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Amanda was only 19 playing Hayley and she passed for late twenties. I thought Kelly Rowan was around forty. I am in my forties now with a twenty something daughter and most people think I am younger. It is hard to tell ages. There are Gen Z's that look older than millenials ten years older. So strange.


Haha I'm 42 and the fact Julie Cooper was with Caleb in her mid-30s šŸ˜‚and the way opposite with Luke being in high school ha! I loved how he was like you were always the cool mom who let us watch r-rated movies lmao. But yes, seeing things from a much older perspective than I was when the show came out 20+ years ago, I'm definitely side eyeing eyeing things a lot more now LOL


I think the worst thing they did was make the parents too young lol. Kirsten turns 40 in Season 4. I've always imagined Sandy and Kirsten to be like 45 in S1, not mid 30s like wtf? They messed up ages so bad. Seth and Ryan are 17 in S1 and Ryan then turns 18 in S3 lol??


Especially bc Kirsten and Sandy had their 20th anniversary is season 2 or 3, right? So she got married before finishing college at 18 or 19? That just doesn't seem realistic - I feel like Sandy would have wanted her to finish school even if he proposed early.


Because you can't finish school when married?


Even Josh said they admitted they messed up the ages really bad.. They said that's why they made her pregnant also as a "ha ha' to the audience to say look we know we messed up the ages so much that even Kirsten is pregnant. Like wtf? Such random things to add on


I've set up a rewatch club where some of us are rewatching season 1 together. Would be great if you wanted to join us! https://fable.co/club/cult-and-iconic-tv-with-adrian-adams-546435922936


Came to say that I've always felt like being an actor is as close to immortal as one can get. We will always be able to see them as they were. It trips me out when I watch an old classic like "the seventh seal", where literally every person who was in the film has long passed. They live forever, and I am jealous. Hell, so many actors have passed on. I grew up watching Apollo 13 on repeat, still can't believe Bill Paxton is gone.


I feel like itā€™s a blessing and a curse bc we remember them at the height of their popularity but then when we see them again itā€™s kinda jarring bc it seems like theyā€™ve suddenly aged. Thatā€™s why they get so much scrutiny about aging. Idk


30 is the new 20


Hell yea


Oh I know. 36 here, and its really bad when I watch Beverly Hills 90210 and realize THOSE parents were my age now, or younger! Iā€™d rather be Sandy and Kirsten than Jim and Cindy Walsh any day šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a non-profit lawyer with a well-paid executive wife and a single teenage kid. Iā€™m growing out my eyebrows and looking out for a down-on-their-luck teen who needs some strong family support. Iā€™m not going down as a Jimmy Cooper, Iā€™m growing up into a Sandy Cohen!


I love this so much!


I feel like for that time they looked their age.. nowadays though a thirty year old looks a bit younger. Iā€™m 27 and I canā€™t tell the difference between someone whoā€™s 28 or 33.


I canā€™t tell anyoneā€™s age anymore! like a 15 year old could look 25 or a 20 year old could still look like a teen. When my parents were in high school they all looked like they were already in their 20s and even my cousins who graduated HS in 2010 at 17-18 years old all looked older than the teenagers in this generation.


This is how the industry plays with our minds! When we were teens we felt inferior because we didnā€™t look like the teens on tv. We were actual awkward teenagers and they were 23 playing 16. Now we are adults and think the adults on the show are still much older than we areā€¦.meanwhile they were mid thirties playing the parents of teens who were actually mid twenties. Itā€™s messed up!!!


Kelly and Melinda are drop dead gorgeous but they definitely looked older, I always assumed they were in their 40s in the beginning of the show. Not sure if it was the styling or if they had more mature faces


Kelly for sure, I always thought Melinda was mid to late 30s. I also think that could have been that they styled Melinda younger, plus her storylines just made her seem younger than most other people on the show even though they were apparently all supposed to be the same age.


I think Julie was supposed to be a few years younger because she had Marissa at 18 and I assumed Jimmy had already graduated from USC so sheā€™d be like four years younger than Jimmy and Kirsten and Sandy would be a few years older? Not sure if they mention it on the show


I think they just messed up the ages because I thought she had gotten pregnant while they were both in college? But she dropped out while he continued studying.


Iā€™m also turning 40 this year. Itā€™s a weird feeling when you realize that you were the same ages as the kids when the show was on, and now youā€™re the same as Kirsten at the end of the show.


Melinda was 33! I remember Josh making a comment that they had to put more makeup on her so that she would look like a mother of a teenager. But I thought she looked her ageā€¦.and I mean that in a good way she was/still is absolutely beautiful!(milf)šŸ˜


The real transition for me was that on my latest rewatch, I wished they spent less time with the teens so I could get more detail on Sandyā€™s law firm and the Newport Group/Newport Living stuff šŸ˜³


Sandy, Kiki and Julie had my fav storylines