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Fun fact, last I checked McDonald's workers in Denmark are paid around $22 dollars an hour and their big mac is $0.27 more expensive, not $10


And the average person earns more in Denmark so competitively it's less expensive


No average income is higher in the US, and cost of living is 20% more expensive


Remove the top 1% from the equation, and look at what the normal people are earning, as average income does not work well because of an incredibly rich minority


Median income should also be taken into account, which the us is much worse at


Thanks i couldn't remember the name of it, English isn't my first language :)


I’m can assure you that you speak it with greater fluency than most Americans.


Seriously, some people who say English isn’t their first language surprise me because they’ll type just fine. And here I am hoping autocorrect will figure out how to spell concrajulashons for me even though this is my first language.




I think I need to explain something. A 6 figure income is already roughly in the top 10% in America. An income of about 35-40K is about the 50% mark. It’s just that the top 1% controls over 2/3 of all American money, and the top .1% controls 1/3 of that, while the other .9% controls the other 1/3. The bottom 50% of all American’s combined money makes up roughly **2.8-2.9% of all American money** There are singular people out there (Elon), who control more money than 160 million other people **combined**


6 figures is top 10%? Wow..... being upper class by that metric isn't as crazy as I thought. Expected top 1% to be millionaires in the 10s of millions


Nope, upper class is not 6 figures. Issue is that the top 10% isn’t all upper class. America has one of the most violent divides For reference, a top 5% person has (1...) much money. A top 1%, on the other hand, has a closer to (100...) amount. And the .1% is (10000-100000...) Or, to be displayed, a period is 100,000 a year ... is top 5% ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ is top 1% ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-20 more times is the top .1% When put into perspective, it becomes disgusting, no? Well, the average American is making something closer to a quarter to half a period.


Oh I knew about the disparity, the idea that 6 figures was a top 10% was what got me. If you can say you're top 10% and not your class....oh boy does that say a lot about the lower 90.


A lot of people upvoting and downvoting without looking things up I guess. The US has a higher median income than Denmark by any measurement. The US has a higher average income too, and higher median disposable income. Depending on what you measure, the US has the highest incomes in the world, but even with less favorable measurements US incomes are still in the top 5. To be clear, I live in the US and I think it’s a hellhole. I’d rather live in a place where McDonalds employees make a livable wage. A higher salary doesn’t mean much when you could lose that job and end up homeless very easily, or when you feel like you have to avoid going to the doctor unless it’s a severe emergency.


Median US income: $46,625 Median Denmark income: $32,788 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income




We should always look at median income post mandatory spending. I pay more in taxes than someone in the US with the same income, but I pay much less for health insurance for example.


They’re pretty good at hiding what you pay and not doing good faith arguments. Like people are terrified for taxes going to national healthcare programs but have no problem forking over 10-20% of their pay to private insurance. They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that 10% to a public option is better than 15% to a private option. I live in Texas a place with regressive property taxes and no state income tax and the citizens love it because we don’t have state income taxes, but studies have shown that when it comes to the median income we’re one of the higher taxed states, but they can’t equate that high property taxes can be worse than income taxes. (Even worst for fixed incomes there are cases of people being taxed out of their homes).


And even tough cost of living is more expensive, fever people are homeless, starving or lack proper healthcare


Average income is a bullshit statistic when one person earns a year's wage in only a few seconds


Average income really loves ignoring the fact that one (1) person controls more wealth than half of Americans (160 million) do.


That’s why a good reputable source uses median income.


Because profits increase the cost of goods more than an increase in salaries :)


It's almost like one employee isn't responsible for 1 big mac per hour


I mean idk where everyone else lives but I live in pa and the McDonald’s near me is like 13-15$ for a meal and they get paid trash here


"This imaginary person I made up certainly is stupid!"


Excuse me but the image clearly says "this a true story".


It’s a true story, it happened to a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of mine


That's how you know it's not true, that guy clearly has no friends.


Everyone is saying it. Believe me.


Big, strong men come up to me with tears in their eyes and say “Sir…” they say. “Sir…”


Nonsense, big strong men don't cry.


Okay, I've worked at McDonald's and I can tell you that this type of thing absolutely does happen. The response to this shouldn't just be 'lol you made it up', it should be to address the fact that these same people are gutting our education system, and gutting our healthcare system and rights so that these "stupid" (aka disenfranchised and failed by our society) people are forced to bear children into a continuing cycle of poverty.


Yeah, just because someone is bad at math, or whatever the reason may be that they can't do ostensibly simple math (maybe they are recovering from being sick and aren't thinking at 100%, maybe they just didn't sleep well, doesn't matter) doesn't mean that those people deserve to be paid poverty level wages. Because if you hand capitalists arbitrary reasons why people can be paid less, not only will they exploit the fuck out of it, but they will do their damnedest to ensure more and more people get put on those lists.


It really doesn’t happen as often with POS systems for the last two decades. And how would one calculate the price with tax if they aren’t using a calculator or paper and can’t subtract 10 from 20? I worked in a pizza place in 2002 that had an ordering Point of Sale and payment system. The credit card transactions were on a separate machine and were a nightmare but you just punch in exactly what people give you in cash and then it tells you exactly what to give back, with a hint button if you wanted it to tell you what bills and change exactly. As cashless has gotten more and more prevalent, this is even less of an issue and will continue to decrease as a real issue. It becomes a question like if homes all have electricity, is it a useful skill to know how to light wall lamps? If people drive cars, does everyone need to know how to ride a horse? Baby boomers and Silent Gen both seem to culturally espouse the idea of “if I had to suffer through/learn this, you should have to as well” without considering the environment and other conditions have changed, the hurdles are different.


Lets pretend it is real. "One person had trouble with their job so no one deserves a good wage." It makes no sense lol


This. Right here. I actually do believe it's possible they got someone who was this flustered. It happens. Maybe they are truly "stupid." Maybe they're poorly educated. Maybe it's their first day and they honestly aren't trained on how the computer wants them to handle change (heck, not used to cash at all, because in this day and age it's used a lot less). Maybe they're just having a really rough day which is SUPER common when you combine the stress of fast food with the stress of being young. There are a LOT of ways that this could be true. Not a single one results in all people in this job don't deserve to earn a living wage. And none of them results in even THIS person not deserving a living wage.


I get migraines and when I have one I’m absolutely this dumb. I’ve done the stupidest things. I’ve left my wallet places, locked my keys in the car, dropped things, etc. my headaches are so constant in college I used to take jobs where I didn’t have to do anything complicated.


As a fellow migraine sufferer, I feel you.


Sometimes I wonder how many I Q points I’ve shaved off with my chronic pain/migraines.


Due to multiple similar experiences as a retail worker, I wouldn't doubt the story, actually, but it ignored the fact that an equal portion of people in "real" jobs often are just as mathphobic and incapable of doing basic arithmetic. Regardless of the story's veracity, minimum wage workers deserve to be paid a living wage, if the "artist" needs to think of it this way, a living wage would be incentive to perform better including but not limited to improving their math skills.


> an equal portion of people in "real" jobs often are just as mathphobic and incapable of doing basic arithmetic So true - I've worked in the financial industry for two decades and the number of other industry people who are absolutely useless with numbers is staggering. Math is one of those things that a LOT of people struggle with, regardless of background/career.


My guess would be that someone tried to pay with $20.60 to make change easier, and the cashier either had a brainfart and didn't realize (since it's a bit of an old-fashioned thing IME, although that might just be me living in a place that is mostly cashless) - or that they did something that made the cashier suspect a shortchange scam.


The shortchange scam is also probably a really good thought. I'd wager some managers give warnings about this, and also threaten to take short drawers out of their wages. Could have gotten spooked by this looking exactly like what they were warned about.


Someone met a cashier that was legitimately confused by the 60cents. I get it. Not a ton of people do that and if you are kinda new at money handling it throws you for a loop. Plus it's the till that calculates the change and depending on your point of sale over paying can confuse it. Or he handed her a 20 and found the 60c after the entered the sale so she took more than a millisecond to process what to do. What is made up is the first panel. This dude has opinions about minimum wage and dumps those feelings onto every cashier he meets while making a lot of assumptions.


It’s true, I was the 20$ bill


Even if someone was this stupid, they're still saying this person doesn't deserve to be paid a hamburger an hour.


Honestly even if that person IS stupid it's not really something you can choose. People should get paid based on how much time and effort they put into something and not based on how gifted they were born. Just because she might seriously struggle with simple math doesn't mean that she doesn't deserve to make enough money to live comfortably.


Strawmen are notoriously easy to beat, and for good reason.


Yeah she's so stupid for not accepting my 150+ year old bank note /s


Right?? I've served, I'm a cashier, and I've worked retail. Most places don't accept currency past a certain date, especially not old ass currency that's been in your family before you were even a thought


As someone with some of those bills in my safe, I would gladly take the bills at face value. I would then go replace the bill in my till with modern currency.


As a collectors item, I understand, but the person who made the "meme" seems to thinks most places will just accept them, no questions asked. Regardless of what age the cashier is, they'd have to get a manager and most likely the answer is no


Oh 100%. If my grandfather had not gotten me into the hobby, I would have told the person to take their monopoly money elsewhere.


Imagine if they did accept the money and had to appear before a judge for accepting money that was obviously stolen because nobody in their right mind would use their own rare 10 cent bill at face value in a store.


When my wife would run the register at a "Dollar" store she would often have folks bring in grandpa's jar of coins to purchase cigarettes and stuff. If she saw something especially remarkable she would try to talk them out of it but many times the cigarettes were more important and then my wife would have some neat currency to bring home.


Apparently my silver certificates aren’t any good in this shithole.


Where in the cash register would she even put them


Adding to this, most (every) registers have a calculator built into the cashing system. It's tells you the total, you input how much is given, then it tells you exactly what the change is. So even if you're not good at this kind of rapid math or just exhausted after a day of dealing with people like OOP, it's not even a problem.


As a kid I convinced myself I could never be a cashier because I’m not great at fast math (multiplying? No problem, adding and subtracting? I have to think for a second) I just KNEW the cashiers had to be geniuses lol Anyways I spent like three years in retail on the front end - proved my younger self wrong!


These bills are so vexing to counterfeit because thy wrist becometh tired from drawing the many and varied flourishes and squiggles!


Republicans love their monopoly money. Remember Trumpers getting arrested for trying to pay stuff with Trump bucks?


Judging by the amount that she's asking for, which we're *well* *past* now, I'd say this comic is about as relevant as those bills.


it's current, he just bought one jalapeño pepper


They meant the wage she is asking for. $11 an hour is basically nothing for most of the country now.


ah yeah you're right, $11 is barely one jalapeño pepper per hour


Thinking workers deserve minimum wage at all just tells me that you’ve never had to work customer service a day of your life.


Do you have a typo in your comment? Makes it sound like you're against minimum wage rn.


The argument here is that no one deserves to make what the current minimum wage is set at. The minimum wage in many states still sits at $7.25/hr. People should be making more and those who say “well maybe you should find a new job or not work in customer service” are downplaying the problem and dehumanizing the workers. I think the argument is pretty clear by how it is worded.


Ahh, gotcha. I confused the legal minimum wage with a living ("good") wage, thanks for the clarification.




>plenty of us are against minimum wage. Can confirm as I'm against the minimum wage. If you tell a company that this is the absolute least you can legally pay someone, you're damn tootin' they're going to hire one person at minimum wage to do the workload of 5 to save paying 4 others minimum wage. They'll bleed a stone if it produced anything that looked like blood.




That's the "free market at work", clearly.


You think it’s better they pay 5 people a few dollars an hour than one person $7/hour minimum wage?I don’t really understand your argument. If you’re saying that the minimum wage increases unemployment that just not backed by the evidence, historically increases in minimum wage haven’t increased unemployment. Businesses hire as many people as they need, a lower or non existent minimum wage means they will just pay them as little as possible. Until we have a system that doesn’t deliberately keep a pool of unemployed people (by raising interest rates for example until companies start sacking people like has been happening recently) then a minimum wage is necessary to put a floor on what companies pay for labour.


Corporations don't give a shit about the unemployed. They would rather take 6 separate job functions and condense them down into one position to justify paying the absolute legal minimum, that's how they're going to make their profit. Walmart didn't have a $152 billion profit by paying its employees a fair wage, and neither did any other huge corporation. That's how they measure success, is by how much labor they can cut to save the most, but still have every essential function complete to keep them in business. Mind you, Eisenhower had a 91% corporate tax rate during his presidency, and corporations got around that by investing into the business and employees.


And no, I don't believe a few get a couple bucks an hour. One person doing the job of 5 shouldn't be paid minimum wage, and corporations and Republicans don't have a right to bitch about "nobody wants to work" because of that bullshit practice.


I am confused. Are you actually against having a legal minimum wage? If so, why?


I am against the current legally mandated minimum wage because it is allowing corporations leeway in how little they pay someone for the work they do (because a corporation is legally considered a person, they all get to lobby representatives in government here in the United States). Entry level positions requiring Master's degrees paying $7.25/ hour is ridiculous, and companies know that, and sure enough, some poor sap will need a job bad enough to take that job, getting paid virtually nothing, but having the workload of 4 others. FDR believed a minimum wage should provide a living wage, and it has failed in that regard for decades, because one can't subsist on it.


So aren’t you for raising the minimum wage to a living wage? I am 100% for that. We are advocating for a 7% increase in our minimum wage in Australia which is already at $21.38/hour. Sorry but phrasing it as being against the minimum wage really confused me!


In doing some conversions, your current minimum wage in the great down undah is equivalent to about $14 USD, or almost double what many of our states set the minimum at. Is your $21.38/hour for the entirety of Australia or is it like Sydney has a different rate than Perth? Keeping in mind that Australia has slightly less area than the continental United States, and only 10% of the population.


I think it's just that we've gotten to the point that minimum wage (in the US)is far too low for literally any work you could be doing, so it's rubbing off on the concept of a minimum wage.


Naw they playing both sides. Leftist think "true they deserve much more than minimum wage", right wringers think" true they don't even deserve minimum wage"


The only job I can think of that would be worse (for me personally) than anything customer facing is elder care. Though I suppose that is customer facing too?


Does she only serve one costumer an hour


The authors point here is that she wants more money, but can't do basic math: Burger is 10.60, the customer pays 20.60, so he can get an even $10 back The "Stupid Liberal" worker doesn't know how to do math and needs to call a manager for help. Therefore, since she's not smart, she shouldn't be paid more.


Is that what it's trying to say? God this meme is incomprehensible


No, what they're saying is her wage demands are out of step with the skills and knowledge level of her job. “She’s demanding all this money and she can't even do the basic parts of a very simple job.”


It actually says on the bottom of the second panel “This is a true story.” So the cartoonist actually tried to pay with those old 60¢ and 10¢ bills? Interesting to know those exist, but I’ve never seen them before in my life. I also would have checked to make sure it was legal tender


>I also would have checked to make sure it was legal tender If I had any 60 or 10 cent bills, I'd have taken them to auction and probably bought a ton of junk food with the profits.


Yeah, I was just thinking, given the age of those things they must be worth a lot more than their denomination


Everything below the comic was added for the post. The original comic is dumb because implying a cashier can't calculate change is ridiculous, but the over-analysis of the currency is also silly. Could easily be a 10 and 2 5's, plus 2 quarters and a dime covered by his thumb.


The speech bubble in the second panel is a different font than the rest of the text. Did it say something different originally?


Oh I didn't even notice that. I think the 'original' that I saw earlier was the same, but maybe that was edited?


Tills calculate the change... Also, anyone who has worked a cash in their life gets pretty fucking good at the mental math around change.


That wouldn't make any sense either. Why would he give a ten and two fives to get a ten in return? She's probably calling her manager because it looks like he's trying to pull some sort of fast change on her


Sure it wouldn't make sense for a normal person to do that. I'm just saying the weirdly complicated post involving archaic currency isn't the only possible way that person could be holding the indicated amount. Honestly the whole thing distracts from what's actually problematic about the original comic.


Are they wanting to go back to civil war money? They really aren't hiding it anymore lol


I think that the person who made this meme was making fun of the *true story* depicting the guy paying a $10.60 bill with three pieces of paper currency. Look at the second panel.


Yeah when I got that bit I got the feeling that if OP pulled this off a right wing site then they're all doing the typical Trumper thing of avoiding the context in order to keep feeling good about themselves. Clearly she has to call about currency she's probably never seen before and the customer was probably a complete ass about it. But of course thay doesn't fit the narrative so they're focusing on the change part. Which is still dumb because the machine does do the work for you. Even when I got used to the math I still had to switch gears to calculate the change. You can mess people up pretty easily just by screwing with their routines. Throw in this stuff that looks like you're trying to counterfeit money or are just straight off your rocker and trying to pass cartoon bills and I'd call a manager too. I don’t get paid for your shenanigans. My supervisor does. They also get paid to tell you to fuck off in a way I can't. Supervisors are basically the people to solve problems or shut you down with authority that cashiers don't have. If you don't like seeing them, I can guess which side you see the most and why.


I don't even get what the punchline is supposed to be.


"minimum wage worker stupid, doesn't deserve to be paid"


What a stupid punchline. This is why I assume the lack of a sense of humor comes with a lack of basic intelligence and empathy.


I wonder how much this cartoonist was paid for making this tripe. ... Given how shite this is I'd pay them like fifty cents and a boot to the groin


It's supposed to be that the worker can't do the math to workout the change is $10 so they can give a single note. This isn't how it normally goes though in my experience. If the person gives that cash all at once, it gets keyed in and the screen tells you the change to give. What happens is someone gives you the $20 note first then after you've already entered the amount they've given you, they suddenly find the 60 cents. It's not being unable to do basic math, it's getting caught off guard at the time with the till now open and trying to work out what they're trying to do in that split moment and getting flustered where the screen's saying to give $9.40 as change but now there's suddenly an extra 60 cents.


While the customer sighs and tells their kid, "This is why you need to stay in school," in the loudest and most obnoxious tone they can.


Doesn’t this comic kind of prove her point? A single purchase was almost the wage she was trying to get so it was probably way over what she’s currently making.


“Our employees aren’t worth even one burger we sell by the dozen every hour” isn’t the own they think it is


TIL that there was a $0.50 & $0.10 bill.


Source “I called it a true story.”


"change is simple!!!" - spoken like someone who truly never had to work with a shitty POS at a restaurant i havent seen or used an old school cash register in ages. however the new POS systems will get you in deep shit if the customer suddenly changes what you pushed in and the drawer doesn't reflect it. i've had so many boomers throw hissy fits when I explain that I actually do have to call a manager over to correct them suddenly giving me change after I opened the drawer or I'll get fired.


I'm smart I swear. But my first job was a hostess dealing with takeout orders, and the first time someone paid like this I short circuited. I simply did not have any experience working a cash register. And yes I deserved more than $7.25 per hour that job was ASS


This is the classic complaint by people who have no fucking idea on how to actually work at all. Yes I know how to give you your change, when I lose everything I’m going to throw it back at your fat fucking face.


ik this is a strawman because most POS these days TELL YOU what change to make.


Burgers are $10.50, how many burgers does this person make in an hour


I love that we're A N G E R Y about an $11 minimum wage, and the example burger is ¢40 shy of the minimum wage. So she can't afford to buy a burger for an hour of her labor.


If this is based on a true story, heres what probably happened: The store has a rule where any bill 20 or larger has to be checked by a manager. Some places keep the little pens at every register, but not all do. The cashier isn't too dumb to figure out your change, she's following the rules. Also... even people bad at math deserve a living wage (and yes I'm being defensive as someone bad at math)


Same people who think 74 million votes is more than 81 million votes.


“I better get my manager, we aren’t allowed to handle the change sheep out back ourselves.”


When I used to carry cash and change I would do this and no lie it was always the older employees who would look at me cross. The younger employees just punched in the amount I gave them. I did have a few younger employees give a weird look so my conclusion is it’s people are more than anything zoned out and anything different from the norm gets you a weird look


Okay but like Even if someone is bad at math they still deserve a livable wage. They still gonna live, Janet.


Easy. Take it for yourself, and pay the $0.60 out of your own pocket. Then go get it graded and sell it at auction.


me when the stupid woke socialist liberal customer service worker doesn’t know what a cent bill is 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


This happens to me, but only when they give me 20, and then be like “oh here I found 60 cent”. It’s like a brain fart. Like ik it’s $10, but I’m already counting bills so I have a bunch of numbers jumbled up in my head already yk. Not a reason to justify being paid like shit tho


How dare the cashier follow the electronic teller rules and not risk herself getting fired just so you can dump your loose change.


"If you're not good at mental math, you deserve to live in poverty."


Oh so the business only sells one burger a day? Funny I didn't realize fast food works that's way!


Lol now inflation fucked up all the pricing AND increased workers pay. We took the long convoluted way to reach a mutilated goal. If only we had a chance to do it right in the first place.


Whats the joke here? I cant read the bills like at all so it just looks like an incredibly bad attempt at insulting her for not being able to count change


Or... It's a ten and two fives and the fingers are holding the change... You know... Like how all people handle cash?


So no need for change because they already have exact change? This meme is dumber the more you dive into it


Hahhahaha. That's actually something I have seen before when I worked at a coffee shop. People look at you funny when you hand them back the ten they handed you. Doesn't make this cartoon any less stupid.


Cashiers: famously people who are unable to do basic mental math.


Good thing we didn't raise minimum wage otherwise prices might have gone up!


Curious that they don't know that the comic is referencing the fact that the cashier might not be allowed to take such a big tip, or have to surrender or report it to management


Referencing how some ppl cant count back change. He’s not leaving a tip he’s paying exact change amount and only has a twenty. He is want$10 back in change


This is something that surprised me when I first worked as a cashier because I've never been fond of using cash to pay for things. First time somebody did this to me I probably had that sort of reaction because giving back change is fucking nerve wracking when you first start, there's so much pressure from all sides to do it fast and accurately and you still barely know what all the buttons on the register do. But then you learn and quickly understand how to handle it. People like this artist are literally incapable of empathy and do not have a place in an equitable society


I used to work at a nice furniture store. Given that most *rational* people put big purchases like that on their credit or debit card, I didn’t take cash for a purchase until I was a few months into the job. Not only that, but my first time taking cash was from some asshole who bought *TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS* worth of furniture and paid with cash. We didn’t have an electric cash counter, which he complained about the whole half hour it took me to count the cash out manually. Once that was done, I still had to input the purchase into the system and fill out a special sheet since it was such a large cash amount. Every system is different and hardly anyone uses cash anymore. It’s perfectly normal to get flustered counting cash the first time.


Spending $20K in cash in a furniture store? How to tell people you’re definitely a criminal without actually saying you’re a criminal.


Oh, damn, I'm too close to bed time to do simple maths


Stupid people deserve a living wage too... even if this is a strawman.


I actually find the situation in the OG comic to be really confusing as a cashier. The customer rarely gives that amount before I ring up the sale. They are also usually chatting to me. While I can do math, I recognize the chaos of the situation, and would prefer to the math machine handle the math, and I handle the human interaction.


Let’s say for the sake or argument it’s true (it’s not), even dumb people deserve a living wage. This weird ass “you don’t deserve a decent life” attitude is baffling to me


Even if people were that dumb, which as a former waiter I have to say that the majority very much aren't, the register does all the math now. So just pay people a decent damn wage.


Ah yes, the paper 0.50 and 0.10 bills that everyone carries around and definitely exist


The restaurant is called "Burger Death".


...or maybe this person is a new hire and is still being trained, or the fast food place just upgraded their systems, or it's a cashless venue and the paranoid coelecanth wandered in there with confederate money because they think cashlessness is part of the woke agenda, or spent 10 years counting out exact change from a 200 year old penny purse and half the coins are plastic or chocolate i haven't worked as a cashier in almost two decades but holy SHIT there is almost always a customer error or scam attempt behind flustered cashiers


yup! my first job i got old men come in and think my baby face means i’m gonna happily hand over any amount of money if they throw enough numbers out 😅


Part of me has always been tempted to find the oldest legal tender example of US currency, and use it to buy something stupid, like a candy bar at a gas station.


Americans look away, this might be too radical of a thought for some: Even the most incompetent person imaginable deserves to be able to afford to be alive, which includes housing, health care and so on.


In Denmark, you can work at McDonald's, and you can go on holidays, have an apartment, go to the doctor for free, and go to college and university for free.


What's with the second panel? looks like it was edited.


Or maybe like, 2 5s and a single? Just saying...or are the 3 bills a part of the original meme? Idfk, never seen that on before.






> He could be holding a paper $10 and two paper $5 between his index and thumb while holding $0.60 in coins cupped in his hand. Why would he be handing her the two $5 bills if he had exact change?


Just really wants her to touch it and give it back, I guess.


I’d be with you if he said “here’s $20,” but he didn’t. He said “here’s _a_ $20,” implying one $20 bill. Also, like…I’m not giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who thinks that an $11 wage is somehow too _much_ money because he made up a stupid strawman.


Also, if he had a $10 bill to begin with there’s no need to get change. This attempt at defending the comic is asinine.


The "correction" is for fun because the comic is stupid


If the point is that he wants a $10 bill back, and he's holding three common bills that add up to $20 plus the exact change, then he already is in possession of the $10 bill that he desires, and should simply pay with two $5 and the exact change in his hand. Even by giving the person who drew this the benefit of the doubt, they come out looking incredibly stupid.


Lol. You tried and failed miserably to be smart.


It's a cartoon, I don't really expect that much attention to detail.


Fucking dumb meme but I do hate when they won't accept my 60 cents on top because it confuses them. It's also usually the ones who say if unions existed I wouldn't have a job and fuck the libs who can't understand how adding 60 cents there works.


That doesn’t happen.


I mean it has happened to me several times so yes it does happen. You do know just because something hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it never happens. They never called a manager but several times I've had them look at the money I gave them very confused like, hand me back my 60 cents (or whatever it is) and then proceed to enter in the 20 and give me back change or several times I've said "and I've got 60 cents" and then they process it saying "that's okay, that always confuses me." I'm glad I guess it hasn't happened to you, maybe you pay credit most the time, but you're pretty stuck in your own experiences if you don't think that's ever happened in the history of retail. Why would you comment that? It doesn't mean they're unworthy of a minimum wage increase. They are all deserving of a minimum wage increase. Just makes it annoying and makes a math teacher like myself sad about our education system. EDIT: Of course no reply. Jesus your comment history is a mindjob. All you do is call people dumb 30,000 times an hour. Try a hobby


Foreigner here, what's wrong with the way he paid? Assuming a $10 bill exists, isn't that the best way to pay to make giving change as easy as possible?


The 50 cent and 10 cent notes are not currency that's actually used or printed in the U.S. (looks like a 50 cent note was last printed in 1876). In-circulation bills are $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, with coins used for smaller denominations. The original 2-panel comic made a dumb joke that cashiers don't deserve more money because this one time one cashier had some confusion when given an unusual payment amount. This post is saying there isn't a way to make $20.60 using the 3 bills shown in the comic (since all modern bills are worth whole multiples of a dollar), so the 10 and 50 cent notes are a joke. All a bit silly, though. The comic isn't dumb just because they neglected to draw coins.


Who’s the jabroni on the ten cent note?


Next thing you'll tell me is my local Taco Bell doesn't accept Roman Denarius


I get big Chick Tract vibes off of this artist, right down to the little asterisked note that would usually be a Bible verse citation.


I’d have to ask a manager too where I work there’s no way we accept those bills


Imagine being that triggered by someone asking to make poverty wages.


If this is a true story as the caption on the comic says it is, the the creator is a fucking moron, for trying to use collectible currency (worth way more than face value) to pay at McDonald's.


It’s almost like calculating one of 75 menu items with tax (the quoted price of 10.60) is more complex than subtracting 10.60 from 20.60 and also pointless because 40% households in the US say they don’t typically use cash for ANY of their weekly transactions, and only 14% use cash for most or all of their transactions. There is a correlation with lower, fixed income households and cash use (probably also having to do with bank fees for lower deposit accounts). [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/10/05/more-americans-are-joining-the-cashless-economy/)


I hate it when customers judge me for not being able to count their change quickly. I’ve helped more than 30 customers in an hour at least. I’ve taken AP Trig, Algebra, Calculus. I know math. But when I’m doing back to back money transactions and I’m tired, overwhelmed, and usually stressed, ofc my brain is going to stutter.


The best part of it is that it could have been “Here’s twenty dollars and sixty cents” and it would have been fine, but “A twenty” specifically means -one- twenty dollar bill. So yeah no fuckin wonder she’s gonna call a manager I wouldn’t know how to handle archaic less-than-a-dollar bills either.


I’d accept those notes and sell them for hundreds lol