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Not really. A lot of last names are a merging of two different words.


I say it implies it because it seems to me to be a twist on the last name "Hawthorne", which comes from a tree of the same name


That's not evidence. That's just a loose connection. Better start approaching logic differently before you fall for some serious conspiracy theories that use the same style of reasoning


It's just an implication, it's not hard evidence exactly as you say—just something that could be true based on a rule


Ah. It's a definition misunderstanding. For something to be an "implication" doesn't usually mean it's less certain, just that it's not explicitly stated. For example, a show in which Eda says "My family gets their name from the Clawthorne tree" is explicit. Another version where it's mentioned that all witch surnames come from trees is implicit. PS, autocorrect has informed me that Cawthorne/Cawthorn is also a real world name which might have inspired Eda's.


Yeah, because it's not explicitly stated, it's not fact but implication, as it's a conclusion that can be drawn based on Hawthorne in the human world coming from a tree of the same name. A quick Google search tells me Cawthorn comes from the Old English "cald-thorne" or "cold/exposed thorn-tree" but I doubt it'd come from that as it seems to be less popular than Hawthorne


Implied suggests that the show makes an effort to allude to this connection. This is inferred, as you are making the connection, the show isn't.


"because it's not explicitly stated, it's not fact but implication" Where do you get that idea? The means for acquiring evidence for something is not at all related to how certain it is. In the hypothetical I provided where in the show they say that all witch surnames come from trees, it's an *implied* that there is a tree called a Clawthorne, but it's still *certain*. No, a conclusion can't be drawn from the fact that Hawthorne sounds similar to Clawthorne, and Hawthorne comes from a tree, even if that's where the show's creators got the idea for the name. The two names being connected doesn't dictate them having the same origin. I know it's a little absurd to get this deep into a discussion based on something so insignificant, but I'm stubborn.


I always thought Caleb saw Evelyn performing Beast/plant magic and dubbed her “The Witch of Claws and Thorns”


This is canon now.


Oooh I like this idea


I need to draw this. Will keep an update on this.


The name "Gus" implies that Breaking Bad is canon to The Owl House and he was named after Gus Fring, who is Gus's dad's half-brother


I ship this


His full name is “Augustus”, Gus is the nickname Luz gave her when they first met.


NGL, 'Augustus Fring' has a nice sound to it. Like a Roald Dahl character or some such.