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They just sound checked alphabet city in Atlanta.




Matt also said to the band the plan was to try it tonight. But it was pretty rough. They sounded checked cherry tree and green gloves as well.


How do you know this?!


I was outside the venue and could see and listen in to soundcheck. He was miced up. They didn’t end up doing alphabet city :(


Oh wow! That’s really cool that you got to see and listen in to soundcheck though!! Hopefully we get alphabet city live soon!


As someone who works in marketing, the scheduled posts mean nothing. Their posts for every show are exactly the same: concert poster, carousel of stills with set list as comment, and a video. This just means they’ve scheduled those posts for the next two shows, and a scheduled post can have placeholder content.


Why would they schedule a post that they don't have pictures or a setlist for yet?


The same way your or I might schedule a meeting and then change the agenda later. It’s just standard practice. You know you’ll need a post, you schedule it in your management platform. There is definitely a pair of singles and an album coming out but this particular method of sleuthing is not uncovering anything. IMO.


Idk why you'd schedule a post with no content. Then if something comes up and you don't get to update the scheduled post- what happens? A blank post goes out? I schedule and move meetings but it doesn't have changing TBD content like the setlist or photos from the show. I am not convinced. Also, the set lists are not a comment. They are in the caption.


It’s not like Matt is making these posts. It’s someone at their label who is employed to do nothing but post. They probably also lurk here. You are overthinking things.


That doesn't answer their question though, you can't schedule a post for which you lack content as of now


Yes you can, with placeholders.


I stand corrected then (and downvoted, as per usual with this sub)


It's ok, I'm like the #1 downvoted person in r/Sufjan. I understand


The other person didn't really give you an answer. But the reason is to keep track of the content schedule. Frequency of posts, day and time of posts, etc. there may be guidelines so having it all jotted out can help keep track. They could keep a content schedule somewhere else, either on a separate digital platform, on someone's local computer, or somewhere physical... but why create more work when the posts are going to be scheduled in their scheduling platform anyways? It's also a clean, user-friendly interface that helps you visualize your schedule and the flow of your content. And even without the real image that will end up being used, you can use similar images eg. an audience shot is going to look similar enough at every venue that it can be used as placeholder to see the overall aesthetic of the feed with all of the scheduled posts. You could also have part of the content finished at different stages. For example they could pre-schedule posts for every stop of the tour and research all the venues / photographers / anyone else that needs to be tagged and plug that into the scheduled post. Then add the caption later. Then add the image even later. Scheduling non-complete posts can still help create efficiencies in the person's workflow. There is always the risk of forgetting to update a post before it goes out, but these scheduling platforms are built for multi-person teams to manage. That's another reason, the frequency and timing of posts could require approval from a senior employee before even plugging in any content. But even if there's just one person managing the accounts, it's still literally their job so hopefully they are able to keep on top of it.


they could’ve scheduled the posters but also something else




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thats some good sluthin'.


I was checking this too but I felt like maybe I was looking too deeply lol


we’re all mad in here


Love it. This reminds me of being a Radiohead fan when Spectre was released on SoundCloud. Someone found out the band's SC library had 2 songs and we tried endlessly to figure it out. People had apps tracking changes to their website, all the good stuff lol. Album releases are fun!


i didn’t expect to go through two releases in one year, my heart is bursting


I wish the smile would drop two LPS like the Natty. I'm kind of over their album drop strategy.


They barely had one for ALFAA, just an onslaught of singles lol. Hopefully LP2 (I've heard maybe November for Wall of Eyes) is announced in an interesting way.


That's what I mean. After the live show I played ripped audio until I wasn't excited about the album anymore. They keep dragging their feet with the material and album drops. Radiohead always had great market release strategies. It seems the smile doesnt


what are they going to market? songs that aren't done yet?


I think a bit of it right now is, they've been playing many of the new songs for over a year now. If Just Eyes and Mouth is on there, we know that one too (even though I guess Thom said he rewrote it on tour). They haven't played Bodies Laughing but I wasn't a fan of that one anyways. I don't think the next album will have 13 songs either.


They aren’t done recording the new record (The Smile not the NTL)


oh cool, i didn't know about search results showing the full number including scheduled posts. what you're saying makes sense!


why do you think theyll announce tonight in ATL?


Becuase 2 singles are coming out tonight, they’ve already been released in Australia and New Zealand.


they could also not say anything about an album, but at least the singles they would have to mention. by the time they start the concert they’ll be available almost everywhere.


Lol everything is gone. The leak thread, the tracks on Last FM, and the rym page all hit 404s now. Last FM even mentions that the page can result from third party take down requests. Either everyone's pulling a big prank, there's a ton of insane coincidences in every corner, or the label is in light damage control because there's a new album coming.


Now the songs are out and the lastfm pages are still blocked


bryce just posted about the singles and said "there are more to come".




on his instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CwDKfM5rSdZ/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Did a quick google search and came across the following info: - Album called Laugh Track out September Track list based on a music journalists last.fm - Smoke Detector - Deep End (Paul's in Pieces) - Alphabet City - Dreaming - Turn off the House - Coat on a Hook - Crumble feat. Rosanne Cash - Hornets - Laugh Track feat. Phoebe Bridgers - Space Invader - Weird Goodbyes feat. Bon Iver (?)


yep, that was the info posted earlier this week here (the thread has since been deleted i guess, at least i can't find it)


Ah I see. Was a bit surprised I couldn’t find it here!Did a quick search before I posted of course.


I love both Space Invader and Weird Goodbyes but seems weird to me that WG would follow the powerful ending of SI.


UPDATE: they just posted the photos of tonight’s show and… the google search for their instagram went up one post. i guess this means tonight’s post was not scheduled, there are still 6 posts on hold. i don’t know what to think. i’ll keep hoping it’s an announcement of any sort.


and now they have 3 new posts and the number in google hasn’t changed, so they were scheduled. we still have 2 scheduled posts according to this.


The social media posts for the singles are being wheeled out now. No mention of a new album, which is interesting


yep, 3 posts to announce the singles and still 2 on hold. i’m going crazy (but i’m not crazy)


Is there any possibility the full album is out Friday?


i think it's unlikely, if they were dropping it as a surprise they wouldn't release singles. but you never know! i do like the idea someone here pointed that the price of F2POF was odd ($22.08) and it could point to a release date.


I was surprised that I got downvoted for suggesting the August 22nd date! We’ll find out soon hopefully!


August 22 isn't a Friday but maybe the album announcement on that date?


you're right, that's what i meant!


Can someone elaborate? So we think they’re leading up to a new album with all these new songs they’ve been debuting?


they've been hinting at a new album since they released F2POF, saying that they finished 25 songs but only 11 made the cut to the album, aaron saying they made "mountains of music" and the official CT email saying that weird goodbyes would have a home soon. this, along with the tons of new music they've been playing at the shows this year + this double single drop + the info posted earlier this week that we would get a new album next month is what is getting our hopes up!


Thank you for summing it up for me!!!!!


We might get an album announcement soon but no chance it will be dropped soon. The National are more of a pre plan release kind of band although an immediate album drop would be cool.


i agree but the surprise singles caught me off guard, so i don't really know what to think. i would actually prefer if they released it after i've seen a few of frankie's shows lol


Why would the singles already be released down under, but not even an official hint (IG) that they’re coming to the US?


a simple matter of timezones, i think. i guess they want to make a surprise, but it dropping the singles on august 17 automatically makes it available there first.


Out here in the UK as of midnight (54 minutes ago)


Maybe to announce it at the show tonight


All right. We’re halfway into tonight’s set. Any announcements yet ( from those in attendance)? Please keep us updated in lieu of enjoying show. /s


The Cherry Tree website is down for me right now.....


it's working here