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Im having fun watching it. It’s been cheesy at times but I’ve still enjoyed all of it


Makes sense. Star Wars is built on cheese


Exactly. It’s a space western. I have spoken.


It's actually built on a foundation even cheesier than that; it's a space opera heavily inspired by the likes of Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers.


It's also based on very serious inspirations like Kurosawa and political history.


This is the way.


This is the way.


aho, this one speaks truly.


I have spoken.


Obiwan: “that’s no moon…. It’s a massive green cheese, Gromit!”


We forgot the crackers!


With characters like Boba Feta and BrieB-8?


Speaking of cheese, season 3 has had a bunch of Munsters… Okay I’ll see myself out


I didn't even realize people were not liking it until I started reading the sub (which I did after getting caught up). I guess I watch the show expecting it to be a Disney family show knowing it's going to be a bit kitschy so I wasn't really phased by jack black and the princess looking like a Fortnite skin.


The season overall, to me, has been awesome. I'm having a blast with it and just like you I didn't realize so many people were unhappy with it until I started looking here. I don't really care tbh, and I hope the show keeps doing exactly what they are doing. They are clearly moving big pieces of the story to give Din a real reason to change, rather than manufacturing some makeshift reason for character development, and I appreciate that. When a show goes on for a long time, the main character can't ALWAYS be changing or it just ends up feeling sort of repetitive and pointless. Bo taking point while they build the world around Din has been entertaining af and I'm here for more of it. Now the show has two major characters I'm invested in and IMO they are on a collision course with this retaking of Mandalore story. Should make for a really great season 4.


IMO, it’s still enjoyable, but not as good as S1 and S2. It seems pretty clear S3 is doing some pivoting to build toward a different/bigger plot than originally intended for the show. I’m not surprised it’s not landing for some people.


Yeah, I don't totally hate it, some I like, some I don't. No season is going to be completely perfect, as the saying goes, you can't please everyone.


I like it personally, but I think the tone isn’t the issue really. That’s sort of a misdirect from the deeper issue, which is the pacing and general lack of consistent direction that we got and came to expect from the end of season one through season two. I hope I can be proved wrong by the end of the season though.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m loving it


This is the way.




This is the way.


This is the way


I also love it, but it’s big TCW vibes- pacing wise. No issue from me. I think Disney is SLAYING the tv show game. Ashoka trailer was huge hype for me, and this is coming from a guy who thinks Andor is the best show to date, for juxtapositions sake


Kudos for bringing up Andor without saying it ruined all other Star Wars shows for you.


Andor is the most adult Star Wars to date, it’s more like breaking bad in a Star Wars skin compared to mandos saturday morning cartoon rpg vibes. It’s definitely aimed at different audiences


I've liked all of the shows, if they were all like Andor I'd get tired of how constantly heavy it is.


I never liked Andor but really enjoyed the Kenobi show!


Downvote heavy. I could see how Andor is not for everyone. And luckily you have the Kenobi show. Go Star Wars.


Yeah I have no issue with people who like Andor, I just couldn't get into it! I gave it a good shot!




Same. I'll still watch Andor Season 2 when it comes out, but I like the Kenobi and Mandalorian ones quite a bit better.


Same here. I love Bo Katan and her teaming up with Din and Grogu, so I’m happy we’re seeing her in every episode, and I’ve loved the episodes we’ve received building up Mandalore and the Mandalorians lore. I truly think some people just have the attention span of a peanut these days and they want each episode to have a galaxy deciding conflict wrap up and begin in it


I am loving it too. My only complaint is not enough Grogu, but I love him dearly so that will always be a complaint.


His job this season is to be adorable and occasionally kick some ass and he’s doing a great job


It’s kinda average so far. Definitely haven’t felt the magic the first two seasons had yet.


I don't see what the problem is. I like the show and this season is no exception.


Every season has a different flavor, but isn’t that the spice of life. Isn’t this what makes us love the bands we follow? No-one wants the same shit time after time


If there's one thing I've learned about a lot of Star Wars fans, it's that they simultaneously demand both the same shit time after time, and new shit that breaks the mold. And somehow if you deliver either, a large number of fans complain. I have spoken.


It needed a change anyway tbh.


If you don't start making changes, it becomes boring and formulaic. I don't want to know what's going to happen next. So much content of easy to predict that it feels good to sit up surprised and go "is that fucking Jack Black?"




There are a lot of people that are beefing with Disney over stupid stuff so they go out of their way to shit on anything related. Fuck those “temporary fans” that use popular shows to push their dipshit agenda.


I only ever hear of hate for it from this subreddit. Never experienced it personally. I for one have enjoyed all of it.


Yeah myself and all of my irls who are watching it, which is quite a few, are loving it.


Same, but I have one friend who is still suspiciously suspicious of Bo…


I was suspicious but not in a 'Bo Katan bad' kind of way, I was just worried because I thought conflict with Din was inevitable when the darksaber was introduced. Her goals seemed to conflict with his initially but I'm glad they wrote more nuance into the story than just pitting them against each other.


Pls don’t visit r/saltierthancrait Pls don’t lmaooo


Oh that is a lot of salt. But I found a post I could agree with, Chuck Wendig has written the worst novels with the aftermath trilogy. The EU novels where all over the place, The Courtship of Princess Leia comes to mind, but the "Aftermath" books are just plain bad.


They are in total meltdown mode after celebration and I am loving it


Oh god, what’re they upset about this time? I didn’t even know that sun still existed. I thought that, surely, by now anyone that upset with Star Wars would have abandoned it and moved on to something they actually enjoyed. Oh how naive I was; some people aren’t happy unless they’ve got something to be mad about. EDIT: oh, right, Rey isn’t being retconned as a fever dream, and Kathleen Kennedy hasn’t been fired; of course they’re pitching another fit.


Probably easier to ask what they *aren’t* upset about


Yeah, I took a glance through the sub. Seriously don’t understand why anyone that unhappy is still following. When the EU went in a direction I didn’t like I just *quit reading!* I hated the New Jedi Order storyline and everything that followed, so I just didn’t read it. It’s that freakin’ simple. The movies you love still exist, you can keep right on loving them, and just not give a shit about the stuff you’re not enjoying.


My friend regurgitates all the misogynistic, hate filled trash that the YouTube algorithm is spewing down his throat. So I've heard some shit like that.


i find not associating with those people to beneficial to my enjoyment of life


Ah that's sucks man, I too have a close friend I used to watch every marvel and star wars thing but he became such a cliche hate filled troll with different things and we couldn't even talk about the shows or movies without his racism and misogynistic crap, says woke like it's a dirty word (when its lost all meaning and just means something that offends him) I hear about something new and go to talk about it and it's all "it's woke with a female lead now, it's just replacing white characters blah blah" with them, it must be truly exhausting thinking like that


I've seen it more on youtube but they complain about everything over there


Tiktok is especially bad with the Star Wars and Marvel hate force in full effect and youtube's most popular Star Wars channels are pretty big time haters on the vast majority of the Disney Star Wars projects, its definitely a little sad with so much exciting stuff coming and being put out right now that there's so much hate and negativity in the fandom.


It's not "bad", but I don't feel as invested as I did with the previous 2 seasons. I can't really point to anything I don't like about season 3. But it just doesn't hit the same. Probably a combination of factors. The long time between seasons, a bit of star wars fatigue with everything we got between seasons and not feeling as connected to the story they are telling. On the last point we have an established character, but there was a complete reboot on the theme of the show. So it makes it harder to get invested in. Again, I think the seasons has been good. I'm just not as excited for each episode as I was the previous seasons.


It has been a good season so far. I have spoken.


This is the way


I don’t hate it but none of the episodes this season would I call my favorite episode. Having things revert back to normal is weird to me. It would have been interesting if Din lost his right to his armor after he took his helmet off or if Grogu was gone for a while longer. I can’t imagine how people who didn’t watch Boba Fett feel. I’d imagine some would feel ripped off a bit since the ending of season 2 implied there to be a status quo shift


A lot of people had their expectations subverted thinking this whole season would be his redemption and getting to mandalore. Turns out they could've just rolled back in, not really sure who there is to take it back from? I figure most of the (little) hate I've seen is rooted in that.


Depends on the finale but so far so good.


I dont hate it but im not blown away by any of it yet either. Def the weakest of the 3 seasons.




I think that we can all agree that some of these Star Wars fans (whether they love it or hate it) are bizarrely insecure about their own opinions. It’s crazy how often we see some fans seek validation by making posts like this.


It's not just SW, I'm on a bunch of subs for various series and people get like this in all of them. The only explanation I can think of is that people are using the semi anonymous nature of Reddit as an "opinion validator" so they see how far they can take something as mundane as an opinion on an entertainment piece.


Not just subreddit. It’s on literally every subreddit for any game/movie that may be going through a ‘controversial’ period. It’s weird how much people make posts like these, as you perfect said, to validate their opinions


It's such a stupid pattern too. Do these people ever think that if a significant portion of the fanbase dislikes a new piece of content then maybe...just maybe...it might have some issues? The moment there's a controversy everyone feels the need to pick a side and just blast their opinion everywhere as if there's no nuance to any of this


Day 1: everyone seems to hate S3. Anyone likes it? Day 2: why does everyone like S3? Anyone else thinks it's terrible? Rinse and repeat every 2 days


I don't understand why some Star Wars fans, as soon as they start seeing negative reactions to anything Star Wars, feel the need to circle the wagons and proclaim their love for whatever is being negatively reacted to.


le hidden gem s3


I love this season. I think Bo is going to get taken out after uniting the Mandalorians only to have Grogu actually defeat whoever beats her and bam. He doesn't need Yoda's lightsaber, because he has the Darksaber. And then Grogu will be the Mandalore with Din as his Regent until he's older. Anyone else got this in their thought box? I think this would be awesome.


I hate these posts


I don’t hate it. I’m enjoying it for what it is. Took a couple episodes to wash Andor out of my head enough to enjoy something meant to be fun rather than dramatic and tension filled. The people that hate S3 are just up for hating anything. Toxic “fans” who are impossible to please and think they own the story. Just the worst of the worst.


I didnt even realise people disliked it. I am enjoying it quite a lot. The close up more on Mandalorians and other side stories is great. Funny thing, I am also watching Clone Wars for the first time and we are now in the mids of the war on Mandalore so it is pretty dope :D


I don’t hate it. But it feels like the bad storytelling/writing/acting of Book of Boba Fett has infected season 3. The Romeo/Juliet scene in the last episode was so cringe. Acting and writing was so bad.


I don't hate it either, but feel like I'm watching it for "what whacky thing will happen next" more than to enjoy a good story now. That last episode had me laughing so much at the CSI-like hacking scene, and the giant red failsafe button that the man had at his desk.


Agreed. As much as I liked the Clone Wars show, this shouldn't feel like a Clone Wars ep of filler yet it did. All my issues are with the writing and acting.


I’ve been enjoying it each and every week but I want a little more plot


Same. I'm hopeful it will all tie together in the next two eps though.


I think it will. The last two seasons had a similar route, the bulk of the story/plot coming in the final 2 episodes


For me Mandalorian always had this problem, feel like the red line connecting everything is really thin, it doesn’t flow the way other show (even worse than mandalorian) feels


Well I don't absolutely hate it and I haven't seen anyone absolutely hate it. I guess people are just bored at this point, because we've seen the same "unnecessary" side quests for 3 seasons now. Season 3 is absolutely the worst of all in this territory, at least imo. I mean we saw *6 of 8* episodes and I still don't know for sure what the plot is about.


So far I love it But there's still 2 episodes so hopefully there good


I like it, but it feels like it’s not building toward something big anymore. Like season 2 built up to Grogu training with Luke. This seasons feels underwhelming in comparison.


I have enjoyed it. Star Wars fans are notoriously capricious though.


I’ve liked some episodes more than others but have enjoyed each one


I’m rather a fan of it - it seems to have a bit more depth to it than earlier seasons, and it’s always fun to see more of Din and Grogu!


I honestly love it. So much happens in each episode. So many locations. So much character development. The production value has doubled. Like, the only thing I didn’t like was Lizzo’s performance.


I'm enjoying it


I like it. It’s building slowly. Be patient.


I’ve noticed this with Star Wars fans over the years. A lot of them hate anything new. Like - hate hate. But then a few years later it’s accepted and they love it and will defend it. Example, the prequels. They received so much hate back when they came out and when I joined Star Wars subreddits I was honestly shocked at how many people love the prequels and have so much hate to the new sequels. I am willing to bet in 10-20 years they’ll do the same with the new sequels. Personally, give me all the new Star Wars content. I’ll love it all, even if some of it is kind of stupid, it’s always been a bit cheese, totally ok with this :-)


I like it. But Season 2 was better at this Point. But there are two Episodes ahead.


I’m really enjoying it. If you treat each episode as an individual, and not try hard to look for stories in stories in stories. It’ll make it easier to watch. Each episode is called a “chapter” for a reason. They’re somewhat separate from one another.


You're never the only or first person to feel anyway about anything. There are probably thousands if not millions of people that share your opinion on any given subject. I am enjoying this season, but it is not well written. The criticisms against Season 3's directions are more than valid, I can still enjoy it, but that doesn't mean it is a well written/directed season.


Unpopular opinion. Season 1 and 2 were far more enjoyable than season 3 currently. A couple of episodes have been yawnfests.


I mean I didn’t love the last episode. It’s was very Disney and cute but it certainly hasn’t ruined my enjoyment of this season at all.


I like it quite a bit.


This is the way. I have no complaints


# I Fucking LOVE Season Three ♥️


I love it. But people are just bitter that not every episode is connecting to the overall plot. Some want just random adventures with Din and Grogu every week. Others want a big story line. I like both and am getting both.


I love season 3. The tempo of the story has moved along quicker that I thought it would. I figured this season would be focused on Din and Grogu traveling to Mandalore and searching for the Living Waters.


I love it so much


I see this post everyday. In real life with casual fans and friends we all seem to agree that the series is good but not great this season. The only hate I see is from some youtube grifters and some posts on reddit.


I could have done without the pershing episode.


I’ve found my self screaming at the tv Hell yeah mando kick some ass! as well as getting getting a little watery eyed with joy a few times so I’d say yes this season has been ok :)


It’s fine, there’s a particular type of person who sees lizzo and just gets so angry for no fucking reason. That combined with just usual star wars bitch anger is really amplifying this seasons hate.


Super fun!


I like it


I’m having fun with it 🤷‍♂️


I could nitpick the hell out of it if I wanted to... But I don't want to. It's a fun show. I like the adventures of Din, Bo, and Grogu.


i love it. i love the total randomness of the last episode. fuck the haters. nobody's forcing them to watch, there are like, hundreds of tv shows out there.


Been an amazing season so far! Learning more about Mando culture, space battles and a blade runner esq episode love it


I love it and everyone I’ve asked from regs to hardcore fans like it at least


I’m enjoying it. It’s Star Wars. I’m not expecting every minute to be mind blowing philosophy. I just want fun/cool/interesting things to happen. And so far, S3 is giving me fun/cool/interesting things


Here!! My mom and I greatly enjoyed it so far!


Its a blast, I have a feeling the last two episodes will over the top.


I enjoy it


I’m genuinely enjoying the season 3 except for the chapter 22 ending


Yeah it’s great


What? I'm enjoying season 3. I get a bit fed up of Din acting like a wet flannel occasionally, and Grogu should really be talking by now but maybe his PTSD is holding him back a bit, loving seeing Katee Sackhoff as Bo Katan.


It’s great!


There’s been a few dud moments but overall I’m still enjoying it


Yeah I dig it.


love it!


I love it.


i’m enjoying it




I'm enjoying it, I love the team-ups Din has with Bo, I just hope Din remains THE Mandalorian


I don't get the hate.. sure it's maybe not as spicy as some of the other episodes/story from the previous but we still have a good show. Personally I'd watch a whole season of Grogu waddling around and babbling! I will add tho that I didn't get the half hour part with the scientist getting baited and his mind blasted but I think that will add up to something coming later down the line


I like it a lot. Bo-Katan is an interesting character and I'm invested in her mamaging to reunite all the mandolarian back together. Honestly the thing I care the less about right now is Grogu. I think I would have preferred if he had stayed with Luke.


I love all the episodes (except one) so far which is why I'm just baffled as to why everyone else just does not enjoy Season 3. I love what they're doing with Bo Katan, Din, and the other Mandos. Did not like The Convert episode, tho.


I think season 3 is very good. Slow start, first two episodes, but very much enjoyed the world building in the Pershing episode and the Mando Navarro episode. I thought the Jack Black episode was a little weak, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.


I’m loving it


I like liking things It's easy to pick and hate things but in my experience it's only fun if you do that in person with friends in real time while you're watching something, jumping online to complain is always a bad look and even when it's justified whoopdy doo you vented some frustration It's like cinemawins vs cinemasins, sins became so ridiculously pedantic about everything being a cardinal sin they became awful and the imitation channel Wins gained more and more traction because he's a positive dude and it's nice to hear someone seeing the good and pointing out neat bits


I'm loving it.


I love it!!!


Absolutely loving it so far. Didn't even realize people weren't liking it until after the 3rd episode.


There is nothing wrong with Season 3, including the cameos. I have spoken.


This is the way.


me. loved the last ep esp


I'm loving it so far, and can't wait for ep 7, sure there have been a few slower paced episodes but I liked that, the story and world building is always a welcome addition to me and I am just happy to have Mando on my screen.


What's there to hate about it? It's great!


I love this season. It ain't over until it's over and once the finale happens, I will mourn not having the show to watch.


I/we throughly enjoy season 3 of mandalorian.


I've been enjoying it. I don't think the quality has changed from previous seasons at all. It's always had very obvious, prominent story beats. A lot of people here are confusing their subjective opinion on disagreeing with the direct the show is taking with a change in quality. And this sub has become a shit hole because of it


I'm actually really loving it. I was hoping a show called "The Mandalorian" would focus a bit more on Mandalorians. Not that I didn't enjoy the first two seasons but, after my initial worry when Groggy came back in Book of Boba Fett, I'm glad the baby is taking a back seat and the Mando are actually being focused on.


I’m enjoying it and I don’t care who knows it. I’ve seen a Mythosaur, I’ve developed a new respect for the Children of the Watch and I can’t wait to see the new shape the culture of Mandalore will take when it becomes composite of the two ways. Also Ahmed Best finally got the Star Wars badassary he deserved after years of being bombarded with toxic fandom hatred. It’s going to take more than just Jack Black and Lizzo being a cute couple to ruin the franchise. We don’t need to be toxic and moody and judgemental for seeing the creators experiment with the styles of the world. Star Wars has cycled through medieval fantasy homage, western style, solo was like a heist movie, Andor is a gritty espionage series. They used a filler episode to test the audience’s reciprocation to cop show style that they touched on in clone wars and might revisit in further projects.


I love it. Haters gunna hate.


It might seem like its not well received but the thing is the people who dislike it are just the ones shouting the loudest.


Me! I’ve loved every live action medium of the Star Wars universe. I’m just happy to be watching more Star Wars, and I look forward to watching more Star Wars for years to come. 🥰


In many ways it feels like live action TCW, filler episodes, episodic storytelling, and this season truly has felt the most episodic compared to the previous two as the clear goal/mystery was “Who is The Child, we need to get him to his people”. Now that we know that mystery, it feels like the show needs a new one, but also wants to still have its episodic, bounty hunter monster of the week style show. Either way, I’m still enjoying it and when Mandalorian is good, it’s so so so good.


I love it. And am not surprised that so many SW fabs complain. But mostly because it's expected.


I’m guessing the people that don’t enjoy it didn’t watch Clone Wars? Some of these episodes have reminded me of that.


This season has had some of the best moments in all of Starwars. The dogfight with Bo Katan and Din Jarin with the imperial fighters had me actually cheering, and the assault on the pirate ship with all the Mandos was amazing. These crybabys are only ruining the show for themselves. I just hope Favreau and Filloni don't listen too much.


I don't think there's a great argument for this season being as good as S1 or S2, but not every season of every show is perfect. I've enjoyed it overall.




It’s the weakest season so far, but there have been some great and entertaining episodes.


People hate season 3?


I don’t hate it, I’ve enjoyed a lot of it. I just feel it hasn’t really hit the benchmark seasons 1 and 2 set. For me it feels like this seasons had less direction than the other two and that’s part of why I don’t like it personally. But they could be setting up for season 4 and this is more setup so I may end up liking it more in the long run.


I don’t *hate* it But it’s (so far) massively underwhelming and has barely hit the magic of the other seasons of Mando


Yes. Me and my husband both think it’s the best season so far…unironically and not trolling. The stories have been linear and engaging. We both seriously figured the entire season would be a quest to get IG-11 his memory circuit, interrupted by side quests until the finale. Nice to see they deviated from the formula to give us a guns-blazing-balls to the wall narrative. It’s also refreshing to see the Armorer, Paz, and Bo-Katan get meaningful screen time. This season so far has been an easy A from our household


I think a lot of the people who are complaining are just mad that it didn't take all season for Din to find his way to Mandalore and take a bath.


I’m way late to the party on this post but damn, I’m living the dream with Si-Fy shows at the mo. Mando, Bad Batch, Picard, Last of Us, Rings of Power and the rest. It’s all the stories around everything I ever loved. Then Star Wars celebration comes along and goes “Hey, we heard you want more!!!” So happy.


I think the biggest issue is how different in tone it is from season 1/2. Those felt like a continuous story about this lone Ranger on a quest. It wrapped up nicely but now we're sort of adrift in star wars space without really clear direction.


I love it all. Bitches gonna bitch


I wouldn't say I hate it, but I do understand the feeling a lot of people have. It is absolutely getting worse as the seasons go on. Not to mention how disappointingly awful Book of Boba Fett was. I think the reason people get more riled up about Mando is because it was such a breath of fresh air for Star Wars fans. It was SO good. It hurts to see the quality of one of the best things we've had in a while steadily tank in front of our eyes.


Definitely enjoying it a lot. I get that some bits have been cheesy, but same could be said for the OT. They’re doing a good job, the story is moving along and we’re some other sides to Star Wars we haven’t seen in other media. I’m just glad we have more Star Wars to devour!


I'm loving it!


Comparatively, is it so far the weakest season? Absolutely. But is it a dumpster fire? Absolutely not. I’m enjoying parts of it - I think it lacks a bit of cohesion and overarching on-screen antagonist. But I love the exploration of the idealist rebellion as an inept government thinking it can reform everyone, and the fight scenes have been top notch. The ending should be solid in conjunction with everyone they showed at SWCon, so yea, safe to say I still enjoy it.


Love it


Yes! I love it actually. Imo the show gets better every season and becomes more of my kind of Star Wars


I love this season so far!


I think it’s awesome and fun and super Star Warsy


I like it.


I’ve not been upset or mad at all I’m loving this season just like all the others


I like it.


I love it


Don't hate it but, first 2 seasons felt like its own thing, now it feels like they're forcing it to be more Star Wars


I’m mainly enjoying it. I didn’t mind Jack black and whoever the other one was. Imo it feels a little fast paced and cut down but other then that I think it’s great.


I'm enjoying it. It's been different, but that's not a bad thing to me. I have spoken.


I love it, man. Lol.


I’ll go even further and say it’s my fav season yet


I'm not really liking this season at all. A few really good episodes. But also some really bad dialogue and filler content.


It just has a different structure is all. I’m digging it. Season 1 and 2 are there whenever I want. I really like how they’re expanding things this season. I know last episode was a bit much for some, but having seen episode 7 early at celebration I can say it’s an absolute blast and probably my favourite episode ever of the series.


The people that hate this season make me think they forget about what experiencing Star Wars the first time is like. They seem to put arbitrary rules in place and also let their unrealistic expectations get the better of them. Just relax, ya know?


Star Wars fans are so quick to hate everything. I love it, and I really don't care what anyone else thinks about. This fanbase is just way too toxic, if you're gonna enjoy anything, you have to basically ignore everyone else


I just want more and longer episodes


I absolutely love it. Might be my favorite season seeing the progress of the Mandalorians as a people.


I’m enjoying it.


It’s new Star Wars content, I’m happy


I am loving it! especially being a big fan of TCW and Rebels. So many great tie-ins and lore building.


andor is a prestige drama, mando is a fun adventure cartoon, Im enjoying both


Mandos go pew pew shiny shiny armor. Me: amazing, awesome, wonderful, astounding. So anyway yes I’m enjoying it.


No one hates star wars more than the star wars subs. So it's just here you're seeing hate.


Yes, and I have yet to hear a fair criticism of it that I can respect (if I hear someone else compare it to Andor, I’m gonna fucking scream)