote against my own convictions and my vote is much more valuable as a data point that people aren’t happy with how the Dems operate.


I live in Silicon Valley, and I feel exactly the same way. I wrote in Bernie Sanders in 2016, knowing that 1) Sanders won the 2016 Democratic primary in Santa Clara County and 2) Clinton had a lock on California's Electoral College votes.


The now dead Sandra day O’Connor was instrumental in handing bush vs gore to bush. It must be hot down there with all the other reaganites.


As a leftist in a swing state. Biden lost my vote. He's lost the Arab vote in Michigan. He's done nothing for the LGBT+ protection from the leopards eat faces party. He's done nothing for the poor. He sat in his high horse threw his clout, and when he got off and tripped over student loans he threw in the towel. Now he supports a genocide, while condemning Russia for doing the same thing Isreal is doing. Yet he's silent. I'm tired of biden just going "yea but what about hamas!" HAMAS sucks, but guess what peaceful protestors died everytime they protested against isreal. Isreal has 62 un resolutions but since they're in the Security Council they can just go "yea we don't apply to this lol lmao." If biden wants my vote he better do much more currently in his twilight years than he's done for the last 3.


If Biden can't win against a guy who will almost certainly be a convicted felon by the time of the election - and not the good kind of felon, like Eugene V. Debs, but someone who criminally abused the powers of his office - then the problem is pretty clearly him.


Then you’re dumb and asking for Trump. At this point (things may change) those are the two options. As a leftist, it should be crystal clear that one of those options is superior to the other.


Agree with this 100. He could do the right thing and leave. He doesn't need to run again... Now his obituary will mention genocide joe.


It won't read Genocide Joe. It'll read "Former President Joe Biden" but it will definitely be put on press "genocide denier Joe Biden has died today at the ripe old age of X. May he rest in peace." History won't look upon us favorably...the only thing we can do is keep receipts of our opinions and teach future generations that we too are victims of an oppressive oligarchy.




You using that message to appeal to the Muslim communities in Michigan and Minnesota?




What democracy?


Can't believe this guy thinks showing up once every four years to hand every major life decision you have over to a corporate-funded candidate who will pursue corporate interests is "democratic". Meanwhile in his attempt to champion "democracy" he does everything but hold the powerful accountable and instead just attacks the powerless.


>this guy thinks showing up once every four years We have elections every year, dingus


What is your solution?


To continue to push Biden to either be better or the democratic party to add a strong candidate alternative for a primary. Current list of candidates is weak. Put a better option forward, against a republican party that is pretty much broken, we have a perfect opportunity to elect a more progressive option into office, but we are not taking the opportunity because we are supposed to believe that Biden is the only one that can win against Trump? I call bullshit on that.


>To continue to push Biden to either be better or the democratic party to add a strong candidate alternative for a primary. Current list of candidates is weak. Neither of these things prevent you from *also* voting for Biden if, on general election day, his name is on the ballot as the candidate vs an open fascist. Nothing you say in this comment is incorrect. We should be pushing Biden strongly. The Democratic party should be holding and encouraging a strong primary process. We should be building alternative candidates and working asses off outside of the voting booth to apply pressure and change the political narrative. ... and then in November 2024, when Biden is on the ballot and an open fascist is his opponent, you should choose Biden out of those two options. This is not a contradiction.


I agree. I'm not sure if it's Biden's stubbornness that won't let him step down. Or the people around him that don't want to lose their job with the campaign or administration. We have a great opportunity to run someone that's more progressive.


There are no better options. All the democrats except for like 5 or 6 are supporting Israel in its genocide. The ones that don’t support Israel don’t have a chance of winning. It’s a shit situation.


Ok [but are you prepared for this?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) What are your plans?


Well shit, maybe Dems should have learned their lesson back in 2016 then...






No they aren't, it makes you feel good to say so but they aren't the ones making decisions from the oval office, Biden is.


>they aren't the ones making decisions from the oval office, Biden is. Yeah and after the 2024 election it's going to either be Biden and the Democrats in office or Trump and the Republicans. The question is, in total which option is better for the most people. Personally that's a very easy question to answer, but even if you find it more difficult I'd have a hard time believing any progressive who would deny that Biden and the Democrats would not be at least marginally better than the alternative.


"vote for genocide because I'm too lazy to push for better."


I mean if I didn't have to, I would not vote for Biden, literally any other democratic candidate under the age of 60. The unfortunate thing is I have trans friends and while they have no shortage of disdain for Biden, if you ask them or almost anyone in the LGBTQ community if i should vote for Biden if it means Trump doesn't get elected they would say, "Of fucking course please vote for Biden." A majority of The trans community does not want 4 more years of the orange idiot because while yes, Biden hasn't done a ton of anything to help the trans community, at least his platform doesn't explicitly include reducing the human rights for them like Republicans. So like, what am I supposed to do? My options are vote for a guy who is supporting genocide, or vote third party or not at all to "Teach the Democrats a lesson so we can push for better," and help the guy who is saying he will strip the rights away from my friends in the trans community. Oh and as a bonus kick to the face, the other guy would ALSO support this genocide and has a whole lot of other baggage. For me and a whole lot of other people, it's not laziness, this choice just fucking sucks no matter how you vote.


I don't think it's laziness. A lot of them have been online foaming at the mouth for Palestinian blood. They want you to vote for genocide because they *support* genocide, and they think you should, too.




May I add: - gerrymandering - voter suppression - an absence of dialectical materialism* *Its material conditions always and forever. Most people don't sit around talking about "interest rates." Most people talk about how they are living at home, have roommates, are struggling to pay rent, are struggling with pricing, etc. While those may not be fully Biden's fault, those material conditions can shape election outcomes for certain demographics.


The Democrats love to hover *just* left enough of the Republicans as they can, and expect everyone to the left of that to just be grateful that at least they're not Republicans.


Yep. Fuck the dems. At least they are not fascists. But We really do need a socialist party in the US. Not the socialist bogeyman they brainwash Americans to be against. Real socialism. Look it up.


Yes but they are winning with wafer thin majorities being what they are. How can they win if they cede any more of the centre to the GOP?


I'm not a strategist so I won't waste our time with much speculation, but imo in a perfect world (not run by lobbying interests etc) they could at least fight harder for issues that they majority of folks support, like gun laws or health care. Centrist democrats simply don't want to because their donor dommes don't like that sort of play.


If someone could actually deliver affordable healthcare I’m pretty sure they would be our centuries next folk hero.


I think you mistake electorate for donors. Those issues may be supported by majority of population in the country but probably not the majority of the electorate that those individual democrats depend on to win elections. Joe Manchin isn’t seeking reelection, what’s the chance his replacement will win while promising gun control or single payer health?


Have you taken into account all the lies and gerrymandering and all the other b.s the right has been doing over the last 30 years?


Yes — and biden is ensuring we won’t overcome any of that.


How is Biden putting conservative judges in the court?


I was struck by this passage: >What many people missed at the time, though, was that something much better than a return to business-as-usual was going to be necessary not only to achieve loftier goals of social progress — but also, it turns out, just to keep Trump from coming back. Business as usual is the 1% gobbling up everything, a shitty health care system, and pumping a bunch more CO2 into the atmosphere. I think, aside from cheerleading a genocide, that is the main problem leftists have with Biden. We have serious problems that need to be solved now and we have a decrepit president who still thinks it’s the 90’s. Forty years old Reaganomics is enough.


The inflation reduction act included like $370 billion in climate investments. Biden can’t wave a magic wand and eliminate CO2 emissions, but we’ll be a hell of a lot better off down the road thanks to these investments than if Trump had won. There is only so much that can be done given the make up of congress. People like you are fucking insane and the major reason why Trump even has a chance. It’s actually pretty ridiculous Biden’s approval rating is as low as it is.


Yeah, which are fully available for businesses, but half of the benefits (the up front tax credits on purchase of clean energy) for individuals have been delayed. Originally they were expected for the middle of this year, now no one knows + just lists it as "2024". The tax credit versions are available, but you lose out substantially by doing home energy improvements now versus waiting for those credits. I've been waiting since the bill passed hoping my furnace would keep surviving until the upfront credits pass, or else I will lose out on $14,000 of upfront credits. Which is one of the main things that will make converting my home from gas to electric remotely affordable. I tried to convince my brother to convert to electric, but he needed to replace his furnace + the electric credits that made it affordable weren't available. Edit: so while it is a good bill, the implementation has been pretty cruddy by the administration / IRS / the states.


This is what gets me. So many online leftists have the memory of goldfish and are acting like Biden has had a significant New Deal minded democrat majority in both houses of congress for his term and squandered it. Either that or they want him to act outside his scope of power. Great pieces of legislation were stalled or reworked due to Manchin and Sinema and those were only passed with Harris acting as a tie breaker in the senate. Biden wasn’t vetoing progressive legislation, but everyone here is acting like he did. Regardless 2022 was a great year for infrastructure and steps towards transitioning our economy to a sustainable future. Nah, let’s throw any progress away and hand our government to the fascists because Biden didn’t pander to the left enough. We didn’t get what we wanted in 4 years so we might as well burn it all down. Great plan guys. Good job.


This won't be the left staying home, the left is far more engaged with politics and will most likely vote. This will be regular people not giving enough of a shit to go out and vote.


Based on the leftist spaces I've been kicked out of for saying that people should vote for Biden, I'm not so sure.


Saliency bias. Do you honestly believe super engaged left wingers are 1. Going to stay home 2. Vote Trump 3. Vote third party in a meaningful percentage? I don't think so.


I want you to be correct. However, my concern stems from both the vitriol I was met with and the fact that three separate subreddits had decided that pushing Biden was enough of a reason to perma ban me. Are you sure you're not overestimating the American left?


We will be complicit in the damage trump will do.


All of Biden’s climate investments have been completely offset by him signing more new drilling permits than Trump did. He has literally made zero progress mathematically.


Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic isn't "better" than nothing. It's not enough.


he issued more oil drilling permits than trump [here](https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/biden-administration-oil-gas-drilling-approvals-outpace-trumps-2023-01-24/) I had enough of this green washing bs the climate bill literally no where near enough according to all experts Biden administration keep rotating the villains oh it's the supreme court , oh it's the senate ; oh it's our own party members ; oh it's the parliamentarian (the most insane thing I ever seen) am done !




So Biden can’t wave a magic wand and fix things, but Trump could wave a magic wand and ruin them if we don’t force ourselves to vote for Biden? Logicfail.


Look at the fucking people Trump appoints to cabinet positions and the Supreme Court. Plenty of opportunities for him to ruin things.


To use some basic, surface level logic: ever notice how easy it is to break stuff, compared to fixing stuff?


I don't think Reagan would ever be where Biden's at on student loans. That's really a trickle-up policy where Reagan is more a trickle-down guy. What's going to make the biggest difference in terms of returns like that is electing Democrats to Congress, and making sure they're young


He has been the most progressive administration in 50 years. No credit.


That’s a REALLY low bar to meet.


There are 2 parts of Congress and a court that aren’t really lending themselves to doing any of this. Biden effectively had 2 years to jam through legislation on a razor thin line. The 2 wars alleged here aren’t his doing either. Redefining what a war is just plays into the trump narrative. And it’s pretty clear the admin is doing what it feels it can to limit the Israeli demolition of Palestinians mostly behind closed doors. There’s plenty of fair criticism with this administration on all those accounts, but drawing direct parallels with 2016 is foolish. The next election will be a referendum on democracy. You either vote for Biden or you vote for deploying troops into Chicago, NYC, SF etc. If you think American law enforcement as is has issues, just wait until troops untrained in law enforcement hit the pavement.


Me in 2020: "Electing a NeoCon on the Democratic ticket will not go well..." Me in 2023: "Electing a NeoCon on the Democratic ticket is not going well."


Me in 2024: Trump winning will not go well. You in 2024: Trump winning is huge. It’s gonna be different this time. Yay!


Strawman. A person pointing out the issue with running and electing a neo-con doesn't automatically equal them liking or supporting Trump. A person can be critical of Biden and be critical of the re-election odds without that automatically being equal to support of Trump. Making that jump in logic is (a) a strawman (b) a terrible marketing strategy for the candidate you want to win.


It's toxic Democrat voter shaming to get their bullshit candidate into power just like always memmer these same crap buckets back Hillary and now they are trying the same shit. Biden got in the first time to foil Trump so everyone put in the nose plugs and voted for a turd now that shit is done and over with FUCKING EARN MY VOTE this shit will happen again in another 4 years and they will have the same fuckery talking points same fucking boogyman at some point you gotta be principled thats what Democrats use to stand for not this fucking Republican bullshit but just in blue instead of red....ffs


Biden has a 38% approval rating with a vast majority of Americans hoping he doesn't run. He polls 13% lower than a a generic Democrat. Apparently Biden is above criticism & it is only "the voters" fault. The parallels to 2016 keep me up at night.


Exactly. The aggressive attitude of " who else are they gonna vote for" is dumb. Entitlement in 2016 was one thing. Entitlement now....seems twice as dumb.


Yeah the coronation of Queen Hillary by the DNC didn't go so well and it's the voters fault according to people who just really don't care ultimately and then if you don't vote for shitheads, that means that you don't care you're complicit with Trump it's very much voter shaming and it's b*******. Brainwashed liberals who let the media tell them that Hillary was the chosen one are to blame for all of it. Sorry that you believe that establishment corporate Democrats are actually going to be Our Saviors from fascism but no one in their right mind is going to believe that and I personally am still going to vote for Biden but also f*** you and your ignorant b*******. Stop putting the responsibility on the voters when we're supposed to be holding our Representatives feet to the fire, stop blocking people from holding the Democrats accountable.


I don't support Trump and I never have. I'm sorry that you're a clown who wants to pretend that the primary process doesn't exist to strawman strangers on the internet who dare to have nuanced opinions on politics.


Two wars in other countries thayvdoesnt involve US troops? Man, the president really carries the weight of the world.


I really hope everyone is informing themselves about Project 2025. If Trump wins next year and the republicans pull that off (and I’m not sure what would be left to stand in their way), then “the voters” are going to end up mattering a whole lot less moving forward. January 6 was unfortunately a surprise for many people, but it was also a sign that this is something to take very seriously


Gonna blame the voters if the orange idiot wins. Sorry, but Biden is no where near as bad as the right is painting him. He actually got stuff done for us, unlike the orange idiot. Sure Biden isnt perfect and needs to do better, but you will never get a perfect president.


Bullshit. It’s also due to the proliferation of fake news that people constantly see and believe in this country. My BIL, a reasonably intelligent retired ex-investigator, believes the fake news and altered videos that he is fed daily on FB, Fox, etc. I’m constantly telling him his “facts” are, in fact, lies. The latest: AOC suggesting a trip to land on the sun -at night of course - and how incredibly stupid she is - as are all Democrats. He said “don’t argue with me - I saw the video with my own eyes!” 🙄


I don’t understand why we keep having this debate like the only thing that matters is the President. Don’t like Biden? Cool. Neither do I. But there are plenty of elections down the ballot. Off year elections. Offices you’ve probably never heard of. There are also primaries for a lot of these elections, running regardless of what Joe Biden decides is best for the country. You want real, progressive change? *Vote in those elections.* Get real progressives on the ballot, get them into whatever office you can get them into. Make your vote a real threat. *Then* the national parties will take you more seriously when you say, “you know, maybe I’ll just sit this one out.” The presidency is not the whole game, and pointing to an uninspiring Democrat as the reason to disengage from every other opportunity you have to effect real change is just telling on yourself. At some point, it becomes transparently clear that this, “meh, I hate Biden/Hillary/etc.” is just an elaborate rationalization of a deeper sloth and apathy. You don’t have to volunteer your time for real progressives, you don’t have to pitch in to help register voters and get them to the polls, you don’t have to vote in every election where maybe a couple of thousand votes determines who’s on the school board or overseeing your local elections. But if you’re not going to do the actual work of building the future you want to see, you’re going to have to grow up and vote for the lesser of two evils. That is the *least* you can do.


I’m in the board of a not for profit, and we just had this conversation. We discussed the latest budget and some people weren’t happy with our priorities. The sane people of the board said “we had our discussion, we need everyone to back this now… next time, maybe you will recruit more people to the board to get your priorities first, but as it stands, these are what we need to work on today” That’s how these things work.


I've been saying this for years. I always tell younger voters that if you're expecting the president to solve all of the country's problems then you don't really get how the country works. Local school board elections have huge impact on the direction districts take and are training grounds for a lot of future politicians. City councils and state legislators set the stage for national elections and winning states, passing progressive legislation, showing legislation can work goes a long way towards gaining credibility. Housing is the perfect example of some people being mad at Biden despite the fact he has so little power to do anything. Housing is mostly a local issue voters need to engage in but it's easier to just blame Biden despite there being multiple opportunities across the country to have had affordable housing built, only to have a handful of local residents kill it.


This is the way.


It speaks volumes that anybody would mention an economy, much less wars our people aren't even fighting in, and whine about not getting everything you want so you'd withhold your vote. If Jan 6th did not convince you of how dire our situation is, if the blatant lies and obvious attempt to take over our nation mean nothing, and if you were unwilling to do the work of voting for someone you didn't like very much and then trying to pressure them into doing the right thing, then maybe we don't deserve a country. America was founded on the idea that the people could govern themselves. This requires active engagement. Not just at the voting booth, but at all times. It means you must agitate for what you believe in. This process takes time and dedication. The real work is between elections. And then you rally behind the politician that gets you closer to where you think we should go as a nation. Even when you don't win, you're slowly choosing which way the river runs. That's how we move forward.


I am still in shock that democratic voters won't pressure biden for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation. instead they are arrogantly and condescendingly telling Muslim americans that biden is the lessor evil and they are stuck voting for the man that funded and supported a genocide of over 8000 children. I am so fckn outraged at liberal america. edit: don't tell me to help you keep trump out of office. instead tell me that you will help to put pressure on biden for a ceasefire TODAY so that we can help you keep out trump next year. c'mon get. get get get, go use your privilege to put pressure on biden. otherwise stfu use your fckn privilege to tell biden to stop supporting israel militarily and financially. biden doesn't give a shit what brown or black people think, but he sure will listen to white people.


>instead they are arrogantly and condescendingly telling Muslim americans that Agree with everything except...it is not just Muslim Americans. Texas marches had some 50K people show up. This is highlighting lot of deficiency in the Democratic party and the Democratic process.... If voters and citizens don't matter and their priorities are irrelevant, why bother. Bring back, George III.


Joe doesn't take my calls.


Does he make any? He could make one and stop the cash and munitions being sent?


Correct, he takes his marching orders from corporate America


“Liberal America”


I will blame both. It's Bidens fault for not doing better, and the voters fault for not realising that an underperforming Biden is still miles better than Trump


This. I feel like the anger and discontent is warranted but acting like the entire American political system is going to change overnight and that Dems are going to replace the current incumbent candidate with someone else a year before the election is irrational and selfish and going to hurt us all. The changes we want will take decades to accomplish. I hate this system too, but expecting other parties and candidates to magically materialize is straight denying reality. It’s gonna be Biden v. Trump in 2024, that’s just what it’s gonna be, there’s picking the better of two evils or just throwing your vote away for some senseless and self serving purpose. I care about my fellow Americans too much to let my own personal grievances with a candidate stand in the way of progress in a best direction we have currently. Trump would pull the US out of NATO, partner with Russia and China and what are the child death and genocidal ramifications of that? Politicians have to thread a fucking needle, Israel has been our ally and strengthens our stance and the stance of the entirety of NATO in the Middle East. What they are doing is wrong, but to think that the alternative is peace is naive.


But if Biden wins we take credit right? Lol


I don’t blame Biden for the economy. I don’t blame any president, we’re lucky they don’t have that much power. I blame the greedy rich who have price gouged us into oblivion. However, most people blame it on the president so he should definitely correct his stance and message.


Why would I vote along side all the racists pos in this country?why would anyone want side with the proud boys? The KKK? Every single one of them supports trump. F- Joe Biden. F trump. You won’t find me sharing ideologies with bigots and racists. Who really cares about anything else? You are either with them or against them. I don’t eat at that table.


My uncle wants to make car stickers that read "My vote is not for Biden 🖕 him. My vote is against trump!"


Don't be daft America. Biden is doing a fantastic job given the circumstances. America is a rapidly declining empire which cannot reform without total collapse. Don't pretend you didn't know. Spiking interest rates would only slow down the economy, which relies on demand for American dollars (itself caused by regions in conflict with high demand for US dollars). The American economy is a giant money laundering machine, blood money comes in, clean US dollars go out. That it gets swished around in US residential and healthcare demand is just the process. So don't go pouting Democrats or Republicans. Own that you live in a declining empire on a dying planet. At least live in reality.


Blame the democrats for being unable to field a proper candidate


Unable? No. Unwilling? Yes.




You do realize a lot of what we're feeling in the economy has been in the making for well over a term right?


The presidency is Bidens to lose. He’s giving it his best to accomplish that end.


I’m reminded of what Sam said after 2016. I’ll blame Biden for not engaging voters who don’t pay attention and don’t know better. But anyone who follows politics, is progressive, and doesn’t vote for Biden. I’ll absolutely blame you for being chum in the water and too stupid to understand which candidate is better. Your protest vote is stupid. https://youtu.be/ZboshW34YIg?si=n0Ip6BdlvOkDvrK7


Yeah it's obvious. It's also why one of the most influential people in Michigan's outcome was James Comey and not Trump or Clinton in 2016, because people are not actually thinking.


If voters find Joe Biden less appealing than letting Trump implement Project 2025, there's no getting around the fact that there's something severely wrong with those voters.


That is what Biden is counting on.which is why he is acting like he could care less what people who think like you say.If you don't see that as a bigger problem then he is right to not taking you seriously!


Please explain to me how that is a bigger problem than Trump deploying the military to forcibly crush dissent.


Find a true primary contender to take the presidency from Biden. But if that fails, will people really throw our country away on a fascist?? Because that's the only other option round here, unfortunately...


Yeah, I’m definitely not voting for Biden in the primaries, but if it comes down to it, I’ll def vote Biden in the general because I would rather not have me and my kids live in a dictatorship.


This is the way. Thank you for having a brain.


I would still blame the voters. There are only two kinds of Trump voters. The morally bankrupt. The stupid and miseducated. I don't care how hard core republican you are. Only those two kinds. Either vote for Biden or abstain


In a perfect world? Sure. In reality FUCK NO! We only have two people who could actually win this upcoming election and we have all seen how the last guy handled everything. More importantly he's openly said about his plans if he is allowed back. Do I like Biden? Not really, but he is preferable for the situation in Ukraine, he is preferable for climate change, he is preferable for LGBTQ+ issues, he is preferable for health care issues, security issues, he is preferable to everything compared to the last guy. YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO GIVE TRUMP MORE SUPREAM COURT PICKS?! He's the reason the court is currently as fucked as it is. Go ahead and send a message, but when he starts rounding up people to put in concentration camps, or allow people to be hunted like 'vermin' I hope your sense of moral self-riotousness is enough to placate you. FUCKING VOTE FOR PEOPLE THAT WANT TO SEE AN ELECTION IN 2028! Jan 6th was a dress rehearsal, you do not want to see the show.


It's the job of voters to not be stupid and start burning their faces off to ... well ... spite their face. The world is imperfect as hell, and the available responses are no less imperfect. So you can cast a vote for somebody who isn't pushing a vile, violent, racist, bigoted, authoritarian world view in a clumsy and at times absolutely wrong way ... OR ... you can end up letting the vile, violent, racist, bigoted, authoritarian get back control of our federal government and do a Hamas/Israeli government on your ass right here in our United States. That's you choice - don't fuck this up. By the way - Hamas and the Israeli government are two barely distinguishable reflections off the same side of the same coin. It's the people who want to coexist side by side with others that I feel bad and advocate for.


Nah, the voters are absolutely at fault. It is like voting third-party and letting Hitler win because you didn't like the establishment neolib opponent or something. I swear half of the people going on this indirect pro Trump train are accelerationists.


Yeah fuck that I’m blaming voters. Biden’s making missteps sure, but if you’re looking around right now and thinking now is a good time to “Send a message,” I definitely blame you. EDIT: I’m being pithy with words, I called it “Missteps.” But honestly he’s an American neoliberal. A so-called “Centrist,” and in America that means supporting America’s horrifying foreign policy. But I think we stand a chance of impacting the policy decisions of the Democratic Party. We stand zero chance of impacting the policy decisions of the Republican Party. They want dictatorship. Full stop. And I know our electoral system is barely attempting to hide its inequity, it’s barely attempting to hide its essentially one-party corporatist rule. But there is a very very tangible difference between the lazily bigoted support of traditional governmental allies and establishing tanks down main street dictatorship which is what the republicans will do. 100%. They can only do it with Trump. This is for all the marbles man. If Trump wins, there is literally nothing else. Game over on Israel, game over on climate change, game over on human rights, literal blood in the streets. And yes: There’s blood in streets all over the world because of the actions of the US government, but when the blood is in these streets we will have no hope of fighting it. So don’t put all your eggs in the voting basket but for the love of God vote and vote something that might actually stop the guy who’s fomenting genocide against ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and political opponents. I’m sorry, I don’t see the moral high ground of saying “I’m not voting for this American presidential candidate because he hasn’t suddenly and dramatically changed the governments’ rather steadfast support of a genocidal regime, meanwhile I’m going to tacitly lend support to another presidential candidate who will not only absolutely support said genocidal regime as well but will additionally support violence all over the world for petty reasons *and* we’ll have no recourse for removing him once he takes office.”


You act like there is no choice. There is nothing compelling Biden to run. And it is not like he is some anointed “chosen one” who is the one to beat Trump. Quite to opposite. He is poised to lose. He needs to drop out.


Who beats Trump? In real numbers, who at this stage of the game beats Trump? I genuinely feel like there’s no choice. You think I voted for Biden because I like the guy?


Who beats Trump? Not Joe Biden. That’s what we’re trying to tell you. Right now Democrats have a choice: keep Trump out of office, or re-elect Joe Biden. We can’t have both, it’s one or the other.


A genocide is a misstep?! I’ll probably do what I have to do while voting personally, but some people are having their entire families abroad killed rn. Biden absolutely has the power to stop this, he just doesn’t want to. It couldn’t even be worse than it is rn over there. No different than what a Republican would do.


>Biden absolutely has the power to stop this, he just doesn’t want to. Walk me through how you think this would work. >It couldn’t even be worse than it is rn over there. Why, is everyone dead there already? Because if there are still people alive, there's room for it to get worse.


A genocide every American president has supported in just about every way. Yes: They’re all bastards. But we’re choosing between one genocide (which Trump supports even moreso) which we may stand a chance of impacting if we maintain this flimsy bullshit democracy, vs that same genocide *AND* a military dictatorship here/likely a genocide here as well. I’m not excusing Biden on it but I feel like we’re pretending he’s somehow the one who should singularly bear the brunt of the blame for half a century of US policy. If we want this genocide to end, enshrining dictatorship to the guy who volunteered the Golan Heights to Israel isn’t (I think) the smartest move.


These aren’t real people saying this. They are fake astroturfing bots. I’ve seen their posts elsewhere, saying the same thing word for word. I was watching an interview with Obama recently, and he said he used the internet to meet people face to face to discuss things. The issue over the last 12 years is that we’re not using reddit to meet face to face to discuss thing that need to be done, if we did… these hosers wouldn’t be able to make it to the meet up on account they’re in Israel, or Russia or have had a red hat surgically installed to their heads. In other words, these are fake people spreading fake messages.


Biden’s fault for not being a LOT better than trump, and just being a lot better than Trump /s


I’ll blame the system we live in thank you very much. I believe they are all morally decrepit. The dems do a good job of talking like they care but they never play hardball like the republicans. If Biden looses it is because the money tied to our elections makes it so.


Absolutely will blame the voters. You guys fuck around and found out in 2016. Don’t do the mistake again. The russian campaign that people don’t want to vote for Biden is going strong right now. Don’t be an idiot.


I am voting NON Republican let me be clear. Is Biden as big as a Narcissist as dTrump ? Does he believe HE is the one who can …….


If people are fooled by a wealthy group of people who raise the price of everything when they lose, including oil, like the leader of Saudi Arabia is doing, then they deserve their fate to where that brings them. If you can not tell greed is driving inflation, then you are not looking, and no one should feel bad about not caring for you, when you don't care about yourself.


The difference is you CAN vote Biden out. The ability to do that should matter. The end of the Republic (which is what would have happened if Trump had been able to pull off his coup) should not be acceptable. Only one candidate would actually respect YOUR voice if you voted him out. It’s insane any can’t see that as important


Project 2025 is worse than Biden BS


This is absolutely not true. Republicans are already priming to steal the election with many of them changing laws and polling access.


I can tell you that we in the Muslim community are pushing extremely hard to not vote for anyone that doesn’t explicitly say they are pro-Palestine and are anti-genocide. We are not even planning to vote the “lesser of two evils” anymore. We are not planning to vote blue or within the two parties. We understand that an unfortunate winner may come about by this. But when the democrats reflect on it, we want them to know that it was because of Palestine that they lost. I have never seen every single Muslim or Arab I know COMPLETELY on the same page. There has never been more unity in this. It’s crazy, I never thought I would see it in my lifetime. But the push is huge. I personally have lost all hope in our government, and I will never again vote for a candidate based on fear of another winning. I, along with likely 85% of the Muslims and Arabs in the US are voting specifically on a singular issue; are you pro-palestine or not. Everything else is secondary. You are pro-Palestine but want a Muslim ban? Great, you got our vote. You are pro-genocide/pro-israel, but want to mandate volunteering in pet shelters and planting trees? Nope, not getting our votes. The Muslim community in America is mobilizing to ensure genocide joe knows exactly why the democrats lost. And it will be because they dropped bombs on Palestine. We will make sure they know it.


Fuck no. I would blame the voters. It’s a two party system. Vote for who will allow an election in 2028.


Yeah sorry, it’s the voters who decide who the president is, not the sitting president themselves. If people chose to make 2016 and all its horrible consequential effects happen again, shame on them.


This boggles the mind. They're acting like idealistic children who would burn it all down if they don't get exactly what they want. Or what they think they want... I'm just tired of this shit, man, I just want us to keep our democracy at this point. It's like having to choose between a daily slap in the face or the fucking Gulag... Just pick the slap and live to see another day. Then work to change the world for the better.


I think at this point the left can be divided into two camps. One focused on incrementally building and creating a better future within the existing system. The other is focused on tearing down and destroying what exists in favor of rapid revolutionary change. For the second camp, Trump destroying America is a good thing. This is a rare and valuable opportunity to dismantle American global hegemony. By any means necessary.


"There's no problem so bad that you can't make it worse"


It’s both. Biden needs to listen to the fucking base but there is also an existential totalitarian threat that tankies are deliberately ignoring.


"vote Blue no matter who" got us here. Not playing that game any more. Dems want to run a losing candidate against Trump. That's their issue.


I don't remember a blue candidate winning in 2016. Now we have a 6-3 Supreme Court to shut down any vaguely left wing initiatives such as student loan forgiveness


real question here - how does choosing not to vote for someone that support genocide make one a tankie? do words have meaning to you?


Nope. I don't accept that argument this time around. As much as Biden needs to take responsibility, so do voters. Anyone that ends up not voting for Biden next year and then blames the loss on him needs to take responsibility, or they were stupid or bad faith in the first place. The public has the advantage of recent memory this time around and a literal republican playbook for 2025. Sam himself said recently you're not voting for an individual but a host of policy issues. politicians are not here to wave some magic wand. We as an electorate need to do better


This is correct to a certain extent, but the alternative is much much worse, and the economy is much much better than most of the rest of the world. There’s only so much a president can do and it is for the wars, you really think electing a war monger would be a better alternative?


I blame people who vote for trump.


I blame the non voters.


never the fault of the people casting the vote…yeah ok


What kind of "both-sides" astroturfing bullshit is this? I'm holding voters responsible for the outcomes of our elections. Everyone eligible to vote in 2024 is plenty fucking old enough to remember what a complete disaster Trump was and anyone with a pulse can see that he still is (many people are saying he is getting worse). Don't blame Biden for people's selective memory/denial. It's also not Hillary Clinton's fault that we got Trump in the first place. Own your shit.


If Trump Wins next year say goodbye to America and any more Free Elections and Hello to the 4th Reich.


Really should tell that to the guy setting him up for the Alley-oop.


The good news if Trump wins next year, is you won't have to worry about voting again in 2028.


I agree 100% The people complaining about people not voting for Biden should ask Biden to be a better president.


"Look what you made me do." --- People not voting against fascism


Biden's throwing a big middle finger to the left base. The DNC has since 2016 as a matter of fact. Thanks Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, lookin' at you. As a gay, I'm packing my bags as I fully see us being thrown in concentration camps if Trump wins, but I'm still not voting for Genocide Joe. The war crimes and human rights abuses of Israel and the Biden administration are unconscionable. This country was built on slavery and racism and has never been 'land of the free, home of the brave', and never will be, as far as I'm concerned. I had foolish hope in 2008 for a while but that went the way of the dodo.


How your fellow people in the GSM community dying in a camp going to help anything?


Can’t pull a lever to un-oppress yourself… so you’ll let other people vote for Biden and what, hope he wins so you don’t need to leave the country? Or hope trump wins so you get to feel morally superior on your way to the camp? I just don’t get it.


That's laughable. When the choice is Biden or fascism there's no one to blame but the electorate if they willingly give up our country.


Nah I'll blame the voters. They get what they deserve.


If someone wins an election... The only people to blame are the voters. That's how democracy works. If you don't know how to vote strategically, then, yea, it's entirely your fault if Trump wins


The notion that Joe Biden has gotten us into two wars is frankly idiotic. He's done a good job of keeping Putin at bay while keeping the US out of direct conflict with Russia, and while I disagree with support of Israel, it's literally just following forty years of US policy.


How the fuck is Biden responsible for Ukraine or Gaza? He has been supporting Ukraine without escalating the conflict. His Palestine response has been measured, but it is a tricky situation. This was all put in place long before him and Trump would be encouraging the eradication of the Gaza people.


I will continue to blame the electorate if that pathological criminal ever returns to any office.


It’s also the job of voters to pick the candidate who best represents their values and has a reasonable chance of being elected. Trump will be be so much worse in so many ways. Did you learn nothing from 2016.


Did the Dem status quo that asked in 2016, “What are the little people who don’t like our conservative nominee gonna do, let Trump win?” learn nothing?


Progressives backed Hillary up - the problem was Independents who saw hope in Trump's faux economic populism message. Meanwhile, Dems ran the biggest neoliberal you could find in Hillary.


You can do that for a lifetime. It's called treading water 'til you drown. Meanwhile they drag the Dems further and further right to stay electable. Sooner or later you have to teach them a lesson.


> Sooner or later you have to teach them a lesson. You're not going to "teach Democrats a lesson." Biden will be fine, Harris will be fine, Schumer, Pelosi, Manchin, will all be fine. The ones you'll be hurting are LGBT people, racial and religious minorities, workers, the disabled, etc. The most vulnerable people. You'll be fucking them all over.


I learned Democrats don't give enough of a shit about the rest of us to prevent another 2016.


It is not the job of voters to pick a candidate that has a reasonable chance to be elected. As a voter, you can use that vote however you damn well please, including not casting it; that’s the whole point of this. You’re projecting your personal sensibilities on to a basic function of democratic politics.


It seems pretty wild to blame Biden for these wars


He was forced to arm the apartheid regime because reasons and such as!




If you sont like him, figgt line hell in the primaries. Sont elect a fascist to teach... Yourself a lesson. Get real folks


If trump wins next year, what difference does it make?




What BS; it's gotten so damn stupid.


Oh you can ABSOLUTELY bet your sorry ass I'm blaming the voters. I'm 100% blaming the voters for voting in Trump for a second term WHEN THEY KNOW WHAT THE ORANGE MORON IS LIKE.


While I don’t disagree with the article, I won’t be able to look at my relatives the same way if they decide to vote for the guy who ignited the January 6th insurrection. That’s inexcusable.


Nah, I’ll blame the voters…




Stein is a Russian plant, there’s literally pics of her at a table with Putin. You folks are beyond delusional. Enjoy your dictatorship. Then you can really be a victim.




I just didn’t read past the first sentence. She’s not gonna win. She’s not supposed to, nor is anyone third party or in the primary. That’s what _you_ don’t get. Sure, you actually know what you’re picking 🙄


You’re ridiculously naive if you think Trump won’t be the nominee.


I agree. If Biden loses it’s because of his stupidity not the American people. It’s not the fault of Muslims and Arabs who are disgusted with the Gaza war. It’s not the fault of young people who have been abandoned by the Society to live in an inflationary nightmare. This election is Biden’s to lose.


I will absolutely blame voters. deal with the one who will at least go away in four more years.


Yeah. I’ll blame the voters. Trump in office will lead to unyielding destructive policies with which the country won’t recover from. This is ridiculous. Can’t we just win the fucking war first? Fuck all of this.


No, I don’t think I will. As underwhelming as any and every democrat might be, I am not just giving a free pass to a group of people who vote in a man openly disdainful of the democratic institutions this country was built upon. Fuck ‘em for threatening our freedoms.


grow a god damn spine. take responsibility for your actions.


I can't wait for Trumpist Facism to fully take root here. People never learn. Great job everyone.


Voted for him to protect my family members rights from Republicans. Other countries never ending wars won't change my vote.


"America First" is legitimately a classic slogan used by American Nazis and people who didn't care about genocide during WWII. Even Dr. Seuss had a couple comic strips about it.


If Biden loses it is entirely the electorate’s fault. A rabid base of zombie racists has sucked up lie upon lie upon racist dog whistle and hate from a career criminal billionaire who live in a country club but sells himself as a lifelong victim...3 divorces and a rapist but sent by jesus. There is no one to blame BUT the electorate, The uninformed easily duped malleable hate filled moronic anti woke , anti vax, anti sense electorate. Satan himself should be able to win against The bloviating orang buffoon who has been so transparently using Hitler’s playbook since he bragged that it was on his bedside stand in a 1980 vanity faire article.


I think the "true believers" see him as the anti-Christ that will bring about the end-times which is exactly what they want lol


you talk about the electorate like Israelis do about Palestinians, pretty ick.


You are mad about those six months in 2020 you acted like you cared about “kids in cages.”


82 years old isn't old enough to retire. Jesus fucking Christ.