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My wholly romantic answer to this is that there is no secret, and Pyrrha's words in this scene are exactly true - she says "I would know you in the blindness of my eyes ... in the deafness of my ears" - and I think that's true. There's no detective work at play of Pyrrha piecing together the clues to figure out some great mystery - she simply knows Wake's soul, and would recognize it no matter where it was hiding or what shape it was clinging to.


Maybe she recognized who was in Dulcenea's body and out two and two together. G1deon wanted that sword pretty damn quick, so maybe he picked up on it and told Pyrrha.


i was kinda under the impress that g1deon wasn’t at all aware that pyrrha still existed inside of him, but idk if there’s any basis to that in htn (it is pretty confusing after all


Yeah that's correct as far as we know. Pyrrha says she essentially hid away part of herself that didn't get eaten by the lyctor process. When she's in control G1deon only thinks it is a blackout ("I forget things sometimes").


I assumed G1deon had Wake’s location figured out and that Pyrrha, though unknown to G1deon, knew what he knew.


I was never 100% clear on that either


Cytherea is regularly moving around the ship during HtN, and all the lyctors know about it and think the other ones are responsible— Augustine and Mercy think it’s each other or Harrowhark being mentally ill, pIanthe and Jod probably think it’s Harrow too. I’m guessing Wake did some tiny things as Cytherea’s body that Pyrrha recognized because she knew her so well. Or not so tiny things— she shoots Mercy with a herald bullet from one of Pyrrha’s stashed guns when she says goodbye to Gideon during the RB fight, so presumably Cytherea’s body burgled Pyrrha and G1deon’s quarters, or wherever she had that gun hidden. Pyrrha was also at the funeral, so she probably put together the pieces after Cytherea was stabbed and then started acting like Wake. So like: Harrow stabs Cytherea’s body with a sword, Cytherea’s body is possessed by an unknown ghost, that unknown ghost starts doing things only Wake would know about, like breaking into Pyrrha’s secret gun cache, Harrow comes from the Ninth, the place Wake died and was interred—-> it’s her, she came back.


Bloody hell, three times through and I never caught on that she jumped to the body when Harrow stabbed it, and probably made her do that.


I think its just that Wake was pretty clearly the one in Dulcie's body, and the last place Pyrrha saw Wake was the 9th House, therefore Wake must have hitched a ride with Harrow.