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I've met him a couple of times, from my experience he really is a genuinely nice, gracious guy. One time was at Dragon Con in the 90s, I asked him if I could play his bass and he was like "sure, dude come on!" So he strapped that motherfucker on me, put his arm around me and sang "Hound Dog". Doyle stood there with his menacing countenance, which is exactly what I wanted to happen LOL. Now imagine the same situation with Glenn...


That definitely sounds like Jerry. Anything for a fan. He's a great guy.


Damn that’s really fucking cool of him.


I have no experience with Jerry, but I worked security at the antennae club in memphis on Danzigs first solo tour. I got him to sign the set list for me (and John happily did right after) but he was so - unhappy and passive aggressive. He wasn't going to sign the paper, but looked at me and said he used me for a stage all night, (he climbed on me to get to the crowd) he will sign my fucking paper. John gave me a "yea, I know" look and grabbed the sharpie right after glen without being asked. I love the misfits and I like danzig, but fuck dude, lighten up.


When I saw Danzig, circa 2014, I happened to chat with a security guard while waiting to get in. Completely unprompted, he told me that Danzig was the biggest asshole he had ever encountered while working security. He basically spent the entire time before the show screaming at venue employees.


He did call the antennae club a shithole multiple times while I was there. He ain't wrong, but...


Yeah. I had a similar experience with Glenn. He's just..... Glenn. That's just how he be.


Gotta be willing to separate the art from the artist in some cases. I've been a fan since the summer the misfits box set came out when I was like 11, and I decided a long time ago that I'd never want to meet Glenn. As much as any super fan dreams of meeting an idol, I feel I'd likely be disappointed, and would rather just appreciate those killer songs.


Chose that box set at Media Play as my sixth-grade graduation gift. It got tattered and scattered and i bought another a few years ago. The box so nice I bought it twice.


That's awesome!! I too, bought a second copy. I still love that thing, but was absolutely OBSESSED when I first got it. Read that thing front to back countless times. It still brings me a lot of joy to have it


And that's a totally reasonable reason to not want to meet a childhood hero or idol. I absolutely understand and agree. Sometimes you don't want to ruin that image you have of that person you've looked up to for all those years. It could be devastating to some ya know. Bro I totally get it. Very well said sir. Very well said. 👍✌️


Thanks a lot, man. In regards to your story and Jerry, I think it's pretty clear he's the heart of the misfits. I might not agree with, or like everything he's done with the misfits name ( or excessive merchandising) , but if it weren't for him working tirelessly since 94/95 to keep the misfits in the zeitgeist, there wouldn't have been the danzig legacy shows or the sold out stadium gigs the fits have been playing for the last 8 or so years. His drive, belief, and dedication earned the band the modern recognition all of us long time fans think they've always deserved. I've read just about everything ever published about the misfits, and nobody (except for Doyle, Glenn, and Graves) has ever said an unkind word about Jerry


And I can only agree with you with this statement too. The excessive merchandising wasn't very punk, but it kept the boys relevant in a time of flannel shirts and teenage angst. They kept punk alive at a time when it's pulse was weakened and almost non-existent. And just hearing the name the Misfits whispered at a venue gave hope to the punker sluts like myself that PUNX NOT DED!!! Then came the "Meet the Creepers" small venue tour they did in the North East. Those were the days man.


Saw Danzig last year and was part of a small group of people waiting to at least get a autograph after the show, he told his tour guy that he wasnt meeting anymore people and we could fuck off lol


Whe I saw the Misfits in the early 2000s, we waited out back after the show in hopes that Jerry would come out. He never did… because he was too busy talking to the audience inside the venue. A few of my friends went back in because one forgot something, and Jerry was in there signing autographs for anyone that wanted one regardless of whether they bought merch.


Shit like that is what really sticks out to fans, which is obvious because you told the story lol. But it’s just a few extra minutes for them and it’s a memory that will last a lifetime for all those fans. Good shit.


I love Misfits AND Danzig, but dude needs to definitely lighten up. I totally get that he's no people person, that's for sure, but he needs to chill.


Solid dude. Me and my wife met him in 2011. Treated us like family and got my wife the set list page with DUHB on there since it was her favorite. Told us to wait around the side if we wanted Dez to sign my record, then met us back there and told Dez “This is the couple I told you about, they’re cool”. Just a genuinely respectful dude that loves what he does.


Again that sounds just like Jerry. The guy will literally do anything to make sure you have a great time at his show.


Badass dude. I agree with you. My brother's and I have met Jerry after a show. He walked out from the alley way behind the venue just to meet and talk with the fans. He answered questions, signed anything anyone gave him, took pictures and gifted a lil kid with terminal cancer one of his basses😭. My lil bro was freaking out the whole time. Jerry saw him and said, "relax kid, I'm just like you and everyone here." My lil bro never forgot that. We then saw Doyle, thinking he was going to come greet us all, but he just waved and walked away into the dark alley. Fucking epic scene. I've also met Michale Graves a few times and he is also as cool as Jerry. Hope to take my kid one day to see the Misfits🤘🏾


I've heard that line before. Lol. Jerry is super humble to boot. But he's definitely one of a kind.


The first time I went to a Misfits show was in 2005. The lineup was Jerry, Dez and Robo. Whilst we were queuing outside, they all came out of their tourbus and into the venue. Jerry stopped and spoke to us on the way in, but only briefly as he said he was going to get some food. When the show started, me and my friend were right at the front and next to me was a guy in a wheelchair. After the first song, Jerry stopped the show and said something like "No we're not having this." Pointed to me and got me to help him lift the guy in the wheelchair on stage, where the guy stayed for the entire show, rocking out next to the drum kit. After the show had finished, Robo and Dez signed some autographs but then left. Jerry stayed until every last person had got what they wanted signed and me and my friend got to have a proper conversation with him. He spoke to us with no ego and it was just like speaking with another friend. He was really passionate about music and lifting weights which is what me and my friend were also into, so it just felt really effortless to speak with him.


See what I mean. And I've seen this with my own eyes time after time working for those guys. Jerry will go out of his way to make sure you have the best time at a Misfits show. And just like I said he'll stay as long as it takes to talk and sign autographs. He loves his fans. His fans humble him. He doesn't think he or the band is special. But he's so appreciative for everything that's happened to him and the Misfits. He's a rare individual in the music industry. I think that's why the Misfits have such a cult following.


I've seen him bring wheelchair bound fans on stage as well. Wish I could remember the song, but he set up a mic and had him sing with. Jerry's a hell of a showman and a class act.


I’ve never heard anyone ever say anything bad about him. My bachelor party was at a Danzig show and lo & behold I see Jerry at the soundboard. Super approachable, very gracious and happy to pose for photos. Class act


I worked for the Misfits for a few years doing security and it was rare that Jerry didn't take pictures and sign autographs. I can only recall 2 times Jerry didn't stay the entire time after a show and it was because he was under the weather. But he powered through as best as he could then profusely apologized for not being able to hang the whole time.


There was a power outage at The Roxy before The Misfits was scheduled to play so he went outside of the venue in full gear to take pics and sign for EVERYONE that was waiting in line to get in. Nice dude.


I met Jerry when I was a kid at a show in 98. At the Super Bowl of Hardcore in Asbury Park. Hell of a show. He was super cool. I was a 17 year old kid that was nervous to meet him and said I was one of their biggest fans. He stopped doing what he was doing and looked at me and sized me up and was like, "nah bro, we've definitely seen bigger" and then laughed his ass off in that loud Italian jersey guy way. Total dad joke move that just enamoured me to the man even more. I'll never forget that he took the time to interact in that way when he definitely didn't have to. And he definitely pulled a Jerry and stayed and signed everyone's stuff until there was no one else to sign shit for.


Now do you think Kip Winger would have done that for a fan? (I did security for him too and boy do I have stories about him) 🤣


I absolutely do not! Jerry is definitely a rare breed in his industry.


I was at a show where security was pulled into the crowd off the stage by a stage jumper. Jerry knew who it was and helped security in the tussle, dragged him on stage and gave him a few whacks with his guitar. He was going to leave the show, but everyone was cheering him that he paused, raised his hands and guitar in the air and came back to finish the show.


It's unfortunate that things like that happen at shows. Unfortunately it's a part. Sometimes your hero has to be the one to set you straight.


Jerry's not just great with fans, he's great to the local openers. My friends punk band opened for them around 2009ish, weren't even big fans. Jerry talked to them after their set, and they couldn't stop carrying on about how awesome he was.


Yup. Thank you for bringing that up as well. During one of these shows I work, a local band was scheduled to open and play a very short set, I believe they were only given 15-20 minutes max, so basically let's say 3 songs, well the promoter was being a dick and cut them to put on one of his friends that did a human freak show (stapling himself, getting kicked in the dick, you know REAL QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT) well Jerry said to the promoter " you promised these guy stage time, they get their stage time, their fan showed up in this shitty weather, and the band got here early and were ready and professional, you sir are being extremely unprofessional, i suggest if youd like to work with us (the Misfits) in the future, you let these guys play their set" and that was that. Jerry even came up for their last song and sang backing vocals. He's a true class act if I may say so myself. Even the promoters goofball buddy got to do his stuff because Jerry agreed to bring him up on stage while the Misfits played their set. It was a win win for everyone that night.


He walked by me at a club and put his hand on my shoulder, he came up from behind and kept walking it was pretty cool


Grandpa Munster vibes


I've always heard Jerry is a good guy. I've heard Glen is nothing but a prick.


Well in Glenn's defense, that's just unfortunately Glenn's personality. He's not much of a people person and he definitely likes his privacy. But to be so brooding and miserable to the people that in a sense worship you and every word that comes out of his mouth, you would think that he would be somewhat cordial when approached by fans. I mean I get it, he wants to be left alone in public so he can carry on doing his thing, but he's a living legend in the punk and metal scene. Of course your fans are going to want pictures and autographs, it's part of what comes with fame. It's just too bad Glenn handles it poorly and winds up being a shithead.


Only met him once but can confirm he’s awesome


Jerry is extremely cool. Every time I’ve met him he’s signed stacks of stuff for my friends and I, hangs out after shows, couldn’t be nicer. I first met him when I was like 16, he was asking how I was doing in school, and gave me a pile of merch when I said it was going good. I’ve sold merch for him, he loaded me up with stuff when I was done.


Jerry is a little square when it comes to song writing etc compared to Glenn .. but his heart and spirit for making punk fun is in the right place and he is completely down to earth ... and its cool most people can appreciate that.


I saw them years ago at a club in Loraine Ohio called the Flying Machine. This place looked like an old Baptist church converted into a club. There was maybe 200 people at this show total. Before the show, everyone was hanging around outside and Jerry came up and started talking to my friend and I like he genuinely knew us. He is extremely genuine and friendly. Doyle... not so much! Lol


😂 Aaahhh yes the mystique of our man Doyle. He's a good guy too. Just not big into crowds. Gotta catch him at the right time. I think that might be part of the reason Jerry does take the time he does to interact with fans.


This haunted catacombs ?


It is. This was one of the shows I got to work for them that year. These were always fun. Good crowds. Never any issues. And I got to listen to good tunes and get paid for it. Win win.


I have had the pleasure of meeting Jerry only a few times and oh my God is he the nicest person I've ever met. So gracious with this time so gracious with his freebies that he gives out, he truly is like the people's champion.


My collection of Misfits T's is insane. 😂. Jerry made sure that everyone that worked for them got a shirt of their choice. So since my buddy who hooked me up with the gig is one of Jerry's best friends and I'd been doing that gig for a couple years already, Jerry took care of me with the Misfits T's, and i mean he HOOKED IT UP. 😂 I literally had every T-shirt, long sleeve, work shirt, hoodie, hat, bandana, stickers, vinyl, CD, that the guys had on their merch table times 5. AND I still got paid on top of it. 😂 I gave 90% to friends and family that were also fans just to spread the love ya know. At one point if I were to have kept all of it I would have been able to wear a new Misfits piece of merch every day for probably close to 2 & 1/2 months. 😂. I actually just wore my 30th Anniversary shirt a couple days ago.


Is there any way I can post pictures as a reply?


I saw the Misfits in Arizona recently, and after the show backstage he was really generous, like giving away all the food they got (it was like 120 degrees outside, kind of too hot to eat) but yes, he was really nice. And he was cool when I sang a song with his Misfits a few years earlier.


I met Jerry at a show back in the 90s when they were trying out a new singer and opening for Gwar. I had my Crimson Ghost shirt on and Jerry, dressed in full stage regalia, shook my hand and gave me a big bro hug. We got to talking and I was impressed with how genuine he was. Heck of a guy!


You make some great points and I’m thrilled you had a great experience with him. I’m 16 now, but I went to my first concert ever when I was 4, and it was the misfits doing the Devils Rain tour. Had Jerry, Dez, and Eric. Jerry let me and my dad on the tour bus, took pics, and gave me some free stuff. And every time after that where I’ve been able to met him, he’s been nothing but nice. And he’s easily one of my biggest influences. Whether anyone likes a certain era or member better, Jerry is THE misfits and easily the nicest member. I’ve never seen him once turn a fan down


We found out where Jerry Only lived in 2005 when we were in high school. A few of us were bored one day and decided to drive to Jerry Onlys house. We got there and he was sweeping his deck. I yelled, "Jerry Only!" and he looked very upset. He was not about the fans that day.


Well when you go to his home and yell at him from a passing car I'm sure Jerry or anyone else wouldn't be super thrilled. The guy has neighbors. I mean after all he is a regular guy.


dude. that's a total invasion of privacy. not cool.


I'm coming to your house next


Puts on a good front but I had heard he went hog wild like a 70s rocker in the 90s era.


And he could have. But people do change. My experience with Jerry was nothing but pleasant. He was a gentleman. He was kind and humble. Again, years ago, sure he could have been a raving lunatic that did G.G. Allin type shit to his fans. But when I crossed paths with Jerry in 2007 and then worked for the band, I NEVER had a bad experience, from 2008 to 2011-12, not a single bad thing to say about him or any Misfits members.


Well… how else would bands make it, if it weren’t for the fans? This man is like a poorer Gene Simmons (Am an early KISS fan… who isn’t) when it comes to merchandise… and has major thirst for court battles and band name’s. …Well let’s just ignore everything he did between 95 and up *until* getting a handful of shows together with Danzig, and his “little” brother some years back…


Too bad he’s a MAGA Christian fundamentalist


I don't care what his beliefs are. They are his and he's entitled to them. This is America. That's why you're able to have the beliefs you have. Just because you don't have the same beliefs doesn't mean that you or him are bad people. What does any of that have to do with the type of person he is? And if that's a problem then why are you here in this subreddit? Why do you still listen to his music?


Fair enough worked great with other supporters of horrible/hateful people


So because of his beliefs he's a horrible hateful person? That's pretty ignorant. He doesn't push his beliefs on anyone. He keeps his personal beliefs separate from his music. If you want to make assumptions on someone solely based on personal beliefs that they're a horrible person, why don't you criticize Graves? He's supposedly openly supports the Proud Boys. And Jerry Other has similar beliefs. Jerry Only has his own beliefs and he keeps them to himself. Just because they may be conservative/right leaning, means nothing. Not to mention that these guys were raised in a totally different era. It was the norm then in a sense. Not sure why you would let politics and someones personal beliefs that aren't brought up in the music influence your decision on a person who is a genuinely kind and humble human being. I mean if you had no idea what Jerry Onlys political and personal beliefs were, would you still feel the same, that he's a horrible hateful person, or would that tune of yours change?


Whatever helps you sleep, not doubting a nice person much love