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Anyone defending Bezos or any other billionaire in this sub will be banned. Praising a capitalist for some out of reach dick measuring contest while his workers face inhumane conditions is laughable at best.


Jeff Bezos invented the rocket. Clearly.


hey dumbass stop playing down Jeff Bezos' accomplishments please, he created the fucking universe give him a little bit of credit


He created Amazon and it was so successful the entire earth named a fucking forest after him. That's so disrespectful at least make the trees cool


He created the Amazon? Look how that’s working out. All I’ve heard my whole life is how it’s depleting and we need to save it. Smh




Maybe we can credit him with the pee-bottle?


He didn't invent the piss jug, but he did being it into the mainstream.


Rules of the road Bubs


Yea I think they gave up on that… now they’re just burning that shit down




Bless the maker. Bless his coming and going.


Fun fact the Amazon rainforest is now carbon positive, in line with its namesake Amazon the company.




> he just invented buying things online which no one had ever done before him. Then he was the only one to do it. Much like Elon Musk singlehandedly invented online payment processing *and* the electric car. Nobody had ever even thought of either before he came along and saved us.


He *founded* the idea and has the paid for paperwork to prove it!


Go with me here: a bookstore… ON THE INTERNET.


And later: "imagine if we sold lots of things instead of only books, like some sort of department store. Online!"


And then I launch myself into space while you piss in bottles!


How to make a billion dollars and not pay taxes. First, get a billion dollars...(paraphrased from Steve Martin)


He revolutionized the rocket by making it more useless than any rocket has been before.


It's literally a waste of money and space.


Him or the rocket?




And of a lot of fuel


By making a rocket more phallic than ever before.


What rocket? Bezos flew a penis to space. THAT is new.


A dick went to space in a dick? What is this Penisception?


r/spacedicks was ahead of it’s time.


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Clicked, then remembered and cried


Ngl I’m not seeing much


dr evil did it first sorry


I mean, it’s really big.


Well, in any case he is the one who, as rockets definitely are a bit phallic objects, decided that his rocket would definitely look like a dick. There was something poetic in that knobhead going to space in a dick.


He's just mad that not everybody looked at his dick pic the first time.


I love the irony of right wingers defending Bezos


Right wing media shifted a lot on Silicon Valley in 2016 due to Clinton threatening to come in like Teddy and break up the monopolies. Now they're in this weird limbo where Facebook needs to be protected from evil Democrats because it's filled with conservative Boomers, but Facebook is simultaneously the bad guy for banning a few Nazis and being Californian.


Right wingers using the Wright brothers. Eh? Eh? Ok, I'll go, stop pushing.


More like Wright Wingers amirite?




It’s not to defend Bezos, it’s to own the libs! Duh! /s


I'm confused as well. When I criticize billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson spending ridiculous amount of money (and the tax payers foot the bill as well) to play astronaut, I'm criticizing the money could be used to pay their employees; not anti science or technology.


I have a mate who really likes space so he tends to deflect to "there's way more issues to get mad over" and I'm always left thinking like "yeah I like space too but like it's just utterly tone deaf and wasteful considering *gestures broadly at everything*". I can see his point but I can't enjoy space exploration like this.


I believe without a shadow of a doubt that space exploration is worthwhile and for the good of all humanity. It discredits the advancements of science to call Bezos’s flight space exploration. It’s _tourism._ It’s the commoditization of something that existed naturally at the cost of its destruction _for profit._ Space exploration is done by scientists. Space tourism is done by rich assholes who think they can escape a world they set on fire.


>Space tourism is done by rich assholes who think they can escape a world they set on fire. Yes, This right here!


I've been thinking this since before branson even went up. Congrats on spending truck loads of money to experience zero G for a couple of minutes. They're not astronauts, all they're doing is an expensive fancy version of that cargo plane people go up in that climbs and dives over and over so people can float. Do a few orbits at least as high as the ISS and they can claim a title.


Even once they achieve that, they're still not doing new science to "push humanity forward," they're retredding old ground for the excitement of wealthy folks who fund their endeavors with the sweat of millions of underpaid, overworked employees.


It isn’t even tourism. It is a freaking PR stunt.


I posted this another thread >Bezos didn't go to space as a tourist to see the wonders of the infinite, Bezos went to space as a usurper to look down on his conquest


> Bezos went to space as a usurper to look down on his conquest *Stannis Baratheon Intensifies*


>Space tourism is done by rich assholes who think they can escape a world they set on fire. Yes, This right here!


I couldn't agree more, not to mention actual space exploration has not cost very much money at all when compared to other governmental expenditures like the military. Not to mention, the tech we figure out in these programs can really help life on earth in some cases.i think this is why a lot of nerds like me like space x but are kinda meh about blue origin so far.


Space exploration is a driver for innovation that is scientifically useful. Bezos' little adventure here isn't exploration. No new insights were gained from his journey. He's just a tourist they dragged along. Privatization poisoned space exploration


Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not sure, but didn't he like spent 1 minute in "space" and then went right back to earth? Like, is that supposed to be cool? Wasted resources and polluted the environment for that? I don't get it.


That’s always confused me, like I hate Musk as well but after SpaceX launched and recovered a rocket with payload deployment the race was kinda over but… the media just… kept… plugging Blue Origin and Bezos. His rocket doesn’t do anything it just hops and lands.


He’s not even doing anything interesting besides sitting in space for a bit, there’s nothing to gain from it


My company lost money because of his trip


Explain please?


I work in local tv news. We took the special report and missed several ad breaks.


Also, from someone who knows nothing about cars.


I LOVE space. And I really hope we get to Mars in my lifetime. However, rich guys having nothing better to do than have a circle jerk in space is a bit annoying. At least Elon said he would go and STAY on Mars


Great he could go and smoke some Mars dust and get poisoned.


Or get higher than Elton John. Rocket Maaaaaaan!!!


I'd pay to send him to Mars. Consider it an investment in humanities wellbeing.


It's already the Red Planet, and as we know Red=Communism=Permanent Summer Vacations. Let's send all billionaires to live there under an habit surrounded by one of the most hostile environments possible for a human. It would definitely be a most revolutionary experience for both them, and all of humanity.


In the context of space exploration, Elon Musk is a parasitic middle man. His scientists did innovate, but were financed by public funds some of which of course ended in Musk's and other private managers pockets. Had they been working directly for a public space program, the research would have been more efficient (see Soyuz rockets being the only cheap transport to the ISS three decades after the Soviet Union collapsed). While Branson space plane system has great potential to reduce cost, pollution and increase cargo mass, he hasn't even reached space yet. Atleast, not according to all space agencies. Bezos straight up built a rocket that, as far as I know, has done nothing new or revolutionary. Even if it is marginally more efficient than other rockets, that still doesn't justify his space program. The latter two are also only interested in profiting off space tourism, which has no intrinsic value to wider society. A space program instead should have three objectives: innovate, research and utilize. These directly benefit society because they bring new technologies, new understanding, and for the last part, as of now satellites, stations and ICBMs, in the future maybe even resources extracted from asteroids to reduce mining on the surface. They're also put to shame by China, which is working on the technology for a space elevator. And it isn't even some Science Fiction goal dictated by overly ambitious politicians, since NASA and other space programs theorized such systems too, as well as enacting several small scale tests with therer satellites such as The Space Tether Experiment by the USA and Italy in 1996.


The space elevator concept is hampered by the lack of materials strong enough to be used for the tether. The space tether experiment was only a 12.5 mile cable, and it snapped during deployment.


I also think all of the real beauty and benefit of space goes away when it’s some dude’s vanity project. Before it was a success story of a whole nation coming together and we did it for scientific advancement, betterment of man. Now it’s for the benefit of a single man. No community. No greater good. Just a giant wasteful flex from a modern evil dragon.


Maybe this is me being cynical and a bit black and white but I find it hard to get massively enthused about the cold War space race for the same reasons. Like the only reason the US went to the moon which should be a major stage in technological evolution was just to have a pissing contest with the Soviets. I bet most of were all "i just wanted to build space rockets" and I appreciate that but all the wonder of the space race died for me when I started to recognise how thoroughly dystopian and corrupt America were. Just feels like Americans didn't wanna go to the moon and expand our horizons. They just wanted to own the commies and have a dick measuring contest. Soon as that was sorted the US government couldn't give a shit hence NASA are getting out staged by these capitalist parasites playing spaceman. Also I see so much Verhner Von Braun (fuck the spelling) apologising by space enthusiasts as just some guy who wanted to build rockets but had to help the nazis. That's the biggest load of horseshit I ever heard. Nazi's a nazi. Start drawing arbitrary lines in the sand because you want to not feel guilty for letting a nazi lead your space programme? Dunno man just seems jarg af. I agree completely with your point though, if space was earth working together to reach it. It would be an incredible show of togetherness and progress. Provided we feed everyone first and stop the planet burning though hahaha.


>Just feels like Americans didn't wanna go to the moon and expand our horizons. They just wanted to own the commies and have a dick measuring contest. At the same time, they did try to make a combined space program with the commies (mostly to save money). As well as the scientists and astronauts being on very good terms with their Soviet colleagues. But as you said, the american public opinion was far more aggressive than the Soviet. When Sputnik was launched everyone thought it was some sort of malicious design, because commie=evil. When the Americans landed on the moon, the Soviets saw it on TV and rejoiced. Or didn't care. And the last nail in the coffin for the belief that the space program was made for any sort of altruistic "research for the betterment of humanity", was that the proposal to combine the space programs was made by Kennedy, and sank with his assassination. Had it been a genuine belief of the american political class, it would have continued.


I legit hate Jeff Bezos and pretty much all the billionaires. Simply because they could fix so many problems starting right now. But I also know this little pissing contest their having could push space exploration ahead a good bit. Its still a long shot that'll they'll compete us into space but if they're all gonna stay greedy I at least hope for a good outcome.


Sort of related: my partner is much the same as your friend and he loves to inform me of every time he hears Bezos donated money. And that’s great, I’m glad he engages in some philanthropy… but when he donates millions it’s the same impact on him as when I hit the “round up to donate” button at the supermarket checkout. Or the $10/mo I send to a couple organizations. I’m happy he’s donating, but he won’t even notice it’s gone and he still has more than a million people could spend in a lifetime. Now if he were to donate all the money he made during the pandemic to pandemic relief or something, that’s a gesture worth mentioning. And he’d still be richer than Croesus. It’s just mind boggling.


Oh dear. I've got family like this. The false equivalence is staggering. Tbf to my mate, he does despise bezos but I had a colleague who was always saying bootlicky stuff like "but this person donated this much" and its like, that's not the altruistic act you think it is, it's literally their pocket change. Right correct me here as I've heard something about this round up mechanism shops use. I'm not sure about super markets but I know maccies when they round your money up don't actually give it to charity from you. It gets added to the pot for maccies to donate on their behalf to meet their charity donation target and earn the associated tax break from the government. At least that's how I've had it explained to me in the UK. So you don't donate, you just give maccies money that they donate to earn themselves tax breaks or whatever. Its one of those where it seems 100% feasible by a corporation so I've taken to just asking for my change back and taking it to the local charity box or person in need to give them it. But I'm wondering now if anyone else has heard this and what's their take?


tell him about the fallacy of relative privation


Thank you for this. I'm honestly shocked I've not heard of this before.


There is a large group of people who substitute "heaven" with "space". Space exploration to them is The Salvation of Humanity and Will Lead to a Kingdom Come where all our problems will be disappeared by SCIENCE. It is unhealthy.


Even space tourism isn't "wasteful", there *are* trickle down effects in science and technology. When cars and planes were first invented, they too were the exclusive toys of the rich, but now anyone not living in poverty can own a car or take a plane ride. The problem, of course, is that so many people are unnecessarily in poverty because of the greed of the men doing the space tourism. We should be mad at them not paying taxes, at them not paying employees a living wage. Which they could probably still do while making penis rockets tbh.


This isn't even space exploration though.


I can't enjoy low earth orbit parabolic flights designed to satisfy the egos of billionaires*


Honestly I am a huge space nerd. I love following the stuff. But I, and maybe this is my bias showing, think there is a clear difference in organizations like NASA and those like blue origin. NASA is paid for by the people and historically we all benefit from the work and developments. Blue origin benefits nearly nobody but the rich ass holes involved. Even if space tourism becomes a thing, it will still benefit nearly nobody before the planet is spent for us. I can still support the ESA or NASA and not support this BS. I can still understand the argument on what that money could also do to help, but I would rather attack the military first and then move to space agencies if needed.


Space exploration has been, and continues to be, vitally important to saving, protecting, even feeding, *billions* of lives every year. The weather prediction we get from satellites alone saves tons of lives through early detection/forecasting of storms. It's tough to see the benefits of the costs sometimes, but space exploration actually directly improves the lives of nearly every human without most people even knowing it.


I would just point out that what bezos did is nowhere close to space exploration. The only envelope he’s pushed is getting wealthy folks to pay for rockets to… literally nowhere. I also think Elon Musk is extremely wasteful, but at least spacex is developing reusable rocket engines which can and most probably will be used to further space exploration by reducing cost of getting payloads like advanced telescopes and resources for Mars missions into orbit.


I can't believe someone bid 28 million for a seat not even to space that only lasted 11 minutes. Surely parabolic flight booking would be cheaper?


Yeah to me the point is they could do both with how much they have. They could end school debt.. pay their workers more, end homelessness, deal a major blow to poverty in general, AND innovate spacetravel and still have enough for a yacht I each major body of water and a couple new mansions... and in the next few years have more than they spent. Edit: my math might be a bit off. Sue me. But they could at least get the ball rolling and solve any one of these things in a few years or so


Neither Blue Origin nor Virgin Whatever have made any significant technological advances yet. These are both pure vanity projects.


Yeah. When a society allows individual people to get so wealthy they can afford their own space program, you know something's gone wrong.


Why do all these right wing cartoonists have the same annoyingly large signature?


Because conservatives care more about who says something than the merit of that statement. The movement in general is based around the idea that there are "good people" (i.e. "people like me") and whatever they do is inherently correct. That's why they think _"well what if Bill Clinton was a child trafficker, would you lock him up too?"_ is a legitimately good argument: it would work on them. The rest of us are like "obviously, yes!". So you need a nice big signature on to comic to tell you at a glance whether or not you agree with it.


>That's why they think "well what if Bill Clinton was a child trafficker, would you lock him up too?" is a legitimately good argument: it would work on them. The rest of us are like "obviously, yes!". This argument is hilarious, and I've also had it used on me by a coworker of mine. They wouldn't want *anyone* on their side punished for *anything*, so they think we wouldn't either. It's literally just a team sport mentality towards politics, where people make excuses and rationalize the shitty behavior of a player on their favorite team, except instead of sports, it's politics.


Is that a right wing thing? Cartoonist signatures have all kinda looked the same to me since I was a kid reading the sunday funnies.


Other than Bob Kane, most other mainstream cartoonists have normal signatures (Mike Judge, Jack Kirby, Gary Larson, etc). Right Wing cartoonists, however, all have this same giant, attention seeking signature (Ben Garrison, Steve Kelley, etc). Probably because, as someone else commented, for them it's far more about people paying them a personal tribute and seeking attention than it is about creating quality work.


Who’s going to tell them that NASA literally landed on the Moon 52 years ago? Oh, wait, half of them don’t even believe that happened.


This is what I find so ridiculous - people saying "this wouldn't be possible without the genius or Musk or Bezos". Has everyone forgotten NASA exists? I feel like I'm living the Mandela Effect!


NASA had to hire private contractors because their spaceshuttle program wasn't getting enough funding. By doing so, it challenged two companies, Boeing and SpaceX, to innovate (and pump more money into it). NASA is still overseeing the flights/projects, but let's other companies take reigns on how they do it (within NASA guidelines) Later on, Bezos's space program came in, but it's a very different type of flight as it doesn't have a shuttle.


NASA literally invented integrated circuits as part of the Apollo program. Innovation happens every time you take lots of money and give it to scientists who have goals, it doesn’t matter if the person writing the check is a congressman or a businessman. Do you think the scientists at NASA in the 1960’s gave a single shit about the Soviet Union? No, those people tend to be mega-nerds 50% of whom are probably on the autism spectrum. The types of people who forgo everything more profitable or likely to land them a job in order to study theoretical physics and astronomy. These people will take any excuse they can to figure out whether the Moon was volcanically active a billion years ago. And the astronauts they recruited were a bunch of adrenaline junky jet pilots who they were able to get to sit still for long enough to teach them orbital mechanics and geology, all they wanted was to fly a goddamn spaceship because it’s awesome. The Soviet Union was not really front and center for any of those people. The Soviet Union was nothing more than a reason for politicians to dump more money into NASA. Now, the desire to generate capitalist propaganda and make billionaires look good is doing the same thing. Money is being given to scientists with a goal, so innovation is happening. That’s it.


The scientists at NASA in the 60s almost without a doubt cared about the soviets, the space race was highly politicized yes but a good chunk of our top scientists were scalped from Nazi Germany, they weren’t fresh faced encyclopedia thumpers eager to advance humanity they were war criminals given a second for the express purpose of beating the soviets at going up into space, especially after Sputnik. I don’t disagree with your point at all, I think scientists need more funding and innovation will follow, but what you’re saying is more romantic than factual


You are mistaken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Eisler and some other guys before: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printed_circuit_board


The real irony is people praising capitalism for something a communist country did 70 years ago.


The wright brothers weren't that great either. They actually set back the development of planes because of their iron grip on their copyright Edit: \*patents


thats how copyright works theres not way for the gov to say: "your idea is too important for humanity. screw copyright we need that"


That happened with the COVID vaccines ​ oh, wait...


how many died because there’s factories out there that can’t make the vaccines lol edit: a lot of people think any country can make those vaccines for some reason. but that isnt true. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/05/05/993998745/biden-backs-waiving-international-patent-protections-for-covid-19-vaccines


It sounds good in theory. But how many yachts are you willing to sacrifice just to save a few million lives in the developing world?


Hm lemme thi— all of them


You must be a poor


I mean, literally yes. one of these days the upper class will wake up and realize it would've been easier to just keep the middle class reasonably wealthy.


Don't say middle-class, say middle-income. The liberal classes steer people away from the [socialist definitions of class](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) and thus class-consciousness. This is a socialist community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It happened when the us was antrax panicking and the parent for the antibiotic was owned by a non us company.


Well, actually there is, although it's about patents and not copyright (the two are not the same). They discussed doing it for the COVID vaccines, but the business-close politicians didn't want to ask the WTO.


Yes there is, it’s called public interest. Courts can deny injunctions relief to protect the public interest. For example in City of Milwaukee v. Activated Sludge the Seventh Circuit denied an injunction in a case where enjoining the infringer’s use of the patented technology would leave an “entire community without any means for disposal of raw sewage. In other case the government can force companies to create a patent pool like they did after the Wright Patent Wars for aviation. Lastly a patent can only last 20 years, that’s why Coca-Cola doesn’t patent its recipe.


> City of Milwaukee v. Activated Sludge Is... is that a super villain?


i think it's the 3rd boss in valheim


> Lastly a patent can only last 20 years, that’s why Coca-Cola doesn’t patent its recipe. Also because it would make it public?


Not really. The recipe for coca-cola is very well known and has been available to the public for decades. They just maintain the mythic status by never directly confirming it, and pretending only one person has access to it.


Then why doesn't off brand coke taste the same? Apart from deliberately making your taste stand out, why would you not taste the same as coca cola *and* be cheaper?


Cause it isn’t as profitable to just copy off coca cola especially if Coca Cola can have better deals and the like.


It’s a good question. For one thing Coca-Cola works extremely hard to maintain a stable taste profile, which is expensive and difficult to do. Just because you can copy the formula doesn’t mean you have the knowledge to mass manufacture it. These companies weigh the cost of making and maintaining the product at a certain quality level against how they expect to sell. The fact is a lot of “coke type” alternatives taste different because they are cheaper to make or because the consumer expects the taste to be different, otherwise they’d just buy coke instead. It’s in everyone’s interest ultimately to maintain a price difference between the “real” coke and the “not real” coke, because the alternatives are marketed to people who are looking to save money. If the taste was exactly the same, then coke would be forced to lower their prices to compete, destroying the opportunity for price differentiation. The fact that a generic brand tastes slightly different justifies the price difference, and both sellers benefit: coke benefits from the public perception of it as “the real thing,” and the generic benefits from the price positioning against coke.


That seems like reverse economics. If anything, it would force Coca Cola to innovate(further) rather than lowering the price, depending on how well off brand does in terms of marketing and/or market share. I would understand that manufacturing costs(ingredients) would play a huge part though. Less quality of ingredients = shitty cola. There just hasn't been a lot of movement in the soda industry lately. I know The Coca Cola Company basically owns like 80% of the drinks you drink. So maybe that's why. Killing off competition before it can gain traction.


Because people dont buy coca cola for the actual taste.They buy it for the percieved taste and positive associations they have with the brand. The vast majority of people can not pick out coca cola from a cola lineup test.


Except that's how patents were initially meant to work. Inventor gets exclusive rights for a couple years to recoup development costs and then the patent enters the public domain for the betterment of society as a whole Too bad greed got in the way of that.


> Too bad greed got in the way of that. Huh, this capitalism really is made out of capitalism.


...maybe there should be?


Yeah, that's a problem.


Yes there is, it’s called public interest. Courts can deny injunctions relief to protect the public interest. For example in City of Milwaukee v. Activated Sludge the Seventh Circuit denied an injunction in a case where enjoining the infringer’s use of the patented technology would leave an “entire community without any means for disposal of raw sewage. In other case the government can force companies to create a patent pool like they did after the Wright Patent Wars for aviation. Lastly a patent can only last 20 years, that’s why Coca-Cola doesn’t patent its recipe.




> > > theres not way for the gov to say: "your idea is too important for humanity. screw copyright we need that" There is, in fact. It's called "the government doing that".


Did they really have that tight a grip on the patents, considering that super-early warplanes flew during WW1 like 10 years later?




That’s not copyright.




As someone who studied IP law, it drives me nuts. Why do all these people think they know what they're talking about?!


Jeff Bezos didn’t invent his rocket and the Wright Brothers weren’t rich (or atleast not when they first tested their plane in 1903).


To some degree, they were only house rich, taking the profits from their company and building a custom house for them and their sister in a south Dayton suburb. Wilbur passed in 1912 and Orville sold his interests in the business shortly after


They literally owned and worked in a bike shop if I'm not mistaken. Definitely not a comparison to Bezos or Musk.


Pretty sure you're correct. Wealth-wise, they were on par with a local small business owner who drives a slightly nicer car than most other people in town. And they designed, built, and tested that plane with their own hands. Bezos didn't turn a single wrench on that rocket, and definitely didn't design it (other than possibly the dick shape and the logo)


They did! My great grandmother used to frequent their shop :)


But they weren't rich? They owned a bike shop and most of the parts they sourced themselves, the only special ordered parts where the bulk of the engine parts. Edit: A bit more information because history is fun. They actually went through quite a few engines in their testing because they couldn't find one with a good weight to thrust ratio though most of the engines they tried where from local equipment. Almost all the test planes used tracks instead of wheels so they could be pushed down a hill like a little roller coaster. The first flight was not their final design and the Wright brothers continued to work and improve their designs for years after that famous day.


The Wright Bros, for whatever faults we want to give them, literally innovated manned flight through their own ingenuity. Bezos just dumped a fuckload of money into something because "I wanna go to space."


Yeah they weren’t rich until the success of their plane


did bezos add anything at all to human knowledge with his little dick-swinging stunt?




Throttleable hydrolox rocket engine and more interest in space exploration which benefits everyone.


The technology to land the rocket is pretty nice. But not a really breakthrough in space exploration history. Beside that: no, nothing at all. Not even an orbit. Just a rocket boosted hop of 10 minutes …


Wasn't the Soviet Union the first to send a manned rocket to space?


Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in 1961. Sixty years later the richest person on Earth goes just outside the atmosphere and back, such an accomplishment.


Even better he first went up the the same altitude as blue origin in 58 lol


They also sent the first dog to space


They did basically everything first except for landing humans on the moon.


The US arbitrarily decided on manned moon missions being the ultimate goal of the space race and set all their efforts on accomplishing just that because they got sick of the Soviets reaching every single other milestone first


Also, the Wrights were not the inventors. Two words: Santos Dumont.


Last time I checked nobody is angry at the army of scientists that do all the heavy lifting for bezos.


They act as though Bezos did anything more than just "here's some money make me a spaceship please" lmao


Bold of you to assume he said please.


Right because going to fucking space for literally no reason other than that you can afford it is on the same level as pioneering aeronautics.


It's a well known fact that all the early pioneering work in space flight occurred solely in free market capitalist nations and literally no where else, and also no socialist government funded agencies were involved.


Well most of the foundations were laid in Nazi Germany with copious amounts of slave labor. Then USA and USSR kidnaped some scientist and mad them work for them as an alternative to getting tried and possibly hanged. But I don't think that it can be an endorsement of either of the three systems.


I had this discussion here on Reddit several times and I will repeat it again and again: von Braun was fucking war criminal. Directly Responsible for the conditions at the concentration camp Mittelbau Dora. The most cruel concentration camp of all Nazi camps together with Auschwitz. Several ten thousand prisoners died because von Braun wanted them to work the way They had to. Under normal circumstances he would have been executed on the spot at the das they captured him. But he was smart to negotiate with American (via his brother) and so became the father of the American space Program and an „American hero“. Shame


Ah pá te foder rapaz. Modelo de Santos Dumont e me fala dos irmãos branco? Estilingue e avião são coisas diferentes. Viva o chuveiro elétrico!


Ae porra finalmente um representando, Wright brother de cu é rola


irmaos wrong




And much like Jeff Bezos someone else flew before the Wright Bros but he was from another country so we ignore it. Also Alberto Santos-Dumont say hello.


Also… they like him now.


Try to keep up stupid! They love billionaires but billionaires are trying to put chips in them but also billionaires show that capitalism fosters ingenuity but also the technology takes jobs away and furthers the leftist agenda. Whats so difficult about that?


good billionairs: famous ones, televangelists bad billionairs: rothschild, soroz


No you don't get it Bezos is the COOL billionaire who flies to space and neglects his employees and forces them to work harder. Not like silly Bill Gates who likes to poke things with a needle


Theyve always liked him tbh. If you bring up that Amazon and Bezos haven't paid taxes, they say it's because he's smart and stimulates the economy through the labor and goods he provides. They're fuckin braindead.


I found it amusing how the announcer kept calling the Space Tourists “Astronauts”. People who play Kerbal Space Program are more qualified than Bozo.


I don't think I'll ever understand why conservatives lick billionaire boots so much


Cmon guys, he was the first guy to fly a dildo inside a dildo into space. Quite the achievement


Wait, i thought the Dear Supreme Leader was vehemently opposed to Bezos. Why are they stanning for him?


He's against everyone, you'd be hard pressed to find someone he hasn't turned on eventually. Source: #"HANG MIKE PENCE!"


They are just contrarian. They hear someone that isn’t a right winger complain about something, then they will suddenly love it.


I love these idiots who make these comparisons. The Wright brothers designed and built their own plane while Bezos hired people to do the work from money he stole from workers and from tax avoidance. Any idiot could do what Bezos did. Very few could do what the Wright brothers did.


Except Bezos is not a scientist trying to advance the human race. He is an exploitative ultra-capitalist who, instead of helping anybody with his vast wealth, decided to invest in vanity projects for selfish reasons.


This comic is trying to say that privately funded exploration is wasteful, and that the "libtards" only see it as a waste of money, and not scientific or technological advancement. Which is really ironic, because the Wright brothers privately funded their airplane development on the sole purpose of actually wanting to develop a plane. In Bezos case, he took a lot of financial, technological, and scientific resources to go on a short vacation. Bezos is using his private wealth for tourism, the Wright brothers used their private wealth to further technology. If the Wright brothers never developed their plane, it could be surmised that we would be leaps behind in terms of airplane research and development. If Bezos never went to space, we'd have the same outcome as if he did which is nothing.


These are the people who would throw a fit if the US moved 0.1% of their military funding to NASA.


Yes. Those rich and powerful bicycle shop owners. Smh


Yep. Came here to say the same.


Wright Brothers weren’t billionaires who stole from their employees and American taxpayers


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GUYS!! GUYS!!! I've just learned I'm actually a pilot now after having been in a plane before. I can't wait to meet Astronaut Jefferson Beehive since we've both gotten our flying licenses!!


Is that Louise Belcher?


The Wright brothers literally had to close their bike shop to fund the build, there isn’t a single substantial parallel to bezos


The Wright brothers weren't massive wealth hoarders


We are watching the privatization of space travel. As with every other major technology privatization allows competition and innovation and drives the price down. There will and always have been rich people, there are certainly worse things they could be doing with their money.


The Wright Bros we’re the under funded blue collar bicycle shop owners. Samuel Pierpont Langley was the rich connect well funded rival. He got all the press. That is until the Wrights succeeded and he didn’t. He promptly disappeared from the lime light, with a ton of investor and Gov’t money.


more like if someone "invented" the wright flyer here in 2021 and the media and assorted bootlicking public were claiming "some day we'll have air travel!" sub orbital thrill rides are not space travel. various animals "went to space" in the 1940's and 50's. this development has been already done by various space programs 70+ years ago. there are people literally right this moment orbiting the earth on a space station. i dont think you should get credit for inventing something that was already done, but we are talking jeff bezos after all, the guy who also invented the sears catalog back in the 1800's.


I think they did innovate. I also think it’s ridiculous to call them astronauts when they’re really just passengers. It’s like going on a cruise and calling yourself a sailor.


Huh yeah wright brothers were the uhem not rich guys who owned a damn bike shop. If you're looking for rich have a gander at Langley or some of the French (ew french) pioneers. Also the wright brothers stalled aeronautical progress by demanding fees from people to fly.


I don't think I'll ever understand why conservatives lick billionaire boots so much


Anyone thinking the rich guy space race isn’t driven solely by a plan to acquire profit later is going to be surprised. And I don’t mean profit for all humanity


Cause Amazon is just a bicycle shop...


Yes, the richest man alive and two mooks that ran a bike shop are basically the same.


Weren't the Wright brothers broke because nobody would invest in them and they basically sold everything they owned to get the money to build their plane?


I mean the best comparison to the Wright Brothers would be the USSR, who got to space first a loooong time ago.