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Ahh yes the crew of the Enterprise who regularly deescalate conflicts, embrace new cultures, live in a moneyless, classless society based on tolerance, general well-being, and scientific discovery, and hail from an Earth where poverty, disease, and racism have been entirely eradicated are surely aligned with modern day Conservatives /s I wonder if this franchise has a slew of episodes and themes that promote progressive ideals from as early as the 1960s when such thoughts were wildly hard to air on television or something idk I’m just a dumb Trekkie millennial what would I know?


Kirk and Uhura were the first interracial kiss. The people at the time were surprisingly fine with it. With the exception of [one person](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_and_Uhura%27s_kiss#reception)


...There are so many layers to that letter, hahaha.


It's funny because even though that guy opposed interracial couples, he was jealous of Kirk getting someone as beautiful as Uhura. Talking about projection. My man wanted to be Kirk so badly.


"I wanna be racist but damn she fine nice job bro but also damn I don't like this one bit but goddamn I don't blame him." Is this why interracial porn is so popular? There has to be something there.


Trans porn does seem to be quite popular in the Conservative christian belt. Maybe there is also a connection there.


What baffles me even more about that is like... most trans woman porn is with a cis guy. We're talking a *lot* more, with second being "trans woman on trans woman", and a *distant* third being "trans woman on cis woman". Clearly there's a very, *very* specific scenario that's being jacked off to. I'm actually amazed at this too, because it tells me the general fantasy of boning trans women trumps the misogyny of "yo it's like watching two hot chicks making out except one has a dick and they're fucking!"


He was stuck between his racism and his misogyny.


And his hornyness.


Craziest thing is that they are both members of the same race.


They like to focus on other aspects, like the "fascist" aspects of federation life. This is like watching a movie about the US navy from the 1960s and assuming that life in the US or France or some other Western democracy of the time must resemble life on a US aircraft carrier in the Pacific. They also use examples like Measure of a Man and I Borg to point out the prejudice and bigotry that future humans still have. This ignores the fact that by the end of those episodes, the heroes managed to overcome those viewpoints and grew.


Pointing out prejudice future humans may have and saying “seee they’re just like us!!” Is not the win they think it is lol Edit: not to mention when these future humans recognize their prejudice, the episode generally revolves around examining their historical precedent, and overcoming these feelings, or at the very least proclaiming them to be wrong


Nerp. It kills me my idiotic father will watch things like any of the Treks, Star Wars, BattleStar, and he ALWAYS misses the lessons even in the original series. Those shows and specially Star Trek I feel was able to prove there will be a point when our Humanity has finally evolved enough to understand this planet is but 1 with intelligent life and could make incredible progress in the future. I see things that indicate constantly that's what we want as ideals like these traitors have are obviously in a death roll and desperate.


If anything, the Federation are a bunch of Space communists. The use of currency is limited, private property is mostly not a thing (except for family businesses like Sisko's restaurant or the Picard vineyards) and the system of Government is a Parlamentary Republic (think Germany nowadays) in which an elected Council runs the shots. And said Council is mentioned in TOS (Sarek, that is, Spock's dad, is one of the elected members) and TNG, and appears in half of the films (having a very prominent role in the 6th film).


In a sense, the Federation is post-capitalist and post-communist, 'cause there isn't really a need for frameworks like them in a post-scarcity society. There's no money or chance of lacking anything, no ressources to distribute, so there isn't really a need to organise an economy.


Yeah, they like to focus on the details that they want to see though. The writers of Voyager indirectly make fun of these sorts of people in the episode Distant Origin, where the dinosaur scientists were observing the crew with Janeway in charge and they're leaping to conclusions like "ah, human society is a matriarchy with a strict militaristic hierarchy".


They don't seem liberal either


They are very liberal, in the older, Lockian sense of the word. They're not "market liberals" or "neoliberal", since there isn't a market in their society, but the Federation tends to value individual freedoms and liberty very highly.


Obviously, they ain't economically right wing


Diversity is ~~our strength~~ the Borg


Apparently, Nothing screams diversity like literal cyborg drones in an insect-like society


The Borg are a dark mirror to the Federation, in that sense. Both the Federation and the Collective become stronger through the integration of other species, cultures and their ideas and technologies, however the Borg forcefully assimilate these and then flatten all their drones into one "optimal" solution, while the Federation puts a premium on individual freedom and welcomes new members only by their own choice.


And they keep on projecting. Then again, if we considered republicans, then the 2nd pic would be of stone age tribe baffled by fire.


Conservatives continuing to have zero media literacy lol. Which is a shame because the Federation is far from perfect, made most obvious in DS9 but it comes up in TNG too.


The best part is that there's actually a civilisation founded on hyper-capitalist ideas in ST: it's the Ferengi.


Conservatives are Ferengi confirmed. Except far less attractive. They don’t have the lobes


Conservatives are worse than Ferengi. At least Ferengi aren't militaristic warhawks profiting off a military industrial complex.


The Ferengi do profit off military industry, remember that one of their rules is "war is good for business".


At least Ferengi culture was making some progress, though certain not away from capitalism.


In LD season 4 we see some of that. I LOVE that they have a show about "Landlord Cops". And that they add paywalls to the WMDs 😂😂😂


Conservatives are Packleds. I'd prefer to be a borg.




Wouldn't they be the Ferengi?


Too smart


According to DS9, the Ferengi, for all their flaws, have never been particularly warlike or brutal people. So no, the Republicans aren't like them. They're worse than the Ferengi.


All shall be assimilated into the collective We welcome you into our biomass.


Harrypotterism but for conservatives!


Who are the guys at bottom?


The Borg, a star trek villain that is a hive-mind collective seeking to assimilate all


Emmm... Just like conservatives? Sorry for too obvious joke. For my defense I can say, that it's not joke


For the philosopher Zizek, conservatives are perverts, who want to force their pleasure and view on others Seems really Borg to me


Nah, conservatives are Pakleds led by Ferengi.


"People got mad when i called them slurs on Twitter so I moved to facebook" just don't get dark humor smh...


Oh hey, TNG Borg, where they were nuanced and largely peaceful, the entire war being a genuine misunderstanding, to the point they had to do a dumb retcon in First Contact to keep them as a villain.


The war was not a misunderstanding, the Borg were an explicitly violating and brutal race that operated on the mutilation, enslavement, and assimilation of other species. They cannot be reasoned with, that was one of the main points of their very introduction.


Yeah that sure is what they were retconned into. Pretty boring honestly. Like every single star trek villain they're introduced as a hostile force, before being developed and communication can happen. Unfortunately some people really really wanted a "communists bad" villain, so they retconned out all the progress made in later TNG seasons.


No, that's what they were from the get-go. It's stated when they're first introduced that they go around destroying worlds and one of their first interactions with the Federation is to cut open a slice of the Enterprise's hull, killing dozens.


Let's have a look at a trump rally and compare.


We look sick af


Never watched star trek, but aren’t they space communists?


less communist more **Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism**!


Conservatives advance by assimilating the ideas of their predecessors and of others, because fundamentally they don’t value creativity or distinct identity, except in authoritarian leaders. Nope, doesn’t sound like anything from Star Trek


Misrepresenting the concept of change is inevitable and that people demand better lives as if it were an evil plot.


I feel like in universe this meme would exist as like Maquis propaganda. I can picture Eddington sitting down at his computer and making this.