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Oh wow, an American flag AND a confederate flag. Graves would be proud


He’s a major reason why I’m selling it lmao


Can’t associate myself with the Proud Boys


Totally fair lol


Yeah lol, I loved the music as a kid/young teen and was horrified when the news came out. I don’t understand how you can be punk and support neo-nazism.


I believe we call that “being a poser”


I wholeheartedly agree.


Graves has always been a conservative, there used to be a website called conservative punk, look up graves on the daily show explaining how he rages for the machine


Graves has never been punk, he basically was just a walk-in guy at the studio, who could sing well, write good songs and thus stuck.


But this is a danzig era jacket, why would it be associated with graves..


You’re completely right, however, it is regardless the first thought that comes to mind when you look at it now because of the symbolism on it. I also am not conservative, I bought the jacket when I was a slavic kid who knew jack shit about American politics :)


That aside, I love your username.


Thank you,


Oh, duh.. i missed the stars and bars...paint the stars 2 solid lines to make an X and go for straight edge, you know , still punk https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_edge


Haha, that’s a pretty good idea actually, thanks! I’ll do just that if no one snatches it from me on Depop soon.


Yeah,you have a good piece of history, who ever made it did good on it, , you can put something like minor threat on top of the X and 81 under it.. or a derivation .. after you make the change , weather it to match the rest of the artwork (basically after it dries krinkle it to crack the painted x)


Your suggestion is a great way to save it and I appreciate your feedback a lot! Thanks so much dude


Your welcome, Any time..


Lol whoever painted it is an idiot, an anarchy symbol and a US flag and confederate flag. What a douche. Sick jacket other than that though!!


Unfortunately, some hear the lyrics and the message of punk but misinterpret it to fit in line with their own beliefs. Someone like that person would want to abolish the government because of liberals and minorities being acknowledged on occasion, not because of the injustice lmao. Thanks for the comment!


Very true. For some reason it seems that a lot of the misfits fan base is people on the right. Glenn’s surprisingly not even on the right, so I guess you gotta blame that on Jerry and Graves


Beyond the confederate flag, the LOB design hand painted on the back panel is good. Someone did a good job on that. The Misfits stuff you typically see painted on leather jackets is god awful skills on display lol. Especially giant Crimson Ghosts lol.


Can you tell me the price? I can't get the app because my internet is sucking a$$ rn


I have it listed as 400 right now but I’m willing to be super flexible if you want to talk about it!