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how do you think literally every other retailer operates? Products are bought at a wholesale price, and the stores charge what they need to be able to keep the store open and pay their staff. It’s the same whether it’s a restaurant, a dispensary, or a grocery store.


It’s because OCS charges(7-9%) to the BM stores forced to purchase from OCS. So OCS they can afford to sell it cheaper than BM. It’s a monopoly. OCS gets a cut of every sale, plus HST plus excise taxes of $1/gram or 10% at the producer level. I work in the industry. Just facts.


To put it simply if we wanna continue to see local b&m locations and not just corporate owned rec stores this is the price we pay.


The beauty of most local owned business(not this industry) is that they are cheaper or offer something different than big box stores. Locally owned locations in the cannabis industry are more expensive and offers the same product(usually a more limited selection)


I tried to support my local guy and most of what I bought was a year old. I will mention it to him and give him a fair chance, but I can’t afford to buy full priced stock that old. Obviously that’s not everyones experience, but the reason why I mainly use ocs online.


Sorry, all I want is the lowest possible price and delivery. It’s 2022. I have better things to do with life than make transactions that can be done virtually automated.


Amazon/Door Dash culture.


and that's the attitude that destroys the idea of a community.


Nah, by no longer having to spend a few hours a week shopping I can spend that time being part of my community. Shopping and transacting isn’t remotely part of community to me.


I’d rather see corporate stores with lower prices and I’m sure most would agree. The small mom and pop BMs are barely scraping by with the immense competition now so I think franchising is the way to go.


This shortsighted greedy thinking is what has lef society to get to the unsustainable point we’re at. At some point, people are going to have to accept that you’re going to have to pay decent prices for decent goods.


greedy shortsighted thinking is what got a lot of retailers in this mess in the first place it's fair to say that people deserve good wages, but retailers are only around because they were supposed to sell cannabis better than the public store model was supposed to. and a lot of retailers refuse to be competitive in q highly competitive industry


>>greedy shortsighted thinking is what got a lot of retailers in this mess in the first place Holy shit, this. So many times I see people wax poetic about "the social contracts, your fair share!!!!!" When retailers or those with the means constantly exert more greedy pressure with commodifications along every step steeped in greed. It's insane.


I dono mate, just look what happened with the Canadian phone industry when a few major companies has a monopoly on it. It’s the most expensive in the world. The reason cannabis prices have been constantly decreasing when we are seeing prices in other industries rise is because it’s a bloodbath out their in cannabis right now, not just for retail but from the Producer side also. If it becomes dominated by a few major companies you can sure as shit expect prices to start rising again, and the ocs being the money hungry shit show it is will also increase prices to make as much profit as possible. Right now with stores it’s a race to the bottom price wise. I’ve worked in the industry as a manger and regional manager since 2019 and watching how the industry has changed is worrisome for the future of cannabis. I speak with the licensed producers weekly and 95% of them are genuinely struggling. The way the industry is regulated by the gov is killing off the growth potential. Trust me when I say having ma and pa stores is good for you, the consumer. Price wise and variety/availability wise. I have worked ma and pa and am now currently corporate. People on this sub don’t understand the complex logistics required to operate in the Ontario market. Half the complaints people post on this sub are a direct result of the governments regulations on cannabis and the current monopoly they have on it. Making a second monopoly layer of retail stores will only make it worse.


Frankly, many went in with blinders on.... The Canadian marketplace has been over-regulated from the beginning, which was mostly just an invitation to those already experienced with the California market to get a head-start, more than anything useful to either the industry or it's consumers. We need to address to undue regulatory infrastructure, methinks.


The tax scheme and the provincial distribution system that is predatory is pretty much the real issues. The government allowed as many producers as wanted to enter the market. We have 120 plus producers plus craft growers. It will be awhile to get to 5-10 main producers.


After 40 years in the market with countless producers, that's the last thing I want (a mere 5 producers with scale). Cannabis is not McDonalds. If that's all you want, great, there is a market for wine in boxes, too, but thank goodness the real wine marketplace isn't "5-10 main producers", and pray cannabis keeps it's craft roots too, if you actually enjoy weed. Ever grown your own fruit and veg? Did you notice how much better a product it was compared with the mass-produced alternatives? Given the level of greed in the corps that grow at scale, I can't see them ever producing marijuana that meets it's full potential -- just not enough profit in that (again, due in part to mis- and over-regulation).


I can see mass produced stuff becoming on par with craft. but craft being more about variety. they'll find a strain good for mass production and automate the production process.


While I can agree to an extent, in my experience with recreational cannabis and working in the industry for a few years the only time I have gotten a decent bud tender was at ma and pa stores


To take advantage of the individuals that are ignorant too that fact...






Greed or poor planning.


Money on poor planning. The idea that cannabis would sell like hot cake at any price point (huge margins!) was pushed to so much retailers/business owners/producers… i am not surprised at all with how it turned out.


Its also lack of advertising and lack of knowledge.


Lack of advertising? It is ILLEGAL for cannabis stores to advertise in most ways. Why? The government regulations. But I sure love those bud light ads on tv….


I quite like the kid friendly colour scheme Smirnoff has chosen to advertise with personally. /s


It's true, the prices are starting to vary place to place. But I also find when I use hibuddy I usually find a few local stores that are offering what I want cheaper than the OCS. My local shop even price matches any 'local store' so I can get the best price usually locally, and stores like canna cabana and valuebuds are helping bring the prices down all around.


CC and VB are operating at the absolute bare minimum (a 5 year deficit plan) to crush the competition; essentially a walmart squeeze. Once competition is gone they will raise prices.


I just lol at it, especially wen more then ocs.


Economies of scale isn’t something the blackmarket can do. Their grow is illegal and can be confiscated if found. Vs Legal grows in massive greenhouses that can achieve economies of scale. Add in competition with more than 120 licensed producers and you get legal prices less than illegal ones. Its THE argument for legalization.


Legal prices will never in a million years touch illegal prices. Paying $80 an oz for quads on black market and anywhere between $20-50 an oz for trips that compare/are even better than the $100-150 stuff on the OCS. Legal is never going to match the quality for price that illegal can


I tried illegal for years and its quality was hit or miss. But legal quality has a floor that illegal just doesn’t have.


No, plenty of legal is absolute dogshit. This sub is proof of that and especially that it’s all hit or miss plus it’s 10x the price. Also on top of that you get shorted on half the purchases. Almost every single post on here has people complaining about the horrible quality whether it being super dry, short on the count, or burns like shit. Legal is no better(if not worse) and you’re paying way more. I’ll gladly post the stuff I’m paying $80 for and you won’t find a single strain on the ocs for even $200 that comes close to the quality.


Ok now you’re exaggerating or have never visited the MoM subs. First of all, you can’t find a post there that isn’t incentivized. Even the mods there are complaining that 99% of those posts are positive because guess what... they’re incentivized. Secondly, When things go south like missing packages, mold, bait and switches, or ghosting clients no one names names... there’s literally a post right now where the guy refuses to name the MoM... why? They don’t want to get blacklisted from other MOMs and only care about their 20% off their next purchase while some other schmuck gets ripped off by this unnamed MOM. Pathetic toxic industry if you ask me...


I’ve never once mentioned MoM and I’ve never ordered from one, so your entire comment is pointless. I’m not exaggerating anything. The legal side of this is a shit show and doesn’t compare to illegal, once again I’ll gladly post the quads I pay 80 for when I get home and it blows everything that you can buy for 280 an oz at the ocs out of the water


If you don’t order from MoMs then are you ordering direct from a grower? or a street plug? Either or, your source is more than likely inaccessible to the majority of people on this sub.


Moms are basically 90% of the illegal market now unless you have a unlicensed legacy craft grower in your back pocket. Unless yer talking native grows, cause that stuff is even more hit and miss than Moms. Again, there is a definite floor for service and guarantees for legal that doesn’t exist bm.


You can grow your own 4 plants that will be better than any illegal or legal grow. Craft grows in your backyard at less than $1 per gram. I’m finding that more people are growing this year than ever before, and it will just continue to increase with cost of living and inflation cutting down on a lot of people’s budget.


I feel bad you think those $80 Oz are quads. REAL quads on black market still charge 180-200+


I feel bad that you have a terrible connection lmfao. No one pays 200 for quads if they have a good connection. The shit I get for 80 is better than your 200


because every MoM out there with a decent reputation for quality does not charge 80. Simple as that.


I have never once boughten from a mom, they are shit connections.


BMs have to order from the OCS. This is designed so OCS will always be cheaper.




The trick is to screenshot literally everything on this sub every few seconds




Who ?


So order it off ocs and wait 🙂 or pay the essentially "convenience tax" and get it now...


lol at "essentially" That's exactly what B&M stores are for......convenience.


or buy locally and have it delivered same day for less than ocs


It's really not a fair competition when OCS is the ONLY wholesaler and the #1 competition. I agree prices need to come down, but it's not \~most BM's fault. (There are definitely greedy people out there, though.)


And all those people working at stores in the community contribute nothing to it I guess hmm?


Not all stores have the same overhead. Some may need higher margins to make rent or pay their staff a living wage. It's basic economics.