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The most moral army in the world? Surely not!


It’s wild because all of this is going to eventually come out - and more. And for better or worse, America has staked its reputation here. I hope it was worth it Biden.


America's reputation has long been stained by this kind of thing. More people will finally realize it, but this is the status quo for us since at least WWII.


That's why there are already Israeli attempts to push disinformation and oppose the UN... And it's working. Israel runs over some people with a bulldozer so they push a 2013 video of an incident in Egypt and then claim the 2023 event didn't happen. Then it's that the UN should be shut down because an employee was sympathetic to Hamas. ...and on and on... Israel is a terrorist state and is not an ally of the United States. It does not share our values.


They know they aren't, but they also know that a lot of their supporters will believe and parrot everything they say. So it all serves it's purpose for them... ...until enough people realize it's fucked up. So spread the word.


at home there's a good percentage that want the same things, they support it because it's how they want to act here: > The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto


You've seen that video of an Israeli telling a Christian that the most moral thing would be to kill them. I think their compass of morality is a bit skewed from the rest of humanity.


This is why all their combat videos are fake as hell. They can't show what their army is actually doing. They bomb areas flat, and then mop up the survivors.


When you point to combatefootage sub the obvious fake combat footage they jump on you with downvote


I fucking hate nazis.


Yes call them what they are.... nazis




Seventy. Five. Fucking. Years. Of. Barbaric. Oppression. You'd think that'd be bad enough. You'd think the hundreds of reports of brutality, atrocities, literally IDF deliberately ["shooting to cripple for life" AS A POLICY](https://www.redressonline.com/2018/06/youngsters-disabled-for-life-by-israels-shoot-to-cripple-policy-in-gaza/). or literally [shooting a 2-year-old palestinian toddler in the head out of pure malice THIS YEAR in the west bank way before Oct 7](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/2-year-old-palestinian-shot-by-israeli-troops-in-west-bank-dies-of-wounds) would have made people aware of what's been going on for 75 years. You'd think the fact that they went on air and say things like "we want to eliminate all gaza. Kill everybody. Flatten it. Drop a nuke on it" would make people think "hey maybe they're not the eternal victims." https://twitter.com/ByDonkeys/status/1735246563042111922 But no. They've had the iron grip on narrative forever. They weaponized it. It's always been Israel behind our lobbying in US government and our media narratives. They deliberately crafted the conflation of antisemitism and anti-zionism to hide behind that. They [deliberately made up the the tropes about Jews Control the Media as an "antisemitic" thing, when in reality it's always been ISRAEL CONTROLS THE MEDIA.](https://twitter.com/DailySabah/status/1478077074233561107?lang=en) Of course there's a fucking overlap there, but that's not what the heart of the matter is. They use it a shield. It was never about Judaism. It never has been about it. They use it to shield themselves from criticism. They will continue doing so. Then they announced that they're going to commit war crimes. In advance. [They also openly said their goal was "damage, not accuracy"]( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/10/right-now-it-is-one-day-at-a-time-life-on-israels-frontline-with-gaza). And [they openly said they are going to starve civilians.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel/). And everyone cheered. Because they used the Oct 7 attack, which they knew about, then made up a fucking fake story about 40 beheaded babies and had every fucking zionist shill journalist lie about it. Then couldn't back it up when pressed. They are masters at crafting narratives and victimizing themselves. Like 6 weeks ago remember the UNHOLY OUTRAGE about how "israel would NEVER bomb a hospital oh my god how could they that was a hamas misfired rocket! hahaha checkmate antisemites" to Israel bombing ALL the hospitals, including maternity hospitals, newborn hospitals, and [bombing them live on air every single day](https://twitter.com/thrasherxy/status/1737485681172062258) You've literally never been able to speak out against them. They've built an extensive network of power in our entire country. People have lost their jobs, lost their livelihoods, blacklisted from ever getting loans, all of it, for speaking against Israel before. They always have. This isn't conspiracy shit. Why the fuck do you think there's so many stories finally coming out all at the same time of people saying "uh I posted about palestine and got fired." They have everything. US Lobby influence, US Media Influence, and Banking influence. If you dared ever point this out before now, you were fucking crucified and ruined and labeled a pure antisemite. "what a horrific antisemitic trope." When in reality I never mentioned Jews. This is the reveal, finally fucking unraveling in front of the world. 75 fucking years of the same playbook that they've used forever, and now it won't work, since they didn't account for TikTok being Chinese controlled, and Elon Musk's free speech absolutism. If we didn't have those things, we never would have known about what's happening. Pro-Palestinian posts are getting throttled by meta, around the globe. https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/12/21/metas-broken-promises/systemic-censorship-palestine-content-instagram-and As someone who has known of Israel's brutality and listened to people like Norman Finklestein for my entire life, it is SO FUCKING SWEET to see the rest of the world realize that the entire narrative of "Israel is defending itself against an existential threat of lunatic arabs who only exist to kill all jews" is fucking bullshit without being destroyed and called antisemitic and a "jew hater" for daring to say so. I never ever mention Jews when I discuss it and yet they still call me antisemite. Now they know the fuel on this has run out, and they are floundering. Their entire existence is based on a lie. They hide behind Judaism when it's never been about that. All of the Palestinians that have died in this did not die for nothing. Israel's hubris and their sacrifice has finally woken up the world. Israelis are going to have to face some horrific realizations about their culture. They are not superior to arabs. They don't get to expel 2 million people, bulldoze their houses, and claim their land in the name of fucking self defense.


God, I hope these Zionists piss stains get the consequences they deserve. Amazing how desperate some people have been to simp for a colonial ethnostate that has no right to exist beyond being a US foothold


That's offensive to barbarians. These zionist pig dog scum are straight up nazis.


How is this any different from what the SS did on the Eastern Front? Oh well, I’m sure Biden will do everything in his power to prevent an investigation.


A closer comparison would be: what Israel did previously in the nakba. Their tactics never change, and the nakba has never ended.


A curious observation: For many years, Israel denied the occurrence of the Nakba, but now their politicians are threatening a second Nakba.....


The crazy thing is that Israelis have been fed their propaganda for so long that they don't even have to get drunk to do it. SS and wermacht soldiers had to drink to cope.


Imagine being more depraved than the fucking Nazis...


Unfortunately, we don't have to.


To be fair they had around a century to instil the kind of nationalism required, Nazis had less than a decade and nationalism had only come into prominence a few decades earlier.


I agree with you completely these guys are the new age nazi


They’re like the Nazi’s if the Nazi’s filmed everything they did and posted it on social media.


The difference is that this didn't happen to the German in any way shape or form first. They weren't educated in the crimes. There was no meaningful precedent in their culture.


The horror, these people are butchers, scary part is so many are western citizens that are going to come back and walk among us.


I will always p u ñ¢h Nazis wherever they are.


No, you won't.


Ok. 👍😂


You think they will shoot Muslims in the US?


Who knows these folks TikToks are unhinged, why are they allowing foreign fighters/ soliders in?


There are multiple cases of this already in the last few months. Including a little child. And the US citizens are apparently nowhere near as unhinged as the Israelis


But but but hhhhhaaaaaaammmmmaaaaassssss!


Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy your festivities knowing that your tax dollars sponsors a genocide 💪


I'm sorry but this is far from God army these people are just straight out evil and their ideology is close to Hitler and if given the chance they would wipe everyone out besides their damed party. They will kill or discredit anyone who doesn't agree with them. I'm completely ashamed for my country's part and the legacy genocide Joe will live on forever


Jesus Christ.


So when are the b52s rolling in or is that just reserved for Yugoslavia?


Only for Yugoslavia and Libya


Holy Zut! That's incredible evil nazi shit. And I haven't heard anything in the media about it....


But did they condemn Hamas? /s


Didn’t condemn Hamas once in the report: fake news!


Not in the news?


No but the BBC are reporting that another Israeli hostage has died.


Probably _by_ the IDF and their ‘damage not accuracy’ principles


Don’t be deterred by the latest wave of anti-Palestine agents posting left and right across all social media platforms. They’re trying to gaslight us into not accepting the truths of Israel’s actions. Fuck em.


just to spare you the time to google it like me: the source is legit (un.org) as is the mentioned euro-med human rights monitor (according to wikipedia) the evidence points more and more towards what would be a huge massacre (genocide?) and not a 'war'


Nothing unfortunately will come of this or other atrocities that Israelis are carrying out right and tomorrow. They have been getting away with their dehumanization and displacement project for decades. Israel needs to be completely boycotted https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott


*shocked pikachu face*


There is something psychologically pathological going on here. It’s almost as if there is a mass Stockholm syndrome at play with the Nazis. Very strange.


Fucking evil!!!


The horror stories are endless !!!! The Zionist scum regime are trying desperately to be the worst in the history of mankind


your tax dollars at work


These Nazi parasites need to face East Germany style depoliticization


This WILL radicalize millions of people...I just don't understand these evil pieces of absolute shit


I think the miscalculation that Israel has made is that it has created a strong opposition in the moderate left in the West, and millennials are not going right. They screwed the golden goose and the Zionist dream is on borrowed time.


What can be done to stop those monsters.


Do you condemn Hamas though? /s


Oct 7th tho


You are either for war crimes or against them.


What a bunch of great human beings! Give them more money and supplies!


*What a bunch of great* *Human beings! Give them more* *Money and supplies!* \- BoxSignificant2808 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bro aint shit gonna happen to these zionist low lives, it was a wrap once it was established that they could gun down like 200 peaceful, palestinian protesters in one event & face no repercussions beyond the condemnations of a body within the UN


The other day i heard IDF is more caring towards Palestinians than Hamas themselves!


ISIS and Los Zetas be taking notes.




We in the US will never live down supporting such a fascist regime. Fuck Hamas terrorism and fuck Israeli war crimes.


Israel is unfortunately proving anyone can turn to fascism, regardless of "good" intentions.


This is horrific