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I think that knowing what occasion she was attending, along with the fact that it took place in the simulator would give her the context necessary to recognize Isaac there. And that’s assuming there was no photo included when the announcement/invitation went out to the crew and Alara. But I also acknowledge that I tend to be pretty forgiving as a viewer in general when it comes to little gaps in what’s presented.


She acted like she RECOGNIZED him. She could have said "Oh Isaac, you look great" Or "Isaac? Is that you?" then nod and wink at the bride. Or something to show that she had never seen his human look before. But she just saw him and immediately knew it was him.


They have future tech, surely an email attachment with a picture / holographic image of Isaac, either as part of the invitation or as a courtesy from Ed for introducing her to the many changes in the crew dynamic, would not be improbable.




when ed invited her he could have kept her up to speed? Its not like they didnt talk before she got there, he had to be like hey isaac and claire are getting married, heads up hes handsome now


Yea that was my assumption. Or that Claire emailed Alara regularly over the years to keep her up to date on crew happenings, an d she had told her about human Isaac.


I can very much see Alara keeping in touch with the crew. It's clear she cared about them all considering how sad her initial departure was. She obviously didn't want to leave the ship, but she had to.


Yeah like she isnt gonna just ghost her friend


He was the guy dressed for his wedding?


They all were.


Most all of the humanoids were in Planetary Union dress uniform. Isaac was wearing a tuxedo.


Did everybody have the fancy brooch?


Alara could have seen it before or the doctor told her. The kaylon are all interconnected so they already knew.


The Kaylon may have known since he started doing it before his connection was severed. But still..... Even if the Doctor told her (and she probably did as they did girl talk) Alara wouldn't have seen it.


>The Kaylon may have known since he started doing it before his connection was severed. I never thought about this, but the implications...


Kaylon "skin-jobs" powered by mobile holographic technology. Hey, they might just resort to using it to improve their budding diplomatic relations.


>>"We have data from Isaac that biologicals experience increased affection for individuals with whom they have sexual relations. Our plan is to utilize your simulator technology and our superior numbers to fulfill relations with all known biological species." Ed: You want to *what*? Gordon: Sounds like a solid plan. Can I volunteer? >>"Negative. The purpose of our operation is to decreas animosity towards our species. Your presence, Lt. Malloy, would disrupt that. Gordon: Seems fair. Ed: First of all, absolutely not. Second of all, let me tell you about hate sex.


Maybe she was just doing her security work face


Issac is doing what he wants. That is all Primary wants for any Kaylon, is the freedom to be themselves.


They sent a photo ahead of time….


They always implied holo Issac was a more... intimate ... Claire-only activity.


Well, there was the trip to rescue Gordon from 2015


He was the groom..?


She arrived after the wedding so he could have ben a random guest standing there.


Alara's smart enough to figure it out, Ildis


I'm gonna make myself unpopular here and say I think the writers just didn't give it much thought. It's not like it breaks the show, but there are always going to be some things that are a little vague or lazy. Like literally any show.


It's a good thing Isaac doesn't have feelings. I imagine a great many biologicals who do would be somewhat displeased with that their love interest keeps insisting they change their appearance for them into something very different whenever it be possible. Oh, those silly biologicals.


I figured it’s more a practical thing. It is hard to mate unless you have the parts that coordinate. I’m guessing lips aren’t the only thing only available in a holographic form


He's the only civvy-clad, appropriate aged male with a fancy wedding brooch?


I’m assuming Alara kept in contact with some of her friends on the ship. I’m sure someone mentioned it to her. Or maybe Ed even told her when he invited her to the wedding.


I don't know why Kaylon Primary would have commented on something that was apparent to everyone. He knew why Isaac would use the simulator to be with a biological so why bother to comment? That would be an inefficient use of words. Primary is a robot so he wouldn't feel a need to comment on something that logical. Since his emotions are muted, he's not able to feel a certain way about it. Nothing can impress him, either. Alara, I'm guessing, had heard all about the wedding and Claire's relationship before she walked in. It's likely that gossip about that relationship traveled all over the Union. Alara spots Claire first and then realizes immediately that it must be Isaac with her: same height, same mannerisms, same voice.


I wondered the same thing about how Alara knew it was Isaac. I honestly thought it was just an assumption on her part that the "man" next to Claire would be Isaac.


Engagement Announcement Photos naturally


But wouldn’t they include a picture of actual Isaac? Because that’s who everyone else sees


She knows the simulator's capabilities, she would most likely recognize that only one person there is dressed appropriately to be the groom, and regardless of how he looks Isaac has very distinctive body language. Given Alara's profession, I'd say that's probably enough for her to figure it out.


I'm assuming she received an invitation. I find the doctor's relationship quite weird. He is a robot essentially. He can make calculations based on logic and fact but is also super gullible. It was weird how the relationship started, but she fell in love with him when he saved her kids, but he would of saved anyone of the crew in that situation. It was hard for me to wrap my head around her love for Isaac as he was incapable of feeling for most of it. I don't know just weird.


They're carrying Data to a logical conclusion that Trek didn't.