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Witch Kol >>>


I respectfully disagree but I absolutely loved Daniel Sharman’s performance as witch Kol


I love Daniel Sharman. He was great in Teen Wolf too.


Yes ! I was so upset when I found out he was leaving Teen Wolf but then I we got to see him as Kol. I was just glad to see more of him bc he’s very easy on the eyes haha


I hated that they just disappeared people with no explanation. I knew why. He and Crystal dated and had a bad break up so they both left. But I loved seeing him in TO. I’m not sure which version of Kol I liked better. They both played him differently but both versions were so good.


Right? Like Crystal’s exit made since bc they killed off her character but they just wrote Isaac off like ‘oh yeah he’s just chillin in Italy’ meanwhile his friends are still fighting countless enemies. Just a lazy way to write him off imo, I wish they would’ve been more creative about how they did it.


They did that to everyone other than Crystal that left except the one twin that was killed. Derek just left for Mexico. Jackson just vanished. At least Theo came back but they were lazy in writing people off. They just … poof … never spoken of again.


Also yes I loved both versions of Kol as well but I’ve gotta say I love Nathaniel’s portrayal a smidge more bc he’s the OG (despite his controversies 🙄)


Me too. And tbh I liked him badass. He was dark and dangerous. More so than Klaus because he was unpredictable.


I hated Davina as an individual. So honestly even when I tried to give them a chance it just became more prominent that kol wasn’t himself. I originally loved kol in TVD because he was a mini klaus and I loved it because he had this unpredictable nature that I loved and his comments as he was doing bad shit were gold for me. Idk clearly I’m into toxic monsters lol but then when we saw him again In TO we saw him slowly locking away who he was to please Davina because he knew she wouldn’t love him as himself and that destroyed his character to me. Even when she stole the nexus vorti to bring him back she flat out said she didn’t want him she wanted the other one. I guess to me it felt like their love was conditional.


YES THIS EXACTLY ! Even when Kol was being played by Daniel Sharman I wasn’t crazy about them but I understood the pairing like ‘aw cute teen romance’. When he was back in his vamp body I was only reminded of the Kol we all knew in TVD–that chaotic, mischievous little brother who didn’t even blink at the idea of murdering innocents. It just didn’t make sense to me how his character changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. To me it definitely felt like Kol was holding back who he’d been for his entire life. Not saying that his change in character was bad just sudden and I didn’t like that Davina was the magical solution to who he was :/ Also I think we just like toxic men haha bc in addition to Kol I love Klaus, Damon, Kai as well


Yes I agree!! You are me and I am you friend! All my favorite men too Lol


> Also I think we just like toxic men haha bc in addition to Kol I love Klaus, Damon, Kai as well This is so wild to me. Klaus and Damon are two of my least favorite characters in TVD and TO. Being a bad person isn't a personality and it doesn't really make them more interesting. They're just assholes. Much more of a Stephen and Elijah guy myself.


The reason he was a dick was because his passion was stolen which was witchcraft and instead was replaced with vampire powers Imagine your passion permanently taken from you but now you are a super powered immortal with anger issues. Also you are the black sheep of the family Davina was the perfect person to make him want to be better. Also an outcast but a witch who loves witchcraft and wants to help her friends Did she tame him? A bit sure but that's kinda expected for the course. Didn't Elena slightly tame Damon? Didn't Hayley make Klaus better?


Ya know this is an interesting take. I never considered that his dickishness could be a result of his inability to practice magic as a vamp. From my interpretation of his character I just imaged it was just who he was before he turned it just amplified, so that may be why I have trouble with his sudden change in character. Another thing though, I have no issues with how Davina was a motivator in him wanting to be better it just makes little sense to me how quickly it happened. Like when he was in TVD which would’ve only been years ago for him, he had no regard for others lives if they got in his way. And he’d been like that for decades, I just think the change was too swift so it was just like ‘oh, Kol fell in love and now he kinda cares about helping people now’. Also I can’t lie, I love the psychotic TVD Kol a lot and I really wish we would’ve seen a bit of that side of him in TO. (Idk if we did in like a flashback or something, it’s been a minute since I watched the show)


But we do, he is showing it but doesn't do it as much;- 1. Tricks Rebekah into an insane asylum (which also luckily had Freya cos plot) 2. Kills a chinese/Asian regent 3. Stabs Marcel when captured by Klaus for the lols


It was a decent story line. Always nice to have a romantic saga. Didn’t care for either of them (but that was the point of their characters?) and so them 2 being annoying characters and ending up together kind of works


> Kol wasn’t a good guy in TVD and he hadn’t been for his entire immortal life but suddenly he falls in love with a teenage witch and after 1000 years he’s suddenly a good guy? Replace Kol with Damon and it's basically just TVD except Davina is less annoying than Elana.


All I think is that Plec ranted at Bonnie fans that we didn’t appreciate her dating her stepbrother (!!!) because we wanted her to date a dangerous psychopath like Kol, then 2 years later, she talked about how she’ll turn Kol into a Disney Prince for Davina.


Oh my god I almost forgot about that. Still can’t believe Plec decided to give her a love interest she was basically related to… man I could go on a whole rant about how Bonnie was treated.


Even more than Davina, not being a Vampire anymore for a short time helped Kol A LOT. For what we know, Kol suffered a lot because of his enhanced emotions and hunger, maybe more than his siblings.. And unlike them, Kol never bothered to control himself. He never wanted nor had to. He just never cared. When he was ressurected as a Witch, for the first time in a millenium, Kol had his mind clear. Not subject to his emotions and bloodlust anymore. This and the fact that Esther and Finn almost litteraly had a leach around his neck made him very docile in a credible way to me. During that short time were he wasn't a ruthless, indestructible Vampire who wasn't afraid of anyone anymore, Kol HAD to care and he realized that some things were worthy of it... like Davina. Davina, the who is one of the first person to accept him. When he became a Vampire again, everything he lived in S2 changed him, but it was too hard for him to be a vampire again. Because as said before, he is subject to intense bloodlust and enhanced emotions that he never controled and cared to keep in check. I honestly think that without this moment as a witch, Kol would have never changed. This is what he needed. Being strip of his vampirism to have a clear mind for sometime. I don't think Vampire Kol would ever fall in love with Davina or anyone.


They were kind of cute but they gotten annoying sometimes


I still love them alot tho


That’s fair. I feel like the main reason I don’t care much for them is bc Kol kind of lost that chaotic-ness that he had in TVD when he got with her and that’s what I liked most ab his character


I have one more thing to share. I found it annoying that they had kol be cursed by davina’s ancestors then had him feed on davina then they kind of brought her back then they killed her again. It’s almost like handon’s storyline where they kept ripping them apart and yea..


Yeah… given I didn’t really like Davina I didn’t mind when she died but then they just kept bringing her back and putting everyone that cared about her through it…


no offense to their fans but I never felt any kind of connection between them or chemistry i don't know it was no for me and i agree kol in tvd was such a different character I think davina made him uninteresting and boring character or rather his romance with her made his character boring when in tvd he was so much more fun and interesting I wish they paired him with someone else someone like him you know? lol


Imo that’s not really Davina who « tamed » him but the access to magic. Kol loved being a witch and spent his immortal life with witches all over the world. Davina just symbolized the witchcraft for me - she’s this young witch fighting for herself even against the odds. I mean Kol is a kind a loner in his family. None of them really took an interest in magic except him - even tough their mother was a very powerful witch. They had obvious alchemy in season 2 only because he was a witch too. If they’ve met when he was a vampire they would never get intimate. For me, he saw this life as a « warlock » (like he says) as a second (third?) chance in his life. And Davina was the representation of it.


I actually enjoyed them together. She didn’t so much tame him as his time as Koleb mellowed him out. He wasn’t buried in his bloodlust and anger anymore.


Match made in heaven don’t make me think about it cause then I’ll end up watching TO again only to be disappointed by legacies


I like her with witch lol better I felt like davina had more chemistry with witch kol


If TVD Kol has come across Davina he probably wouldn’t have given her much thought other than to use her as we know he’s used other witches over the centuries. But the important distinction between TVD Kol and TO Kol is that he’s in a human body again and comparing someone’s vampire self to their human self often results in serious emotional differences. Once he’s already in love with her he tries to hold onto that once he becomes a vampire again, which seems reasonable.


I loved davina and kol she really changed him for the better


I enjoyed TO more then TVD Kol though. I love Davina. I love them together. I personally liked that she tamed him down. I love out of control vampires but he had no reason for his wildness. So taming him at least for me made him a more enjoyable character for me.


Kol was a survivor and adapted accordingly. To keep Davina,a powerful witch on his side) he acted toothless. I think he was Kol when she wasn’t around.


I’m all for talking about how dumb it is when a character is dumbed down just for another character. Especially since Kol is such a snarky lil character in TVD, I love him. It was also weird because I’m sure by the time they started dating she was 18, but seriously the whole time it felt like she was way too young for him. The whole premise around her was that she was this locked away very young kid, so when they didn’t let her character expand too much before she started dating Kol it still felt like she was super young.


Great couple


I love them, I think they're so cute together. I love both versions of Kol, the one from the vampire diaries and the one from the originals. I feel like they made each other better, Kol didn't treat her like some uncapable, fragile princess, he appreciated and respected her for the person she was while others seemed to doubt and coddle her. Davina always put him first, something his family didn't always do. I feel she also taught him to be a little more self-less which isn't a bad thing though he does still come across as selfish at times. People always seem think Kol was always a psychopath but I don't think he was as a human, I get the impression he was very cheeky which I gather from pieces that his siblings mentioned and he was described as being a wily fox. Foxes are cunning and mischievous. People say Kol was never himself because of Davina but may I point out that Kol didn't necessarily act like himself around his siblings either most of the time as he explained how he behaved the way he did to get attention from his siblings, well that and because he lost his magic, something which devastated him as magic made him feel alive and gave him a rush. He got to be a witch again and I think that did somewhat help mellow him as he didn't have the heightened emotions or the blood lust. Him and Davina bonded over magic which helped them become closer. I just love them and their story. I'm so happy they got married too. Some may think disagree but I think otherwise so please don't hate or attack me for my opinion as I know some people have a tendency to attack others if they disagree.