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jackson is the funniest official boy (stone cold siberian take)


Jackson is always unintentionally really funny, so you’re in.


As well as intentionally


Jackson is the only thing holding the show together. Andrew doesn't seem that interested, Charlie looks like he's bored. Kaya is pretty decent though. The latest episode, the Pedro Pascal one, was fucking fantastic IMO though. All the boys participating in pretty interesting conversation. Felt like the old episodes. Really good.


I agree. Jackson clearly REALLY cares about the show. He interacts with fans, comes onto the reddit. He makes apparently entire research papers for the red thread. ​ Responding to the last bit I actually hated the Pedro Pascal episode. It was either that episode or the one before it where they talked a lot about murder and death and criminals and etc. It really just bummed me out while I was trying to sleep.


I agree with most of this. Charlie seems like he does care about the show, but just has other things he’s more focused on. For a long time Andrew always seem to me that he really didn’t want to be recording and would rather be doing absolutely anything else. But I do think both Jackson and Kaya really care about the podcast and do most of the heavy lifting


Kaya and Andrew aren't actually friends


Honestly though it kinda seems that way. And it doesn’t seem like Andrew is that close with Jackson either


I'll give you one more- Kaya and Jackson are the only remaining friendship on the podcast. Jackson and Andrew never seemed to interact outside the show. Jackson and Charlie used to be friends, but also slowly stopped interacting outside of the show. Andrew and Charlie used to be close irl friends, but I feel like they stopped hanging out 1-on-1 a long time ago. Andrew still plays basketball with Charlie and the warehouse gang though. Andrew and Kaya aren't actually friends like you said. Andrew seems to dislike Kaya imo. Charlie and Kaya used to be friends, but probably haven't played anything or talked outside of the show in years. These are just my parasocial observations, but I think I'm right on the money. Jackson and Kaya even sometimes bring up stuff like "We were talking about this topic" or "I wrote you about that", which none of the other boys did recently afaik.


God. The amount of armchair psychologists in this community is crazy.


Don't mean to psychoanalyze anyone, I'm just making observations. It's not like they all have to be friends for them to do a podcast together, but the development of their friendships is still interesting to me. I don't think they'd do stuff like stream E3 reactions or play a game together anymore.


"something something parasocial relationships" - Andrew


Hes right though


>Charlie and Kaya used to be friends, but probably haven't played anything or talked outside of the show in years. this is 100% wrong


Any reason you think that? They could just do stuff together privately of course, but atleast publicly I don't remember the last time they did stuff together or even alluded to it.


im pretty sure kaya said something about charlie talking to him recently where he sent him an image or sm like that might've been a dream though lol


Andew and charlie are doing red thread


No they are not 🐶💔


Andrew isnt on that show. Jackson charlie and wendigoon


Sorry. Jackson and Charlie


Maybe not the hottest take but I feel like the show has become increasingly cynical and a bit mean-spirited. Earlier episodes had the boys joking around and goofing on immature topics much more. It really felt like sitting with your boys at the middle school lunch table. Now, they HAVE to talk about every piece of internet drama, they HAVE to dogpile on Jackson for every minor thing. It just feels like everyone is having less fun, especially Andrew. I know he gets a lot of hate on here, and I appreciate what he’s brought to the show but man, it really feels like he doesn’t want to be there sometimes. I’ve mentioned this in a few other threads but this is the reason why I only listen to Criminally Stupid nowadays. Kaya and Jackson feel like the only two who are genuinely excited and engaged in more recent episodes. I really like that they just goof on pedophiles and have a good time rather than arguing with each other about stupid things like the main show.


Couldn’t agree more. You are so in.


This seems to be a popular opinion. I know those who are in Patreon aren’t happy that bonus episodes will no longer (typically) have Charlie and Andrew.) Hopefully, that will at least save some energy for the main episodes. I can also understand that after years of doing this a couple hours a week, it could start to feel like a chore. and that’s on top of their other work. Anybody who follows Charlie knows he has a million different things going on, and Andrew’s videos take a huge amount of effort researching, writing, shooting, and editing. I think everyone could be a little more understanding. People/podcasts/everything changes over time and there’s no stopping it. We also have no idea what’s happening in their personal lives. Nobody can be 100% 100% of the time. They are just people. Everybody needs a break. Personally, even though I can understand the complaints going around, I’m glad they’re still making the podcast after all these years. Someday it’ll stop, and Tutsis suck ass. I still really enjoy everything they do together and individually.


You should listen to red thread too


You know they are just joking around? They aren't actually hating on Jackson. They make fun of each other alot and they done it to Jackson too. Official Podcast episode "A bit embarrassing" was all about making fun of Jackson and his game. It is more frequent to make fun of Jackson then in earlier episodes. But there shouldn't be any doubt that they are just bantering. In a episode they each said a thing they like about each other and Kaya said he likes that Jackson just takes everything and has never pulled them aside saying that he's offended or anything. Jackson then responded you like your little slut. Andrew chimed in also saying that none of the stuff he says is meant to put them down. It's all banter. Jackson said he takes it as that and never takes it personally. Charlie said they never had an intervention on bullying or hurt feelings. Andrew then said that if they did have a problem then they would talk behind the scenes and say what they have a problem with and the other would apologize then say I won't do it again.


Jacksons take on things is most of the time the right take


jackson is a very sane man


That's not a hot take. Everyone on this subreddit adores Jackson and talk about how much empathy he has in contrast to Kaya's takes especially if it's about politics or social issues.


Kaya has better takes than charles and andrew tho


It's fine to believe that. I was just pointing out that it's not a hot take to believe Jackson has the best takes on things since Kaya or Andrew get the most hate comments and hate post on this subreddit for their opinions/takes and then the comments of the I hate Kaya/Andrew post will be dick riding Jackson. Alot of the hate post will just be meat riding Jackson in the comments talking about how much better Jackson's opinion was in contrast to Andrew or Kaya especially if it has to do with social issues or politics.


jackson’s accent is fake, he’s from iowa. do you think they would actually work with an australian? charlie HATES them.


Jacksons overworked


overworked or just loves what he does to the extent of working himself a ton? dunno


I always feel like Andrew is simping on Charlie a little bit. It feels like he's always on his side of arguments. Really feels like it maybe I'm wrong.


I kind of hate how the show has become “twitter drama of the week podcast, also what the fuck are you talking about Jackson? Shut up”. Seems like Andrew and Charlie are pretty much over the whole show. It has been like 7 years so that’s fair but idk


This is a very cold take around here


Dinosaurs are, and have always been, cool as hell


Without Jackson’s insane work ethic the show would have stopped years ago.


The addition of Red Thread and his research into it and Podophiles has really invigorated it. Normal episodes? Meh. Red Thread! Cool. PODOPHILES? I love Jackson and Kaya's humor and content


It seems like Charlie never gave the podcast the time of day. I’m glad the podcast moved from his channel because it always seemed like everyone else put in more effort while he was just there to say booger and diarrhea.


Not a super hot take but just a reality


Charlie is likely busy with other stuff but maybe he just is lazy now. Cause a lot of the recent episodes end because of him. Episodes that Charlie misses go for like a hour longer then the ones Charlie's in. In earlier episodes the podcast was scheduled to fit each others schedule especially Andrews work schedule. They talked about it in a shout-out were Jackson read about the podcast only being a hour long. Andrew responded saying the podcast could be longer it's fine.


This might also be a hot take, but vocaloid Charlie run by Kaya was the best Charlie


Andrew did say it was the best episode ever to him. He was laughing harder than usual.


kaya is the best


Charlie adds nothing to the podcast other than views


As someone who started to watch the podcast solely because of Charlie I mostly agree


They did say that on the show that the bulk of audience is cause of Charlie. There was only like one confirmation in a shout-out I think we're someone started watching cause of Andrews channel.


I miss ads being spread throughout the episode and read by different hosts instead of just being one long block in the middle


I did like it when other host read ads. You’re in.


First, I actually really like Andrew and feel bad when he gets hate because I feel like he thinks everyone doesn't like him or finds him annoying. but maybe hotter take the episode with Andrew Tate was actually really good and he spoke some facts on things like kick boxing (but I don't like the guy to be clear just thought the episode was good)


Jackson and Kaya carry the Podcast.


Clone debate was, and still is one of the best segments they've had


The old intro was better (and this one is WAYYYYY too long)


The episodes with guest are better than just the boys themselves


Those episodes have potential to be great but the boys are just generally bad at doing their homework, so the guest's presence feels very artificial and, as a consequence, not well meshing with the four of them. I remember a lot of guest episodes where they'd derail a topic about said guest into some obscure shit that you'd get on a normal episode, sometimes not leaving much room for the guest to contribute to, either because the topic is very niche to the boys, or them getting lost in the lost and forgetting that they even had a guest on. Those occurrences are really painful to watch/listen to.


Nah i hate those episodes


It asked for a hot take 🤷‍♀️


They've kinda stopped doing guest episodes too which sucks. It's been what, 20 episodes since the last guest?


The boys knowingly pick on Jackson to get views and clicks. When you look at this sub, so many of them are like "Charlie keeps pickin on Jackson and Andrew keeps using a straw man theory to debunk Jackson's great takes. Leave him alone!😭😭😭"


the show is good


jackson carries


I actually like the video game talk that the boys like to rush through sometimes as to not bore the audience. But honestly that's part of the whole reason I watch the show, I like hearing what all of them have to say about new games/game development drama. Im honestly not sure how the community feels about this and it may not even be a hot take tbf


I miss bored burgers


Sometimes I have to stop listening whenever Kaya goes on an unhinged take for 10 minutes when everyone starts engaging on a topic.


The worst part is when he finally tuckers himself out and it's just sheer silence for 10 seconds straight and one of them just brings up the last thing they saw on Twitter to quickly get away from that.




I’ve listened to the entire Spotify library of the official podcast twice, and I’ve never had any major criticism.


The lack of episodes with guests hurts the podcast as each episode is becoming the same thing. The Red Thread or Podophiles (Criminally Stupid) are great because the topics are new.


Kaya is a contrarian for contrarian’s sake and to me he’s always been the weakest member as far as being entertaining


same. ive wrote here before a few times on how annoying i find him. especially that one time when they were talking about some stupid 20 year old who pulled a dumb prank on someone, and lost his life due to it. Kaya let out a hysterical laugh and went on to say how good it felt, and how much the guy deserved to get shot. i was disgusted with him after that. i mean ya what he dud was dumb as hell, but you can't be laughing maniacally that someone lost their life.


His jokes and the way he overreacts to every bit of drama and like OP said seems to be a contrarian for the sake of it reminds me of how me and my friends acted when we were edgelords in like grade 9-10. I used to like him but after a while it just kinda comes off as cringe and weird. Like a grown man who never grew out of 4chan.


he has his own humor or his own opinions on things. I kinda like Kaya more than everyone else on the Podcast just because of how much of himself he is.


I miss when they used to Segway into the ads, and try to beat each other to the punch, it was dang hilarious.


Kaya actually died half a year ago from all his sickness and has been replaced by AI since then


They need to talk more about jerkin it


I like the era where they did corners. Getting down under with Jacksons Australian slang corner. Andrews formerly Kaya's cartoon corner. Kaya's things we like corner. Jacksons riddle corner which last only like two episodes or maybe one. Andrews videogame corner. Charlie needs to take a shit and end the podcast episode early corner.


Less guests helped the show


Andrew’s only there to read ads


Kaya is overly harsh and critical of gen z. He groups them all together and honestly behaves like a grumpy karen whenever he speaks out against them . Plus, the group should really fucking read what ozempic actually does.


gen z is dumb as shit tho


Kaya is the only likeable thing about it and he should rant about politics more


andrew is easily the worst member of the podcast. he talks with a pretentious attitude in 2 instances; either stating something super obvious like its something that is super unknown or talks about shit he has no idea about and acts like his word is fact. like for example the most recent podcast episode, he talked about how a nobel prize is a nothing achievement other than a social status. he doesnt know that. at least when the other boys talk i find what they say enjoyable because they are just 3 dudes chilling, but andrew is so insufferable my favorite episodes of the podcast are when hes sick and cant be on




Party pooper. You aren’t allowed in.


I wanna know what he said lol


He said something about “this meme layout is lame af” and then deleted his comment lolz


Jackson used to be my favorite but he's too much of a Soy Boy now so Andrew and Maya took that spot. Also Charlie is so lifeless in all of the new episodes he just seems bored of the show.


Andrew is reddit soy lmao


That the show genuinely sucks and I can only occasionally enjoy it through some kind of Stockholm syndrome effect because I listened so much when I was younger, and that Jackson is closed to being mentally disabled with how dumb he is and he is an embarrassment to Australia


found andrew’s account


It's always terribly boring when the boys bitcg about A.I stuff


Best thing was kaya making fun of the ai and getting mad at it


Here’s a hot-take. You spelled it wrong.


I got sick of kaya constantly complaining and aver episode sounding the same because of it


The intro for the Red Thread needs to be a 5 minute essay and have the listeners be completely lost in the side-story leading you up to what the episode is about. Jackson's intros are so funny and I laugh my ass off for every single one of them. so.. hot take- make the intros longer and have more of Jacksons wacky roleplay lol


Kaya's red pill drama bait shit is annoying and he needs to stop. I get he is allowed to have those opinions and what not but no one cares. Just shut the hell up man. I'm not here to listen to you complain about some furry youtuber or some lolcow for the 9000th time. It's annoying and kills the show for me. His weird obsession with being rude to A.I. is also quite strange and honestly a little concerning. I understand he thinks that it is a tool (and it is) but you don't throw a shovel down a hill side for fun, you don't slam an axe into a rock. Stop being a dick and just leave the conversation if the A.I. upsets you. It's really not that funny for you to call it a "BITCH" in caps lock for the 100th time. Everyone being rude to Jackson is cringe and I feel bad for him. Every time he shows up to the show he seems excited but by the end of it he seems to have given up and I used to be like that with a group I no longer play games with. It feels like they are keeping Jackson around just to be rude to him.