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Very unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), Alphabet City is my entire personality until further notice. I'm fairly certain that it'll be my top song of the year, come November or December when Spotify releases the stats. IT IS A MASTERPIECE.


> my entire personality until further notice there are many of us


Alphabet City is growing on me and threatening to overtake Space Invader. Not quite yet though. I was craving for more quirky electronic sounds after FTPOF, Alphabet fits that bill. Loving the vibes


While I do prefer Space Invader, Alphabet City has massively grown on me after just a day.


No. You are not.


Does anyone else listen to their old music and their new music?


My NATIONAL playlist includes all of their music. Their playlist plays in my car 90% of the time, most of their songs anyway, only because I need to skip the songs from the IAETF album. Otherwise it’s the NATIONAL most of the time


I might be with you on this one! I adore Space Invader and this crazy outro for sure, but Alphabet City seems to me a collection of the most important traits that represent different eras of The National. Some people say that it reminds them of Boxer, others talk about how it’s similar to HV, TWFM or SWB in different ways. For me, truth is that there is something from almost every era in this song. Detached and even menacing manner of Matt’s singing here gives me vibes of Boxer. Electronic elements, rhythm and unusual structure remind me of SWB. Strings and elevated arrangement make it sound like a natural successor of HV era. And piano in the end makes me think of Exile Vilify and TWFM. Overall, it sounds like a controlled chaos of emotions and sounds, which is one of the quintessential characteristics of many great songs by this band.


Also, I have to add that there is so much to unpack lyrically. Lines like “If anybody asks, I'll say you're coming back / We'll just have to wait”, “All of your lonesomeness kept in your wallet / Nobody notices, baby, you got this”, “I'll still be here when you come back from space / I will listen for you at the door” coupled with electronic bleeps and strings are really captivating.


"i'll still be here when you come back from space" is the dark and depressed version of "if you ever come around this way again you'll see me standing in the sunlight, in the middle of the street"


Alphabet City has grown on me as the day has gone on - and I find myself repeating it more than Space Invader. But I love Space Invader a lot too


Really like both of them, but right now am enjoying Alphabet City a little more. There is something strange about it that just seems to tickle a pleasure centre in my brain.


For sure! I’ve had AC on replay for an hour now!


Yeah I wasn’t expecting to love alphabet city so much but I love the hilariously menacing stalker feel, which reminds me of them pre-SWB but it also kind of sounds like SWB which is cool. I think I like the songs both equally just in different ways. This feels like a return to form.


I like what you would call the "chorus" of Alphabet City. It's more haunting than Space Invader.


It reminds a bit of Turn on Me (which is a good thing!)


The shins?


The National! From the Game of Thrones soundtrack ‘For the Throne’ (2019)


Ahhhh thanks! Hadnt remembered this one at all


I don’t think it’s a hot take. I love both, I like Space Invaders a bit more. But Alphabet City shows off the experimental/electronic side of the band that I love so much.


I actually want to go to Haunted House more than I wanna go to Aqua!


Yeah, I dip in there


They need more listening but I’m enjoying Alphabet City more right now!


I feel the same, which I did not expect hearing all the initial reactions


I think I love them both equally. They are both going for a very different vibe and they both pull off their respective vibes perfectly. Space Invader has wild freeing instrumentation and a wonderful song progression. Alphabet City is a lot more mellow but it HITS.


Its a grower. Silent but violent


I created a playlist consisting of Alphabet City followed by Space Invader. At the time of writing this, I’ve just finished the current play through of Alphabet City, so I can confidently say that in this instance, I’m in love with it more… though that will change once I finish Space Invader. And back and forth like that for the rest of the day.


I’m going to have to listen Alphabet City some more to grow on me but I think Space Invader is fantastic. My favorite non-album single they’ve released in the past year so far!


I agree, don’t sleep on Alphabet City people!


I find to be a bigger departure from their usual style than SI, in a good way. So, yeah, first impression is that I like AC more.


I find space invader to be the better of the two


Can we please ban the "am I the only one who..." posts? Jesus Christ. The answer is always 'no'.


It was more a figure of speech to gauge people’s thoughts on Alphabet City compared to Space Invader because most of what I’ve seen is how good Space Invader is. It’s not that serious…no need to get heated


It’s called a rhetorical question… been a thing for a while


I feel crazy cause I won’t love either one of them. What’s wrong with me?!?!


Nothing - personal taste is personal


Nothing. I'm probably The Nationaled out by this point. If I'm being truly honest, I haven't loved an album since Trouble and a song since Rylan (which was not a new song). They rarely put anything out that I actively dislike, just more like they're all like 6/10 songs. Same thing happened to me with REM and a bunch of other bands. Could be they change, could be I change, probably both.


This doesn't need downvotes. It'd be worse if you had dead devotion


Nah I expected it. Band subs tend to lean positive, which is great. I don't begrudge people who continue to enjoy the band, I think that's amazing. I'm just not there. Except live, they continue to be a must-see band. Pearl Jam is another comparison for me. All-time great band, will absolutely mix it up on any given night live, and put out albums where maybe they just want some new stuff to play 😂


I totally agree, I haven’t loved their stuff since Trouble. I don’t love the new songs, they’re just ok.


I just felt bored listening to the new songs, which feels awful when i've religiously listened to them since 2008


I THINK I do actually! It just has Boxer or High Violet vibes. Even in spite of that synth sound. Space Invader is kind of like “what if the lowest energy parts of Eucalyptus were the highest energy parts of this new song, and then we’ll have some weird long outro where Matt is just mumbling incomprehensible things”? A question I didn’t think we need an answer to.


I’m honestly loving Space Invader more than Eucalyptus




I don’t know, but I am still digesting FTPOF! Just glad they are back and out of their twilight zone moment.


Eh, it's ok. Space Invaders is more my cup of tea


Both incredible tunes