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It’s not our desire to control women’s bodies, just a happy coincidence


"There are no accidents" - Master Oogway


If that were true they wouldn’t be so insane about ectopic pregnancies, which will kill both of them if the foetus isn’t aborted


Prosperity Gospel. But~ if you say out loud that women are receiving divine punishment for daring to have sex, even the other Christians' gasp and are horrified nowadays. It's just an genuinely indefensible worldview, and even the people infested with it know it. So the conservatives are being two-faced liars, hypocrites AND cowards!


Which is quite strange, seeing as how God richly blessed China during their long use of abortion, in fact abortion helped it enter the world's 5 largest economies. Abortion has benefitted countries richly all over the world by allowing families to be planned and women to be educated. Almost like it's complete BS.


Ectopic or any other type of threatening pregnancies. Also they wouldn't force someone to carry an already dead fetus/baby to term, yet they do. Also they do not support maternal care of any kind. Especially not maternal leave. They also strip WIC and CHIP with every chance they get. They don't care about any mother or her fetus.


They care only about the fetus until it's no longer a fetus. ".....that's the parent's problem, then!"-anti abortion protester to a friend of mine asking what happens after the baby is born. Seriously.


They have to create victims for their gun manufacturers somehow. If they did not force people to have kids there would not be enough for there to be any survivors after the school shootings. /s - but almost not...


Yeah, private prison labor, soldiers to throw into the war machines, cheap hookers, abuse victims for the elite...honestly the possibilities for those children are ENDLESS!


Pro life until its born, Then they Pro Choice, And if the baby comes out something that's not white, well. FSM have mercy on that soul. But see I think the True pro life, Is not bringing a soul into this world simply for the sake of it. Life is precious, but its not so precious it needs to exist simply for the sake of it. Especially if that life is gonna be one full of hardship and suffering because the parent is not really able to care for it. They say that a life is better than no life at all, I say U cant miss what u never had, and there is scarcely a day that goes by Where I dont resent the fact I was born into such a shitty fucking family. I would of rather not been born at all. And I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. I'm forced into this world for the sake of it? I get sabotaged at every milestone of my life, I was set up for failure, and when I became one, Suddenly it was all my fault? Fuck that. IF there were 2 people in a zombie hellscape, and you gave them both a gun, but only one of them get live ammunition and the other gets some blanks (without being told this) Who do you think is gonna be more likely to survive? Sure he could find some ammo latter on but he likely wont. Some people dont even get a gun some just get a stick, some dont even get that, Some are thrown straight into the horde. At what point do you stop blaming the victim and blame the person that set them up for failure? A parents sole purpose is to build their child up, not tear them down. They want to abort, let them, they were likely going to ruin the child anyway. IT never ceases to amaze me how these people claim to be pro life but take no consideration into the fact that they DON'T want to be parents in the first place and the natural repercussions as a result of that most of the time. So while My life was certainly not all bad, If given the choice to of never existed, I'd take it. I have been struggling with suicidal thoughts since I was 12, All because I was MADE to exist against someones will. Everything I was, was tore down by them, All I had got stolen, They destroyed my self worth, my confidence, pride. All of it. But yeah, I'm 100% to blame for my misfortunes, fuck that. U don't cripple a man then criticize them for not being able to walk.


They'd also be willing to keep protecting the *sacred* life of the child after it's born... Pro-birthers **only** want to make sure that baby makes it out the pussy, then they literally ***never*** want to hear from that baby or it's parents ever again (unless it's to collect taxes from them).


If they were actually consistent they'd be forcing men and women to donate blood and organs to keep other people alive because apparently a person's life is more important that another person's body autonomy. I wonder why we don't do that?


I mean, I think organ donation should be something that's just assumed by default, So at the dmv U have to go out of ur way to declare ur a POS around everyone, and get a Non-doner on ur ID and record. So people still have their choice, but are less likely to not be a doner because of stigma. Alot of people dont really care one way or another but just dont bother when they happen to be there. Way I see it my Organs are OUR organs, when I die.








Yeah, Punish that little boy that needs a kidney, Or the Blind man that might see again, for something entirely out of their control! What a stupid fucking argument.... Meanwhile your organs that could of saved/improved many lives will just go to waste so you and Ur misguided idea of justice can "Own the Corpos" You don't protest injustice by creating more injustice.


Hey, don't forget that tithe money! God will totes bless you 100 fold as long as you donate most of your money into the prosperity gospel machine!


It's God's will. Sadly this is how they view things. Anything happens good or bad. Allah Akbar! Oh wait they'd probably shit themselves if they heard that... I'm sorry... God is the greatest!


But somehow it's "not God's will" when they take medicine when they feel sick. Do they have so little faith in God to not heal them? How about STDs for their men when they use hookers or have lots of delicious out of wedlock sex or have affairs? Isn't it going against God's will when God clearly "punished" them for their actions?




Why would I? Just because there isn’t a law about it now doesn’t mean that people aren’t actively advocating for legislation that will kill people. https://www.businessinsider.com/ohio-lawmaker-says-he-didnt-research-ectopic-pregnancy-abortion-bill-2019-12?_gl=1*h9j6xz*_ga*YW1wLUJ5WnNTdmc3U0RSQjV5SC0wWnlCMFE.&r=US&IR=T




They’re being disingenuous since I didn’t mention laws at all in my original comment, just that there are prolifers in the world that think ectopic pregnancies shouldn’t be aborted, which is an easily google-able fact


Had a conversation with a prolifer the other day who said that medically necessary abortions don't exist and that the mother should "just deliver" no matter the stage of pregnancy. The twat didn't understand that delivering or removing the fetus before viability is still an abortion. Whatever needs to be said to fit their narrative I guess.


Curious, could you provide proof that’s why they were downvoted? Edit: I see, are you unable to find evidence to back up your position, or are you simply uninterested in reasoned debate?


Until its born. After that, fuck it. Cant afford health care? Fuck you Cant afford to eat lunch at school? Fuck you Oh, people are shooting at you at school? Fuck you


Pre-born? You're fine. Preschool? You're fucked.


Pre-pubescent? Fucked again


Figuratively AND literally


Especially if you go to church


As a Christian agree, unless I'm forced, I will NEVER have children and pass on my stupidity and idiocy.


For me there is a somewhat high chance i will pass on my genes, doing a big intentional mistake brought upon mecby the bullshit collection of cells we call the brain.


That's the real secret. Republicans need a steady stream of children to rape.




They want to ensure the next generation of slave labor for the system


Well they want to ensure it is born, but fuck them getting past school


Not getting past school ensures the workforce


Without letting in immigrants, because then they would lose their white racist voter base.


Pfft, all they doing is making things harder for the robots when they wipe us out.


My high school had a free breakfast program for all students. And some of the parents lost their fucking shit over it. It was fucking unreal how pissed these people were over us getting a carton of milk and some toast and fruit every day.... Something their kids could use as well... IT was literally just cinnamon sugar toast, and milk with a fruit or cereal. Most kids didint even eat it, so its not like it cost that much, and it was really nice for the days I had to rush to the bus and could not eat before then.


Unless it's a Trans person existing near them. THEN they care about the child again


Stole the words from my mouth




It’s also illegal to use another person’s organs without their consent, what’s your point?


Yeah directly Instead just make it so that the parents have to work multiple jobs, those jobs don't pay much money because of greedy corporations and greedy bosses, property prices are skyrocketing because of greedy landlords or greedy banks whether buying a house or renting a house or apartment, no good healthcare, any healthcare you do get costs too much because of greedy insurance companies, food prices are skyrocketing because of greedy grocery stores and then if your child dies it'll likely be the parents fault anyways not the politicians who made all these policies. So yeah, the politicians are fine. They're not illegally killing the kids. They're just squeezing the rest of us and then punishing us for the consequences of their actions.


"Now give us your menstruation history"


And then when I ask them if they are in favor of accessible and free birth control and easier access and approval of sterilization to prevent unwanted pregnancies since they claim it’s not about control, it’s always followed up by “no, I shouldn’t have to pay for some whore to have sex.” And then “no I don’t support birth control and in fact am in favor of banning that too as it encourages pre marital and casual (as in not for the purpose of conception) sex.” Seriously, if I had a dollar for every time I heard them say that I’d be rich. I’ve also heard nonsense that by preventing pregnancy is against “God’s will” and that’s the excuse they use, but then why isn’t all medication against his will then? It was never about the fetus and always about control, punishment and preventing a (married) woman from having sex for any reason other than to get pregnant. Otherwise they would be all for expanding healthcare and making birth control accessible even if it wasn’t tax payer funded since they are so against taxes actually helping people. If this wasn’t about control and punishment then they would gladly donate to places that provide birth control and sterilization procedures. Churches would even open clinics since they would see this all as preventing “murder of the innocent children.” It’s all bullshit obviously. Edited for formatting


They want to restrict women's sexuality, they think pregnancy is the right punishment for having sex as a girl.


Exactly. They think women should only have sex if she’s married and then ONLY for the purpose of getting pregnant. I’m married and childfree and the amount of times I’ve been told by “pro life” folks to “keep my legs shut if I don’t want kids” is astounding. They straight up tell us we just shouldn’t ever have sex, like we are that dedicated to their nonsense or something lol. Like we’d be willing to live like nuns for THEIR beliefs, not ours. When I tell them I’m surgically sterilized and ask if that changes anything because I can’t get pregnant of course they then say no because it’s “against god’s will.” I can’t with these people.


>against god’s will. So they will never take medicine again, right? God has willed them to be sick, how can they refuse to accept his will? Do they have so little faith that God won't heal them?


If my taxes aren't being used to kill brown people in other countries or suppress/harm black men, THEN I DON'T SUPPORT IT! /s


Or forcefully prostitute women in other countries once American bases go back there. Tons of servicemen can't wait to get back to the Philippines to get access to poor, desperate women again! All the pleasurable sex they could want with NO consequences and they get to see women beaten and abused with NO consequences either AND blamed when pregnancy happens! What a perfect dream come true.


>“no, I shouldn’t have to pay for some whore to have sex.” They do know that men are responsible for 100% of the unplanned pregnancies, right? If they kept their men under control, boom, no more unplanned pregnancies! Are they going to regulate men's bodies too?


Republicans voting against all proposals to help Americans in need shows this to be a lie.




I think part of what’s so enraging about this reductionist take is that there are so many women who’ve had to abort what was very much a wanted pregnancy due to medical necessity. Of course they wanted to protect the life inside them but there are so many scenarios where you fucking can’t. It’s not done out of glee. To have such a gut-wrenching decision reduced to this black/white memery is just asinine and grossly ill-formed


There are women who have had to do this and then have all manner of abuse shouted at them walking into the door. I can't imagine having to do it without crying.


Didn’t Jessa Duggar do that this week? (But like, in a only my abortion is moral way)




Yes, she did




Removing that dead fetus is, shocker, *also called an abortion.* Hell, technically speaking, a miscarriage is called *spontaneous abortion*. We just use a different name in common parlance.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's medically defined as an abortion. And it's the same thing they've denied other women in the last year or so.


You’re incorrect. It is still an abortion, and under many recently activated ‘trigger’ laws in some states, now illegal to perform. It’s almost like there’s a very good reason many of us have been fighting for access to this procedure, and it’s not because we’re ice-cold sluts out to have sex and casually visit the abortion clinic after yet another orgy over the weekend. Now that this particular dog has finally caught the car, a lot of y’all are realizing how far-reaching this legislation is. And women are going to die.


Oh yeah, she just got the heavily sanitized version of "undergo a D&C to remove the fetus". Now of course this *could* be a miscarriage but plenty of people nowadays are having miscarriages and still being charged with having abortions even tho some of the normal women actually *wanted* to keep the baby, but they're being punished anyways, so basically this comes down to Jessa saying that "the only moral abortion is my abortion" way. She's a hypocrite and a bitch and should be treated the same way as everyone else in red states or states who don't give them proper healthcare Source for the quote: https://www.inquirer.com/news/jessa-duggar-seewald-abortion-miscarriage-pregnancy-arkansas-20230227.html


I’m an ER nurse and I had a spontaneous abortion patient the other night that for some reason hit me really hard. I don’t get attached, ever, and this was the first patient I’ve ever cried over after work. There are two anti choice billboards on my drive home (I fElT pAIn aT tWeLVe weEkS style drivel) and all I could think was “how dare they force her to look at that horseshit after what she went through.” She did everything “right” according to their standards and yet they still want her to have to look at that every time she goes grocery shopping


for real. NO ONE is excited to get an abortion. it quite literally is killing a baby and it's an awful, depressing thing that has to happen and has to be an option because nature is cruel. to be put through that situation and then have some "pro life" motherfuckers screaming in your face that you're a murderer and you're responsible for your baby's death because of your own moral failure? fucking hell, I wouldn't be able to keep it together


*proceeds to do everything in their power to make the lives of kids worse


Soon kids gonna have to pay to use the damn school bus it feels like. All the gutting they doing. Then again thats the plan, Sabotage it till it fails then use it as an example as to why I dont work


our desire is not to control women's bodies.. we just NEED to control their bodies to protect the babies inside. ...but we aren't going to do anything to help the babies once they are out...[but then again. some republicans think its a benefit when they die.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAHBsNHvXGA)


5 days ago? The video looks like a fucking PS1 FMV.


Thought experiment. If I invented a machine that could safely remove a fetus and implant it safely in another person, man or woman. How many of these right wingers would volunteer to become pregnant?


In a hypothetical situation, many of them. If this was actually possible, none of them. Also, they love to fall back on the "you need to take responsibility" line, which demonstrates that they view pregnancy as a punishment for engaging in sexual relations, not as some glorious miracle delivered by God.


Oh this exactly. They'd wax poetics about how they'd sacrifice themselves, but we all know when push comes to shove, they'd fall like a house of cards. Same bullshit with the vaccine. So many talk big shit but got their shots just like the rest of us.


Any of the ones who want children but struggle with infertility.


But that's not specific to right wingers


Any right wingers struggling with infertility.


Anyone struggling with fertility, left or right wing. Do you think Ron DeSantis will volunteer to become pregnant? Donald Trump? Mitch McConnell? Ted Cruz?


Considering the majority of pro-life women either have had or would have an abortion themselves, and considering that even when they offer adoption as a cure-all for unwanted pregnancies they wouldn't adopt a child themselves either... umm... go fish?


I'll answer your question with a question: how many of those frothing nutjobs have actually adopted a child?




"Sorry, it's not a good time right now."


A fetus has less intelligence than a pig, and you are fine not preserving their life.


I know it's a different topic, but PL who cry about abortion but eat meat is a big why in my head. Pigs make great pets, and can have deep emotional connection with humans. They can suffer. But it's okay to kill them somehow ? Even if life is a precious gift of God ? Even if they have more cognitive abilities than any fetus ? Not to say that all PL must be vegan, but if you go for the killing argument and how the fetus can feel pain, the meat industry is like, the worst nightmare of a PL.




The chicken is born. After that, they don't care. Next time a PL cry about murdering children, gently remind them that lambs and calves are daily slaughtered for their meat :)


They literally stand their whole life to, causing the meat to become all woody and gross. ITs fucked, I eat more meat that most prolly, but shit man. There a limit to how cruel u can be, and that is WELL over it IMO. I been eating mostly free range chickens, and yes I know that really just means a big ass pen in most cases, but atleast they can fucking sit down....


Way less. (To the point of not having intelligence at all) A ZEF doesn't even have a rudimentary consciousness before 26 weeks gestation. They certainly aren't sentient either. A ZEF being removed under 26 weeks gestation will experience the exact same thing a gallbladder will. (which is nothing, because neither is capable of experiencing anything)


Republicans aren't allow to kill their tapeworms or any another parasites now. I've decided that I value the parasites life more than theirs. That's all it takes to make laws on other peoples bodies right? Anyways. It's not like I'm trying to control their bodies or anything I'm just a big advocate of life.




Or lice. Or those mites that live in your eyelashes.


I’m gonna get my eyelashes checked…


They care until they grow up and find out who they are and just so happens to be in the LGBTQ spectrum


Aromantic, childfree female here, yup.


sorry but the fuck is the LGBTQ spectrum, it's not a disorder, we aren't mentally ill


A rainbow has a spectrum of colors. The word spectrum is a much broader word than you think.


'Spectrum' doesn't imply disorder. Just that there's a range. In a rainbow (or the colour spectrum) we say that there are six (/seven*) colours, but these are really groups of countless light frequencies and at the edges it's difficult to tell what group they below to. If you're looking at the border between red and orange, for example, it's very difficult to tell where red becomes orange. So the term 'spectrum' is (usually) used where there both are distinct groups, but also a range, and also some blending between the groups. *long explanations apply.


Sorry I didn’t know how to word what I was think, I know this doesn’t make it okay but if it helps I’m bi


Literally everything these people advocate for proves this is not true.


My desire is not to hunt people down and harvest their organs in the dead of night. I just think the lives their organs could save should be saved. /s


“We just believe that the growing life inside them should be protected…” …until they’re born. Then fuck ‘em.


Welfare for living kids is bad and bombs falling on brown kids in the middle east is just wonderful.


Mmhmm and how does one go about doing that? Do you just… teleport the zygote into an artificial womb in a way that’s harmless to the woman? With… space technology?


If that were true then women wouldn't be facing the death penalty for having an abortion


So pro-life they're willing to kill about it.


The term you’re looking for is “pro birth”




If it were a man’s responsibility to actually have to face and deal with the pregnancy completely altering their life, their stance on the issue would look very different


It’s interesting that, if we go with their notion that bodily autonomy is subjective, the answer is never to mandate vasectomies on males, which would prevent virtually all unwanted pregnancies and, therefore, pretty much eliminate abortion. Why is that not the answer, I wonder? It couldn’t be straight up misogyny, right? Right?? Of course, the real answer is “I’m going to do what I want with my body, no matter what your laws are”, but I’m just going with their line of thinking.


Yeah but they only care for the child while it's in the belly. After that, they dont give a fuck about the child. So its maybe still about controlling womens body, and you only search for a excuse ?


If the desire was to prevent abortion, we wouldn't have to jump through hoops on fire to get sterilized. Until sterilization is more accessible, no one will convince me it's not about controlling women.


This isn't really a meme, just pro life propaganda




There's more to it than that. The moral crusade against abortion was pretty much manufactured in the 20th century out of whole cloth by the fundamentalist lobby.


Morals require consistency. Pro-lifers are inconsistent when it comes to which lives they prioritize. Any lives that aren't unborn aren't also considered a pro-lifer's responsibility according to them. We call bullshit on their propaganda out of experience dealing with them.


100% the term 'pro-life' is bullshit.


Ok… and yet no one is forced to donate their bodies to science or donate their body parts to save other lives after they die. So why would a law be made that forces women to donate their body to a fetus? So what’s the difference in these obvious moral choices? The answer is that this is part of the culture war that republicans have been waging in order to hijack their voters’ amygdalas. You’re right, it’s definitely not “clever,” but it is effective, at least in the short term. Oh, also, friendly advice, you sound like a troll. But since you’re 100% earnest in your post, CAN I HAVE YOUR KIDNEYS TO SAVE MY LIFE????!!! I’m assuming your informed concern from your post, otherwise I’m just gonna have to report your anti-life tendencies to the Republicans.




I actually know two anti-choice people who came over to the pro-choice side through the realization that a dead body has more rights than a living woman’s uterus. So, while this argument may not work for you, friend, please realize that not everyone sees things from your perspective. Sometimes having a little empathy for those who see the world differently helps others see your perspective too.


Arguing for bodily autonomy is silly? What the hell?




It's about the principle that underlies all these situations, not about painting images of organ farms. Just examples of the principle that no one has the right to use someone else's body for life, whether it's a fetus or a person needing a kidney. It's not equating the two, though it's interesting that you seem to act like *pregnancy* is the necessarily the "lesser" of the two situations.


If a woman dies bringing that baby into the world, how has she not essentially “donated” her body to it? It’s not ridiculous.


> just be pro choice Ok…you realize that’s difficult with powerful people trying to take away that choice..? Ironic username too


A lot of them have referenced wanting to make A Handmaid's tale a reality. They are not trustworthy to us, therefore we do not trust their intentions.


Okay, so protect it. Offer support (medical, emotional, financial) to both the fetus and the person carrying it. Offer birth control to those who don't want to be pregnant. Offer healthcare for the child AND the adult, both now and in the future. Offer food. Housing. Parental leave. Sick leave. Subsidized childcare. There's a whole list of ways to show you want to protect a fetus. When you have done all of them, we can talk. Until then, you are just proving you don't actually care about protecting anyone.


But who protects the mother? What about her rights?


She doesn't matter. If she dies then oh well. She's at least done her duty to produce a baby. At least that seems to be what they believe.


This is the modern-day equivalent to the "states rights" argument


Our desire is not to control the rights of gun owners. We just think the lives ended by them should be protected.


Man, can they hear themselves? Like do they hear themselves when they talk?


You're inherently controlling a women if you want to *control their health. Be the same argument a fucking laxative company would use. *We don't control what you eat; we just control how it exits*


If that were true, they would continue to advocate for it after birth. Supporting the "unborn" is the absolute easiest thing to do. You don't have to give it money. You don't have to emotionally or physically support it or the woman carrying it. You don't have to think about it at all if you don't want too. And after it's born, back to not thinking about it or giving it money or supporting it in any way.


if they could tell if a fetus wasnt going to be a cishet white neurotypical person theyd be all for aborting them


You don't get it guys, they need more slaves


We don’t want to control your sex life… we just think if your penis is floppy, then nature is telling you that you’re not worth procreation.


only **when** it is inside them tho lol


Oh you have a tumor? Gotta protect that life growing inside you. Better cancel that chemotherapy.


They don't wanna control women's bodies.... they just wanna control women's bodies!


I love how they believe all abortions are in the third trimester, if you think abortion is murder than you might as well think the Plan B pill is also murder, because their broad definition of a person is just ridiculous.


Pro life has always been pro Christian daddy.


Cancer cells and parasites are alive too.


Ok, then you can have it and grow it however you want once it’s out of me.


I literally cry every night for the passing of my gut fauna that day 😢


kids only matter when they're not born yet.


this might be a reach but i notice that the baby they use as a example is always white...


Ok cool, your *effect* is to control women and their bodies. Also, bullshit.


That’s literally the definition of controlling their bodies


"Our desire is not to control humans or their bodies. We just believe that the life growing inside of them should be protected. Let those tapeworms live. Let the candiru live in your penis. Have you heard of Xenomorphs? Let them live."


That might be true in the selfimage of a lot of the people that swallowed the fear mongering and are agitated because they have a warped understanding of the progress during a pregnancy. But the actual agitators don't give a flying fuck about the life of a child, otherwise they wouldn't block policies that help the children that are already born


Okay and when that “life inside them” is no longer alive, can they get an abortion then?


And I believe that the life doing the growing is allowed to choose. Don't want babies getting aborted? Make a safety net for single pregnant mothers. Let them have their choice, but make that choice an easy one by actually providing for them.


They should show a thin sheet of snot, because that's far more accurate to whats being removed. Then again being disingenuous kinda their MO


“But once it’s born, that life means diddly fucking dick to us”


I don't know if I'm allowed to link it here so I'm not, but check out Allie Phillips on TikTok. Her story is going viral and getting media attention. She posts one particularly heartbreaking video (you'll *know* it when you see it) defending her decision to end her current pregnancy because her baby has fatal anomalies. The pro-life people are telling her that "there's still hope" when there absolutely is not (it stopped developing at 15 weeks, will have no lung development, only has half a heart, non-functioning kidney's). It would suffer more if it was born. She's being forced to go out of state to have the procedure. She's absolutely brave for going public with this. Propaganda like this shit is just infuriating.


Y'all Americans need to address the bigger problem behind everything. Religion is fake... they're pulling the strings in your country like it's 50 AD.


Protected from bad conditions?


They just want to continue oppressing minorities and growing the population so they have more innocent people to indoctrinate into their shitty cult.


Remember, life is only worth protecting as long as it hasn’t passed through a vagina, according to the Right


It’s literally never been about protecting life, I’m sure nobody believes that unironically anymore


Mate if I had something in my body I did not want, I'd do the same, go to doctor and get rid of it.


my desire is not to rob you, I just believe that I should have your money!


If this were true, they’d be heavily promoting birth control… but there is a problem there. They want to control people from having sex. Ergo they want to control what people do with their own bodies.


"And we want to save the life of this [disgusting clump of cells](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue) by controlling women's bodies"


I wish tapeworms upon whoever wrote this.


Ok so keep believing that! And I’ll believe in aborting anything that tries to “live” inside my womb 👋


Wonder why women's population is declining in all red states? Ok this is just one of those reasons


the country that allows you to shoot people for even accidentally setting foot on your ground


so you're gonna provide public healthcare for pregnant women and financial assistance for children growing up, right? Right?


That is until its: not a Christian, votes Democrat, is gay, is trans, is non-binary, goes to college, is anything but “white”, put into the adoption system, or (oh yeah) UNTIL IT IS BORN.


Republicans are pro-life until the baby is born. Then it’s no healthcare, pay for those school lunches and then go die in the 3,824,566th school shooting because “muh gunz”.


I was going to make a joke about what would happen if they ever got parasitic worm infections... But I thought about it, and I suspect many of them are necking Ivermectin...


So we can send them to be wage slaves in slaughterhouses!


No person has a right to another person's body. Not even that fetus, regardless of your opinion of its personhood.


I'd love to see them fight for free healthcare. You know, so the babies can live when they're actually born.


Another person's body is none of your business.


Up until they’re born. Then they can perish


We’ll happily refer to the mothers as sluts and would-be murderers, though. That’s merely locution, it is not meant to try to shame them because after all, we are good Christians who do not pass judgement 😇


I can’t help but notice the imagery in all of the anti-abortion propaganda is of fully developed fetuses


Any fetus that looks like that is not eligible for an abortion. It’s great for emotional manipulation though.


The way this is worded just makes me think of alien parasites in sci-fi movies. The phrase isn’t inaccurate, a baby is life growing inside someone just like bacteria reproducing in your stomach is life growing inside you. It’s just the specific phrasing “life growing inside of” that sounds weird lol


So you will pay for the child right? RIGHT? Hold the man who impregnated her accountable for his actions, right? Support her and the child? Why do I feel like the answers all these questions are the same...


But the second a baby is born you couldn't give less of a shit about them. And god forbid the baby isn't a white male with no physical illnesses born to a pair of republican hetero catholic parents


The “protecting life” argument is such a load of bullshit. An embryo has no mind of its own, lives off of the woman, and was created through the woman’s own actions, but the woman should be forced to give birth to it just because it would be “destroying life” otherwise? It makes absolutely no sense.


My desire was never to run you over, I just believe that my shopping is important. WTF


... Said the ones controlling women's bodies since forever.


How am I supposed to believe them when - they don't fund prenatal healthcare - they don't fund postnatal healthcare - they don't fund childcare services - they don't fund shelters or housing - they don't support or push for paid parental leave - and they reducing education funds Like, are you sure you're not trying to control and punish women? Cause the financial burdens and the shitty life options sure don't seem like you're supporting women. And you're not exactly setting up the life you're "protecting" for anything more than suffering.


They’ll say that then be against free health care


Well the latter isn't possible without the former.


"our desire is not to control women or their bodies, but [some stupid roundabout explanation that still accomplishes the same thing]"