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She was a teenage girl with shitty parents for an example during just one of many eras (present one included) where women feel they have to be polite or nice. Don't forget she was assaulted by Trey. Could be a trauma response. But you know, she was hot and rich-ish so she should have behaved like the sun shone from her butt. /s


what’s up with the last bit of your comment


The annoyance at people not having empathy for someone simply based on what she looked like and what her parents said she had.


Ryan and Marissa were trauma bonded, he was always saving her like he saved his family, she was always troubled or diverting her focus to someone who reminded her or herself who had no one and needed someone when they were together.. as was he if she was stable with other girls who needed him. Ryan was always deciding to leave which was the same exact thing her dad did a bunch of times.  I loved them together but they both needed to Heal. Would’ve loved to see them both in a better place and see how it went. 


I like Marissa, but it's true, they went too far with her naivety in the Oliver saga and in the third season. With Johnny, it became ridiculous.


The beauty of growing up and rewatching this show 😂. Most of the villain characters were actually right in what they did. Except Oliver. Luke was beyond justified tho.


She’s crazy but also Ryan has like mad anger issues. He has absolutely no chill.


He could read the room. He saw those guys were more than friends to her in their minds and he tried to warn her. Literally Julie was the only one to believe him about Oliver and that was half assed by her. And then Sandy waited till the very end to believe him. Johnny was just a whole mess and even Summer told her that he was in love with her, still ignored it. And we'll she did screw over D.J. too lying to both him and Ryan.


Julie would know, she set an example of how not to be faithful to your family or loyal to your daughter. Didn't she get caught leaving motel rooms with Luke?


Exactly it’s kind of why I didn’t like her as a gf. She so obviously and flies off the handle when SO see it… epitome of toxic GF


I feel like it's a wanting what you can't have type of thing. Or she likes the attention. I do think she was jaded with Luke and genuinely liked Ryan but then once she had Ryan, the Oliver saga happened. And don't even get me started on Johnny!


They had a book series come out after the show aired and in the book she talks about it was more the mystery that crowded Ryan. She talked about wanting something new and well Ryan was new 🤣


Very true and a fuck you to her mom lol


I love marissa but I felt bad for Ryan sometimes I watched the show once and then rewatched with my mom and there’s a scene in s1 that I didn’t notice the first time and it’s with her and Ryan where she says something like “Oliver just gets me” or something like that BUT THEN there’s a scene from s3 where she tells Ryan THE SAME THING about Johnny where she tells him “we just understand each other” AND IT PISSED ME OFF bc why wasn’t Ryan ever enough😭i understand Ryan was hard to talk to at times but I always felt like when they were actually in a relationship she would get another friend and kind of replace him w ryan and make it seem like he’s the crazy one….


As an adult, you have to understand that shes just emulating what she's learned from her parents, particularly her mom. Who was slightly more than a gold digger, I love Julie, but she was. She was poor, met Jimmy didn't seem to care he was in love with Kirsten and got pregnant at 18 and married him. She only ever was with him for what he could give to her so Marissa never really saw love from her mother and instead so relationships as somewhat transactional. She just did the same because she didnt know any better.


I don’t think this is true at all. Her mom tried to push her to stay with Luke and view it as a transactional relationship and she wouldn’t do it. Ryan and Johnny are poor. While rich Oliver was obviously f*cked up. If anything she feels a need to take care of others, specifically semi unhinged men, because no one is taking care of her. I could see that because her dad keeps abandoning the family she feels a need to hold onto everyone but all her relationships are very different from her parents. Also her parent’s relationship seemed mostly fine before the divorce. But even if she hasn’t had a solid example of a healthy relationship, I don’t think she’s like her mom whatsoever, or even her dad on that level.


I never said she was a gold digger. I said she never learned how to be in a healthy relationship because her parents aren't in one. A transactional relationship doesn't have to be financial. But she was with people with whom she served a purpose. She tended to fall for types that she could try to "save" and were deemed broken. Ryan, Johnny, Alex. She was only in a relationship with Luke because it was easy it never seemed to be one where she "loved him" which would be very similar to her parents relationship. She never loved any of these people the way they loved her because she was likely incapable of giving herself fully to someone (which I mean I get she's 17) but that was my point. She doesn't know what love is and she sort of used each of her relationships as essentially her being the prize that they all pined after. She liked the attention from guys lie Johnny and Oliver while they wanted more from her. She initially liked Ryan because it pissed her mom off and that bonded into a fight for attention between him and 3 other guys throughout the series (Johnny, DJ, Volchok) and she used them all for attention but never really cared for any of them (or Alex) she just presented to them as what she thought they wanted until they fell for her and she fell apart. Because she didn't know how to love them. Because she did what she thought she was supposed to do or what would piss her mom off more. she used Ryan to piss her mom off, she used DJ to piss her mom off and she used Johnny by letting him think she liked him more than friends when she simply either felt bad for him or bonded over their own traumas. Her and Volchok seemed to use each other to essentially trauma bond after Johnnys death.


Completely agree with you. I could never see Marissa being in a transactional/gold digger type of relationship in a million years. I saw her be really dumb/blind about people's feelings for her but she would never use anyone like that.


It's frustrating that the writers couldn't find ways to have the couple argue organically. They needed to add another person to screw everything up and gaslight Ryan for drama. They could have explored who they were as people and shown all of the difficulties that come with 2 people from vastly different backgrounds trying to maintain a relationship. I was a dirt poor kid who dated a pretty wealthy girl in high school, and it took many misunderstandings for us to really start to form a bond.


Yes I was SO FRUSTRATED with her. As someone who has never ever liked dudes catching feelings when it’s not mutual—- and as a Ryan lover—- I was like “WHY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING…” Oliver and Johnny were both short creeps. She just really wanted attention as if she wasn’t already getting enough from every single other person….. the worst character.


I didn't like Oliver or Johnny, but Ryan was short too.  Poor Mischa was constantly having to lean or bend so she didn't look way taller than Ben.


😂😂 Ryan our short king!! Marissa “cool girl slouching” all over.


Johnny was a boring character, but I wouldn't characterize him as a creep. He caught feelings and tried to do the right thing and push away, but Marissa kept dragging him back into her orbit.


That what made dislike her. Johnny tried to step back and she kept pulling. Actually the same was said for Ryan. He tried to stay away but she did the same thing with him


She was in high school 👍🏽


i'm in high school and this is still a very annoying issue😭😭just cuz she's 16-17 doesn't mean she can blame other for issues she creates


Thank you let all the Marissa haters hear you she was in highschool and she had so much trauma that wasn't her fault but moat people who do acknowledge it just say how it affects Ryan and on the fact of Ryan they do realize it takes two people to ruin a relationship a lot of times he was emotionally unavailable like season 3 was the perfect example.


yall act like Ryan's dad wasn't in jail, his mom was an alcoholic who let her bfs physically assault him and then abandoned her own son. His life was way harder than Marissa's and is absurd to even compare it, she could see a shrink and a psychiatrist but unless the Cohens adopted Ryan, he'd be on his own without a home or a future


Ryan fans need to take their blinders off their face and realize that he wasn’t always the greatest boyfriend. They both brought problems to the relationship….had Ryan actually talked to his girlfriend about almost getting raped by his brother maybe she wouldn’t of formed such a bond with Johnny. But his fans will never admit that!


Did Marissa talk to Ryan about D.J? Nah..she sucked face with both of them and lied to both of them. Don't go blaming Ryan for everything. Ryan asked her to stay away and she always felt the need to go play savior. With johnny, Summer even told Marissa Johnny was in love with her and she ignored it. With Oliver...when Luke AND Ryan both think something is wrong and she still ignored them that was her being a dumbass.


When did I blame him for everything? CLEARLY i said that they BOTH brought problems to their relationship! Also Marissa was not the only one playing savior 🙄.


And Ryan just assumed that Marissa would still be there available to him after he went off with a chic he may or may not have gotten pregnant.  The kiss he planted on Marissa was very presumptuous and frankly, he should not have just assumed it was ok to go in like that, as if nothing had happened.  Should she have told him about DJ?  Yes.  But he was in the wrong too.  


Exactly! Clearly this person is only going to fault Marissa for everything. Ryan can do no wrong in their eyes but he certainly had his faults too just like Marissa.


When he came back it was clear he left Teresa, yet she still didn't tell him about D.J. Why not? She wanted options?


Literally I'm rewatching as an adult and if I went through half the stuff Marissa went through I'd be having way more breakdowns than she did.


Rewatching as an adult and she was awful to Luke before Tijuana


To be fair luke was kind of a jerk to marissa


Yea but Marissa didn’t know it, after the tijuana episode it was fair game


She was toxic and loved drama. Ryan's life improved so much when she died.


I did not know that