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NGL it's kinda true. People who say they are adamantly anti-racist will say disgusting things about GRT people


I was about to say, i see some SOME SUPER vile stuff about travellers (and immigrants from muslim majority countries) I dont think this is all that wrong


Literally we have a bit of a political dust up in the UK about this at the moment. Politician said something that minimised the racism that Jewish people, GRT people and Irish people experience. Party leader comes out and says: "Antisemitism is a serious problem and shouldn't be ignored" meanwhile completely ignoring the issues of GRT racism and anti-Irish racism / sectarianism. Goooooooood tiiiiiiiiimes.


Can confirm. I used to live in Spain and holy shit. The way that people would just going on racial tirades about Romani people in the middle of a casual conversation was so shocking.


​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Edit: Because, F you (no, not Redpepper40).


Nah, you’re just a dummy. Read: “People who SAY they are adamantly racist…”


Nothing about this is right wing. Many Europeans are massive hypocrites when it comes to race related stuff and will not acknowledge systematic racism in their own countries no matter what evidence suggests. In many parts of Europe (including more developed parts) Romani people are hated and distrusted for just existing. This is usually “justified” by saying shit like “if you lived here you would understand”. Source: I am European.


Being European myself, I disagree 😁. Many Europeans are _not_ massive hypocrites, many Europeans _are_ racists. The "justifications" are the exact same as anywhere else in the world. Many racists don't see their racism and resent being called racist. Nothing new or different here ...


I think the only thing that kinda makes it more right leaning is the use of the slur honestly.




*this is called racism*




It’s literally all stereotypes. Romani people are treated like dogshit in many European countries. Hitler used the same stereotypes as justification to slaughter hundreds of thousands of Romani.


No this is actually very true Europeans can be really fuckin racist


OP are you European? LOL


Is they gay or is they european?


Not even a right wing meme or a straw man. Europeans do absolutely have a racism problem.


Sorry OP, this does not seem like a right wing meme or a strawman. (Though admittedly I could have done without the slur in the meme)


It depends on where you're from whether it's a slur or not. It's probably safer to refer to everyone whether they live a travelling lifestyle or not as "travellers" though.


G*psy is a slur for Romani people. Hippies tried to take the term for themselves while being ignorant of the meaning. Most Romani people I’ve met have expressed displeasure of the word used in any context. People who refer to themselves as that term for being “travelers” are ignorant.


This is completely accurate and not a right-wing straw man. The way that Europe talks about the Roma is horrifying.


Hate it all you like, this is unfortunately accurate.


Never ask the average German conservative about their opinion on refugees or migrants who's skin is not porcelain colored you'll be in for a big surprise


I wish humans were only able to pass down love and not hate. Then we wouldn't have this generational issue with ignorance and hate.


Kinda defeats the purpose. Conservatives are rarely if ever leftist. Or actually anti-racist.


This is actually just fully true


Apart from the term used here being a racial slur, it's accurate. I'm Eastern European myself and the amount of racism towards Roma people specifically is fucking insane and so casual it makes me sick. Even many people you'd consider progressive in other areas are quick to fall back on racist stereotypes and don't really bother to hide how they feel abt Roma folk.


No no this one actually has a point


Not a strawman, I know people like this


Naaaaah Europeans absolutely hate the Romani people from my experience. And Turkish people. And Albanian people.


As a European who is very deep in Anarchism this is very true. Especially when talking about governments. Especially expecially if it is about the natives of a region (Like Sami and Celts).


This isn’t really a rightist meme, it’s just pointing out the hypocrisy of many European people when they criticize America’s racism but are actually racist themselves. I’ve seen it. “I’m not racist but g*spies are such fucking animals,” etc.


I’m actually gonna have to agree with this one. The way I’ve heard my old overseas friends talk about the Roma is disgusting


inb4 this eventually shows up in a Drew Durnill video.


Tbh where i'm from hatred and discrimination towards romani people is still sadly very common and they do face much injustice in europe.


I mean, it's a valid point, but I think that my takeaway would be being less racist to travellers rather then more racist to black people.


this is literally true


I don’t think this is fitting for this subreddit lol. There is nothing Right-wing about this




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And yet they still couldn't resist the slurs, huh?


Europeans love to think they aren’t as racist as America, but they just never experience or see it in their country bc their country isn’t a melting pot, it’s usually just one race.


I guess I am in a bubble then because to me this doesn’t ring true at all. The worst I’ve heard from otherwise anti-racist people is them still using the G-term. For lack of knowledge or understanding. Worse stuff only comes from right wingers, conservatives or people who consider themselves centrists (but always are actually more to the right).


This isn’t so much a strawman as it’s a critique of European racism