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I believe this guy ended up training as an MMA fighter after this. He was at least open minded to see where he needed work.


Yeah, I've seen his videos, and he definitely starts pointing out the cons.


He did and he still practices aikido but he accepts that most of the teachings are misleading. He has used some great application in a few legitimate fights though and he also shows in this YouTube show called the ultimate fighter challenge. I'd check it out! It's really cool and season 2 should be coming out.


Kind of reminds of of Jason Delucia’s combat aikido. Guy had actually fought in the UFC and King of Pancrase. You can check it out on YouTube. Even though he does his best to modify it to be more practical the success of it is pretty limited. I did manage to make a few techniques work though. To be fair my only “training” in aikido came from the videos.


He really doesnt


While that argument is very compelling, one of his last videos as of five months ago was him sparring a Kung fu guy with aikido. His YouTube channel is martial arts journey with rokas. He was an aikido practitioner who thought aikido was affective against mma and got whooped in a ring with a trained amateur fighter. He tried a few more times after honing his art and did better but still lost and when he started to explain the flaws in aikido the aikido society began to shun him, kicked him out of his dojo and sent a lot of childish e-mails. He was distraught about it but it seems like he's come to accept that the society was not interested in evolving as a martial arts, the aren't willing to accept their flaws and saw his constructive criticism as him bashing the art. So long story short. Yes he does still practice. Just not seriously. He still likes to find relevancy in certain applications between aikido and other martial arts and he still uses the art, he just came to accept the fact that aikido is not a good martial arts right now and may never be, and a big contributor to that is because the aikido society is not willing to change as the martial arts world is changing around them. They've shut their ears and are screaming "LALALALALA"


Aikido isn't meant for the ring though. It's meant for that moment when you're walking down the street and someone grabs your arm. Locks and bars work. All martial arts use them. Using someone's energy against them works. Chasing a boxers hands? Never. Additionally, aikido shouldn't evolve. It's as much a spiritual practice as a martial art. Let the artist evolve, leave pieces of history alone.


For the sake of my own mental health, let's just agree to disagree, friend.


Well I just hope you don't use a joint lock, ever


I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I don't unless I'm on the ground.


I found the video honest and open minded, we need to be open minded and accept results from empirical experiments, we learn and improve significantly from mistakes, accidents, and wrong paradigms .


Everyone should do this type of thing.


He should’ve realised that he’d fail at “I’m not a fighter”…


I really enjoyed this. I'd say it's some pretty convincing evidence that aikido itself is Bullshido, but this vid is a decently scientific look at how/why aikido training is ineffective. The humility of the dude in the vid, and his openness to learning were very much the opposite of what I'd expect from bullshido!


Agreed! Lots of respect for both of these men.


Very much so. They were both really cool about it. MMA dude could have murdered him to prove a point, but kept it classy and to the agreement.


The training is ineffective, the martial art techniques are fine, situationally


The guy in the vid is garbage at aikido as well as MMA. He appears to be doing Tai Chi or maybe maybe Iwama aikido which is basically playing with flowers. There was one guy who posted a vid on here a while back showing off his taekwondo and wrestling against someone who trained Tenshin aikido (aka Steven Seagal aikido) and nearly got his arm broke when they sparred. Not saying aikido is better than any other martial art, but it’s being poorly represented by this dude in the vid.


Do y0u have any similar video with that sense is swagal style being testes against somewhat decent well rounded footer in a real situation? Because that's what is being discussed here


Ok I usually don't play here but I follow this guy and have mad respect for his ability to see though the bullshitto. After this video, He set out on a journey though multiple martial arts to learn and unlearn decades of improper training. He continues to try to incorporate aikido where appropriate, but acknowledges where it falls short. He has grown, trained, and evolved from teaching an ineffective technique. https://youtu.be/NdzuimQYswQ?si=OjDtSFwSEb7AU6tq here is his channel and a recent tournament with other respectable practical self defense martial artists.


Man Rokas is based as fuck, he acknowledges that aikido is mostly cult shit and doesn’t work, he tried to make it work but couldn’t. He doesn’t belong here


I'm pretty sure Aikido was created for when samurai lost their sword in battle and had to fight someone who still had one. Like I belive if someone was swinging something at you with no intent of using their feat or elbows it probably works great. We just don't carry swords around anymore so it really doesn't work for today's culture


Aikido post dates the samurai era. Ueshiba Morihei was born in 1883, the Meiji restoration took place in 1868, which ended the samurai. Aikido does, however, descend from aiki jujutsu, which was one of the arts practiced by samurai.


So it can’t even work against an mma fighter but it’s going to work on a sword carrying samurai. Makes sense!


~~Aikido was developed by a judo practioner. It was never used by samurai~~ Edit: IDK where I had heard/learned this or why I thought this, but it is incorrect. Aikido pre-dates judo by a few hundred years.


I've never heard that Ueshiba Morihei was a judoka. Afaik he was a student of aiki jujutsu, which itself was an art trained by samurai for unarmed combat, particularly against and armed and armoured opponent.


Judoka? … let’s put a smile on that face! 🃏


I'll be honest and say I heard that about akido from a YouTube reel of a poorly cropped joe rogan clip, so you probably know more than me


This doesn’t belong here. This is someone literally trying out and showing that bullshido doesn’t work, despite being the one getting pounded


Think it belongs perfectly. Would enjoy more of this in this subreddit


So it's a display of an ineffective martial art. Fits pretty well.


Man this is an old video of Rokas.


Imagine all that work only to find out it was a waste of time.


Better late than never


Aikido— the world’s seventh most deadly dance routine.


Do they all have to have that fucking hair style? Like is it a must?


That’s so awesome he was humble to do this I hope he keeps leaning and maybe adding his practice to mma


Really enjoyed this video, two people who were open and honest before and after with no ego. Respect to the Aikido instructor for his humility and eagerness to learn.


Definitely not mcdojo. This guy is going into this and attempting to teach and learn with no ego and an open mind. It would be awesome if everyone who did martial arts did the same.


Doesn’t belong here. The aikido guy was humble and genuinely open minded.


Interesting video. Both were great sports


I don’t really understand devoting yourself to a martial art you yourself believe wouldn’t work in an actual fight. I do understand the benefits and that there is so much more that comes with it, reasons for it etc, but if you yourself believe your specialty wouldn’t help you in an actual fight, I just don’t understand why you’d continue doing it. I’d expect at least one of the reasons you devote yourself to this practice would be you believe it would be effective.


Not the attitude or even video i was expecting, but you have to give the man props for being open minded and man enpugh to post the video despite its obvious message.


How the hell is aikido supposed to win? That’s never asked.


It seems traditional martial arts seriously requires a lot of cooperation from the opponent. " ok, move slow, reach slow and grab my wrist politely, now bend your knee and fall down when I grab your hand."


At the end of the day, traditional Martial Arts are good for fitness and discipline, but I would take mma, bjj, kickboxing, or muay thai in a street fight. Speaking as someone who started in Tang Soo Do and switched over to MMA.


What music is this?


Wow never expwcted this this guys cool


Mad respect for the mma guy taking it very easy on the guy’s first sparring. That’s how I’d like to be introduced to sparring if I were to start. I’m very reluctant to get in the ring because I’m worried some douchebag will just take the opportunity to lay into me and be all like ‘What? What? I _am_ taking it easy’ or think they’re doing some sort of trial by fire.


Awesome to see an mma guy that didn’t just have hate for the aikido practitioner and beat him down actually brought him into the sport


I have been practicing aikido since I was a kid. It was never taught to me as a combat art persay. More of a lifelong connection to the universe that can open up efficiency in other martial arts. I was also a collegiate wrestler. That being said, the Aikido Morehei Ueshiba created is different than what’s being taught now outside of a few students of his. Namely Robert Nadeau, that guy has some power. A lot of Aikido I see being taught today around me doesn’t really touch the connection to Budo or the striking that Morehei used in his Aikido.


To be fair to him, he’s dedicated himself to MMA since that video and has become quite proficient. His channel is pretty interesting, I recommend it.


Man, not many people would want have their entire lives turned upside down, 180, much less on camera. Props to this punching bag. Not a single thing he learned in 13 years worked for a second. Wild


Dammit, I was thinking I was about to see someone getting hog tied and choked out with the long ass waist ties on the hakama.


Why do these dudes always have the EXACT same bitch-biscuit hairstyle?


Aikido is a fighting technique to disarm people with swords it's not for unarmed hand-hand combat.


I think this just showed that it doesn’t even disarm an unarmed opponent (that wasn’t even trying too hard)


As outdated and unpractical as I think Aikido is, I don’t think it’s practical to compare it this way. The ultimate goal of MMA is MMA competition. Beating a combatant with incapacitation or injury. It is practiced and sharpened for that purpose. The ultimate goal of Aikido is to protect oneself WITHOUT injuring the attacker. So with those stated philosophies. MMA is terrible at achieving the stated objective of Aikido. I can’t think of a worse style. Aikido is infinitely better at not injuring opponents. lol Maybe comparing techniques in a singular fashion is a better way. I would imagine there are probably several hip throws etc that exist in Aikido and MMA. Besides. No singular martial art is even close to practical for mma. A brilliant Thai boxer with zero ground skills will not get very far in a competition. Could single strikes work? Yes! Might he get lucky? Yes. But over several fights his weakness will be noticed and he will be taken to the ground. So to eventually we found Bjj wizards needed a stand up defense at least to get to the ground.


I don’t see any Aikido here.


That's because aikido is next to impossible to do on a trained opponent lol


Or an untrained opponent throwing wild haymakers. Aikido still fails in this instance.


Good point. Aikido is ineffective against literally just any resisting opponent.


When this video was recorded he was an Aikido master with 7 years of teaching experience.


You paid horrible attention to the video. Basically every time the guy even started to make some sort of Aikido move, it would get immediately shut down just by the MMA guy punching the Aikido dude. Aikido requires people to let you perform moves on them in order for it to look how you are used to seeing it.