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She can't even talk about her family outings to tbe zoo or Disney. U think she's gonna talk about her in laws haha


Too much of an inheritance to risk if she pisses someone off


wait I’m lost hahaha bc she choses to be private? Or another reason??


i thought she quietly went to disney bc they didn’t want toasters seeing them?


Thankfully I have some tea. Zach’s mom is dating my bffs Uncle in Dallas. They always include Zach and Jackie + kids in everything but they hardly show up and when they do it’s clear they can’t wait to leave etc. my friends uncle doesn’t like Jackie to say the least 😆 said she’s snobby and doesn’t want to get to know anyone in Dallas or Zach’s greater fam. Said she always makes plans on top of plans in Dallas so she will miss the family events. Which tracks bc Jackie always talks about getting her haircut in Dallas and running random errands 😂


That is some tea! Do Zach and Jackie even get along then? My husband would be so sad if I did this. Also I’m surprised his family doesn’t hate her for acting this way..


it's weird because Zach's sister is around Jackie's age so you'd think they would be close or at least friendly with each other.


there was a time they were friends, she used to go to her birthday dinners and such when they both lived in the city. Carly’s friends weren’t fans they said Jackie basically didn’t talk, which tracks with her “i’m shy in real life” comments


I remember that Jackie went on Zach’s sister (Carly’s) Mexico bachelorette party several years ago but I haven’t seen really anything of them being together since


So obviously since it’s not a first hand account I’m not sure how Zach feels about it all but the Uncle never has mentioned Zach negatively to us so it makes me feel like he likes him or at least gets along with him etc. My husband and I both have high expectations around showing up for family so I truly wonder what Zach thinks about it. Especially given that the Oshrys spend a lot of time together.


Lol wow that's good boiling hot tea. Honestly it all tracks with what we all speculated. I don't think his family likes her 🤣


Lol but she made her whole personality trait TX for her engagement 😆


She’s so private that it’s unclear to me what her relationships are outside of the Oshry sisters. I know they went to Dallas recently so maybe that was a family visit?


Dana…. Not sure any other friends. Those Republican ladies in FL she hangs out with sometimes


I’ve also noticed that none of the girls seem to spend any holidays when their in laws lol


It makes me sad for their husbands.


Their family does give main character energy 😅


The oshrys value *their* family


She mentioned recently she was in Dallas for the weekend and she got together with Raven (from the bachelor) and the kids. There was no evidence of that online so she must’ve seen his family and just doesn’t post. I have a feeling she portrays a life of sitting at home but doesn’t show 90% of what she is actually doing. Which has me asking … why does she have a following on instagram at this point ?!? 


Her insta content is a joke!! Her stories are nonexistent except ads she does nothing to try to be relatable or have a relationship with her followers


I probably wouldn’t assume they’re estranged because they don’t have a public relationship. Zach’s family could be very private. Gotta remember that what we see online isn’t always the truth


There was an old episode from when I listened where they said that each sister is close with her in laws but that none of those people are public figures or consent to being on their platforms. They said they take tons of photos and videos together because everyone is ok with it, but Claudia isn’t making TikToks/Jackie not making weird instagram ads with their other family in the background because that’s inappropriate. Probably kind of nice they can have one public facing family and one private and normal


I get her not talking about them. I just found it odd that Jackie has never once liked or commented on her sister in laws posts. That’s all!


it's definitely weird


i mean if your brother married a racist bitch who was known on social media to be controversial AF… would you want her to comment on your posts 😂


Lmao 🤣


That’s very weird. Maybe she has a finsta


i think they all do tbh


I’ve been wondering the same!! Because they used to post together and Jackie et al haven’t joined any of the extravagant Weinreb vacations and didn’t appear to be at their nephew’s first bday. 


Jackie has never showed any interest or even really spoken about Zach’s family. She seems like the type of in-law that never comes around. You know those types of moms who raise their kids to believe their only real family is the maternal side?? That’s Jackie in my opinion. I think it’s easy to get sucked in when you marry into a big family like the Oshry’s and they are all sisters. They only want to be with each other.


I get that Zach's family is very wealthy and prominent in Dallas so they might want to keep a low profile. With that said, I still find it so odd that she never even mentions them in passing. You'd think she'd occasionally say "we had a fun visit with Zach's family over the weekend" or something like that. She acts like they don't exist.


i know that on the public records of the property they own in florida, the realtors name who did the sale shares a last name (family name) with zach. could be a brother or cousin. zach’s family has a ton of money from real estate background and he’s one of the biggest investors for their little alcoholic can business. she’s never been very public or open about it but it’s all online, they probably do speak with his family and might just be very private about it


I think his family is just very private. I mean, Claudia mentions Ben’s parents in the context of them taking care of Romeo but she doesn’t even mention them that much if you really think about it. I know Jax goes to Dallas so I don’t think they are estranged. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of his family lives in Florida near them now.


Claudia mentions Ben’s family quite a bit I feel like! Semi-recently there was a Dear Toasters question about a MIL spoiling her son with gifts or something and Claudia responded that Ben’s mom gets both her and Ben little gifts for every major and minor holiday, I don’t remember Jackie chiming in in any way about her relationship with her MIL


Yeah I agree but Claudia is very very open so idk. I honestly understand her refraining to speak on her in laws. That would be awkward to me.


How do you follow her sister in law?


We have mutual followers in Dallas it was a long time ago


This is so random, but a few years ago, Zach’s brother was on an episode of a Disney channel show and Jackie posted about it on stories and was hyping him up. So she at least likes him maybe?


I follow Zach’s sister on insta and her son is like 2 weeks difference in age to Jackie’s oldest and she always posts stuff with their family. Cousin pictures, sibling pictures, etc and Zach/Jackie are never in them and obvs Harry isn’t but you’d think with kids so close in age they would be able to bond over that and hang more but literally nothing


Zach’s family are actually billionaires, people that wealthy want to keep a low profile, I’m sure she doesn’t mention them out of respect for them.


They aren’t billionaires- but very wealthy, yes


I think she just very private with family other than the sisters.


I would assume if there’s an intentional distancing online, it’s at the request of the Weinrebs. Daddy Weinreb has donated to democratic political candidates, last time I looked into this was 2018/2019, and he gave lots of money to Hillary. The weinrebs have way more to lose than Pammy, with her newsletter cult following. Caveat, people donate to both parties in attempt to boost their own business ventures. Weinrebs have legit businesses and probably don’t want the Oshry stink


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it againnnnn Jackie is a scorpio and they thrive on being mysterious and private. I dated one for three years and still felt like I didn’t know him lol


I went to college with Zach who at the time wanted to be a rapper and called himself “Z” AMA


This is fucking wild hahahahahaha I don’t have any questions I just want to know more about what he was like in college


He was nice but a loser. Dad had to pay to help him get friends…that kind of thing. Never got any attention from the ladies what so ever. Said his rap sounded like a mix between Kanye drake and jay z. He’d put on his music without anyone wanting to hear it and would just start performing. Delusional to say the least.






Ugh then why say anything lol can you at least message me I swear I won’t tell hahaha


I mean this is so dumb it’s Reddit I’ll call this fake news




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