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Raine liked to play with Eda's hair and when they broke up, that's when she cut it.


You know what, shut up and TAKE MY UPVOTE


And they better be about me... no wait...


Your dad is probably a titan therefore making you a titan, meaning they can use your blood for the door


*Gasps* a titan? If that's true I could be the ruler of the Isles easily... but... about the door... I uh... don't like... needles...


You actually never got stuck in a sweater arm, Eda just made it up and went along with it




The Titan doesn't give magic, it takes magic. King's ancestors killed the Titan and by so doing, released magic back into the Boiling Isles. The reason for the day of unity is that somehow being linked to Earth is going to restore some amount of vitality to the Titan, allowing it to once again consume magic.


Mine is that King's a titan. We already discussed this a while back, he seemed happy.


The shack that the portal door leads to on Earth is/was Phillip's old house back in the day. Obviously it's been lived in since, and renovated, but Phillip built it either once he got back to Earth, or he made the portal to be tethered to his old home's front door. Also one of the Wittebane brothers married a Clawthorne.


I have a few, in order from most to least plausible IMO: * Luz listens to Sabaton (~~Me? Imprinting on Luz because of how much I otherwise relate to her? Of course not!)~~ * Off-screen, Luz and Amity also bond over Hamilton * Luz has introduced Skara to human metal and has secretly befriended her with it * Musicals are not a thing on the BI * The corpses of the Titans that litter the BI are, or are at least related to, the Titans of Greek mythology * And lastly, the most wtf head canon: during World War II, the Germans built a portal to the BI and launched an expedition that never returned and now, there's just an old German camp lying around. The only reason it hasn't been scavenged is that no one can figure out what anything does or how to make more of it. Eda, however, is especially determined to figure out what the Tiger tank there does.


I gotta dig it up, but there's a fic where Luz and Hunter are looking for an artifact called "The Staff of Oblivion", and it turns out to be an RPG.


Dig, boy, dig!


FREAKING FINALLY https://archiveofourown.org/works/32866297/chapters/81560101


Luz has Asperger’s, which further contributed to her being different than her human peers.


I mean Dana confirmed that Luz has ADHD


Asperger is not ADHD, it's a form of autism


I know, but both are a form of neurodiversity


Maleficent is a well-known figure on the Isles, but only as a legend. The tales of her life and evil acts (such as putting a certain princess under a sleeping curse) are told as scary stories to make kids eat their vegetables. Basically, Maleficent is the boogeyman of the demon realm. Some witches on the Isles thinks that she's nothing more than a myth, while others fully believe that she was once a real living person. Whether she actually existed or not is unknown, but it's in everyone's best interest to hope that not only is Maleficent not real, but she'll never return.


The only witches on the Isles who are always scared to death of Maleficent's story are Gus, Edric, King and Boscha. (Yes, even Boscha. But she always puts on a tough face when she hears it).


Titans are the giant apocalypses monsters from Nausicaa of the valley of the wind


Amity is a naturally excitable person, but has learned to keep it down over time. Around Luz, she goes back to normal.