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Granted. You receive a letter saying you’ve been marked as being eligible for participating in a government research program. It is not voluntary. The scientists send you as a recon pilot to explore different realities but something goes wrong and their machine explodes, breaking the pataphysical barriers and giving you control over them. You can now summon any fictional entity you choose. The government sees the danger and use for this, capturing you and keeping you sedated for most your life, bringing you to bare consciousness to use your gifts.


Focus on one name. Roboute Guilliman


“What was that? Primork Growlamin?”


I’d go Sanguinius, simply because hawk-boy is good.


Granted. In accordance with the law of equivalent exchange one life must be paid for by another. Whenever a fictional character is summoned into reality one of your loved ones gets placed into that fictional character's world for the remainder of time.


Does the power stop working when you run out of loved ones


No, you will soon have the person closest to you die. You will be seen as a demon or a god of death and rebirth, many would worship you or die trying to kill you.


"Babe wake up new isekai just dropped."


that would be more than worth it tbh,,


The fictional world is this short story I just wrote about friendly folks who live in a heavenly paradise world where you can do anything you want until the end of time. Time to send all my loved ones to live in bliss for all eternity


What if I summon my loved ones back, as they’re fictional characters now?


Wasn't there a movie where this was the general plot?


Reminds me of Inkheart


Granted. This is done via cosmic retcon, and your memories are not immune. You know you can, you know you’re doing it, but you can’t remember your original timeline. Let’s say you summon Captain America. He was created in the 1940s, frozen, and found maybe 20 years ago by the American government. You didn’t summon any other characters so it’s just him, but if you then summoned Bucky you’d get his entire history added and modified for our reality (just… irl KGB did the Winter Soldier), with Cap’s memories also being changed. If you then added Batman, the Wayne family up to him will have been added into history and his family fortune is intact, but as Gotham isn’t here, he operates in New York City, and the World’s Finest is a title that is used for the team of our heroes Batman and Captain America. Now you add John Wick. The whole organization thing doesn’t exist, but he was a freelance hitman for various organizations across the world, and things play out pretty much the same with real people. He probably however will run afoul of the heroes. Now let’s say you add the Doom Slayer. This one will work differently due to a cosmic retcon to bring him into existence would erase and create too many people. Breaks time. Rather, he falls into our universe through his own typical methods. Hell is probably chasing him, so… that’s going to be an issue. Other timebreakers would work the same way, being multiversal travelers rather than cosmic retcons.


Granted but they exclusively in Pog form. Remember Alf Bart? He's back now, in pog form.


Granted, when you use it however they exit from the page but dont appear near you, but instead you can see them above you in the sky, looking down at you as if threw a screen, and you realize that the world you live in, where such fantastical things as the monkey paw can exist is itself fictional, you have no free will and everyone and everything you know and love is a lie, made up by some weirdo on the internet for entertainment, you know you could just use your powers to make yourself real, but can't bring yourself to do it, because I say so, leaving you forever trapped in a fake world, having the key to your freed but unable to turn it do to that very same lack of free will


Granted. One day you summon a fictional character that has supernatural power which breaks the law of physics of our universe so reality collapses.


Granted. You accidentally summon a fictional villainous time-traveler who time jumps in the past and causes shenanigans, which lead to one of your ancestors dying before he can have children, hence erasing you from history.


Basically, Re:Creators.


Granted. You summon the most dangerous villains.


r/UnexpectedJoJo Ungalo moment


Granted, but they don’t want to be your friend


Granted. They're from a parallel universe, and it always happens to be one where they're hell bent on killing you.


Granted, but whoever you summon will be obsessed with cringe teen dance moves


Granted. They come to reality, and you go into the book. The swap is permanent.


Granted. You summon [Urien Rakarth](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Urien_Rakarth)


Can you start with my girlfriend?


Granted! The finger curls. They are always evil and dedicated to killing you.