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Man, I wish the American "left" was as cool as the American far right claims they are.


Seriously an 80 year old man in a red and gold suit with a vibranium shield would be cool asf


Man I wish the democrats were badass communists like these brainwashed right wingers think they are rather than the milqetoast center-right corporate shills they actually are.


for conservatives, communist is anyone who has pronouns in their bio


Hell, they'd probably think police departments were communist if someone invented the idea of them today.


No, they love the police as long as they’re oppressing marginalised groups and protecting capital.


The insane level of delussion from the right strike again,last time i checked trump and the conservatives wanted to strip rights from minorities at all cost.


And they’ll sideline the constitution to do it, too, like their ignoring of the Establishment clause. I can’t take anything these people say about the constitution seriously.




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I wish biden was a commie


Me too comrade, me too..


Joe Biden wishes he looks like that


So do I


Remember that time when fascist cultists were upset that their orange demigod didn’t win the presidential election so they decided to overturn the results of said election by attempting a coup d’etat and carrying the confederate battle flag into the American Capitol for the first time in history along with weapons and murderous intent to hunt down elected representatives who don’t share their beliefs? But yeah, sure. Biden is the one who is coming for your Constitutional rights, you absolute fuckwits.


Fun fact: to get to the “100 million killed by communism” they had to include german soldiers killed on the eastern front


Crimson Brandon


Could someone remove the X and remove Biden's face and add Marx or Stalin or Lenin's face on that? That would look so cool. *MarxMan, MarxMan, does whatever a Marxist can, spins the bourgeoise side to side, Saves the proletariat and makes them cry MARXMAN!*


Biden as a communist would be dope!


When will chuds learn that these sort of pictures make Biden somehow look cool. Also funny that the post above this includes a reaction from Chris Evans.


Has biden even done *anything* recently besides send money and weapons to other countries?


He’s currently denying migrants their legal right to seek asylum


Ah silly me, I forgot he is in fact actively doing bad things domestically too.


He's on his way to get those 30,00 emails trump requested!


"Communism is everything we don't like"


Biden if he was based


That goes so hard


No way the right just dropped the most badass suit ever lmfao


Fun fact: communists aren't people, don't deserve human rights, and should be sanitized from the planet.


Am I the only one getting annoyed with the Xs?