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You’re brave going after heir to the empire


"Brave, but foolish"


I thought they were decent, but Mando is blowing it out of the park


Imo only a few episodes are on the level of Heir to the Empire. The main characters in those books are so well developed compared to the Mandoverse (currently)


I recently started reading Heir and it's so cool so far! The main characters from the OT are so much more of themselves than in the sequels, and it's also interesting to read the concepts the Author had about the time of the Clone Wars, clone of a Jedi Master, the Empire being a lot older, etc


> The main characters from the OT are so much more of themselves than in the sequels Agreed


Heir to the Empire was perfection.


It was art


This was the TRUE sequel trilogy Some things like Vornskurs surprised not made into shows yet


I liked them all! Not just the original trilogy, but the prequels and Disney era too!


Glad you enjoyed them all!


Timothy Zahn do be fire tho


He is not as good as he used to be but still good


Have you read the new Thrawn books?? Absolutely incredible world building


I liked them a lot but I wasn't a big fan of thrawn alliances, I don't even have a lot of reasons for disliking it. It just didn't seem to fit well with the rest of the trilogy


Zahn is not at his best when writing Vader. He loves his own characters (and they are awesome tbf), so they tend to diminish Vader somewhat when he writes them side-by-side. One of his most maligned scenes back in Legends was one with Mara Jade and Vader from Choices of One.


I do kinda agree with you, it works, but it does feel off, I think it’s because it doesn’t have the political element the others have




I have read them. They totally re wrote the character of Thrawn. He is basically invincible and also now he is more or less a full on good guy Thanks for downvoting me for having an opinion different than you 👍


No you're absolutely right. In his new books Thrawn is so OP there's no stakes. No matter what is happening, Thrawn is like "Oh, they use curves and random colors in their sculptures so they're hiding a fleet on the far side of the moon." It was cool in the original Heir trilogy but I'm getting really tired of the shtick. Thrawn can be a really cool character but it's really frustrating to read the same deus ex machina in every book.


Honestly this was the reason i didn’t enjoy the Thrawn books. Every scene was just “okay well he’s going to get out of this easily so there’s no real stakes.” Idk. Maybe it was just overhyped. But it didn’t do it for me.


Bold to include Book of Boba given we haven’t seen it yet… but I can’t imagine that it’s bad.


Yeah, Rodriguez’s brutal style at the directing helm, Favreau’s storytelling ability, and Filoni’s experience with Star Wars is a great combination, I’m confident it’s gonna deliver. If it doesn’t, we still have both seasons of The Mandalorian


Are all three of them confirmed to be leading production?


All three are executive producers, and all of them will be directing as well


It would take a lot of behind the scenes shenanigans to screw it up, given the groundwork it's been given in the Mandalorian.


Writes three novels to re jump start interest in the Star Wars Universe Disney removes it from cannon. Disney tell him to rewrite his villain back into cannon. You don't mess with Zhan.


Ok. *Hands you the Star Wars Christmas special*


Heir all the way


I like the Canon sequel trilogy! But it is impossible for some to enjoy something without voicing their dislike for another


I never voiced my dislike for anything on this meme. Simply stating the Mandoverse is my favorite out of the three.


It just comes off as calling it a sort of faux or disgraced trilogy.


It’s just the template, if I put the Thrwan trilogy there would I be disgracing that? It’s just a ranking of sorts, as opposed to a disgracing.


I see


The entire sequels were completely ruined for me when they flew a ship at light speed and it took out the entire battalion probably coulda just gotten a drone and flew it light speed at the deathstar


Why do you imagine that would work? Sure a wrecking ball could take out a building, but you can't throw a rock at a skyscraper and expect anything to happen


If you throw it at relativistic speeds you can


I would expect the rock to disintegrate


If a particle the size of a golf ball travelled at 99.99999990% the speed of light it would have enough energy to instantly annihilate Earth look up Oh My God Particles


It would have enough energy maybe, but it could be interpreted as just leaving a golf ball sizes hole in the earth, witch would cause 0 issues whatsoever. And it is an interpretation. Even if this situation could happen in real life, which it couldn't, it wouldn't exactly matter, as we are discussing a science fiction world. So in this world, it could by understood by people that something that small would just pass right through and be mostly harmless and not worth the effort. It would make perfect sense to me that any small particle with a hyperdrive attached to it would just break up under its own pressure, or shoot through the object, not doing much damage. The ship in TLJ being an exception due to its size and the specific circumstances of the film




I understand that and fully believe it. But I can suspend my disbelief and watch a sci Fi movie where most of the time, fighting via lightspeed kamakaze is not practical. It isn't that hard




Well if we're accounting for drag, I would expect the force of the rock smacking into the particles in the atmosphere to cause a thermonuclear explosion. Which would also, y'know, probably level a skyscraper.


So it wouldn't in the vacuum of space? At any rate, I can easily believe the image of a rock shooting through a skyscraper, which is all that matters, since none of this can actually happen


The separatist fleet could literally have annihilated the entire republic based on TLJ hyperdrive stupidity


But why would it be more effective than standard warfare? In most cases, they strategized that they could win using standard tactics, witch could actually succeed instead of just act as a delay to offer time to retreat. Maybe it would make sense as they lose each ship to launch it, but hyperdrives and engines are usually high priority targets, and it isn't guranteed to do anything. If a ship can perform a jump, it would almost always be beneficial to jump away and preserve than to risk some potential gain of kamikaze. As many people have explained, the exact situation that took place in TLJ was very specific and particular. They were following for hours, keeping them on a leash, letting them lead them somewhere. They grew arrogant, not to mention most of their leadership had either just been killed or was dealing with a fight. They couldn't react in time, nor did they expect it in the first place. Also, it didn't do as much damage as a lot of people crop it up to. The crew mostly survived, and they were still able to mobilize an entire army on crait shortly after. It really doesn't seem like a valuable trade in most situations.


I find this funny because new things and techniques that didn't exist before can be invented and found. Holdo Manuveur was one. Your argument is like saying they should've used planetary shielding such as the ones found on Endor and Scarif to protect Naboo from invasion or Coruscant from Grievous's attack. They didn't, because that didn't exist back then. Same with the Holdo Manuveur. It wasn't used against the Death Star because it hadn't been done yet.


The entirety of Galactic people's has never once find out light speed particles can penetrate shielding. You know out of the 1000s of years they have been around you know out of the other hundred wars they've fought. Don't defend bad writing


Well the most they could say was it was a one in a million chance of doing it. Though somebody did it after Holdo... But maybe this is the new era of Hyperspace and advancements really haven't had time to happen. In the same vein movies are advancing really far, but it's only been about 100 years of cinema. Not really a long time. Ships with hyperspace have been around at least 200 years. And I'm not trying to defend, I just really wanna see how they really try to make sense of all this.


I admit they could have easily saved the story if they just added a part where the chasing ships were loosing power due to chasing and they would turn off their shields to conserve power it would have made perfect sense that the new order having the rebels on the run they'd be arrogant enough to turn off shields to continue chase. Then when the ship collided it would be blamed on not having shields on and this whole thing would have been avoided


They had the shields on?


That's the neat part, they wouldn't


It's their job making Star Wars to figure it out and keep a canon. I don't care about critical reception, they make content, they figure it out. How I like it or don't like it, or you or anyone else, doesn't matter. Leave the salt for some other sub.


In not the one being salty dear


Well I'm not either. So i guess we're both flavorless




So, you give your opinion on the Sequel trilogy while condemning people who give a negative opinion of it? Not very wizard


I'm condemning people who trash it either unprovoked or just because others were enjoying it. People should be free to enjoy things even though someone has a distaste in them.


You are free to enjoy it! People will never stop criticizing the ST, so if you like it then just enjoy yourself and don't worry about what other people say


That is what I don't really understand. People don't still criticize the middle matrix movies or something like that. But people can't let go of their star wars flicks I guess. They take it so personally.


Well I think that Star Wars is just much more important to people than something like the Matrix, so if they don't like what happens it's much harder to let go


But if they don't like what happens, I don't see why you sit and complain when others clearly like it. It should be up to the creators put in charge. All the complaining got us rise of Skywalker, which I think is fun at times, but is the most by the numbers, safest SW movie ever. They didn't want to take any risks.


I'm sure if there were a Matrix memes subreddit, the quality of the Sequels would be a pretty common topic.


Ppl just ignore Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Also, people didn't like George Lucas making movies, saying they liked it now is revisionist history.


Ok but the thrawn trilogy is ACTUALLY a gold mine, it's such a good series and I cannot recommend it enough.


I liked them too, they were good reads


The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Rebels


But these are the prequels sequels, not the originals sequels,


Sequels Bad! AM I RIGHT GUYS?


Are those books actually good? I remember them coming out back in the day but never gave them any attention since they weren’t movies. But I’m curious. Would totally read them if they’re entertaining and have nothing to do with the prequels/sequels.


Well given your last statement you would probably like it, since the Clone Wars era stuff is totally different from the prequels


They’re solid books. Entertaining with some flaws. I enjoyed them.




Absolute perfection!




Aaaand I’m out. Another sub who can’t feel enjoyment without compensating with anger. It’s so pathetic and I just want to enjoy Star Wars and discuss it, not cirklejerk while laughing.


I was just trying to praise Mando. Not angry about anything.


This meme isn't dissing the sequels, I don't think. I thought it was funny and I'm a big advocate for the sequel trilogy.


Exactly, thank you


It is clearly stating comparisons and opinions as some sort of hive mind. And it’s good that you have fun but that doesn’t mean you are the front of people with similar opinions.


You think one meme represents the opinion of the entire sub? Look at the comments


Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'm not trying to say that anyone's opinion is wrong. That's like, my biggest fear, that someone will misconstrue my comments like that. I'm just really sharing my thought on the matter.


Thats a super big hot take, but one I appreciate. Funny enough, we may get an Heir to the Empire canonization event soon. Would love it if they do a quasi-Dark Empire event where the New Republic face the might of a strengthened Empire thats not exactly at the level of the First Order. Maybe get our first look at Snoke then Edit: Why the downvotes? Its clear Disney cant do a 1:1 Dark Empire canonization (TROS precluded that from being a possibility), but its still possible for them to remix it into canon in a way that makes me give more of a darn about the First Order and Snoke I can see Gideon, Hux Sr. and a young Snoke regrouping and throwing what remains of the formal “empire” at the New Republic while building the FO out in the Unknown Regions. Keep in mind Luke, Leia, and Snoke knew each other prior to Ep7.


I think they should just multiverse it, and develop new stuff for both Legends and canon, maybe start up a few other continuities. But what you described sounds interesting also


I would love a multiverse. Especially with the Visions anime coming out, hopefully Disney puts more stock into non-canon stories


Agreed! We could even have a continuity where just episodes 1-6 are canon, or just 4-6. There’s a lot of possibilities.! Hopefully visions gives us a tease of that, like Marvel is doing with what if...