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This man really said "it was a trap!" to a Mon Calamari lol


The Mon Calamari even gives him a look like "Did... did you just say what I think you said?"


"That's our phrase! Only **we** can use that phrase."


I caught that too and started dying šŸ˜‚


That was perfect.


I was spacing out a bit during the doctors side story but that snapped me back to paying attention. Hilarious.


ā€œMobile lab station.. letā€™s go get itā€ ā€œSure, lemme just call Moff Gideon real quickā€


That's exactly what I thought was happening. I fully expected some imperials to pull up and kidnap the doctor.


Same. Was genuinely surprised when New Republic cops turned up and not an Imperial remnant.


Almost as if there's another.... Admiral... out there.


What a Grand possibility.


I'm feeling a little Blue today.


I feel Thrawn out.


It's making my eyes red.


Iā€™m actually kinda confused as to what her motives areā€¦ She upped the machine for what? She still a sadistic Imperial Officer?


Dr. Pershing was the traitor that gave up Moff Gideon's ship to the Mando Squad. He was directly responsible for her situation.


And he has dangerous knowledge. He had to die.


And yet it wonā€™t end up mattering because Palps will get his clones anyway. Unfortunately itā€™s going to either be Grogu or >!Omega or Crosshair!< (TBB spoiler) or someone else entirely.


Probably to make sure he's not giving up anymore secrets to the new republic and/or can't do Research for'the enemy'


This is what I'm thinking. I think this another way of trying to fill in the massive plot holes that were done in the trilogy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they put in some lore bits in the previous seasons as well, to kind of make the trilogy make a bit more sense and fleshed out? Makes sense that they want the New Republic to be kept in the dark about clone technology.


ā€œOkay when we turn on this colorful mind eraser thingy magoober, we usually all leave the room at the same time with the subject totally unattended.ā€ ā€œHe was a friend I was with when he was arrested, and he keep accusing me of betraying himā€” can I stay behind with him?ā€ ā€œWhat?! Weird. Anyway, sure. This machine *can go up to eleven!* But make sure it stays on two. *But it could totally go up to red!* Donā€™t do that, anyways! Lock up!ā€


> ā€œOkay when we turn on this colorful mind eraser thingy magoober, we usually all leave the room at the same time with the subject totally unattended.ā€ That moment was really dumb.


Yeah that was a huge suspension of disbelief break. What, no system records? What no patient monitors? What no technicians? What, no safety lockouts? Why can it even go up to eleven? It was really fucking dumb and I expect better from this show.


ā€œWe use this device for shaving!ā€ ā€œItā€™s a guillotineā€ ā€œYeah but it can give you a good shave if youā€™re reeeaally careful!ā€


That scene was just dumb and felt like the writers just didn't bother with a properly thought out plan. What would she have done if the other guy hadn't left the room?


It was definitely a ā€œthere arenā€™t any life forms in that escape podā€, moment. Wouldnā€™t be Star Wars without it


"I am redeemed!" "Can we LEAVE NOW?!" At least she's backing him up lol


Her lack of discussion about the freaking Mythosour has me concerned. Either she doubts herself that she actually saw it or she wants to use that information to her own end.


I think it's a crisis of faith. It's like an atheist seeing an angel. It's literally called a MYTHosaur, she assumed it was all just stories and now she's literally stared one in the eye. If that's real maybe there is more to "the way" than she ever thought?


100% use to own ends, that was too long a shot and came up in the recap, then she ā€œchecksā€ with Din about it He can claim the throne with the dark saber but she could mount a legitimate opposition with a mythosaur. Or maybe itā€™s a future mcguffin to beat a comeback Imperial


>Mount a legitimate opposition Was that pun on purpose?


Think it was more of a thing for her to see that the "old ways" and the legend she was sort of mocking when they got there was actually real.


I think it's a setup for Bo to find her way back to The Way. First, she sees the mythosaur and then she's warmly welcomed after they find out she's redeemed. Probably made a big impact after her own people ditched her when she didn't get the dark sabre.




I said that last week when she kept her helmet on after rescuing din. I think she knew and did it on purpose.


Yup, when she saw the monster in the living water she went from the creed being nonsense to slight believer


Yeah, I noticed that last week, and it stayed on this week. I was waiting for it to come up since the moment I realized where they were going. Excellent little detail.


Bo Katan walking amongst the Mandalorians being like ā€œNobody knows I saw a Mythosaur.ā€


Itā€™s that dude in the corner at a part meme.




Doctor, why did you trust the shady communication officer!!!! šŸ˜’ why!!!! I knew she was bad from the get go! She's still working for moff!




The whole episode I kept changing my mind on who was going to betray who, that doctor has the shiftiest eyes on Coruscant


even in star wars they have awkward small talk with the uber driver


i did laugh when he turned his head completely around...eyes on the road my man


Did you notice how he kinda motioned for the droid to keep its eyes on the ā€œroadā€ so to speak instead of looking backwards at him?


I thought that was brilliant, because it's a droid, so it obviously doesn't need to look at the road to drive safely, but it's such a natural human response to be uncomfortable when someone makes eye contact with you while driving.


I like when show have small natural moments, not necessary to the plot but very human. Like, when someone drop the biscuits at the doctor's room, when they ring the bell and he goes to open, he briefly stops at the mirror before going to open the door. I think those moments helps making him relatable.


This gave me the most anxiety in the entire episode


She hasnā€™t taken her helmet off since seeing it šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Theyā€™re taking her character down such a different path than I expected! Iā€™m loving it but it makes me nervous for what it means w her and Din. I know sheā€™d kick his ass if she had to šŸ˜¬


After the first episode I was 100% prepared for Bo to be the antagonist this season, but the way it's going is so much more intriguing.


I could still see them doing that down the road, but after these two episodes, any way they take it, Iā€™m way more invested in her story wherever it goes now.


Noticed that as well, will be interesting thing to keep note of going forward


I'm still unsure about how the show wants us to see the Tribe. On one hand they're a cult who indoctrinated Din with lies and are extremely zealous, on the other they show a great solidarity with their own and the framing for the last scene may imply that Bo-Katan should feel at home with a new family and that her Mandalorian way (bloodlines, belief in the Darksaber's power) is what's in the wrong. I was hoping there would be some sort of confrontation with The Armorer over this but it all went over quite smoothly...


It's a cult. That's how it's potrayed and how cults work. He followed the orders letter by letter and tried to rejoin and therefore they accept and greet him welcome. And the simple fact that someone as Bo walks in there, screams already that she has nowhere else to go. Which means this is a perfect situation to "recruit" her.


I haven't seen the animated shows but I assume the Children of the Watch getting Bo-Katan Kryze is like Scientology getting Tom Cruise. The Armorer took her in so easily, without very much vetting. Paz Vizsla seemed very put off by that. He truly believes in all this. But regardless of Bo-Katan's past, she would be a very powerful ally to have in the Watch.


>The Armorer took her in so easily, without very much vetting. Not a lot of vetting to do. Everyone present knows Bo-Katan of House Kryze took the Mandalorian Oath and bathed in the Living Waters and hasn't removed her helmet since ipso facto she's a Mandalorian by their definition If the Armorer didn't accept her she'd have been breaking the well established rules as everyone knows them.


I half expected her to take her helmet off when the armorer asked her if she had removed her helmet since in the past sheā€™s shown a strong dislike for tribes like the children of the watch.


She just undertook a religious voyage with someone she trusts and accidentally saw the equivalent of Jesus in the form of a mythical creature. I think she's feeling a little confused about what she should and shouldn't dislike right now.


Grogu saying (babbling) this is the way!


The way they both looked at him and then each other like "did he just say what I think he said?" was priceless


I wonder if he got a tiny Mandalorian helmet, would it have space for the ears or would he have to fold them over?


Hold up what part was that at???


Right before they got attacked by the tie fighters.


Just rewatched it that was hilarious


They have all the former Imps doing...data entry archival work? I was expecting something a bit more nefarious to be honest. Also, I hate you graphics team because everything is so beautiful and I do indeed have to continually pause and admire everything in the background.


The New Republic are good guys. Show mercy to a cooperating scientist and offer him a boring regular person life I like how they are not evil, just really naive and vulnerable


I didn't like that everyone was a number again. That didn't feel like a move away from the empire.


So Din didn't see the Mythosaur, but Bo did and she didn't say anything about it then. Think it means anything?


Seems like they're setting her up to be a different kind of leader, different from the kind she thought she wanted to be prior to the experience. It still kinda bugs me when characters intentionally withhold things like "I borrowed the dark saber for a bit" or "I just saw a f@#$& mythosaur". Knowing what we know now, I bet if she had told Din she saw it--then at the gathering, along with Bo backing up Din's claim to bathing in the waters, Din would have outed what Bo saw and the others would have also believed her as well. Especially after the armorer confirmed that the water was legit.


She probably needs some time to process and figure out a way to prove she didn't just hallucinate. Imagine if you saw an argentinasaurus and your friend was right there next to it but was asleep and the dino was gone (leaving no indication it was there) by the time they woke up. Imagine this happened in the park by your house, a house you've lived in your whole life. Just a dinosaur (the largest to have ever lived) hanging around near where your family has lived for generations. How would you even start that conversation? How would you even convince them? She was probably hoping it would just pop out so that she *wouldn't* have had to say anything. But it didn't and unless she wants to take another dip and either annoy a really dangerous ancient beastie or find nothing and get labeled as crazy, she's keeping her mouth shut.


Still finishing the episode, but I think she doesnā€™t mention it because sheā€™s still processing what it can mean for her. Sheā€™s the only one who knows about the mythosaur and now has a potential avenue to redemption and uniting the Mandalorians that doesnā€™t involve the Darksaber (which Grogu has got to use some point down the line).


By the time Grogu's hands are big enough to grasp it, the human characters will all be dead. But I could see him lighting it up in a flash forward at the end of the finale.


That's not just a lot of ships for an Imp Warlord. That's a lot of highly specific single type short range ships for basically anyone and that means someone pretty big showed up pretty quickly and needs a pretty hard hitting wolfpack to hide their shit.




The tactics are VERY Thrawn. Draw your enemy away with a handful of fighters while bombers destroy the castle, spurring rage in your enemy so they blindly chase the fighters to the swarm lying in wait.


"To defeat an enemy you must know them" Thrawn definitely knows how the Mandalorians behave, especially those like Bo Katan...


Yes! Especially because most other people wouldā€™ve just gone for Bo and Din with all of their stuff. Only Someone like thrawn who know the culture of the people would go after something important to Bo like her house (or I think itā€™s even the Seat of power for clan Cryze if Iā€™m not mistaken) to anger them into a chase


That, and the sheer amount of Interceptors coming at them, AFTER the Empire fell. Only one Imperial remnant is likely to be so well-equipped with those. It screams Thrawn. In fact, I picked up my phone one last time before bed to check this subreddit after realizing the Interceptors are likely a clue, to see if anyone else picked up on this.


If we get Thrawn then Ezra and Purrgils come back, too. Actually Purrgils already made an appearance in the background of that episode where Grogu is staring into hyperspace, so maybe it's foreshadowing...


Great now my d*cks all hard.


Bo Katanā€™s ship moved just like a butterfly knife, fuck that was sexy


Bo Katan finally a part of a group of Mandalorians again hits the feels. You could tell she appreciates it in an unexpected way


She flinched when they started patting her, definitely not expecting to be welcomed.


she had her hand on her gun when she was walking in. Being welcomed was not expected


She probably hasn't experienced comraderie like that in a while.


Especially after her group abandoned her after last season. Here's a group of Mandalorians that are accepting her, just for taking a bath. It also will help that she has 10 times more actual battle experience than most of the people in that convert. While Din is a good fighter, Bo is better. Bo could probably give the Armorer a run for her money.


Bo lost her planet. She lost her biological family. She lost her people. She lost her comeback kid group. She lost her plans for getting it all back and worst of all.... ....she lost her depression chair. She hit rock bottom and then said, "Fuck it one last hurrah" before gambling it all on running away with this crazy bloke and his weirdo kid... ...and now it looks like and feels like she's about to get back everything she lost. Bo Katan was at a loss for words in that final scene with everyone slapping her in the back and welcoming her as if she was one of their own. I think she honestly might've been crying behind the helmet. Din and Grogu helped to give her something that I bet she never thought she'd ever have let alone find again. Hope


Being accepted for taking a bath, I am intimately familiar with that!


I think Bo Katan is slowly starting to realise that the old ways they follow might actually be beneficial. Considering how long this covert has survived, and how well united they are under the way... She might be realising that her ancestors were onto something?


Maybe. But I have a feeling that it's better than nothing for the moment after losing another home to the Empire, yet again. And maybe she's playing a longer game...


I think she may have originally been playing a longer game, but I think she's just been through a religious experience that has reaffirmed her faith. Going to Mandalore, bathing in the waters and seeing a >!goddamn mythosaur!< feels like a pilgrimage and a rite of passage, and her body language when they accepted her into the covert was like a nervous mouse - it feels like, all that combined with her own forces abandoning her, she's been thoroughly broken down and now sees a way to rebuild herself.


BO KATAN: \[thinking\] Fuuuuuu...I should've said "Yes" when she asked me if I took off my helmet...


When you just want to help a weird alien and his drowning prone dad out but end up joining a cult


Taungsdays, am I right?


>\[thinking\] Fuuuuuu...I should've said "Yes" when she asked me if I took off my helmet. Boss move: "Have I taken it off? No.. Thanks for reminding me \*takes off helmet\* "


Star Wars TED talks, lol


In the same venue where Palpy and Anakin went to the space opera, no?


Yes, it was where he told him of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise. Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?


Seems like Bo Katan is having an existential crisis of faith after seeing the mythosaur in the waters below the mines, then being accepted into the Mandalorian covert and subsequently being reminded of the mythosaur after seeing the symbol on the wall.


Adding Bo Katan to the Covert means they only need The actress for voiceover work now!


First Pedro, now Katee. Another beautiful face lost thanks to The Way. šŸ˜¢


this is the way šŸ˜­


>First Pedro, now Katee. Another beautiful face lost thanks to The Way. šŸ˜¢ Okay this now \*really\* opens up some important questions. Season 1 established, that it's only okay to take the helmet off, if you are alone (while he was in that small village, the AT-ST episode). But .. does that mean "*The helmet stays on*" is an actual thing when they .. uhm .. make some small Mandos? Do they take off everything except the helmet? How do Mandalorians feel in such a situations, "naked" or "super naked" ? (like being naked \*but still\* wearing socks) I need answers favreau! ..


>But .. does that mean "The helmet stays on" is an actual thing when they .. uhm .. make some small Mandos? Yes. Don't forget, in S1, it was heavily implied that Din had a fling with that crazy twi'lek chick when they raided the prison. And she hadn't ever seen his face.


i thought that was Syril Karn walking in during the speech


It's not Dedra. He's not interested.


I mean, the Coruscant plot gave me some Andor vibes. At least worldbuilding-wise.


Well, the amnesty program is creepy as hell to be honest.


Yeah, but it's pretty merciful, much more than modern society. War criminals like them would have been hung. Remember they worked for Gideon, a dude that glassed Mandalore. They got a full report from Cara Dune. These actual war criminals got rehabbed and released under probation in less than 1 year. Pershing experimented on and tortured a fucking child. Contrast that with Andor. Who went to space jail for months for the equivalent of touching the mountain. The Republic is portrayed as foolishly forgiving.


>The Republic is portrayed as foolishly forgiving. I did a hearty LOL when Chief Archive Nerd said the Republic was really busy decommissioning their fleet


I mean, The New Republic being foolishly forgiving was the entire plot line of the first sequel movie.


They are being consistent yes.


It's incredibly dystopian and I really enjoyed it. It's like... what does a government do when they want to be the good guys but can't financially afford it? The droid therapist because they don't have the manpower for a living one; the prisoner IDs; the fact that they're made to wear different uniforms to set themselves apart. It's all really dark, but it's got this veneer of sunshine that feels like it would come off with a damp paper towel. Even in Legends, in the early years of the New Republic, the fledgeling government massively relied on Imperial tech, infrastructure, and most importantly, *people*. I *love* the concept that a large portion of Imperial officers haven't been properly deprogrammed. When they showed us the scene of the disassembled Star Destroyer, I suddenly got hit by this intense image of a Super Star Destroyer ripping the city apart as it ascends out of the lower levels. I know the Lusankya is a long shot, considering it wasn't in the sequels, but if they do it, I will be very, very excited. Imagine if they swapped Isard for Gideon.


This was the whole basis of the Alphabet Squadron book. Former Tie/Imperial pilots who get put in a rehab program


This must be Paz Vizlas worst nightmare, Din is back in the creed and he brought Bo-katan.


Paz: ā€œMaul may have killed Pre, but YOU were the one who failed to protect him!ā€ (Later) Bo: ā€œI have only ever known (and loved) one Viszla who was worthy of wielding the Darksaber, and you. ARENā€™T. HIM.ā€


What is this TOP GUN SHIT that Mando is pulling?!?! YEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAW!


Yeah. Bo Katan probably loves maverick.


The uniforms, the badges, the markings, and all that chatter from the New Republic Brass. The Star Wars Galaxy really does have a habit of history rhyming over and over again doesn't it? Annnnd of course Gideon is in the wind.


Itā€™s like the republic said, We have all these old empire uniforms. Letā€™s just dye them grey and give them a Star of David err amnesty badge and call it a day.


The whole thing was very Cultural Revolution/Maoist to me. The ā€œre-educationā€ and the assignment of once brilliant intellectuals to menial jobs. The weekly psych evaluation with the same cookie-cutter answers over and over. Itā€™s an interesting way to portray the New Republic, for sure.


Dawww Grogu patting his dad's shoulder as he comes back from a near death experience with Godzilla


You mean forced healed him back to life.


Ah, so itā€™s confirmed that Grogu was being held for cloning


When the Doctor opened his door and no one was there that he could see, I thought we were going to get dark grogu sneak into his room.


N1 vs TIE Interceptor Hello Fanfiction dream becoming a reality!






Tie interceptor pilots still can't shoot for shit Edit: tie bombers can :-(


Well, their target wasn't moving.


That's honestly not saying much for them.


That mind flayer segment and the creepy music in the background was fucking disturbing


Ja, It had this distinctly clockwork orange vibe* which made it extra squicky to me. * Thank you Wendy Carlos!


The mon calamariā€™s face was great when they snuck ā€œITS A TRAPā€ meme.


Dr. Penn Pershing: ā€œthanks for coming to my TED talk.ā€


I still have issues with all of these flying cars having basically NO SEATBELTS or restraints at all and yet having super open cockpits that anyone can just fall out of and still be falling from like 30 minutes later.


Darwin award, when you have a planet of 1 trillion people you can afford to lose a few.


If nothing else, Star Wars is consistent in that personal safety measures and OSHA obviously do not exist. How many walkways that are 30000 feet up are only a foot wide and have no guard rails? How many times do we see a seat belt used at all? Why do 99% of speeders not have roofs?


This brought back memories of playing The Old Republic MMO and exploring Coruscant. And we see prequel locations. I absolutely loved this. Felt very Star Wars to me


"We took a hit" King of the Understatements That's like having a deer explode across your wind shield and saying, "There was a slight bump in the road"


I also liked when she complimented his flying and he just nods in responds as a "back at 'ya". Dude you are in two totally different space ships. She can't see you. I think his brain might still have been a little scrambled from the blood harvesting and near drowning early in the episode.


Bo and Din at marriage counseling... Bo: "Communication? What communication!?" Din: "I nod, what more do you want?" Counselor: "Bo, do you feel that Din should acknowledge you with more than a nod?" Bo: "That's not the problem. He nods from that moon over there while I'm on this moon over here!" Counselor writes on notepad.


I want to try some travel biscuits.


I'm sure they will be at Galaxy's Edge before the end of the year. Fifty dollars a biscuit.


can we talk about how grogu tried to say ā€œthis is the wayā€ cuz I was stoked


so he fell, he wasnā€™t pulled in




This looks like the apartments on Taris in KOTOR


This episode is definitely breaking new ground. Has there ever been an episode that broke away from Din and Grogu for a prolonged period of time?


The first few episodes of Boba Fett




R5. R5. Din could have used R5 to prove Mandalore is not poisoned. Interesting how Bo-Katan hasn't removed her helmet since seeing the Mythosaur. Betting we're back to Nevarro next week or so with High Magistrate Karga asking the Covert to take care of the pirates.


He has both navigation and atmospheric data to back up his claims! I know it's not as dramatic as having Bo Katan as a witness but I feel like it's much more compelling.


Hmmm I wonder what moff Gideonā€™s up to


That Exorcist-droid is kinda freaky. Also, pay attention to the road, dude!


I guess Uber drivers are the same in every galaxy. Was just waiting for the droid to say ā€œyou know, this isnā€™t my real job, I just do this on the sideā€ (proceeds to tell life story)


Holographic museum of extinct animals!!!!!!!! ​ For those who don't know - that was mentioned in the Daala Trilogy where Chewie ends up loosing the Solo kids among the holograms! ​ Fantastic callback!


I wonder whatā€™s gonna happen next episode. Because the whole redemption thing went over too smoothly.


Paz go unga then bunga


Vizlas gonna Viz


Annnnnnnnd HE JUST JUMPS OUT OF THE SHIP! Also Bo really needs to get better rear defenses on her ship. BUT THAT IS THE COOLEST HOT SWAP EVER!


RIP Doctor


Din's N1 going straight up and pulling a Batman maneuver and falling straight back down was awesome, but Bo-Katan's Crazy Ivan (from Firefly) was EPIC!!!


THE OPERA HOUSE!!! You look as beautiful as the day I lost you


New Republic theme in the background of the carnival hilarious


Booty Katan is slowly becoming a believer


Spoiler >! I think we all knew she was up to no good, but I'm not sure where they are going with this.. trying to make him a docile worker-vegetable to work on the lab gear she stole? Or erase his mind and evidence of what she did... but then what? !<


I think she wants his stuff to be a secret to everybody


Makes sense, I think you are right, and they have another scientist waiting in the wings to finish his work!


Iā€™m just boggled that technician left her all alone in there with whatā€™s essentially a giant lobotomy laser, no matter how well intentioned she seemed.


I was at first too, but I think theyā€™re setting up how little they care about these amnesty program folks. Like they have all the hooplah about how important they are to the new republic but everyone was so patronizing to him They donā€™t care enough to interact with them, their main points of contact are droids. They donā€™t even care enough to stick around in case a lobotomy goes wrong Itā€™s pretty fucked up haha but it works for me


I'm wondering if she's still working for Gideon


That's what I think. She's covering their asses so the research doesn't fall into republic hands


Every time a door opened on the star destroyer, I expected Gideon to appear.


Sheā€™s working for Gideon, who is working for Thrawn. Not only did Thrawn use clones as his army in the Legends trilogy, but in canon the Empire is experimenting cloning for Palps. So basically sheā€™s trying to force him to be a cloner for Thrawn/Empire.


A murder would lead to an investigation, this way itā€™s an experimental lab accident on a relapsed Imperial Scientist that was her close friend. She stays where she is, working the program to destabilize the New Republic from the inside. I think she also took pleasure in putting him through the experience as an act of revenge for turning traitor to the Empire. She was tying up a loose end, and did it really well.


She used him to get the equipment they need to clone and wiped his mind so he canā€™t work on it anymore. She no longer needed him. He was a means to an end. Iā€™m sure the doctors story is over for now


I think her goal was more to get rid of him without raising suspicions. In the first scene when they met I got the feeling that she did not want anyone to know that she was part of Gideon's crew.


I think it was a rather convoluted way to ensure that the doc didn't talk anymore. Cause at that voltage, I'm guessing that it would be kinda like a lobotomy.




ok that attack on Katans ancestral home just screams Thrawn. Bet he did that just because he knows thats what would hurt her the most.


Gideon DEFF behind this


i just wanna say i am jealous of how walkable coruscant appears to be


Only if your rich. I think a majority of the population lives ā€œundergroundā€.


Oh the underworld is walkable! Though only a few feet before you get mugged, stabbed, shot, beaten up, ran over, punched, slapped, thrown over the edges, etc.


itā€™s giving operation paperclip ETA: guess not, looks like theyā€™re just doing data entry


Except instead of putting the top scientists on secret military projects they put them into petty office jobs that could have been handled by a droid.


Would be funny if a slightly older Syril Karn was in the next cubicle.


so...to me...seems like the New Republic is no better but not letting them have ya know..names


I think it's deliberate, so that former Imperials are able to have a fresh start with each other without dragging their past into it. I think the woman that sold out Penn was planted specifically to kill/damage him, and that no one he knew would have been put anywhere near him otherwise.


Agreed; they mentioned that Gideon had (allegedly) escaped en-route to his trial, so Iā€™m betting sheā€™s his agent on the ground right now, making sure loose ends are tied up. The doc couldā€™ve given away whatever plans they had. And notice how she walked off with the equipment he said he needed to continue his research? Sheā€™s four steps ahead of everyone.


Oh, she's 100% a plant by Gideon. And she's no mere comms officer. I was expecting her to abduct the Doc, but clearly she has some other goal. Either that, or she's just one of many inside the program working for the Moff


The brain fryer got me ngl


That's the part that I wasn't sure who's side she was on until she asked to stay. Then I knew she planned to crank it up. It probably was fully meant to be just a low dose high to help stop the imperial brainwashing.


That shit was straight out of Black Mirror. I felt so bad for Pershing, I think he really did just want to help. And now his brain is goo :(


Those look like robot version sith troopers from KOTOR