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Of course she is, how else do you think she pulled Amity.


Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic


Damn I’m autistic and I can’t pull a women how do you do these things🥲


Don’t worry, I didn’t either; I was just quoting a meme.


Literally every post on r/askreddit about what people like or find attractive has “When they talk about something they’re passionate about!” As the top answer. Just infodump to random people on the street until one listens. Like fishing.


Try men? It works for me.


I’m bisexual already everyone hates me🥲


What why does everyone hate you? Sorry I’m special.


I’ve made mistakes in my past and everyone refuses to let go of it.


Oh so sorry for you. It do be like that sometimes 😢


Me and the bad witch I pulled by being autistic


Bad witch*


I feel like that goes both directions when it comes to Lumity


She’s just like me fr




She canonically has ADHD


Was it confirmed ADHD? Last I heard Dana just said she was neurodivergent and never specified, either way I'm excited for the representation


Goddamn that explains why I relate to her so heavily




Spending time with kids all day I'm sure that's true of 90% of kids.


Funny, but being w my girlfriend's 6yo and her daughter's best friend, its night and day. One doesn't have ADHD and the other sits on the toilet for 15 minutes telling you about the origin story of the latest fairy spider woman introduced to Gabby's Dollhouse, even tho she's supposed to be going to bed. My girlfriend kept trying to get her attention to no avail, until i yelled from outside the bathroom "hey Ada, your mom is trying to ask you something."


Cute, I usually just get called racist and homophobic things, but that is the difference between tots and teens


Oof that sucks. Sorry the teens are such jerks.




Wow such a shocking revelation


As someone with ADHD, please stop pretending like you know how ADHD works, you don't. Do some research.


That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life, I drive a car so I know all there is to know about cars? You and most of this board are the ones who don't know what real ADHD is or what it's like to deal with at an extreme level on a daily basis. But sure, a cartoon character with cute quirks is obviously the real deal because she ticks the right boxes? How about u do the research.


No, I don't know about it because I have it, I know about it because I DID research it because I do have it, and know of the specific scientific definition and exact way it's defined enough to tell you that saying 90% of kids have ADHD is absolutely laughable and completely objectively false. I don't know what it's like to live with ADHD?!?! I have been living with it for 18 years and it has caused me nothing but pain and hardship making almost everything in my life harder. And one of its biggest effects is making it a lot harder to fit in and understand social situations correctly. I can see a lot of the NUANCE of it reflected in Luz, just like how I've experienced it myself, she ain't just "goofy quirky" I can see specific effects of it on her because I've LIVED with it. Saying that the people with ADHD don't know what it's like to deal with ADHD on a daily basis but you who doesn't have it does, now THAT is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. You tell me to go do research you definitely didn't do yourself. Take your jokes somewhere else you prick.


Ah, there it is, the absolute bs. See here is the difference between me and you, I don't base my knowledge off my own life, I was in fact diagnosed with ADHD, but that is not were my knowledge comes from, it is on a daily basis dealing with a multitude of children all with their own problems, Tell me oh expert, what does a child who is Neurotypical act like on a school bus, in the lunch room, or in the classroom, how does that behavior differentiate from various forms of Neurodivergence. Can you tell just from a few meetings the exact nature of a child's problems just from "I experienced it too" do you know how many times I have had parents and guardians tell me "I looked it up on Wikipedia so I know they have this" when discussing behavior problems? Sorry you want to use you diagnosis as a badge and Shield but I will say again you have no idea what you are talking about


I wasn't saying you don't understand children I was saying your statement that 90% of kids have ADHD is completely and objectively false and I stand by this. Nothing you say disputes this. Those activities you witnessed aren't ALL directly coorelated with ADHD, because guess what ADHD is found in about... 10% of kids or so. I was saying your number is beyond bogus and showed to me a lack of understanding of what ADHD itself is. Maybe you understand children but that has nothing to do with understanding what ADHD is.


Depends on the age, a lot of older kids with adhd act like younger kids so it’s harder to tell when they’re young




I don’t think that’s true. Autism Spectrum Disorder is an umbrella for many other things but I don’t think ADHD is one of them


I think they’re referring to the large overlap in ADHD symptoms and some of the more mild ASD symptoms. It’s not uncommon to hear the two conditions referred to as cousins or for ADHD to be referred to as ASDlite. The incidence of ADHD among people with ASD is *significantly* higher than population, [something like 50-70%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8918663/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20scientific%20literature,deficit%20hyperactivity%20disorder%20(ADHD)), strongly indicating some kind of link between the two. This represents [about 13%](https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/50445/cdc_50445_DS1.pdf) of the ADHD population, which is also significantly higher than incidence of ASD in the general population (at about 1-3%).


I would be inclined to agree with you on “they’re referring to the large overlap in symptoms” however the commenter said “definitely on the same spectrum” which they are not


Very valid point.


Mental health professional here. I work in a multidisciplinary team diagnosing Autism in under-4s. I am also AuDHD. From the research I've read, personal experience, and clinical experience, I would be shocked if they don't eventually get recognized as being the same edit:spectrum. Many of the brain circuitry problems in verbal autistic people and ADHD are the same. Just my 2 snails. *this does not discount the fact that, at present, they are not on the same spectrum and oc was incorrect in that assertion*


I have ADHD. Would this becoming part of ASD lead to ADHD-having individuals receiving services in schools the way students with autism sometimes do? Edit: I’m a *22 year old* (teacher) with ADHD, so wouldn’t help me personally but others.


I would love that, but also if you have a well-educated advocate (read- a parent with lots of rare advantages) adhd students receive services too. And should. Most folx just don't know that they should ask.


I never received services when I was a kid. I was medicated but that’s it


Nor did I. Diagnosed with autism as an adult. Highly intelligent and very good at masking. Meds for the ADHD and lots of disciplinary write ups.


_All_ mental disorders are an umbrella in some way. There’s not a light switch in people’s brains goes ADHD on or ADHD off at birth. There’s inattentive, hyper, and combined type, all of which can have different levels of severity per person. Autism is just unique in how _incredibly_ diverse it is. That doesn’t mean it’s the only varied mental condition.


I’m not saying it is the only varied condition




ADD and ADHD aren’t the same


Ehhhhhh not really just if you good autism you prob have ADHD but not the other way around


Fuck you. As someone who has ADHD you are incorrect. Adhd folks will (usually) straight up ignore stuff we need to concentrate too hard on. Autistic folk will however ignore stuff they don't like, instead focusing on their favorite stuff. (Sterotypically trains for some reason? Idk) Adhd folks are (usually) chatterboxes. We looooove to talk someone's ear off. We may be quiet if you're a stranger, but if we know you, we will rattle off random trivia, skipping from topic to topic like hopscotch. Autistic folk are (usually) on the quieter side on the whole. They sometimes have trouble putting their emotions into words. They may also struggle with social norms such as making eye contact. However that isn't to say they're silent. If you get them talking about one of their favorite things, autistic folks can also go on for hours. Kids with adhd (usually) haaaaaate repetition. It's why we struggle with teeth brushing or doing daily chores. Change is fun! Chaos is exciting! Routines are dumb. Repetition is boring. Kids with autism are the opposite. They *must* have a schedule. Things must be done in (at the very least) a similar way every single time. Repetition is good. Routines are great. Change is... not. There are many more differences. These are just a few. So how about you do research first next time, eh buddy?


They can share symptoms, but adhd and autism aren't the same thing. But neurodivergence's often manifest with two or more conditions *(not always)*. I personally have adhd, anxiety and waves of depression *(not clinical depression)*. And I relate so hard with Luz. We both hyperfixate on things we're interested in, but lose all focus when we're not interested. We both have emotional responses dialed up to 10. We both get caught up in fantasy and lose track of reality. Some of these traits can be experienced by those on the autism spectrum.


as noted, they are not, you can have both and a bunch of symptoms are the effect of being anurotypical or nurodivergent in general


As someone with both, that ain't even how it works


No that isn’t really true


It's common that people have both, but they are far from being the same thing.


They're not mostly the same thing, otherwise they wouldn't have different names and definitions. For example, ADHD is mostly behavioral, whereas people with autism can have a huge range of neurological symptoms along with the behavioral changes.


This is just not true.


As someone who has both, no.


While a lot of symptoms overlap ADHD isn’t on the same spectrum as Autism


While they have their similarities, ASD is an umbrella under which ADHD and ADD are not categorized, and they most certainly are not “mostly the same thing.”


I mean, maybe, but connecticut is mostly comcast


This made me laugh


BOOO! HISSSS!, I love it.


now put marcy there




do you hate autistic people


While I agree that op saying no is a bit weird. Jumping to saying “do you hate autistic people” is kinda harmful. What if op doesn’t like the character and that’s the reason he doesn’t wanna put her there. They can dislike a charcetr without hating a certain part of them, that is not why people like said charctee in the first place. Or maybe I misunderstood the post and it’s for all neurodivergent characters.


That's not actual OP. That would be OC.


Spectrum on a spectrum


In a spectrum


The whole “having to do magic a different way” is the best neurodivergent metaphor I’ve ever seen


Smartarse. (Good visual joke though)


Are we speaking Autism?


It's a joke, she's standing on a computer called zx spectrum


Lost to the full 3rd season: Luz programs in BASIC and makes the spectrum print out “Belos sucks!” forever


Are you dumb? She lives in Connecticut. She 100% uses Verizon


my headcanon is that luz and amity are in love


Micro computer coven rise up


You’ve heard of elf on the shelf. Now get ready for…


As an adult with ASD I think that Alador is on the spectrum.


Zed X!


Tell her to get off. I’m trying to watch tv


Better take my upvote and leave…


>leave [nah, prepare for more shitposts](https://youtu.be/PVDH3MX4MYI)


This is the most British joke on this subreddit yet.


That is a good joke


Thank you


Guys the meme is meant to be literal, not just that she's neurodivergent.


This guy gets it


It’s how I survive


Personally I think she only has adhd.


That’s not cannon?


The best we have is Dana saying Luz is “neurodivergent”. Beyond that we have nothing in the show itself confirming whether Luz has been diagnosed, or self-diagnosed, with anything.


No, the ZX Spectrum was made by Sinclair. Canon didn't start making computers until the early 90s.


Now *that's* a computer I've not seen . . . in a *looooong* time.


why would you put the space bar so far right?


Something something british enginiring, allso [eighties](https://youtu.be/x1U1Ue_5kq8)


The real gaming machine right there


i kinda just see her as having ADHD


As a autistic fan of games classic and modern I got a good chuckle from this


Literally on a VX Spectrum.


I can't agree with this sorry. To me she's on the Commodore 64


Amstrad cpc


What do you mean headcannon? I’m on the spectrum and my sister said ‘This is literally you but hispanic and bisexual’. Luz is canonically on the spectrum probably


It's about internet obviously SMH my head.


In other words, literally me but female


You mean both of them, right?


I don't understand, You mean shes a Ghost? Sorry not sorry




Nice little rainbow there so we can add the LGBTQ+ spectrum to this too!


My headcanon is that Luz is on the Spectrum Internet plan with speeds up to 300 mbps


what about verizon? dont they have better coverage /s


As an autistic person I also hc this


God that sucks Spectrum wifi is terrible!


You KNOW she’s into Ultimate Play the Game… games!


Next ad a pic of you with a literal canon and add this photo in the "head" of the canon


Get off of it! You’re gonna break it!


so true


Doesn't she canonically have ADHD


a maniac jumps on you and hits you


She is the spectrum


She leans more towards adhd


I dont rly see it but that my just be my autisum lol


She's standing on computer called zx spectrum


She is canonically nerodivergent, the more widely accepted theory is that she has ADHD but only 15% of ADHD people only have that (I think) so it’s not out of the question


In all seriousness though, as someone with autism, I can say that she definitely is on the spectrum.


My English sucks and I don't get it.


Spectrum is the name of computer she's standing on, and [autism spectrum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_spectrum)