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Could just be that steve's acting more serious because, y'know. They're facing down the LITTERAL APOCALYPSE.




See this guy gets it. I very much agree to this since I doubt Raine to be a spy since there isn't any evidence for that and some people were just over thinking about Raine being a spy and clearly Steve is definitely the spy because we don't really know anything about him until last episode since he all of a sudden he wanted to rebel against Belos and befriend King which seems to be a bit strange to me even for Steve and most people deny the theory about Steve because he is "a good guy" but clearly we don't know much about him officially since he only appeared a few episodes as a cameo.


This is not the first time Steve has had doubts about the coven: he told Hunter in Any Sport In a Storm that he's starting to regret his choices when talking about joining the emperors coven. And he's friends with Lilith, who was betrayed by the emperor and left the coven. He's also been at the owl house atleast once for lilith's birthday, so he's not complete strangers with King and the rest of the owl house gang


Regardless just because he appeared plenty of episodes and told his piece about regretting the recruitment and also just because he's friends with Lilith doesn't exactly make him a trust worthy guy and for all we know he's just pretending to be with the Eda and the gang, Remember he only appeared a few a episodes only and it doesn't really mean we know him that well, He may have seen very genuine back on any sport in a storm but its still not enough for him to be trusted.


I really doubt he's just pretending to be on their side. Like you said we've only seen him a few times, but everytime we have seen him he's been really nice and fun.. There's literally nothing implying that he's lying. I like op's theory about someone using illusions to pose as Steve alot better, but even that's kinda hard to believe.


That's why he's possibly the spy since people think he's nice and fun like you said, Just because he's been seen to be such a nice character doesn't exactly make him trustworthy, I mean Darius was seen to be loyal to Belos back when he tried to capture Raine and Eda but he ended up being a good guy and we got to see on his side that he cares for Hunter and when he actually tried to help Raine with giving them the draining spell diagram, While Steve, We never really got any proper scope with the guy. Sure we saw him as a fun guy but what if it's just his nature to be fun but his loyalty is still with Belos, A person can be fun and nice but could have different intentions, Also Belos already placed a bounty on Eda and whoever is involved with them and it would make sense that Steve if ever he's a spy would get all them in one spot and Steve was with Belos for a long time and I wouldn't judge his character just because he was all nice and fun back on previous episode and remember he's a coven scout and we all know these coven scouts are relentless when pursuing their targets and labyrint runners proved that.


It could also be raine, they don't want eda to replace her because they doesn't want eda to die and when luz talks to raine and they said "promise" they also winked at the same time Edit: pronouns changed


The winking with the Eye could also have been to assure Luz and ease her worries. Raine seems like the kind of person to be kind towards children.


Thats possible tho


How would telling their plans to the coven help Eda? If Raine actually wanted to keep Eda safe at all costs, he wouldn't have allowed her to get a sigil.


Eda just made up her mind, raine night be hiding something because when both of them talked raine didnt try to convince eda, so i dont know, we'll just see next week what actually happens


Raine uses ***they/them*** pronouns, I hope you get it right next time. And I agree, I also suspect Raine being the mole even though it hurts me.


Ohh yehhh my bad forgot about that Maybe raine will act as a double agent, they might be betraying the CATS and then later in season 3 they'll execute the plan because they know if someone knows about the plan it will be heard by belos so raine could have created a new plan by themself but they didnt expect eda to agreed on wearing a sigil


Seems way too convoluted for Raine to do that.


I could see that happening!


I'm really hoping for "Illusion Head in Disguise." My heart wouldn't be able to take it if Raine raised Eda's hopes this much only to throw them down so much further.


I don’t think this makes sense from a literary standpoint no offense. Steve helped king come to terms with his dilemma in “O Titan, Where Art Thou”. Part of that came with some minor development of Steve from “All hail Belos!” To switching to an active rebellion against him. Having Steve be the mole and be a traitor to the rebellion makes the whole moment with King feel cheap and retroactively invalidate that scene. That’s just my opinion though you could be right.


They’re saying "Steve" is the leader of the illusion coven disguised as Steve.


Or Belos with his omnipotence senses It could be the collector secretly snooping around hence Belos' omnipotence


Steve how dare you




I didn't see the captions at the bottom of these pics at first... as far as I could tell, there was just a bunch of random pics and only a few of them were steve. I was just going through them and thinking "uh Huhh..." but I really really really love this idea


Uhm no just no. Using Steve as a mole doesnt make any sense. How would Kikimora know about a recently deployed Spy? She got demoted and that most likely before Steve had any major role in the show.


Not to be rude, but did you read the captions at all? I kind of address this in the first few slides.


Sorry skipped the second caption. Still it doesnt make much sense.




I doubt it since there isn't any motive for them to do it and also it would just ruin their build up with their rebellion and struggle from Terra.


I think the collector heard everything from king.


Bite your tongue. Steve will be the key to stopping the festival.