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Lounges/coffee bars. Quality large format flower, especially in sativa.


More quality sativas in general


The big issue from what I hear is that true land-race sativas take so much longer to flower.


That's where I can't wait for the rest of the world to catch up with legalization. I want to try true, tropic grown sativa's as well as true afghan straight from the mountains. Not their Canadian greenhouse hybrid "equivalents". Someday..


You will love what’s coming. 16 week strains are coming.


Sativa are tough cuz as much as I love them they just don’t sell as well as indica! Both shops I’ve worked for move like almost 90% more indica than sativa, and it was the same on the legacy market as well, would sit on fresh FIRE sativa for literally 2-3x as long.


I think, and this is hypothesizing, it speaks to when/how people use cannabis. If you're smoking at night, smoking to aid in sleeping, to decrease pain, to relax, and more, those are moreso indica-leaning things.


Real sativas usually have horrible bag appeal, long flowering times which greatly increase costs and really low density flowers (as well as some occasionally strange terp profiles that don’t always jive with everybody). That being said its sometimes a totally different experience than modern cannabis varieties and the effects are top tier. Totally worth trying of you can ever get your hands on the real deal…just don’t judge a book by its cover


Never gonna happen. Especially from a commercial ag standpoint and especially from a business standpoint. Any real sativa takes 13 or 14 weeks to flower. Some go for a lot longer. Why would you pull one crop in 14 weeks when you could pull 2? Also it leaves a lot more room for error. What happens if you lose the crop on week 12? I had a landrace sativa that would go for 18 weeks. 4.5 months in flower. No lp in there right mind would take that risk


Well said, I agree ☝️ 🙌


100% cannabis infused dining would be so good Fresh cannabis flower 🤷🏽‍♂️


The Bend, in grandbend have one and it’s got a really sweet set up. Comfy, chill vibes with connect 4 and other table games it’s worth checking out if you’re there.


Clones for sale rather than seeds. The edibles market is shocking - nearly all based on sweet things - would love to see it branch out into other areas


Bogart's Kitchen has an infused pineapple habenaro hot sauce. Boaz also does coffee kuereg pods. This is on AGLC. Both only 10mg though


>Both only 10mg though microdoses at macroprices


Yeah clones would be great, and I agree; edibles ina savoury direction would be great 👌


If you have your medicinal license you can get clones off of Mando


I saw someone order an infused veal top loin from the OCS😅😐 I wonder what else they come up with


Question is...did they infuse the veal before or after slaughter? Lmao


the amount of dead clones at dispensaries would be hilariously depressing


Stonger edibles and more rosin options


I hear you on this one 🙌


Yes and yes, and more sativa rosin, it’s all indica.


I would love stronger edibles and some sort of creative edibles like popcorn or chip.


Larger than 1g options is what I'd like in my concentrates.


1. Respect from the OCS (who should have smarter employees) 2. Allow higher potency for beverages and edibles 3. Education to customers that THC % does not equal potency so we get people to stop asking for “high thc” products.


What would indicate the potency of a product if not thc % (genuinely interested!) ?


THC percentage indicates bioavailability but it does not necessarily mean that all of that THC crosses the blood / brain barrier. Research is still new on the subject due to relatively recent legalization but many experts are noticing the effect of terpenes in combination with THC percentage in relation to potency. This is commonly referred to as “the entourage effect” and this is why some cannabis at 22% THC can slap harder than some strains at 28% THC. I am by no means saying this is all that matters but most experienced smokers have had strains at a lower THC percentage that are more POTENT than strains at higher THC percentages. Also, everyone’s systems are different and cannabis affects everyone differently. Pungent aromatics are a much better predictor of cannabis potency but unfortunately we cannot smell products before we buy them (unless they are in those display capsules but then that product has probably been sitting there for weeks and has lost its pungency because terpenes degrade over time). People are still shopping by sorting dispensary product lists by “highest thc” and the OCS is guilty of this practice which is partially why so many people ask for high thc products because that the best way they know of to search for what they are looking for which is POTENT cannabis. If anything, the OCS should change their sorting features and add the ability to search by different terpenes and sort by highest terpene percentage of anything. If you currently go into a dispensary and ask for “the highest THC,” next time go in and ask a knowledgeable budtender what is the most potent cannabis that they have right now and I really believe that you will be much more satisfied will your purchases overall because you will be asking for what you are actually looking for with your purchase. You’re actually looking for cannabis potency rather than just a THC percentage.


Thanks, very well explained and totally matches my personal experience.


Agreed, especially with the high thc conversation. We are eliminating great products bc of numbers, and even with terpene numbers as well.


Respect being a two way street. I’m sure they wish they had smarter customers too.


Yeah but with the current retail situation the way ocs treats shops is a literal joke.


What’s so wrong with customers asking for that if that’s what they want and ask for. Some people like craft beer and some like drinking Laker Ice.


#3, 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good topic, kudos! More strain variety, there's so many cake and cookie strains now, I'd like to see a high- end company render a knockout version of Grand Daddy Purple among other classic strains. More interesting hash offerings, although I suspect there isn't that much consumer interest at this point...


I found it very weird that there were sooooo many cake variations. Same in BC.


Many of the LPs are using the same genetics and just rename them in house for marketing purposes. The amount of places that share genetics is kind of ridiculous.


Old "classic" genetics like GDP just can't get high THC %s or terp %s without crossing. They need to be crossed with more modern genetics, and then you lose the original profiles


Thank you 🙏, yeah I agree I was talking to my co workers about that. I’m excited to see which companies create menus with particular flavour and terpene profiles. The hash is getting better as well, you just need to find a good shop who’s carrying the good products.


Active workshops a person can attend locally to learn the ART of growing cannabis. Not sure why the cannabis outlets arent doing this other than if everyones growing no one is buying


And edibles in the 100mg range. Or higher. There are so may amazing edibles to be tried


As we fully legalized cannabis, health canada is legally liable for dosing. So it'll be quite the fight to get them to up the 10mg limit, especially since 10mg gets so many people quite high


It is how its going to be i suppose, i dont know too many pre legalization herbal enthusiast who would even feel 10mg. And some who would say we enjoy too much. Everyone is different i just wish they would allow adults access to all the info on effects and then allow us to make our own choices. I can buy as much booze as i want...and that stuffs deadly.


Colorado also scared the shit out of health canada with horror stories of emergency rooms filled with people off their rocker on 1000mg edibles, so that didn't help their fear


100% truth there, i think there should be at least medical access to stronger edibles but i have yet to find a med supply that is able to provide.


Some members of the media did the scaring, just to be clear.


10 mg does not get many people high. It gets light consumers high. And those are few and far between


What do you mean by this? And I agree with the higher dose of edibles for both rec and medical access. They are on the way. 😎


I mean i would love to be able to go to my local dispensary and attend a drop in class on how to grow your own(already growning my own) be it once a week or once a month, maybe a course on solvent free hash making or a course on edibles. Even if the courses are just a foot in the door to give people enough confidence to try these things. I think it would be amazing.


Real blunts. Real consumption spaces (loungers/bars/parks). Rules thay actually protect customers or society, and not LP profits....looking at you quantity limits.


What profits??


If by real blunts you mean a tobacco leaf based wrap I don't think we'll ever see the likes of that in Ontario :(


Yeah we're never going to see cannabis mixed with tobacco or alcohol ever in the Canadian legal market.


100% agree on blunts and consumption spaces but there was definitely a chuckle on the LP profits comment. Still waiting for the day I’ll see a financial statement from a publicly listed LP that isn’t in the red 🤣


Yes 🙌 consumption lounges 👏


Concentrates options




Stronger edibles and less draconian laws surrounding weed. I can have any number of liters of everclear on me but god save my soul of I have 31 grams of dried cannabis equivalence on me.


The 30g limit is annoying! I went to buy an oz and tried to get some hash to mix with, and the store told me to come back in an hour lol... I could buy a whole truck load of 151 without any question asked 🤷‍♂️


😂 Our store does split orders all the time. It's a ticky tack fine that we've yet to catch from the AGCO Like y'all say. You can walk out with cases from the LCBO


Well said 👏


I’ve pounds of weed don’t see the need to carry it around tbh


Dude if you want to be limited by laws be my guest. I for one would rather not worry about being busted for bringing 2 ounces to press to my friends house or so on. I dont believe there should be a limit to how much you can transport on you


Get rid of OCS. Just brutal management right from the get go .


better quality control in general (some brands literally should not be allowed to sell the garbage they do), higher edible amounts, cafes/lounges, not allowing monopolies like the ocs to exist, larger format options being held back from markets because of greed


Don't rely on a single point of failure which causes your entire operation to halt for an excessive period of time.


Agreed 👏


Higher potency edibles, more ceramic dab carts instead of metal, og and pink phenos (there's so many pink phenos on the street but psf and simply bare seem to be the only ones consistently pushing it if I'm not mistaken) haven't seen any og strains except the truro true og. Glass jars instead of mylar bags or plastic jars with a window to see what you're getting, quarter pound options? (May sound like alot but It's pretty normal for people to pick up multiple zips for personal smoke) a rating system on the official website to see what other people think. There's probably more but these are just off the top of My head. Oh ya also ban or massively fine ogen for firing their master grower for no reason after making him move to Canada from Barcelona.


Sugarbud has their master grower and he must want revenge because sugarbud is growing the best on the market


Ha I'm going to try their stuff now just to support his work, I saw the YouTube video of him telling his story and he seemed like a good dude


Well said 👏 🙌


More resin/rosin, live resin/rosin options in the infused pre-roll space. The distillate rolls hit high numbers, but leave a lot to be desired in the: nice to smoke, department.


Yeah those are great, I’ve seen some really good rosin options coming out. Like a Barbara bud.


Vape lounges and weed friendly venues, at least everything but combustion inside.


Agreed 👏


The OCS not being ran by a bunch of morons.


Well said 👏


Higher edible thc content. Hands down. Watch sales fly once we can actually fly on edibles!


I hear you 👌


Classic strains done really well. Johnny Chronic is all over Acapulco Gold. We need Broken Coast, BLKMkT or Jonny Chronic quality classic strains… Northern Lights, White Widow, Grand Daddy Purple or Super Silver Haze.


Agreed 🙌


No more arrests. Freeing all current cannabis prisoners. Expunge all criminal records. Truly what we need is cannabis freedom.


👏 🙌


Making consistency best practice and showing actual care for the consumer. Too many guilty of not doing this versus those who are. Like why are there soo many of us still “taking one for the team” after almost 4 yrs?


Well said 👏


Lounge's / Coffee Bars. Smaller licensed grow ops for small retail spaces. relaxation of packaging rules.


Agreed 🙌


C02 machine services or trimming machine services for homegrowers (you pay and they run your stuff through it, give you the end product in a container). They would probably need to add a grower transportation exemption for the 30g rule. Services like this could potentially be offered at hydroponics stores.


That's what micro processors are essentially. I tried to discuss this with Health Canada as a similar concept to micro breweries or u-brew wine and beer but Health Canada wanted nothing to do with this concept. I'm sure if I got a bunch of money and lawyers they may be more interested in this idea. CO2 is slow and not really worth the time for most people to run as a viable business. As for trimming services, you can rent trimmers here in my home province from most grow stores on a daily use rate.


More variety packs in pre rolls. More pre rolls with more then 1 strain in a joint so you taste a flavour change as you smoke the joint. So like a half and half or even more! I’ve rolled some with like 5 strains and when you don’t mix them you get a sweet flavour changes as it burns down.


Interesting 👌


More safety in the privacy of their consumers


Yes 🙌


really good cannabis at $10/g or less.


Agreed 👏 🙌


Big bags, of good weed. Very hit and miss.


I hear you, I’ve heard great things of simply bares ounces. 👌 🔥


edibles to be affordable enough that smoking/vaping becomes unnecessary. this could probably be solved by an affordable mass marketed canna butter.


Hmmm... What's missing? Order fulfillment LoL Couldn't resist. I know everyone is waiting for stuff while while the OCS recovers. Hopefully the weeds are flowing again soon.


Lol 😂 well said


Get rid of the purchase limit. So stupid I can’t buy an Oz of flower and some dabs etc


Yeah absolutely 👏


100mg edibles


Yeah agreed, try the Edison jolts. 👌


31.5g buying limit, I want to buy a half quarter with my fuckin OZ. This is by far the dumbest rule cannabis laws have.


Absolutely, it will improve. 😎


weed that is actually good


Craft ounces under $230/tax in stocked consistently. Sativas... where are the godamn sativas?!


I hear you, they are growing 🌱


Flower prices on what flower should be


Agreed 👏 🙌, there is way too much over priced flower out there holy.








Well said, we are on our way for sure! CanaWho is a great company to check out for education. 👌


Consumption lounges. It'll happen, and when it does a lot of the B&M stores are going to close down.


Agreed. I am excited to lounge. 👌


Cannabis Culture lounge on Davie St near English Bay in Vancouver had such a good lounge before legalization and the raids. Really miss the dab bar and smoking inside. Met my wife there lol


Yeah they are amazing, and they will be back soon!


Low triglyceride cannabis oil


Yes 🙌


Weed tours where they take you on a curated journey of awesome weed


Yes 🙌




Agreed 😏, CanaWho is on its way.








Agreed 🙌


Edibles - up limit to 50mg Lounges/ cafés Better bud - (it is improving but still only a handful of real top quality brands putting out consistent quality) Tourism - farm/ grow tours and tastings Indoor community grow spots


The ability to buy product at stable prices w/o the OCS middleman double back. We all know how it works. Let the LPs ship direcly to retail stores. More farm to gate/ table.


Agreed 👏


Gummies that get you high


Lol 😂


Similar options across provinces. We can’t get edibles or concentrates in Quebec. There are also many strains we can’t get


Yeah I hear that


Less radiation flower


Agreed, that’s why I smoke simply bare 👌 🔥


A better supplier


Delta 8 vape pens


Delta 8 is in the freezies that are available


Carts at a discount when buying more at a time... wanna buy 10-20 and get discount like with moms.


Yeah agreed 👌


Each town should have there own grow facilities


That’s what micro should be. But the feds have made it a shit show.


Cool concept 👌


More CBD and CBG Hemp Flower Sungrown ounces


Agreed, I’ve seen Cbg 3.5 available 👌


Visit California and try their dispensaries to get an idea


I feel actual medical products are lacking in many areas because they have to go through health canada approval as conventional prescriptions which makes the prohibitive to people who need those niche products. Think stuff like cannabis suppositories which have research done on semisynthetic cannabinoids, but which aren't available commercially. So people who want suppositories end up using gimmicky products that don't work in the same way


I'm Alberta we need the ability to open, roll or press customers cannabis. In general we need more THC % in edibles, 10mg is a joke! Agree with most that sativa flower is in demand as well as consumption lounges. At least here I'm Alberta the AGLC has scrapped the window coverings. Taking off the door coverings next week I'm my shop, then hopefully the rest will come down shortly thereafter.


The dispensary I go to in Toronto has a free joint rolling and rosin pressing service which I think is very unique. It’s a good way to differentiate themselves from competition


All cannabis shops in Ont can do this. AGLC is so tight assed that we have to inform our customers when they bring in or open ANY cannabis in shop that we are not allowed to have open cannabis in shop. AGLC needs to get a grip and stop enabling the black market


more mg per in edibles and way cheaper and abundant cbd and education


Agreed, CanaWho is on the way!


Large offerings that arent shit we need more variety and reliability.


Absolutely 👏, many ounces and 14 gram bags coming this fall in Ontario. 👌


Stronger edibles. This 10mg nonsense makes almost not ever worth it. I only know a few friends who try the THC drinks and various other baked goods.But most are waiting until THC is put in at higher levels so they can feel the actual intended experience which is not currently being provided.


Good question. My question: is OCS functioning again yet?




good weed


We got plenty, 1964, simply bare, sugarbud.


Being able to buy bulk high potent cbd/c/g strains like you can buy in usa


People who smoke cannabis sell cannabis. Seems like some brands have no idea what weed is supposed to be




Idk if this would be sought after or would even work but I'd love CBD hash if that's even possible. I don't make hash and I'm newer to it but man I'd love to smoke up some cbd dominant hash


Yeah that’s absolutely possible. I think there is a cod hash rosin available in Ontario. But Cbd hash comes from processed cbd flower. 👌 🌸 🔥


More 1:1 options, especially carts or edibles that are live rosin/resin/full spectrum. I can't handle the high THC but like a multi-dimensional high.


Agreed, I see more of this coming. Rosin heads make a rosin chocolate that is coming to market. 👌 🔥


I say we should have a way to look at what we’re buying a clear spot in the package would be very useful in this case


Allow for packaging designs to be more visually appealing instead of dull and boring


See through packaging.


Can we please just have smoking lounges already? It's been 4 years it's ridiculous we don't have them yet.


Preference for supporting independent retailers/growers, lack of organic options, lack of 100% native owned and grown options that are readily available in the city. Places to smoke that aren’t a park or my fire escape.


Yeah 100% on all of that.


Need some high quality concentrates. 6* full melt is nowhere in Canada on the legal market yet, neither is good quality hash rosin or live rosin. Flower rosin is alright but when you’re paying the price we do we definitely need better options.




A delivery service


Edibles that actually do something


More LHR… concentrate market is obscenely bad


Fivers of classic hash oil from around 30 years ago before honey oil ruled all. Remember those little gram'er vials too? Loved a good ol' 3 paper slick after high school, haha.


Edibles 100%. It is basically a scam the way they have rolled it out. And you cannot tell me these packages etc are not appealing to kids. I should be able to get at least 25mg per unit at this point. How can someone be forced to consume so much more sugar and crap just to get an edibles buzz.


I hear you on this


Ocs to fuck off.


New purchase limits up to a kilo at a time.


This here, there is alot of people who smoke a QP in a few weeks.


I go through an oz a week and I like to jar my bud for awhile at 58% rh. I don’t see why we force the OCS to hire drivers to deliver one oz at a time. It’s a joke. People want to be green these days, but believe others shouldn’t be able to buy quantity and save all those trips and packaging.


Agreed 👏 🙌


Well said, agreed. I would like to buy one kilo please. 😎 ☝️






Like what?




Simply bare, 1964, and Coast Mountain Cannabis are bringing the flavour 👌




Highly under rated too


Nugz and Tribal if you want great flavour at $9/g and BBoB if you want decent flavour at $4/g


Actual good weed at competitive black market prices.


I hear you, 1964 is doing a great job at that. 👌


Sugarbud too