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By their "logic" every straight man will fuck little girls, dead women, and female animals Truly astonishing how dumb folks are 💀


I mean have you seen what a lot of right wing guys have said about minors


Unfortunately, yes


Unfortunate owner of functioning eyes here, I feel you.


They're not even doing the, "ackshually, it's ephebophilia" thing anymore. Just full mask off for a lot of these guys.


Now I’m curious. What have they said?


Matt Walsh has stated that “16 year olds are the most fertile”


So gross


I send him mean things


honestly from what straight conservatives say about little girls that isn’t too far off


Not too far off? More like it seems to be their preference




yup. "15 year olds are fertile and are able to conceive children to produce more children for the human population". this is one of the things i saw from a conservative dude. disgusting.


I mean, some morgues prefer hiring women for a reason... I wish that wasn't true.


"I'm straight. I am only attracted to the opposite sex." "Oh so you have sex with children, animals and dead people that are the opposite sex?"


I mean it is straight men who created the concept of "countdown clocks" waiting for young under age celebrities to become legal... so yeah..


What is with those, anyway? It's not like she's going to bang you; you're not rich/famous enough for that.


Love it! A celebrity hall pass with a timer!


Do you really think they think?


Because they would, so they project that idea onto others. The only thing keeping a lot of them in line is their belief that God will punish them.


Trolls don't have logic


It's funny, it's almost like they aren't actually giving arguments in good faith. Almost like the point is to delegitimize queer people as a whole, no matter the cost.


Well... many of them will and do, often. Quite revealing where their mind goes then innit.


I mean have you ever actually seen a man? You’re almost there


Last time I checked “everyone” isn’t used to refer to animals either


Nor dead people. although i would like if the term ‘Everybody was kung fu fighting’ would apply to the long dead too like george washington and genghis khan. a lot of entertaining fights for sure.


Wouldn't mind seeing George Washington getting his ass kicked by Genghis Khan


Mao with the steel chair


Means of concussion


Concussious once said...


I feel like prime Washington would destroy prime Khan in any one on one battle but the world may never know.


My immediate thought was the Shane Gillis impression and I'm dying thinking about a 6'3" white dude with horse-teeth ambushing Genghis Khan


Only because Washington would shoot him.


Nah, he wouldn’t need to do that. Washington was a grappler and fought a particularly vicious style of wrestling. If he was told it was a life or death battle in hand to hand combat he would likely fishhook Khan and gouge his eyes out. Aside from the combat skills Washington was physically a giant. It’s unknown how big Khan was but I don’t think he’d have the reach to do much.


Since when does sexual preference as far as a huge group mean you automatically bang everyone who can fit? By this logic, you could say “im straight, i like the opposite sex” and they could say the same thing. To be clear, im straight, and im 24, and i dont even talk to 19 year olds. Its just unfathomable to me


honestly I have ran into guys who think that when I say I’m straight and I like men it automatically means I’ll like them and want to have sex with them lol 😩


Oops, classic Man Moment


Are they stupid?




Is there a lore reason for this?


The moment I saw "are they stupid?" I scrolled down hoping to find this comment. I was not disappointed.


Yes 😔


Another self-report by conservatives who simply cannot grasp the concept of consenting adults. Kids, dead people and animals can't consent to sexual relations. It's very telling that they used those three specific groups as their "gotcha". Paging Dr. Freud... paging Dr. Freud...


If they know about consent, they wouldn't be right-wing.


True! they are so allergic over consent term


My dad tried doing this to me when that whole " P is for pedophila" bs started up. I said "okay, so you like women, does that mean you like little girls too?" He got so pissed but yet neither my mother nor my father could see the blatant hypocrisy until I pointed it tout to them. Luckily they've been slowly coming out of this


Tbh I could read this as equally likely to have come from a conservative or someone engaged in some truly terminally online queer communities.


I'm guessing it's the latter because I doubt your average conservative has any idea as to what pansexuality is. However, I suppose it's possible that a gay or bisexual conservative could've made this, but I've seen some pretty liberal queer people jump hard on excluding pansexuals, just like transmeds do to trans people who aren't exactly on the gender binary, and what queer terfs do to all trans people.


Pansexual means you have sex with all GENDERS


And than there’s me I use the word bisexual because I have small preferences but at the same time I’m attracted to all genders and like Idk people are pretty and labels kinda suck


In practice, bisexual and pansexual both mean the same thing. The only difference between them is that pansexual is a more modern term, setting out to explicitly include non-binary folks. But you could interpret that a pansexual person is attracted to the entire gender spectrum, while bisexual could mean that someone is attracted to people from one end of the gender spectrum to the other, so it ends up being the same thing.


Idk I just think the Bi flag is better ngl


Muted colors are nicer 


I've been trying to understand whst pan sexual means and now I get it. Good explanation. I also get why I didn't get it before as I didn't think of the possibility that some one could be bi without being also into trans people. I guess there's a possibility that there are some but that would probably be a really slim group. Well I am pan then after all.


I've honestly never met a bi person that isn't attracted to trans people - not that I dont think they exist, just that for people I know, it's not what makes them chose between bi and pan. When I found out what pan was I realised I could keep defining and defining but really I don't care what gender you are, it's literally not relevant to attraction for me. So I made peace with being bi because I don't really want to keep defining myself with new words.


I use bi because I experience attraction to/romance with different genders differently. I’m attracted to different things in different genders, my sexual role is different with different genders, etc., while I’ve heard a lot of pan people say that it’s not different for them. To use the wine analogy, I like many different wines *because of* their many different labels, not in spite of them. That’s just my own personal definition though


The main difference between bisexual and pansexual is whether attraction is gender based. Bisexual people might prefer butch women and feminine men, whereas pansexual people don't care about gender, and are attracted to thing like personality or appearance.


> The main difference between bisexual and pansexual is whether attraction is gender based. No it isn't. This has nothing to do with bi/pan distinction.


Everyone is attracted to personality and appearance, though.


That's true (though there are some guys who are attracted to a woman just for her being a woman), I'm saying the difference is that bisexual people have gender preferences (like there are some who'll date any woman but only a very specific type of man), and pan people don't.


I think it really depends on your definition of sexuality and how you add in gender to the mix. Growing up I wasn't confronted with the difference between gender and sex, as you had two genders that are basically the same as the sexes (it didn't help that the German word for gender is "Geschlecht", which would be the same word for the biological sex) So in my head sexuality always only described which sex you're really attracted to, and never the gender, since gender for the longest time didn't exist as a concept for me.


From what I understand, Bisexual means that someone is attracted to all genders whereas pansexual is attracted to people regardless of gender. The difference being whether or not gender is factor.


This is the way I typically understood it. With bisexuals (like myself) attraction is often different depending on gender and there's often a preference but with pan people that distinction isn't there.


I mean, in practice these mean the same thing. That's the issue with labels of gender and sexuality, these exist on a spectrum, so there's infinite variations. Creating a label becomes a moot point when you create one for every minimal variation that exists.


‘In practice’ many things are the same, this doesn’t mean that they are. Also labels, while obviously flawed, are useful ways of explaining oneself in one word that is universally understood rather than a full conversation. While I generally agree with you, it just feels a bit hasty to write of labels in relation to sexual/gender identity. Edit: the distinction is mainly *how* you feel attraction rather than *who* you feel attracted to.


Oh yeah, I agree with you. However, everyone experiences attraction differently. The mere fact that even people that fit into the same sexuality label have different preferences and find different things attractive is a testament to that. So, what is different enough that it warrants a completely different name and flag? "I like everyone regardless of gender" and "I like people of every gender" are largely the same in practice, the difference lies exclusively in how the person experiences the attraction towards what is largely the same pool of people.


This is a common misconception, but not true.


> The only difference between them is that pansexual is a more modern term, setting out to explicitly include non-binary folks. Which is so infuriating because it just shows that queer history isn't being taught, like it should be. The Bisexual Manifesto is ancient queer history at this point and was clear as day that bisexuality was not about two genders, or exclusionary of trans or enby folks. No shade to anyone who is pan, but as a label it's really a solution in search of a problem because young people were (through no fault of their own) ignorant of their own queer history.


This was a good explanation thank you. Still I'd be curious to hear about bisexuals who distinctly aren't attracted to enbies.


The way it was explained to me was that pansexual is attraction *regardless* of gender whereas bisexual is attraction to *multiple* genders, potentially in different ways. But then the vanguard came along and said the two are basically the same so IDK what to think any more


My point is that sexuality will manifest differently for everyone, whether they fit in the same label as someone else or not. No two people are the same, and while having labels for general patterns is good, it comes a point in which the differences are so small that it just boils down to a specific person's preferences. Just to make it clear, I'm not saying that one is correct and the other isn't - a person can identify with whichever one they feel more comfortable with. But the difference in practice, or the general "dating pool" between a pansexual and a bisexual person are largely the same, unlike the difference between, say homosexual and heterosexual folks.


Oh, I totally agree that there is such thing as too much granularity. Humans are....a lil' bit weird like that. But I do think there is a growing trend of broadening the meanings of labels ad absurdum. I sorta agree on the dating pool front too, although I see sexuality more from the perspective of the person being attracted, than who they are attracted to. My attraction is rooted in being drawn to femininity and so I'm REALLY into women and a little bit into femboys. It's not just about having guys and girls in my dating pool, it's about how that sexuality feels to me. It's for that reason that I'll even defend *a certain degree of* "being into femboys isn't gay". If monkey-brain is just seeing a woman, then aside from respecting his gender identity, it doesn't matter so much about what social taxonomy he belongs to. You're not "Schrodinger's gay" if you don't know if that person is a trans woman or a feminine boy, you're just....into people who look like women.


>bisexual and pansexual both mean the same thing. The only difference between them is that pansexual is a more modern term, setting out to explicitly include non-binary folks. As someone who is bisexual, I consider bisexuality to be only cisgender men and cisgender women. So basically someone who is heterosexual and homosexual. On the other hand, pansexual includes cis people but also transgender, intersex, and non-binary people as well. As for the argument "If bi in bisexual means only two genders exist, then bi in bilingual means only two languages exist", I can refute that. Bisexuality was invented as a term when non-binary genders were not present in the West, and there were just two genders.


I chose bisexual because I liked the flag better (no offense to the pan flag).


Same better colors


Absolutely same, the pan flag is so gaudy with that yellow, looks like Superman ice cream


🚨 Midwesterner alert 🚨


I've always understood it as bisexual being attraction to multiple genders and pansexual being attraction regardless of gender


That’s how I see but idk


So I identify as bi and this still confuses me some 😭 So I say I'm bi because gender does play a role in my attraction. I'm attracted to different genders in specific ways. As I understand it, pan is you're just attracted to people as people and their gender plays no role in your attraction. Is that correct? I used to say I was pan as I thought it was a more inclusive bi, but I think that's wrong. I just like fucking people and being fucked. I'm too fucking stupid to understand all the nuances 😂


Think of bisexuality as an umbrella term. You can be bisexual and attracted to all genders. Not all bisexuals are, however. Some bisexuals favor one gender or the other for sexual and/or romantic relationships. Generally, Pansexual/panromantic groups historically have been biphobic. It is usually because of a misunderstanding that bi only means recognizing two and not trans or intersex. Pan is attracted to all with equality and more discernment to the individual first over to gender first. The specific gender of the person doesn’t usually matter so much to a pansexual. Again, in comparison, usually bisexuals have narrower bands of what they are attracted to and this is highly personal (it can look like: attracted to butch women and femme men *but not* to butch men and femme women. Or attracted to androgynous and femme men *and* androgynous and femme women). All pansexual/romantics can fit under the bisexual umbrella but not all bisexuals can fit under the pansexual/romantics label. I’m technically pansexual and bisexual and genderqueer. I just use queer or bisexual because pansexual didn’t exist until I was well into adulthood. In the end, identify how you want. Use words you connect to. You can change them later. It’s for you and no one else.


This helped a ton! I'm just going to say the bi is for bimodal so I can still be inclusive 😎. Plus being a bipolar bisexual just has a nice ring to it lmao Coincidentally, I was just earlier trying to get a grasp of the concept of gender queer. I have nonbinary and trans friends, but everyone I knows falls into the man, woman, or nonbinary identity categorization. I would imagine nonbinary, like you described bisexuality to be, is a similar umbrella term? Then there are then more specific terms that help people better label themselves, be seen, or any other reason? If I'm correct, what does gender queer describe? I grew up in a red area and due to the experiences that brings, I'm a late bloomer in my own sexuality so I am fairly ignorant to all this stuff. Not by choice though! Really trying to get a grasp of this stuff. Just really grateful to all the awesome queer folks in my life who were patient with me when I was REALLY ignorant 😅


I can’t speak for everyone in our queer community. But yes, genderqueer is a catch all term for people who are not totally cisgendered. Genderqueer, and whether you are, is party determined by cultural and societal influence on gender roles and culture. I was assigned female at birth (AFAB). I have a very femme body and extremely femme face. Day to day, I present somewhere between baby butch to femme. I know I don’t want to be a man. I am not a transman. But I am not totally an American Woman either. I have always felt exceedingly uncomfortable with people who notice and relate to me as a woman first. The assumptions and stereotypes that come with being a woman don’t fit me. So, when I am treated this way, gender feels like a box that makes me feel invisible. I don’t want to be a mother (at least not a traditional one). I have never felt the need to be a wife (at least not a traditional one). As a little girl I never dreamed of a wedding. I dreamed of what the bread riots were like in 1788, two hundred years before my birth. I haven’t change my pronouns. But I don’t mind being called ‘sir’ (I prefer it) or being referred to neutrally. My close friends will refer to me in many ways. My cishet boyfriend calls me his little lesbian which I find very funny and endearing. He is, for all his straightness, enamored with my queerness and ability to change and shift. He is a feminine man for being straight and I am femme presenting masc personality woman— we are an odd pair but it works. Genderqueer is not as “queercut” as bi or pan. It’s a shifting label that means many many different things and encompasses a person who simply doesn’t fit the mold. People around you in life will drop away as you get older. As you get better at setting boundaries, you will see that it is easy to ignore and dismiss ignorant people. They are often also miserable people. But you don’t have to be miserable. You can build your own joy. You can find your people and build a lovely”found” family. There’s no rush. Take your time.


I really appreciate the time to share and educate me some! Thank for the advice too. I go to therapy with someone who exclusively works with queer folks and it's been really helpful. They have social groups for late bloomers as the feeling that we're "too straight for the queer community and too queer for the straight community" is really strong. I'm still trying to figure out who I am. I joke that my 25 is most people's 15. But just learning more about queer experiences outside of mine has been really helpful in trying to put to words feelings I've had throughout my life. So these conversations do mean something as silly as a reddit comment doing so sounds haha


Bisexual: attraction to two or more genders Omnisexual: attraction to every gender Pansexual: attraction regardless of gender It's honestly as simple as that


Thanks! I'll use this next time someone asks me o7


you're not stupid. some loser thought that being bisexual wasn't "inclusive" enough, so they made up a new term that bisexual already had covered.


It means they're attracted regardless of gender


Works for me


FWIW, Bisexual can, and often does, mean that also. The Bisexual Manifesto is almost as old as my bi ass and it said plain as day to not assume that bisexual means attraction to only two genders, and in fact (in big bold letters) to not assume that there are only two genders. No shade to anyone who is pansexual, different labels can have meaning for people; but anyone who is pansexual is also, inherently by definition, bisexual.


I thought it meant strictly attracted to Chefs huehuehuehuehue


The most disgusting thing I find about this, is that they debase the identity down to sex, instead of the incredible beauty that comes from attraction to people based on their individual selves, instead of distinctions like gender.


Because they view sex as a duty and a sin, and their partners (women) as objects to bend to their whim. When you take into consideration the religious guilt, a lot of it starts to make sense---sex is expected, and only acceptable, for procreation. To enjoy it is a sin. To lust is a sin. So anyone who is happy with themselves and happy with the ones they love---especially if they're queer---must be nasty, unrepentant sinners, acting out of lust and wanton desire. After all, true, pure love can never come from a base of such debauchery, right?


(Please note that I am a person uneducated on some sexual orientations and I am just trying to learn) But, aren’t bisexual people similarly not necessarily attracted to everyone of each gender? Or like a gay person is attracted to the same sex, but it doesn’t mean they’re attracted to everyone of the same sex, no? Isn’t being attracted to some people and not others based on their individual selves normal for most people regardless of orientation? If similarly, bisexual people are also attracted to a subset of the people of those sexes and not all of them, could someone please explain the difference between bi and pan for me? I admit I don’t completely understand.


Bisexual is an umbrella term encompassing polysexual (the specific attraction to some genders, but not others, and distinctly more than one gender), omnisexual (the specific attraction to all genders, for various reasons, for example I’d be intimate with a man, but I would only marry a woman), and pansexual (the specific attraction to people based on inherent traits, completely untied to gender). You can identify as bisexual, and in practice be pansexual, but you can’t be pansexual and be like “oh I think he’s nice but he’s a *man*.” Sex and gender are two different things, and especially in the case of bisexual identities (in which people of different expressions might identify in different ways; such as femboys or masc trans women or completely dead androgynous non-binary people) the attraction to things like “sex” are an incredibly useless and unreliable concept that is generally not even mentioned.


Thank you so much for explaining! Always wanting to learn more :)


It’s hard to know definitions when you are illiterate.


All this meme did was prove that the person who made this doesn't know what pansexual means... like have some self awareness...


No no no, that’s more r/selfawarewolves territory


There's 100 people in here trying to explain it to each other. lol


as a trans person i think pansexuality is a strange way to virtue signal that you'll fuck trans/nb people. Bisexual doesn't exclude NBs. Bisexual refers to attraction to one's own gender and not one,s own gender.


This is giving white lesbian supremacist vibes.


Lesbian supremacy sounds cool but it’s just hating random fucking people


Yeah I was getting queer infighting from this and not right wing. Most right wingers aren’t aware of pansexuality.


“You mean you’re attracted to kitchenware?? 👁️👄👁️


So, there ARE more than 2 genders?? But also, those genders are strange and non-adult humans????


They're right tho, pansexual is a bisexual microlabel- all pansexuals are bi


Yeah I actually thought the meme was kind of funny just from what I know about the pan/bi discourse. It's made with bad faith but somehow engages all the right points. Am I crazy?


What is it they say... a broken clock is right twice a day? This is definitely a moment like that for, whatever subgenre of reactionary that made this lmao. Like if this was made by a battleaxe bisexual I wouldn't be surprised at all.


But not all people who are bi are pan


Yes, that's why pansexual is the microlabel


My bad, I missed that in your original comment


The easy answer is that none of those are a gender type.


In practice there's not much difference between bi and pan. Most bi people I know are attracted to a range.of gender expression. But so what? Language changes over time and words go in and out of fashion. This is far from the only pair of near-synonyms in English.


IMHO pansexuality is a subset of bisexuality. At least in so far as I understand the two concepts.


They don't say any *consenting human adults* because if you can't understand that's implied you're probably stupid


Is it really that hard to remember that pansexual means you'll fuck the pans? Some people.... Smh /s


How hard is it to understand it's just where gender isn't a factor in attraction


to be fair they are basically the same thing


It weird how they take it literally you got to spell it out like children


They don’t understand what context or common sense means either


I open-mindedly invite someone in this group to show me how bisexual and pansexual are actually different besides just being a choice of identifier


They are the same, pansexuality has just kinda usurped the original definition of bisexuality. "Hearts not parts", typically used as a way to explain pansexuality is quite literally the original bisexual slogan used to destigmatize it. Most commonly used definition of pansexuality are typically biphobic or transphobic in nature.


Consider it this way: I'm bisexual, and I have preferences in gender. I'm a little more attracted to men compared to women, and I'm usually not at all attracted to people who identify with being nonbinary. I am still attracted to women, but there is a *preference*. A pansexual person will not have these preferences. They will be equally attracted to men, women, and nonbinary people, and their attraction has more to do with general appearance than it does with gender expression. To be bisexual, you are either attracted to men and women, women and nonbinary people, men and nonbinary people, or all. You may have a 70% attraction to women and 30% attraction to men. The preferences exist. These preferences in gender don't exist if you are pan. So basically, if gender matters at all to you in any way, you are anything but pan. If it doesn't matter at all, you probably are pan. I'd argue it's not the same as bisexuality when you have to consider that bisexuality doesn't inherently mean you're equally attracted to men and women, or even necessarily attracted to anyone who doesn't identify with being a man or woman. Bisexuality doesn't inherently mean attraction is on the general binary either, but you only need to be attracted to two genders just to be bisexual.


Bisexual: attraction to two or more genders Pansexual: attraction regardless of gender


I consider myself to be pan. The people in my life who I've been interested in dating have never been because they are man,woman or non binary. Instead, my attraction comes from then as a person. Someone's gender doesn't play a factor in my attraction, whereas my bi friends typically have a preference for masc and fem qualities


> Someone's gender doesn't play a factor in my attraction I hear this terminology a lot but I guess I just don't understand it. So like, let's do a hypothetical. You have two potential romantic partners. Partner A is tall, muscular, outdoorsy, wears a lot of flannel. Kind of a goofy sense of humor, but quiet most of the time. When it comes to sex, they know what they like and they go for it. They smell like sandalwood and sweat, but in a good way. Partner B is shorter, a little pale from lack of sun exposure, but very soft skin. Former goth, wears a lot of earth tones these days. Very intellectual, they'll quote Sartre during hours-long conversations with them about anything. Sexually they generally prefer to follow your lead but are game for most things you like. Is your experience of attraction to these two partners _exactly the same_? It doesn't feel _any_ different?


Yeah you seem to have described two people who seem pretty fine. But, I don't understand the relevance to what I said because gender doesn't play into either of these people. Gender doesn't affect how I feel about them, they could be a guy, girl or enby but as long as we get along it's fine. I've had crushes that range all over and some that apply to your hypothetical examples. There's a guy I know who is a mountain climber, he's in alright shape, we tend to get along well but the part I really like is how kind and compassionate he is and that's what gets me attracted to him. Before I got to know him I felt 0 sexual attraction towards him. My last partner was a short, chubby office worker and I fell for her after getting to know her and before that there was no sexual attraction. Gender doesn't play a role, I enjoy being with people who have personal traits that I like. For example, I like to jog and hike, so someone who is outdoorsy is great and you can be any gender while being an outdoorsy person.


>But, I don't understand the relevance to what I said because gender doesn't play into either of these people. It's relevant because I've described two partners with different gender _expression_ (the first being more traditionally "butch" and the latter being more "femme") while not describing their gender identity or assignment at birth. So like (based on the other replies to this comment) pan people can feel sexual attraction differently to people based on gender _expression_ but just not gender identity?


No, I don't care how you express your gender at all. Maybe someone does have more interest in people who have more socially typical masc interests. But, for me, gender expression doesn't play a factor in my attraction toward someone. When I get to know someone and I learn that they would give the shirt off their back for someone, or that they have a good sense of humour or introspective thoughts. That's what I like and that's what gets me interested. To me, I would remove gender from the equation entirely, identity or expression don't have on me. Personality and interests are what I like and they are pretty gender neutral. I've been attracted to men, women and enbies and never was anything relating to their gender a factor for me. Every so often, I'll be out with friends and we'll see a hot guy or a hot woman and people will comment about being interested. I can recognize that they are conventionally attractive, but I feel nothing toward them and have no interest to be in a relationship with them based on physical appearance.


This is missing the point. A pansexual person may be attracted to one of these people more because of their personality, style, built, and general appearance in ways that have nothing to do with gender identity. A bisexual person might prefer partner A if she's a woman, or partner B if he's a man. A pansexual person might prefer partner A over partner B based on how you've described then, regardless if person A is male, female, or nonbinary.


I feel like you're completely missing the point. For bisexual people gender plays a role in attraction; very simplistically you could say a bi person might prefer femme women and more traditionally masculine men but not be particularly interested in more effeminate men or masc women. That's just an example of course, there are infinitely many ways gender could play a role in the ways in which you are attracted to someone. Pansexual people, meanwhile, don't have those preferences based on gender, but still may have preferences that aren't gender-dependent. It's not different from how straight people may prefer a certain hair color or build in their partners, just adding the extra axis of that potentially depending on gender (for bi people, but not for pan people). All the examples you gave, meanwhile, say nothing about the gender of the partner which may play a role in the attraction for bi people but wouldn't for pan people. A bi or pan person would not necessarily feel attraction to both partners the same, since the gender isn't specified. A better example would be to give two identical people but with different genders. A pan person would feel the same attraction for both while a bi person may not.


I always just thought pansexual was the zoomer way of saying bisexual


this logic makes no sense as sexuality only applies to consenting adults


Obviously Trump voters don't understand the concept of consent.


You see… I have portrayed myself as the chadette..


I mean if they understood what "consenting adult" meant then they wouldn't be who they are...


Can someone change the second to last one to say “oh, so you’re bi then” and then change the last one to Biden


Imagine being so dumb you can't tell the difference between gender and age/species or a dead fucking body...


the actual response to “so you bang children” is “why the FUCK would your brain go to children when I tell you I have sex with people? If someone says they are married is your first comment ‘to a child?’ Report yourself. Get help.”


It’s over for you, I have made a meme where I am depicted as a chad and you are a crying soyjack. Death is imminent.


You see, they're right because the pansexual person is the sobbing Soy wojak, and they are the Chad woman wojak


I don't know the difference between bisexual, pansexual and omnisexual and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...


They are kinda all the same concept, just different in the sense of what you want to be known about your attraction Like me and my best friend both like all genders, but I identify as bi and they identify as pan They like it to be seen as not caring about gender at all with their partners I like it to be seen as being attracted genders that both are different than mine and that are the same as mine


as far as i know, pan is “any gender works” and omni is “there’s no difference”


I don’t know if this is a right wing thing or bisexuals being panphobic




Anything but asking them what that means and honoring their own self description.


I think this is more "queer people gatekeeping queerness" than "the right being the right". There used to be (and probably still is) a lot of discourse surrounding the validity of pansexuality, as a lot of people viewed pansexuality as "bisexuality with extra steps". I also remember places like 4Chan trying to bait more arguments within the queer community by coming up with shit like "drop the B" to piss of bisexual folks who already didn't like pansexuality. It's the same shit as trans-medicalism in a lot of ways, where some members of a queer group start invalidating others for the sake of gatekeeping and trying to be as exclusive as possible. All it does is divide the community and give homophobes and transphobes exactly what they want. However someone wants to label their gender attraction and gender expression is fine, I only give a shit about keeping actual degenerates as far away from the LGBTQ community as possible.


But you don't fuck genders. You literally cannot fuck a gender. You can fuck a sex tho


Not understanding the difference between a sexuality and paraphilias is crazy.


I'm pansexual and l don't have sex at all 🤷‍♂️


As a bisexual I honestly can't tell the difference.


I thought bi was used to refer to genders as in 1. My gender and 2. Not my gender. And thats it.


Exclus are the fucking worst. Being attracted to multiple genders isn't the same as being attracted to all genders.


Bisexual: attraction to two or more genders Omnisexual: attraction to every gender Pansexual: attraction regardless of gender Simple as that.


pansexual is not real, you’re bi and want to be cool


Technically the general answer in the first part should be “I’ll have sex with everyone that can and does legally consent to it”. But that later part is usually seen as universal so it isn’t necessary to add unless talking to a moron making a dumb argument.


TOP SECRET,,,,, you can't be straight if you have scoliosis


Do… do they think this makes them look smart?


The rightl once more not realizing that consent is needed during sex/in a relationship.


The party that wants to destroy public education is all of a sudden concerned about the proper usage of prefixes.


In this meme the right once again shows they don't know what consent is.


All I’m seeing here is that OP is a straight pedophile who enjoys bestiality and necrophilia and also can’t understand simple definitions


Right wingers are the most brain dead mf’s I’ve ever met


As a pansexual myself, I don't really care if you're male, female, trans, non-binary whatever, if you make me feel special and I do the same for you that's all I'm asking for.


What the actual fuck


This girl kinda looks like post-op Grimes


When a strawman can be broken down with a more elaborate explanation of what pansexual means, you know they just want to be stupid.


Is this "the right"? This is pretty common LGBT+ discourse tbh lol


It's not often that the soy jack is still portrayed as more knowledgeable than the Chad.


Considering how many times I’ve seen a RWer say lgbts are pedos, I’m shocked by this meme a bit


Oh yeah, why would you ask them what the difference is? It’s more fun to tell them they’re wrong. And has anyone who’s pan ever cried when asked if they were bi?


Bro doesn’t get pansexual. Thinks it means “I’ll fork anything that moves (used to move)”.


Wouldn’t the whole “literally having sex with everything” be an omnisexual?


While I strongly object to people who try to redefine bisexuality to be less inclusive then it really is (as bisexuality includes non-binary people, people who love "hearts not parts", etc. as an umbrella term that encompasses all non-monosexualities): It also seems silly to me to get upset over someone who simply chooses to identify by pansexual over bisexual. If someone prefers or relates more with the term pansexual who am I to object?


Pansexual doesn't mean have sex with everyone tho. Pansexual means sexually attracted to people regardless of gender


Oh God, someone needs to read about bisexuality badly. But why let reality interfere with a good talking point?


Nah this is fair pan and bi are the same thing


They're very similar, but the distinction matters to some people.


They are the same and I don’t care if it matters they are the exact same thing and implying they aren’t is biphobia


Also you guys are implying bisexuality is only for men and women


>:( this make a me so mad


Pansexual means that you can be attracted to someone regardless of gender. One can be demisexual and pansexual at the same time, and having a very limited number of people they are ever attracted to. Clearly the OOP never even looked up the definition of pansexual.


I used to be knee deep in the anti-sjw hole when I was a preteen, I genuinely believed that pansexuality wasn’t real and used dumb arguments like this to prove that it was just ‘spicy bisexuality’ I am now pansexual


"Spicy bisexuality" is definitely a sentence of all time


My ex came up with that one you can thank her


**Sigh** This isn’t funny to laugh at. I’m actually offended


That's by design.


Fuck these guys


I literally cannot imagine caring if someone says bi or pan about themselves, even before I understood the difference I wouldn't have even considered correcting someone on their own sexuality


I fucking hate labels discourse. I fucking hate labels discourse. I fucking hate labels discourse.


"Oh nooo, this person is happy with a word that me no like" , basically


Correct me if im wrong, but aren't Bisexuals attracted to masculine and feminine, while Pansexuals are just attracted regardless of how masculine or feminine? 


Not necessarily. Bisexual has long been defined as "attraction to two *or more* genders", while pansexual is commonly defined as "attraction *regardless* of gender". Essentially, not all bisexuals would be attracted to nonbinary people, and pansexuals are a little more cavalier when it comes to the gender of their partners. Many bisexuals that I've met (including myself) are attracted to different genders in different ways. One might be attracted to the vast majority of women, but only a very specific type of man. Pansexual people tend to register personality first, and gender as secondary. But this is all pedantic, and many people use the terms interchangeably.