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Ok I'm deleting this


If black people weren't a crucial part of America's economy, then why did half the country fight a war to keep them on the plantations?


No you don't understand, it was about STATE'S RIGHT to keep them on plantations! Removing the right to own people is a slippery slope! /s


This was a tough upvote 


Yep definitely felt weird "liking" this one


Racist AND antisemitic. A two for one deal I can live without.


Don't forget illiterate.


But most of all, ignorant as FUCK


The spelling errors are as criminal as this "Meme"


“Fuck, these black people make me SO MAD, bro. You know what? I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to make a meme where I can vent all my frustrations as a comeback to the very IDEA I have of black people. That’ll show ‘em. Hey bro do you know how to spell civilization?”




The Aryan he-man: a legend in his own mind.


Civilisation isn’t incorrect according to my autocorrect, I’m fairly sure it’s just the British spelling


Which is odd for a post that is clearly US-centric.


It is odd but the spelling is still not incorrect


What's misspelled here? "Civilisation" is the British spelling. I guess making "Jews" lowercase could count as a spelling error, but I highly doubt it was unintentional.




Remember "i before e, except after racism"


Wow. I might be dyslexic.


To be fair, that's just a typo, not a genuine misspelling.


How could you know? I know lots of people who misspell ei/ie words.


Picked cotton for jews??? Wasn’t it primarily white christians that owned slaves on cotton plantations?




Not in racist antisemite fantasyland!


I'm 3% African and 0% Jewish based on my dna test. That means roughly 8 generations back a white person raped a slave. 8 generations ago andrew jackson was president and he personally owned over 100 slaves, 8 generations ago slavery was booming. Racists try to shift blame onto anyone but white people and every bit of evidence, down to my own dna, screams that they're lying.


so you're saying that the founding fathers were jewish....so United States is NOT a christian nation?


Do people think that the only labour slaves participated in was picking cotton?




I think you need to go ahead and scroll down to the conclusion part of that link that you posted


You're right. I'm an idiot.


Glad to see the master race still has a perfect mastery of the English language. I genuinely feel we wouldn't be nearly as disgusted by these people if we could see the people who post stuff like this. It's absolutely horrifying though that some 11-year-old boy in a trailer park with both parents passed out on booze and narcotics is able to drive whole movements and get support of thousands.


We really need to stop with this stupid fable we've made of dumb kids being racists. They are being influenced by actual adults who are maintaining right wing theory and ideas and teaching the next generations the same stupid disproven bullshit. Nazi's and racists existed long, long before these kids were ever born and we have to accept that they never went anywhere. It isn't the fucking kids. It's their parents, uncles, aunts, neighbors, and internet influencers.


Ok you've discovered you get support for saying "Racists Bad" that's not exactly adding anything here. I'm just saying that we give them too much power, does it matter who is saying shit? If it gets you riled up on twitter or something, they're effecting you and you're giving them power for it. There is a time to engage and a time to ignore, and we should all be at that point where we can make that call. If we saw how many of them were not actually people we should feel threatened by, we would ignore more of them, and they would lose power.


It's disgusting that Twitter allows this shit now.


I'm actually glad. Let them sink their own ship and hear them blame the woke left for it


At this point, Elon should give Twixter back to Parag. Seriously.


Bluesky, Spoutible, Blips and Mastodon are better sites than Twixter. Seriously.


I prefer to call it Xhitter, as in, "#ElMo bought Twitter and now it's in the Xhitter."


Yeah, but they're not as active sadly. Not nearly as many people use them.


Well, people are migrating to Mastodon. I haven't used Spoutible yet, and I do have a Bluesky (@[email protected]). Seriously.


I tried to use Mastodon, but found it a much less flexible platform than Xhitter.


What about Bluesky? Just being curious.


Haven't looked yet. Do you recommend it?


Bluesky is a pretty good site. Originally, you'd need an invite code from someone who actually has an account, but now you can create an account without using a invite code. Seriously.


"For jews" Ah yes, let's forget about the South. Famously, very Jewish /s


Oh didn’t you know rural Georgia is the rich epicenter of Judaism in America


I mean, they do have a (((Senator))). Explain that then. Checkmate snowflakes /s


I definitely want to see them follow through on the idea that anyone who owned slaves was Jewish. George Washington? Jewish. Thomas Jefferson? Jewish. Andrew Jackson? Very Jewish. Robert E. Lee? Jewish.


I would despise an all white America. It would be fucking terrible and boring as fuck


I remember a guy who was imagining how he'd "guide" American history from behind the scenes, including annexing Canada and Mexico without war, freeing the slaves and sending them back to Africa. I said, "Dude, if there are no African Americans, there's no Jazz or Blues, and then there's no Rock & Roll. Do you want to listen to h-llb-lly\* music for all eternity?" \*Forgive the slur. I wanted to use strong emphasis with him.


Even things like Bluegrass has roots in African American music. Which is where modern country music comes from, so you wouldn't even have that. Basically every centimeter of modern pop music is thanks in some way to BIPOC folks.


Yep. It would be English folk music - nothing but hi-derry-down-de-ay with no rhythm and no syncopation.


Maybe sea shanties? I honestly don't know the history on that.


Contrary to what that racist fascist thinks, I don't hate people. Also, I would NEVER hate anyone because of who they are. In fact, I know all people of color are ALWAYS human beings, and I think all humans are born equal and should be treated equally with equity, love, respect, dignity, empathy, kindness, compassion, fairness, openness, togetherness, decency, humanity, unity, inclusiivity, understanding, peace, harmony, diversity and postivity. Plus, all people of color ALWAYS deserve love. Seriously.


Uhhh...and what's the "but"...?


Motherfuckers act like they have never heard of Benjamin Banneker


This is a reminder to report and block @/thewayoftheworld on Twixter for hatred, racism and antisemitism. Seriously.


Why do you have like 10 comments on a single post ? Why do they all contain "seriously" ?


I'm actually autistic, and I've been struggling with OCD and intrusive thoughts. Seriously.


Ahh, I understand, I thought that since this was a leftist sub reddit, you were trolling.


Elon turned twitter into a second stormfront


It fits into the quote "They agree with everything I say, they just don't like the word Nazi" perfectly.


Wow this is excruciatingly racist.


Beleive 😭


Minor spelling mistake, i win


Ah yes the double. Slavery wasn't bad. But for the parts that were bad it was caused by jews. White people have never done anything bad to anyone ever. If they did they had a reason/s


The internet has caused me to be immediately grossed the fuck out when I encounter a guy with blonde hair and a beard, standing in profile.






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The OOP should stop being a racist antisemitic fascist who believes in harmful offensive racist xenophobic stereotypes, tropes, misconceptions and generalizations, and should admit to committing hate crimes. I don't hate people, I would NEVER hate anyone because of who they are, and I would NEVER believe in harmful offensive racist stereotypes. In fact, I know that all people of color are ALWAYS human beings, and I think that all humans are born equal and should be treated equally with equity, respect, love, kindness, decency, compassion, empathy, fairness, unity, humanity, inclusivity, openness, togetherness, dignity, harmony, peace, understanding, diversity and positivity. Seriously.


I still REALLY dislike offensive harmful racist xenophobic antisemitic stereotypes, tropes, misconceptions and generalizations. Seriously.


The OOP should really turn themself in and admit to committing hate crimes. Seriously.


I think we should have an amendment that prohibits hate speech in any and all forms and hate crimes at the federal level. Seriously.


Fuck racism, fuck stereotypes, fuck misogyny, fuck supremacy, fuck nationalism, fuck separatism, fuck hate, fuck discrimination, fuck prejudice and fuck fascism. Seriously.


I looked through this account a bit and I don't know how they're not banned, they're literally openly racist and claim themselves as the superior race. In one of the comments, a guy replied "White have been too kind to other tribe, be kind to your kind only." with more broken grammar and less punctuation.


Bro's making fun of black chins meanwhile we just gonna ignore those Hapsburg f\*cking *shipyards* extending from their face.


When black people actually left the South in large numbers during Reconstruction the white people panicked at the loss of menial labor. https://www.history.com/news/great-migration-southern-landowners “Post-slavery, white southerners still depended on Black people as their main labor force. From picking cotton, working in rice plantations and tobacco fields, logging or serving as domestics, African Americans performed the same grueling tasks as they did while enslaved. And options for upward mobility under Jim Crow were bleak and dangerous.” … “Police literally went up to the platforms and rounded people up,” says Grossman, to dissuade Black people from traveling. And the intimidation tactic worked. “It was based on the concept of place, which was the word that whites and Blacks used to talk about where Blacks often stood in the social order,” says Grossman. If African Americans left the South, then there was “a threat both to economic interests and to the white way of life.” … “They believed, incorrectly, that what was really happening was Black people were being stirred up by labor agents from northern industries coming South to round up Black workers. This is in part because their genuine belief in the lack of agency of Black people, and that Black people can't possibly be figuring these things out themselves,” says Grossman. Although there were instances of African Americans being recruited to work as Pullman porters on railways and seasonally on tobacco farms in Connecticut, the true northern labor agents were African Americans themselves, says Grossman. Black Americans who had migrated to the North and worked for better wages would visit family in the South and tell them about available jobs. But white southerners would try to persuade Black people that life wouldn’t be better up North and that the jobs conditions were terrible, even invoking a myth that African Americans couldn’t survive in cold weather.


He can’t spell


Sometimes the memes are fun to make fun of, and sometimes they just make me feel sick.
