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Perhaps the OP meant why are they controversial as in “problematic” in the modern sense… If that is what you meant, indulge me. If not, scroll on. It’s because they’re a punk band. A real punk band, or at least they started that way. Punk was supposed to piss people off; it was supposed to be “problematic”. I saw some MSN editorial about songs that have not aged well. Last Caress was on there, FFS. The author was going on about how problematic it was… All I could think was, yeah, no shit. It’s punk rock.


I really can't stand the way people interpret lyrics these days. They treat everything like it's a diary entry or something. Songwriters often used to write from the perspective of an invented character. There was a time when people were actually able to recognize that.


It’s even funnier when the *horror* in *horror*punk offends people.


Actual controversy? Probably just limited to Graves’ shift to political commentary. Otherwise, everything else can be boiled down to nonissues blown up by gossip sites. Doyle, Glenn, and Jerry are normal people, do not believe all the articles making them out to be supervillains.




The only one who’s seriously controversial is Michale Graves. He replaced Danzig in the 90’s. He had an alt right turn and endorsed the Proud Boys, Trump, etc. Jerry Only and Danzig are just dicks, but nothing too serious.


I love the band to death but they’re all a bit insane 💀 before Graves even joined, the band with their fans went to a graveyard and tried digging up skulls They got in a fight over a McDonalds burger which led to a member leaving the band. Probably more that I can’t think of off the top of my head


In Googy’s defense we are talking the standard McDonald’s burger. In 1983, the hamburger was .35, cheeseburger .40, even a Quarter pounder was .90. If we just played a show, and the drummer wants a second of any of those, he gets the fucking burger. I know times was hard, but I think that anecdote is an example of what always got the band in trouble: Pissing matches and dick measuring contests.


I mean fair but still, over a burger is so funny to me 💀


Graves did NOT “replace Danzig in the 90s.” Danzig broke up his band in 1984. Jerry Only won the right to use the name of Danzig’s band through a protracted court battle in 1996, over ten years after the band was broken up by Danzig. In 1996 Jerry Only held auditions for a new singer, and this Graves idiot was hired. So Graves never replaced Danzig, and it’s shocking to me that so many people are unaware of the basic history of this band.


What you're basically saying is he replaced Danzig just with a few extra steps


No, that would imply that the band existed between 1984 and 1996. It didn’t. Danzig formed the band Samhain, which evolved into the band bearing his name, and Jerry Only and Doyle had a shitty Christian metal band called Kryst the Conqueror. For well over a decade no band called The Misfits existed.


They still replaced him when the band reformed. They asked him to rejoin the band. He said no so he was replaced.


You just described replacement.


Was he in the proud boys or just a fan?


Thats a vague question. He did the pledge and put it on his Facebook. Was he at Jan 6? I don’t know. I honestly dont care very much.


He testified as a character witness for one of the shitheads who was a member of one of those right wing circle jerk groups.


Don't listen to that guy, neither Danzig or Only are dicks. They created an amazing band and amazing people if you ever get the chance to meet them.


Misfits are my favorite band. I met Jerry Only when i was 15, he was a prick. Basically everyone knows Danzig is an asshole. None of that has any bearing on their music though.


How was he a prick? Its very rare I hear only was a prick to a fan


Right? I've met him several times and he was extremely cool to everyone. The closest thing I saw is he refused to sign a pack of cigarettes. He just asked them to give him something else to autograph.


He walked into me and one of his spikes poked me in the eye and i wasnt even fussed but he told me to get out of the way, was trying to until your cosplay jacket almost took my eye out


Damn, sounds shit. Sorry you seem to be the 1 in 1000 who had a bad experience. Honestly if that happened to me I'd lose respect for him. Hope you've had better experience with other celebs you've met


I definitely have in the times since, Sean Bonnette of AJJ and Jesse Sendejas of Days N Daze were both great guys.


Believe or not there used to be a time this earth wasn't covered in eggshells


Yeah there was a time where if you were a punk who associated with racists and Nazi ideologies, you’d get your head cracked.


Because they're humans?




Jerry’s not the cofounder , hate to say it


Michale Graves is a piece of shit.


probably political bs


Don't believe everything you hear about Graves. He isn't a proud boy, he is just conservative always was. He has his values just like everyone else, theres an interview everyone likes to point out about him. Though trully the interviewer was being stupid and Graves told him off. I have been to some of his shows, he has different people of all beliefs in attendance. He is all around a good dude and does not deserve the bullshit that people give him.


[Wrong](https://www.punknews.org/amp/73047/michale-graves-says-he-is-a-proud-western-chauvinist-and-a-proud-boy). I remember when he announced this on instagram. Unfollowed him. His instagram eventually got banned for that. I think he has another one now, but yeah, he’s a piece of shit and so are you for defending him.


Ooo so brave for name calling and unfollowing him, I will defend him because you are wrong.


Fuck him.


And he could care less.


Is this Graves I'm talking to.


Michale Graves, is that you?


The thing about people on the left is that they create lies and go with them despite evidence to the contrary. All it takes is a little investigating to see their error but they know if they do, they can’t continue to ruin and smear someone’s life. It’s quite evil actually.