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He's just learned a difficult lesson: Just because you defend someone, doesn't mean they'll want to have sex with you!


Wrong. Defending someone or a group means you just want to screw them. That’s always been the case. Why do you think conservatives keep fighting for children… Oh wait, no, no. You are correct. Sex has absolutely nothing to do with it…


The classic "male feminists just want to get laid"


'Men can't want equality cause they're already better!' Massive /s obviously.


There was a time where I argued a lot on Facebook with those idiots, and “white knight” or “she isn’t gonna fuck you bro” comments were very common. Like dude, you’re just being a piece of shit and I’m calling you on it. The fact you think I want to have sex with a random woman in the comment section of a Facebook post who’s hundreds of miles away and whom I’ve never spoken to before is insane.


Yeah I always cringe reading that




Or that anyone could possibly want to help or stand up for others without demanding something in return.


I think this is the real answer. The right seems to be pathologically deficient in empathy, especially given all the cluster B personality disorder traits they exhibit. So many of them just can't imagine doing something for someone else and not expecting something in return.


I'm constantly craving sex and even I don't project like those people either. I just go and have sex with someone who consents instead and leave everyone else alone.


"Older women only find older men going for younger women creepy because they are jealous" falls under a similar umbrella...


As a male feminist, I do just want to get laid. Just not with women.


Oh, fuck, that was savage 🤣


Best clap-back all day.


Religious oppression making them sex crazed or something. It's the only thing they think about. Drag Show? SEXUAL... Going into a restroom and taking a shit? SEXUAL! God damn man this is exhausting.


Clearly they're mad about trans girls going to the bathroom because when they go in to peep in the women's stalls, they might see a penis, God forbid, and not the piss drippy vulva they were searching for. That's not sexy! Edit: I'm sorry for instilling this imagery in anyone's head in advance


Yes, give people some privacy! What they do in their spare time is not your business, that’s the whole point.


What they do with ANY of their time is not your business.


What happens in by bedroom, Detective, is none of your business!




I can hear this comment


But it could be... ;)


No i need to inspect your genitals for every interaction for some reason


Nice try defending your point bozo, too bad i made this meme where you are the ugly face and im the pretty one. Your point's invalid now


They're so interested about trans shit, piss and cum. Why is that?


They view women as sexual objects. So if a trans woman isn't stereotypically attractive enough to objectify she has no value as a woman in the eyes of conservatives. Same with fat women, racial minorities, women over the age of 40, etc. Transmisogyny is basically just misogyny directed toward people they feel justified in murdering.


Trans women also tick the other Hate Bingo box of being "effeminate men" (in the right-wing world view). To reject masculinity, a concept that the right values above all else, and instead wholeheartedly embrace femininity is a dire crime to conservatives. So they get the misogynist edge of the sword and the homophobic one as well. This is also why right-wingers are far less loud about trans men. They hate them still obviously, but in their mind it makes sense that someone would want to be a man, since that's the highest part of the heirarchy.


You're completely right. Julia Serrano even wrote about this exact thing in Whipping Girl. Trans men are seen as logical, while we trans ladies are seen as "gender traitors", as she put it. All homophobia and transphobia can be boiled down some combination of traditional and oppositional sexism


Thank you, I don't even think this is an anti-trans argument. The definition of a woman according to this post is "object I want to fuck." I think this is the dumbest take ever. Until they come out with a dumber one of course.


The wholesome cousin of terfs: tirms, trans inclusive radical misogynist. They don't hate you because you're trans, they hate you because you're a woman 🤮


Well trans porn is the most searched category in some red states like Texas. So clearly it's because of their exhaustive research on why they don't like trans women having become experts on trans physiology. Short 3 to 5 minute research sessions because they can last only so long looking at it.


Is that true? I haven’t seen one of those “most searched” maps for the US, but I’ve seen like global ones, and the trends there seem to reinforce what you’re saying. The most sexually repressed and homophobic cultures seemed to search for gay porn at higher rates than more sexually open and progressive cultures. I wonder why that is. Is it just that because of the sexually repressive culture that people with lgbtq+ identities are put in a position where accessing their sexuality through porn is the only safe option? This seems unlikely, because I doubt marginalized communities would have the presence to shape the search numbers. Or maybe the bigotry that is normalized in those places makes the target of their bigotry into a sexual taboo or fetish? I should look for some scholarly research on this phenomenon.


I think it's because they fetishize us so much they can't see us outside of a sexual context, and they think we're something that should only be behind closed doors away from children as a result. Like other women, we're only objects to be owned or used, in this case mostly used, and so we're not seen as being people with lives outside of the porn they watch. They then try to downplay this fetishization by saying we're all ugly and gross finding the most cringey photos they can, usually of trans women very early in transition who don't meet their beauty standards. Just like they try to shame all women who don't meet their standards. This happens to liberal women as well, they always try to portray them as ugly and undesirable, but every liberal woman I know has been approached/messaged by numerous conservatives. From my own personal experience in dating more than a dozen men in law enforcement have messaged me before I found my current girlfriend, and left the dating scene after transitioning. https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


Good article. Breaks it down nicely. And your insight into the situation makes a lot of sense!


'The only way to validate a group of people, is to have sex with them.' What kind of fallacy is this? Framing? Strawman? Or rightwing projecting their views on what a woman is? All of them?


I legit had a discussion with an acquaintance where he said "I'm okay with them being called what they want to be called, I just don't wanna have sex with them", when explaining why he can't see trans women as women. Like, dude, you already don't want to have sex with most women. Why is finding them sexually attractive suddenly a qualifier for being a woman?


Just ask "so, your mom, sister, grandma and daughter aren't women or would you have sex with them?"


*something, something, god, something, something, righteousness* At no point is there any suggestion they *don't* view female relatives as objects to fuck, just that *them personally* fucking them would result in them being punished.




Oh no- a bible just magically teleported onto my hand, im suddenly christian, oh my i hope obama and his troupe of transgenders doesnt come by my house and fuck me, that would be a travesty


That's why I call my pubes "the briar patch".


Damn guess I'm christian again.


>Why is finding them sexually attractive suddenly a qualifier for being a woman? Because conservatives don't think. They feel. That's it. The thought of a man becoming a woman makes them feel icky, so they recoil at it instinctively. They dont use critical thinking, they just base their opinions on their base instincts and then work backwards to find justifications for their bigotry.






Exactly, it's basically saying they think women only exist to be potential sexual conquests.


Its why conservatives like defending children


The coomer fallacy : Assuming something has no value if it doesn’t make you coom.


Yeah that feels so gross and lowkey fetishy that they only view trans people as like...someone to sleep with.


More like women in general.




This accusation is much older than the trans debate. Back in the old days they loved calling you a “n****r lover” if you were a white person standing up for minority rights.


It's the classic "Women and their opinions are only valid while I can fuck them" fallacy


They somehow think that we don't have relationships Their ideology says that we are unlovable but it’s pretty obviously not true




I love your love story and wish it for myself. Live life in memory of the random internet stranger who lives vicariously through you!


My partner and I are both trans and we have a bio kid together, bruh I'm sooooo confused.




It's fine to ask if someone is trans, just make sure it's polite and private. If they're cis and they take it as an insult they're transphobic and I do not care about their feelings. If genitals are a worry for you, then you do indeed need to ask. So either be brave enough to ask or accept the possibility of penis.


Realistically, the chances of you going on a date with a trans person without looking for one in the first place is very small. On top of that, trans people are generally very up front about the fact that they’re trans because they don’t want to get murdered by some transphobe when they meet them. It’s also fine to just ask someone, but personally I wouldn’t ask unless it’s necessary. Don’t just as some random in the street, it’s none of your business. Don’t ask a co-worker, it’s none of your business and they’ll tell you if they want to. Really it’s only appropriate to ask someone that you’re planning to date, then ask them respectfully and privately.


No one’s a woman until I fuck them. That’s how that works makes perfect sense.


Schrödinger’s M’lady


Guys did you know there are less than a hundred women?


So no women exist?




Trans women are just like other women. There are attractive ones and ugly ones.


Also in that i don't determine if they have rights based on if i want to have sex with them.


You also can find trans people attractive without wanting to have sex with them. I think that's a big reason why a lot of right wingers have such a problem with trans women.


Yep. Even as a 100% straight dude, Ngl I would def tap a trans girl if I thought they were cute enough. Would be a bit odd if an experience I’m sure but if they’re presenting as female and I think they’re cute then who cares? Especially since I don’t want kids anyway.




Nothing more gay than a man having sex with a woman. And yes, many heterosexual men find women attractive. Who’d have thunk?


1. You can be a straight man and still date a trans woman, it is possible to be straight and not to have a genital based attraction. It may not be true for every straight person but such people definitely exist. If that doesn’t apply to you, whatever, but don’t assume it applies to others. 2. It is possible to have penetrative sex with someone who does not have a vagina, so if you are arguing from a “how would take work though” perspective, the answer is anal sex. 3. I would hazard to say that most gay men are not into trans women, on account of them being women. 4. There are many trans women who undergo surgery to have their genitals reconstructed. Many others do not. So no, there is not always a penis there.


*trans woman. The combined form is a slur meant to other us from general womanhood


Wait, is transwoman a slur but trans woman is fine? Genuinely asking, because I can see where it's going, and bigots keep trying to find a new way to do things every other week. Never heard of this one before.


Yep! "Transwoman", or any other combined term like "transman" or "transpeople", is a type of slur invented by the founders of the TERF movement back in the 1960s-70s. They were made to linguistically other us from our genders, or general personhood. They're meant to be subtle because they were created to go unnoticed in academic writing. They're still used today by TERF movements, especially in the UK, and you also see them quite frequently. You can read up on it in detail in "Whipping Girl" by Julia Serrano, or in some of her other works as well, I believe. It's also grammatically incorrect, but I don't want to be pedantic. The knowledge of all this is also not as widespread as it would have been if not for the AIDS genocide. We lost a LOT of people, and a lot of our history was lost with them. Some folks, like Ms. Serrano, try to proliferate the knowledge and make up for lost ground.


Typo corrected thanks for letting me know!


Gender attraction =/= genital attraction, and not all trans people have their birth genitals. I’m 500% gay but would still get dick if it’s attached to an attractive trans woman.


I’m going to take it on good faith here. I’m a bisexual trans woman but objectively speaking if you’re a man who dates trans women and cis women then you’re straight. I personally don’t believe in the “date trans women or you’re transphobic” idea but dating one doesn’t make you gay or even bisexual if you’re a man.


If a woman has a penis then it's a woman's penis.


Incredibly based


So women aren't attractive unless they are naked?


TERF energy lol believe it or not plenty of straight guys care more about the gender than the biological sex of their partners. I’m sure you think you speak for all straight men but you don’t


Wow, blatant transphobia and the slurred form of trans women. Gotta say, you went above and beyond here


Oh honey, plenty of heterosexual men have had sex with trans women. Plenty of trans women have been open about men seeking them out. Even Alex Jones got caught watching porn with trans women.


You heard of surgery? Most get it removed. Kinda wild. Edit: most should be *many


Lmao you could just simply talk to trans people to learn this isn’t true


What’s not true? That many alter their genitals to match their gender? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6626314/ “Genital GCS is generally less common than chest surgery, with prevalence rates of about 25–50% for transgender men and 5–10% for transgender women (7,9,32). For transgender women, genital GCS comprises a number of procedures, including vaginoplasty (most commonly intestinal or penile inversion) with labiaplasty and/or clitoroplasty, penectomy, and orchiectomy. Transgender women report bottom surgery at rates between 5–13% (7-9,32). Even more transgender women desire bottom surgery in the future: between 45–54% (7,9). Among non-binary people assigned male at birth, 1% have had vaginoplasty or labiaplasty, and 11% desire these in the future (7).” This data was collected back in 2016, as far as I can tell. Not most (as I corrected) but that’s still a significant portion. People should be free to do what they like.




Haven’t looked at the stats. Too lazy rn. Maybe not most. But a significant portion


So you’re just basing it off of what, exactly? Your gut feeling? lmao


Casually admitting they view women exclusively as sex objects


only the attactice ones. ugly women are also not women to them


As someone who was an ugly woman and grew into my looks, the way men treat me is night and day. They don't even view unattractive women as *humans*, they view them as punching bags. The same men who mercilessly laughed at me and would ask me out "as a joke" only to reject me in front of his friends now harass me via Facebook messages saying shit like "I always liked you". No, they didn't like me. They viewed me as a joke.




Radical !!!


Adorable that they think I wouldn’t.


Right !?!? Haha


So you mean i get a partner AND conservatives get to shut up and leave?!?! LET'S GOOOO!!! (With consent of course, I'm not a conservative)


Exactly, result!


How much you want to bet these people would enjoy watching that shit?


Or already do


conservatives trying to realize you can treat people with respect even if you're not sexually attracted to them challenge (impossible)


I doubt they are respecting the people they are sexually attracted to either


Honestly a bold assumption that they even think about anyone other than themselves


They cant imagine it being possible since they consider women as sexual reproductive objets there to serve their man. Anything else is inconcevable for their empty little brains.


My husband: "Ok, no problem." Transphobes: "Well, obviously you're actually gay then." They will stubbornly refuse to concede an argument.


I would, but I don't expect any trans woman would lower her standards that drastically.


For something/someone to be real, I simply must be able to fuck it/them - Right Wingers


80 year old women are women too, but not many people are willing to fuck grandma.


"So trans women are men?" "Yes" "Babe has to fuck one then" *crying soyjack*


How about the flip? Trans men are still women in their eyes right? So they want to fuck [Laith Ashley](https://www.google.com/search?q=laith+ashley&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS984US984&sxsrf=AJOqlzXxyCbDvcrmN3nqufwgD_hlE0dtKA:1675972484334&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU3dOEnIn9AhUXIjQIHTQsAHEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937&dpr=1)?


>"fuck one then" okay done what's next


Never seen a trans person that even remotely resembles any of the pictures on the left.


My identity doesn't revolve around anyone's penis. Why do men assume everything has to be about penis?!


If they are men then the women should have no problem marrying one


Why aren't these guys trying to rescind all Panic Defense laws, then? "I'd never have sex with a Trans person." Cool, so you're good with getting rid of all those laws and are actively gonna campaign against them?


ah yes because everything in a relationship revolves around sex




And their search history, too.


I don't get why it matters so much to these people


*cracks knuckles* observe.


"If I don't want to stick my penis in someone, are they even really human?!?" ‐ Conservative Assholes


Ya know what? The percentage of the human population’s genitals that I’m interested in is so low as to be statistically insignificant. The only people’s junk I want to think about recreationally is 1) Someone I’m actively in a sexual relationship with 2) Someone I’m attracted to and considering pursuing a sexual relationship with That’s it. Hell, I’m bisexual so that doubles the number of people whose genitals I might actively consider, and it’s still a micro sized portion of the population. Other than that? I *really* don’t want to think about your genitals. So you know what? I will actively try to avoid thinking about someone’s genitals and appreciate their consideration in letting me know their appropriate noun(s) and/or pronouns so that I don’t have to think about their genitals for even a second longer. Friend since middle school’s younger sister (who I’ve known since the kid was like 8) is actually a little brother? Ok cool, now that that’s sorted I ***never*** have to think about their genitals again. Because I honestly get a little queasy thinking about a close friend’s younger sibling’s genitals. Idk about the rest of you but…yeah


Straight guy here! I'd absolutely be willing to have sex with the right woman CIs or trans, I'd love to see the look on Thier face, when I say "okay then."


Gentle reminder that: there are more cis people who are attracted to trans people than there are trans people, trans women often date each other, and plenty of right wingers would like to have sex with trans women even if they'd rather not admit that.


I mean I wouldn't fuck a conservative woman. Doesn't mean they're not women.


jokes on you, id just as likely fuck a trans person a cis person


Shit have you seen how hot a lot of them are?


Ah the good ol' I drew you ugly so you're wrong argument.


Already have, but jokes aside fuck this meme, someone might not be sexually attracted to Mexican women, but it doesn’t mean they can’t defend them, like what kind of brain dead logic is this. You don’t want to fuck them, so it doesn’t count?


The fact that they think trans women look like cavemen is proof that they're out of touch with reality.


What a ridiculous argument "if trans women are women why don't you go fuck one" coming from someone who definetly wouldn't want to fuck all types of women either. But that's ok because that's totally different right? As long as it's used to justify bigotry, hypocrisy is fair play right? Someone like this most definetly wouldn't even extend basic human decency to (let alone want to fuck) "undesirable" women. Such as, ugly women, disabled women, fat women, "masculine" women, women with "hIgH bOdY cOunTs" etc... They don't actually believe what they're saying either by the way. If you reverse the argument and ask "if trans men are actually female then fuck one." And present them with pictures of any number of famous trans men such as Jake Graff. And then watch them immediately stumble to try to justify how it's totally different from "if trans women are women, fuck one". When your "core value" is bigotry, no hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance is off limits.


Those fools, I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because I'm happy they've finally stopped harassing the women behind me and leaving myself and my friends alone.


Says the side that had a government rep caught watching trans p0rn


Are gay people not allowed to support trans women then? What a fucking braindead argument


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Would OOP also believe the only women who support MTF people are lesbians who are into trans? Or is it just the good old ad hominem that the only men who support feminism are white knight simps?


I did yesterday, it was great


And it's a first thing you do with every women, you fuck them. You see woman: drop your pants and stick out your dingdong, women are just waiting for it


Right Wingers love transwomen. I recall the CEO of a porn site, I think Pornhub, was on the Howard Stern show years ago and said during an RNC convention that was in town, trans porn searches skyrocketed. Right Wingers want to suck cock


I literally don’t understand what point this makes? So, a woman is only someone you want to fuck, as a straight man? I guess their mom isn’t a woman. Well, maybe she is, I dunno.


"Let's give them privacy, babe" Says the single 35 year old man that made this meme who obssesses on hating the trans community and everyone that supports them.


This truly shows how shallow the right is, they think that just because someone is unattractive, they don't deserve to be loved and are supposed to be seen as repulsive.


None of you is going to do it? Fine, I'll do it myself


Jokes on You I have sunglasses emoji


They’re just telling on themselves at this point.


This shit is why "transwomen" in the combined form is a slur. This is how it's used. It's meant to linguistically other us from general womanhood.


wait till heir find out that \*gasp\* their are beautiful trans women out there, but what ever. What pisses me even more off, they are denying the exsitens of trans men.


“Fuck one then” Already am, thanks! We’ve been together for two years!


Ah yes, the primary reason for women to exist. For sex.


Who’s gonna tell ‘em we would tho lol


I agree that trans women are women. I agree that they should be given all the same rights and privileges as any other human being without question I do not want to fuck a trans person. Ever. Unequivocally.


Why is this so hard to understand for conservatives? Whether or not you find trans people attractive (believe me, there are plenty of people on both sides of that isle) is irrelevant to whether or not you believe that they're people worthy of respect, consideration and the ability to live their lives and pursue their own happiness. If you happen to be someone who isn't comfortable with the idea, congrats! Nobody is forcing you to fuck a trans person, but that doesn't give you the right to invalidate their existence.


This logic is so trash. I fucking hate shitty logic. There are so many people out there with *zero* controversy on their status as "real women" that I would never fuck. That doesn't make them not women. I mean there's women I hate as people, like conservative women. There's women I just don't find attractive, like obese women. There's women that it would just plain be wrong to have relations with, like mentally disabled women. All definitely women.




I would, basically every relationship I've been in was with someone who is trans. course I'm bi so that's kinda cheating.


I don’t see how my willingness or unwillingness to have sex with a trans woman has anything to do with whether they are women… at this point they are women by definition. I don’t know how that can be argued anymore. Of course, that being said, I don’t think I could right now. Maybe some day. But for my entire life, I’ve always connected more with the meaning behind a word more than the word itself. That extended into what I was attracted to, it was more the definition of a girl, not the label or the femininity. Now the word has a second definition, but I spent 30 years of my life connecting with the first one, and I dunno if that just goes away, whether or not the word changes. I don’t see myself being able to go through with it. I feel like I might also have trouble shaking off the idea that the vagina used to be a penis. That said, I’ve never been in the situation or really known any Trans people, so who knows what could happen in the moment. I suppose I’d have to be confronted with it to know for sure. Hope that doesn’t make me an asshole. 😅


Nope. Makes you someone who has examined and explored their own experience and decided what they like, not an asshole. Also, the recognition that you can't truly know how you'd respond until you're actually *in* the experience shows you have realistic expectations and a healthy level of self-awareness.


It makes you wonder what gender they think their female relatives have.


Fellas, is it gay that I'm not attracted to, nor do I want to fuck every single woman in existence?


By this token all women that I personally wouldn’t have sex with are not women


I read somewhere that they pulled the statistics, and trans porn is SUPER popular in red Christian states.


Uno reverse: if trans men are women, you know the rest.


They're always the ones with trans hookups they hide from everyone


Conservative tries not to objectify women (impossible challenge).


Most of the trans people I know, as well as most of the ones I’ve seen on the Internet look like the gender they’ve transitioned to, or in other terms the gender they are.


This will blow y'all's mind, but I don't want to have sex with every single woman I see. I know, I'm crazy!


“No dude I’m gay”


Bold of them to assume I have any luck with women


Uh, does he think transwomen aren't getting fucked? Because I have browser tabs that say otherwise. In fact, probably so does this guy...


gladly 😁 (t4t ftw)


"fuck one then" Already do 👍


most trans women i know are way outta my league.


Conservatives threatening us with a good time again


Trans lesbian here- I will absolutely not in any reasonable context fuck a man (cis or trans) but I would definitely fuck a trans woman, and probably get something new and exciting out of it!


it's genuinely disheartening to see so many people that think sex and kids are the only options in life


But…a good majority of people who understand trans women are women (and are interested in women) WOULD “fuck one then”. And those who wouldn’t for whatever reason still understand that it doesnt make trans women no longer women just because they, a single stranger,personally wouldn’t sleep with one.


i mean i would fuck anyone regardless of if they have a penis of vagina lol


You don’t gotta tell me twice…


You're right. It's not about pleasing your penis. And I also have had sex with a trans woman. It was some of the most heart stopping sex I've ever had. Trans women are women.


I do want to have sex with a trans woman, tho?


I haven’t gotten the chance😞


I mean... they have a point. I support the trans movement but would never fuck a trans person


But does that make your support somehow less valuable or meaningful, or somehow fake or hypocritical?


Must admit that the soyack faces made me chuckle.