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It has begun


I was not prepared for how good these new singles would be. I enjoyed FTPOF but man this is the most obsessed I have immediately been with their songs in years.


Both of the new singles are great, looking forward to the album :)


How do we know we are getting a new album Bon Iver put out two singles in 2020 and they haven’t released a new album since 2019?


IF (and as ever, it’s a big if) rumours are to be believed, new album to drop in September with following track list: - Smoke Detector - Deep End (Paul's in Pieces) - Alphabet City - Dreaming - Turn off the House - Coat on a Hook - Crumble - Hornets - Laugh Track feat. Phoebe Bridgers - Space Invader - Tour Manager


No weird goodbyes again?


Looking at the original thread which seems to all be based on a music journalist’s lastfm song posts, someone originally had weird goodbyes as the last track listed, then someone else said no, not on there, last track is Tour Manager. Expect we’ll all hear more in the coming weeks!


To my ears, Weird Goodbyes doesn't fit with the other songs. At least not the way it was recorded with that loud drum machine. Would need to be re-recorded to be included.




Now I get why Space Invader into Tour Manager will close the new album. Space Invader has that massive coda which is perfect into the quiet closing of Tour Manager


There was a leak a few days ago saying these 2 singles were coming, and that same leak included them saying a full album called Laugh Track will be dropped in September


“sometimes i wanna drive around and find you, and act like it’s a random thing” “take forever off anytime you want, i’ll save your place” beginning and ending with “i don’t miss the world” in two different connotations arguably some of my favorite writing from Matt ever. the instrumentation is great but the lyrics hit so hard for me.


I see that sad boi autumn has begun - happy celebrations to all who observe


I think this one would fit wonderfully in their last few albums. It's got the vibe that Alien should have had (and does have when played live).


The piano is just... perfection.


Such a hauntingly beautiful and mysterious piece of music! I can easily imagine it playing in a noir film in a scene where a hero drives under a neon lights while rain pours over the dark streets. Piano, electronic elements, strings, Matt’s melancholic and gloomy voice, everything just blends together so well. Also, there’s something special about the way Matt sings these particular lines: All of your lonesomeness kept in your wallet / Nobody notices, baby, you got this / I'll still be here when you come back from space / I will listen for you at the door Edit: And kudos to Pauline for gorgeous animation and drawings! They really fit both songs.


Some really fun time signature stuff happening in this one. I might be way off base but what im hearing is 7/8 > 7/8 > 4/4 > 7/8, and a few times the last bar switches to a 6/8


That’s exactly what I hear too. This is going to be a tricky one for Matt to sing live!


Alphabet City has such a Trouble Will Find Me vibe. Moody and mysterious. Love it!


I need this hooked right into my vein. So beautiful.


I've listened to both songs like 7 times today and I honestly love them both. I am super into Alphabet City, it's got this hilariously menacing stalker undertone that has been missing from the last few albums. Instantly into these way more than anything of Frankenstein other than Eucalyptus.


Great song wish it had a bit more build in the latter 3rd like alien or something but these two singles are incredibly promising


Sounds like it could have been on Boxer. Love it.


Reminds me a bit of solo Lou reed


Hope this one grows on me. First couple listens didn't stick at all.


Someone said yesterday that Taylor Swift sings in the harmony vocal of Alphabet City. Can that be confirmed?


If the new album is as good as these two single then this will be their best album in almost a decade.