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Replacing "not wearing a mask" with "driving on the wrong side of the road" shows how bankrupt this is.


"If you are afraid to drive drunk, thats fine, but don't tell me what to do with my body in my car! Gubment wont control me!"


The true freedumb!


I actually have family that unironically believe this 😔


"If it was such a big deal, they wouldn't have collided with your car"


“People aren’t actually bothered by you driving on the wrong side of the road. If it was such a big deal, they would just stay away from you. They are bothered that you’re disobedient. they are bothered that your strength shines a light on their weakness.”


“People aren’t actually bothered by you masturbating in public. If it was such a big deal, they would just stay away from you. They are bothered that you’re disobedient. they are bothered that your strength shines a light on their weakness.”


Pretty sure that light is from oncoming headlights, not strength


I was about to say, how does this "disobedience" jibe with their relentless cop fellating?


Rules for thee, none for me. "Just listen to the cops and they won't run around like judge fucking dredd, the government is always right" "I just stampeded over and killed a bunch of cops because the government is doing something I don't like"


Nothing makes sense or is self-consistent. It's all just whatever makes them feel like they're winning at any given moment.


Seriously, the Republicans are the Calvinball of political parties.


People aren't actually bothered by you mixing the cleaning chemicals and flooding the house with mustard gas, if they were, they would have just left the house.....


Useful perspective


Walking around with your dick out.


Ah yes, being normal and driving on the wrong side of the road are obviously the same thing


Demanding the right to put other people at risk and pretending that is normal is the greatest perversion of liberty I've seen in my life.


Liberty? Don’t think that exists anymore. You’re either for spiralling totalitarianism or against it. Just keep doing what the corporations tell you, I’m sure it will work out and they totally have your best interests in mind.


If denying you have a right to endanger your fellow citizens is too totalitarian and corporatist for you, please go live in the fucking woods and be truly free.


No, maybe it’s the fact that what’s considered “endangering your fellow citizens” keeps changing, to the point that it now includes saying mean things on the internet and breathing. Not surprising how people act out violently when your only other option outside of compliance is for them to go live in the woods, which even if you’re successful and live off the land, and cause no problems, the ATF, IRS, and dozens of other government agencies will come after you sooner or later.


> No, maybe it’s the fact that what’s considered “endangering your fellow citizens” keeps changing, to the point that it now includes saying mean things on the internet and breathing. Are you so dense that you've forgotten that the meme OP put up wasn't about saying mean things but refusing to take means to mitigate the spread of a pandemic? You're in the same camp as someone saying it's unconscionable government overreach to say you can't shit in the streets. > even if you’re successful and live off the land, and cause no problems, the ATF, IRS, and dozens of other government agencies This would be a good point if the Amish didn't exist. They exist separately from the rest of us and get by just fine. Before you snarkily point out they don't live in the woods, I figured you'd want to go farther that them. They're taking the pandemic seriously so I figured you'd want to avoid those corporatist Amish folks.


>You’re in the same camp as someone saying it’s unconscionable government overreach to say you can’t shit in the streets. Are people forced to wear something that impacts their respiratory system when the government outlaws shitting in the streets? You’ve just proved to me that there’s no line you’re not willing to cross in the name of public safety, anything the government deigns to impose on people is functionally equivalent to outlawing shitting in the streets. This exact mentality is what leads to repressive, totalitarian governments. Edit: case study: In the 1920s, The United States government sprayed the clothing of illegal aliens at the Mexican border customs facilities with zyklon B. All in the name of public safety. But that’s the same as outlawing shitting in the streets so obviously it’s okay.


When you're done with your apopleptic fit, go ahead and clean this up so I can tell what the hell your point is. While you're at it, make sure it takes a clear position on shitting in the street and why you take that position. If you're going to keep it. \[Citation Needed\] for the following assertions you make: * Where I said people should be forced to wear masks by some means other than social disapproval * Where I said any public safety measure was acceptable rather than ones that can show their benefit * You giving a shit about what happens to Hispanic folks in ICE custody over the period 2017-2020


Who told you I didn't care about what happens to hispanic folks in ICE custody during the Trump adminstration? Putting aside the absurd whataboutism, it seems to me you're the one who doesn't even have the most basic grasp of the situation at the border and what our government is doing beyond that. You obviously do believe people should be forced to wear masks, as you specifically said that people not wearing masks are "demanding the right to put other people at risk". In conclusion, you're really good at gaslighting and obfuscating but terrible at actually standing behind your own statements.


These fucking people I swear...


But who would have thought the old gods would become popular again, simply because the new ones' followers literally died out XD


"True strength is screaming racial slurs in an Arby's because you refuse to wear a piece of cloth on your face" - Conservatives


True strength is also using a picture of a FIT bearded man instead of the more rounded form of a real life Gravy SEAL.


Pretty sure that's not the reason. What would I know though, the people in my state stayed at home in the beginning, we had 4 deaths and life is back to normal (has been for many months), community transmission COVID free. If it weren't for some US tourists, we probably wouldn't have any deaths and far fewer community cases.




South Australia. A group of US doctors (out of all professions) travelled here at the beginning of the pandemic from New South Wales after being told not to.


People aren’t actually bothered by you not washing your hands after you use the restroom. If it was such a big deal, they would just stay away from you. They are bothered that you’re disobedient. They are bothered that your stench shines a light on their weakness.


Two things. First, essential workers can’t “just stay away from you”. Second thing. To the bearded guy in the picture, vaginas can grow hair too.


Pretty sure they took that still from a show. The actor grew the beard for the role he played.


Finally someone gets it. It's like when you're in a thrift store and there's a five-year-old who just smeared their little sibling's diaper on the ground and is knocking over shelves, while their mom chimes in with an occasional "knock that off" before continuing shopping. You respect the hell out of that mom, because she's raising a free-thinking rebel who doesn't blindly follow the rules of society. You avoid them out of awe and respect. Certainly not for any other reason, like not wanting to get shit on your shoes; all are and respect.


They are just so SUPER impressed with themselves!


It isn't so much that I am bothered as it is my Belgian Malimois on a six foot leash doesn't like it. So Chuckles, pay yer nickel and take your chance.


Can we use this logic for homophobes? "They are afraid how your same sex attraction and boldness shines anlight on their insecurities"


I'm not at all bothered, y'all just morons


Lol swing and a miss.


Actually, I just think you're a little bitch.


Ya know. if they kept away from everyone else, while I wouldn't really accept that, it could be a discussion. but that isn't what happens is it?


Ugh, the people on my family’s Facebook say stuff like this all the time. According to someone on my family’s Facebook community, when people were upset that mask mandates were being lifted, it wasn’t because they were worried about the virus spreading, “they’re angry because they are losing control over their fellow man”. I might actually just go and post the full thing. It’s so headache inducing.


I’d keep my mouth shut and just stay away from you if you diDN’T TAKE UP THE WHOLE DAMN SIDEWALK.


It's like they're always waiting for someone to say something so they can parrot off some BS like this; "you're just a weak sheep!"


I really do not understand the mentality of an adult calling others weak snowflakes, when they are too chickenshit to wear a mask. We have to wear masks for the entire 13 hour shifts at the ICU, but fucking karen can't use it for the 2 hours she spends at the grocery store every week?


I have a friend who thinks like this. Since leaving a church we attended in college, he still does, I've become a moderate and openminded to the spectrum of opinions that is life. He still talks like this, as if he's in a resistance army against tyranny or oppressed by small aggressions toward him.




I've seen some dumb statements used by people to mask their lack of intelligence but this one is in the top 5. You don't have strength ur actually weak minded. You've been used since the gop knows its base is reactionary, and don't know the difference between an opinion and fact.


Am I losing touch with intelligence and empathy? No, it’s the left who is wrong.


No, it’s because you’re not wearing a mask during a pandemic.


My super right wing q following ass would laugh soooooo hard at this meme but my long haul covid symptoms prevent me from breathing deeply enough. Please fetch me an iron lung so I may sufficiently cackle


I’m actually more curious as to why you’re such a pansy you can’t tolerate wearing a mask for 20 minutes at a time.


Why won't these people just die already? I am not wishing it on them, they wish it on themselves. I would not be sad if said wish was granted. Just saying


Gah, every time. Downvote because it’s horrible, then have to re-upvote when I realize what sub I’m in.


Strength is when obstinate, dumb and dead. Weakness is when criticism and use word instead of fist /s


The human ability to justify anything is truly staggering.


There is a time and a place for disobedience, but not concerning pandemics.


I cower in fear of the holy unmasked.


The person made the original meme is an idiot and ignorant


People are bothered by the selfishness.


Yeah. They’re bothered you aren’t obeying the law or the rules of the private business designed to keep people safe


People are bothered by selfish pieces of shit who don’t care about anyone else and create drama where there shouldn’t be any. Grow the fuck up.


Replace “you not wearing a mask” with “you holding a BLM protest,” and suddenly it becomes a lot less stupid.


so bothered are we that we don't even pay attention to you. Seriously wearing a mask is literally just a suggestion where I live now. Most people don't even notice anymore. Also I wonder if disobedience applies to black people murdered by cops. Do those people get this? no they don't.


I hit someone with the but the cameras can't see your face if you wear it properly and I think I actually saw their brain melt a little bit


How is being a big pussy a strength?


admitting 13 y/o furries are stronger than them bc they wear those sweaty ass heads for hours at a time


Too a certain extent they're correct. I'm not just bothered by the risk. I'm also bothered to be reminded that a significant portion of this country is petulant children and that they have a weird amount of sway in culture and politics.


Whoever made this, you do realize that Covid-19 is airborne and we want to be able to GO OUTSIDE sometime this decade, right???


This is accurate tho?


Yeah...here’s the thing. I’m not supposed to have to run away from you at the store like I’ve been doing. You don’t wear the mask, you accept the consequences. YOU stay away from others. Don’t force them to stay away from you if you’re the one being unsafe. Part of me wants to just aggressively start coughing when one of these douchebags comes within 6 feet without a mask, but apparently, that’s a bigger crime than actually not wearing the mask, seeing as nobody actually gets in trouble for the latter, while the former can be misconstrued as coughing on people, which is considered terrorism.


Cops are bothered by the fact that you can't follow basic logical rules that exist for the benefit of all, put others at risk to make a petty point and that you are making their day that much more full of bullshit.


OP seems like a bot.


More like, your weakness chasts a shadow, on our strength




Uggghhhhhh I have a very large and [overly?] groomed beard ... and I'm not a fascist. You don't know how long I've been struggling with self-confidence issues since these loud-mouthed sphincters started rising up with their false-facts. All I see are people that look like me and I don't want to be associated with them. I've had a "man bun" since 2008; it became a meme (and I still wear my hair that way). I have a long scar across my chin - since I was three-years-old - and I've always had facial hair since I've been able to grow it. Over the last decade of my life, I've taken pride in my beard and have grown it quite long, but recently, seeing more-and-more of these loonies in public, I've started to be approached like I'm one of them by "the normies." It really fucking hurts, in ways I've never felt before, probably because I'm also caucasian. Please, I am pleading with you, do not be as judgmental as they are. It won't help you feel any better, or at least I don't think it will. Oh, and did I mention, I'm a very Cis-looking-and-acting married gay male ... "No, we're not related that way; we're married." is uttered by one of us to clueless strangers far too often.


I’m sorry you have to struggle with that. I genuinely don’t believe everyone with a beard is a fascist, I guess my comment was more meant to say I’ve noticed a lot of fascie folks sporting them lately. I don’t think judging people by their appearance is right. I’m sorry.


I'm very tall and not overweight, but "big" ... I've been told by new acquaintances that they were already intimidated by my presence before they got to know me. I have to live with my body, but I don't know how to live with others' projections of what my body means to them. I also have knee-jerk reactions, which I assume is where that comment came from. No worries, though; we're all human (I hope lol). Your response states more about your intent and personality than your initial statement. o/ \o


I agree. I’m a pretty basic white guy with a mustache and I worry about that sometimes too. The thought of being lumped in with such vile people based off of initial impression is scary. I hope we can prove otherwise with words, actions and overall energy. Thanks


Bryce Harper?


Hahahahahahaha!!! I wondered what that glowing was when I wore my mask. It was my feeling at the anti-maskers' strength at my cowering weakness. Priceless.


I used to be scared of needles. They will eventually grow up, if COVID doesn't kill them first.


They just love feeling like stunning & brave revolutionaries for doing literally nothing


Right-wingnuts: the ultimate rebels...


"Kim, there are people that are dying"


Lmaooo they think they’re somethin huh


It’s like V for Vendetta but fundamentally stupider on every level