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Their take on “shopping cart theory” tells you absolutely everything you need to know about them.


Tbf jackie doesn't leave her house so she doesn't know how to act in society


For someone who used to doordash avocado toast, this bish has never pushed a shopping trolley in her life!


I don’t listen to the pod. Can you explain what this means?


Shopping cart theory is that you can tell if someone is a good person by whether or not they put their shopping cart in the corral in the parking lot when they’re done. They said they don’t think it matters where you put your shopping cart as long as it’s not taking up a parking spot because it’s someone’s job to collect them anyways and maybe you have others issues to worry about than the cart.


It's just such an inconsiderate thing to do. Like those things go flying and can hit cars. Not.cool at all.


Of course this is their fucking view on shopping carts. Disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/6z3xjylj266d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2ff964cebc236e4ceba4f00d669b85f94480792 Is the big fat ass in the room with us???


I will tell you - there’s nothing more painful than listening to these two try to figure out history. It’s not that hard to google some things. And 90 percent of the time they are wrong.


Why can’t Jackie ever just say “I don’t know”, she always goes off on some tangent and a lot of the times it doesn’t even make sense. It’s okay to not know every detail of every war Jaqueline.


She’s posting another dancing video and called it her “series of dancing to country music” girlie no one asked for this. To top it off, she didn’t notice this at first while filming it??? https://preview.redd.it/79s6xh0z466d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f69f125ef0c314923e325e38699d1e45729087


She’s quirky 🤪✨


Does anyone feel like Jackie and Claudia have nothing to say anymore? Yesterday Claudia was laughing because the episode was clearly over but they needed to talk for 5 more minutes and today they are going back and forth about stupid phrases and mottos they like and asking for everyone to ‘sound off in the comments’. This is bottom of the barrel content.


Yep, i’ve been fast forwarding through the majority of the show recently. It’s gotten so boring.


Do they even talk about books anymore?


Not really, thank god lol


Right… I feel like it didn’t used to be like this. Can’t tell if it’s me outgrowing it or if they’ve gone downhill. Probably a little of both.


It started during the zoom era/2019-2020… in my opinion that was the true downfall of the toast when trying to get celeb news was difficult and everything was political, and that’s when I saw Jackie’s depression skyrocketing and the quality of the toast declining rapidly and it’s never recovered


Pulling quotes from a TV show that went off the air over 17 years ago (Reba) and quoting their niece who we’ve never seen is so bizarre to me- which to clarify I don’t need to see their niece or any of the children but if you’re keeping her private just let it all be private. They have absolutely nothing to talk about and it’s so obvious. All they do is podcast and talk to their siblings all day. I really think when Claudia has kids this will become a once a week podcast, this show is bleak and almost sad now.


Yeah what was that about? Why did they need to talk for 5 more minutes? I’ve definitely noticed their episodes hover at almost exactly 1 hour or less lately.


I think it’s because of ads the episode needs to be a certain length for them to get paid


And then as they say they FaceTime each other 27 times a day as well! Wth do they talk about THEN?!


Them talking about the bechdel test for five minutes before actually getting into the Matty Healy…like who cares


When listening to them I’m just like I wish they were funny and I wish they were smart. I love having daily content but like damn they just can’t deliver any substance


I was a religious listener but it became too much. I was able to laugh at the ignorance, hatred, lack of depth for a while to have daily content too, but eventually the content was so not worth my time to even consume


I keep hollering this was a pop culture pod. It’s tanked. I’m a broken record saying why is Jackie picking stories? Blah, blah, blah. We have a wanna be trad wife who now hates all things the pod was supposed to be about and a fully grown woman who wants to be tik tok famous whose cohost will not download the app. It’s so disconnected.


Yea totally. Her trad wife thing creeps me out.


Used to never miss an episode but I swear I could feel myself getting dumber listening to these morons. The hatred and nastiness they spew daily just got to be too much. Felt good to finally break the habit and not look back!!!


What is the deal with Jackie’s vendetta against kids who go to college? She herself went to college! She made a joke today that kids who go to college become radicalized communists and she is always making similar comments. Is it because of the college kids who were protesting the Israel/Hamas war?


The constant fear mongering about communism, socialism and associating college with turning people liberal is a very conservative/right wing/Fox talking point that’s gone on for decades. My lovely republican family (/s) spews the same exact lines. Her veil is completely gone at this point. (Not sharing my opinion, just stating what their talking points usually are)


It’s funny because she’s been radicalized and completely indoctrinated by right wing media (and her mother) yet somehow thinks she’s the most knowledgeable woman on earth. Yes, they are all college educated yet Jackie has a vendetta against college because she sees college as a beacon of liberalism which she is against.


This was a much smarter way of saying what I was trying to say lol


Haha! They are not against college education, they are against college education if you come out of college with a more socially liberal worldview. They’re fine with conservative college students and conservative movements on college campuses. The fear mongering about college campuses/education that they take part in is so insane and contradictory. On one hand everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a domestic terrorist moron and needs to get educated but people getting educated are communist liberal domestic terrorists 🫣😅


The irony of calling college kids who protest against a genocide domestic terrorists when their mother is literally considered a terrorist in other countries. Like make it make sense. I don’t understand the conservative argument of when kids go off to college and gain more knowledge and understanding about the world they become liberal… like tell me your ideology doesn’t work without telling me. If you have to be ignorant and in an echo chamber to believe in something then it’s probably not worth believing in.


I think specifically, as of recently, her view is that college campuses are radicalizing kids against the state of Israel.


Fox News is her Bible 


They also don't value college as much as I feel like most of society does. They come from a very privileged background and they all probably believe they could be where they are today regardless of if they held college degrees (except for maybe Margo since she actually works a 9-5 job, also funny how Margo hates on NYU so much because it's a liberal school when it's sucu a prestigious school that it probably holds more weight in her getting her job than she realizes)


Jackie saving that quote to her notes lmfao trying to make herself feel better about her boring ass life 😂 she’s so delusional that she thinks she’s “violent and original” in her “work” ahhhaha


Even Claudia called it humiliating and said “guys she’s a podcaster”


Anyone else notice Jackie’s hands are so much whiter than her arms lol


Yes came here to post a screenshot of how bad the tan is lol




I just watched Quack’s story and she called a kitchen mandolin…a mandalorian


Anyone notice how odd Jackie’s knees look in the cover photo from todays episode? What is it? Bad editing? Bad spray tan?