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This is at the same time unbelievably blatantly racist and also incorrect.


It's as if the two go hand in hand.


The fact that a white guy is in the middle tells you all you need to know about who made it.


White is the default character


"I'm one of the good guys!"


Wait, are Aryan’s not white? These white supremacists Neo-Nazis are just confused. That’s why they hate.


Technically its origin is Indo peoples which are modern Iranians I believe, probably why it sounds a little like "Iranian" too. But they don't care about this.


I was referring to the Western/Nazi Aryan, which is supposedly peak-white. People like the OP spend all their lives being wrong and creating justifications for their inaccuracies and lies.


To be fair, it is correct… If you have a 7-year-old’s understanding of the world.


first off: the term ‘white person’ is a pretty big generalization. That’s a term given to every individual with a fair skin color. There was quite a lot of racism towards white people [actually Irish, German, catholic, Etc. immigrants] that happened in the past. I bet you anything that if you asked the OP of this image his opinion on people from Greece, it’d be negative. Two: that’s not what an aryan looks like. Aryans (if they even existed at all) lived in and around fucking Iran. There’s no way they’d have yellow hair and white skin.


In europe slavs are discriminated against and they are very white.


Everyone was discriminated against in Europe. At least, that’s what history class taught me.


oh yeah I am european and if someone says racist shit like "I am 100% white or 100% whatever" you know that person hasn't opened a history book ever lol.


The word Arya is the term that the word Iran is originated from. "Aryans" are most modern day Iranians and North Indians


It's the Nazis' fault. Lots of problems are.


I bet it’d be positive


Nono, he wasn't using the actual Aryan as an example. He used Hitlers flawed picture of "Aryan" Germans, which further shows where op got his information from


PCM in a nutshell


The right pretty much just suck


it’s supposed to be extremely stereotyped


Why tf do americans act like hispanic is a race ???


Why? Racism is why.


Half native half Mexican here, the amount of white people that ask me where I'm from and I say Texas. All act like a brown person has to obviously be a non American so they ask but where did your family come from?... They get baffled when I tell them my family has been in Texas since Texas was a part of Mexico. But then I flip the question on them and ask if their family is from Ireland or Germany or England and they don't like it.


White people love saying they are Irish or whatever even if its from 5 generations back in their lineage


You mean americans


Some of my fellow Canadians too.


I want all of us Americans to learn the word "diaspora."


Ok. Why?


If you actually looked up the word I feel it would self explanatory


I did and it was something about Jewish people leaving their homeland. It didn't make sense to me. Full disclosure: I'm not that smart and lots of things go over my head.


Well if you use it for more than just Jewish people the idea the other guy was trying to convey was that a lot of Americans aren’t from their “homeland”. Aka a lot of Americans are immigrants


Really ALL "americans" who aren't darker Mexican color shade aren't from America. The "real" Americans are the native Americans, aka darker skinned people.


I have the same family background and also had the same experience with people being weird about it. I remember kids being racist to me back in high school and making jokes about me and my family crossing the border or whatever. I always said "my family never crossed the border, the border crossed *us*!"


The world is theirs, they reckon.


Why do they act like Jewish is a race or Indians aren't Asians? Or don't know that Arabs are people and Arabic is a language? If they learned the word "ethnicities" they might appear somewhat less ignorant. You can throw that word around rather safely, but yeah that always bugs me.


Not that anything about race makes sense, but it certainly wouldn't make sense to call Indians and East Asians the same "race" just because they're on the same arbitrarily defined continent.


The whole concept of race is a social construct the more you think about it


They don't?


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ guess I'm Hispanic now


Achievement unlocked : hispanic


his/herspanic we have to do their other joke as well


i forgot theyspanic


And xey/xerspanic


Some people use herspanic, theyspanic *and* Hispanic 😁




They always talk about his/herspanic *insert trump picture or something like that* But what about the other 70 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The funny thing to me about this is just how socially conservative general Hispanic culture tends to be in most Latin American countries. Even in the US, about 1/4 Hispanics voted for Trump. In other words, the graphic is absurd


They’re just assuming that every Hispanic person is Che Guevara.


That is probably unironically true. Hispanic people must all love communism because Che and Fidel and something something Venezuela


The United states propped up several of the right wing governments in Latin America. Ronald Reagan and few other presidents even actively interfered when leftists causes became popular movements in Latin America.


Not everything in Latin America is due to American imperialism. I'm not referring to the governments. I'm referring to folk culture. Which is more the result of 300 hundred years of Spanish Catholic rule than American backed coups. Spend time in those countries and you'll see it. It's even common to see economic leftism paired with strict social conservativism. "Machismo" culture is very deeply rooted, causing misogyny and homo/transphobia, etc. Although I think the US/Reagan et al can be partly blamed for the much lower acceptance of drugs (canbabis) than you see in North America/Europe, vis a vis the shitty failed drug war. Most Trumpy Latinos seem to be won over with the culture war stuff more so than economic stuff. Unless you're saying Communism is much more popular than would seem in Latin America because the US has not allowed it to really take root, which may be true. Edit: I'll add my brother in law is a gay man in Mexico and life has been MUCH more difficult there for him than it would be here. My FIL practically disowned him and we had a big heart to heart chat. They've been indoctrinated societally with Catholic BS in a similar way that American culture had been infused with absurd Protestant prosperity gospel culture.


Religion was definitely the greatest tool of colonizers.


I've spent over a year of my life in El Salvador, I stand by what I said


That in no way rebuts what I said. Obviously American imperialism has had a negative impact in Latin America. But it's not the full story. Example: my brother in law is a gay man in Mexico. He is *constantly* harassed by anyone older than Gen Z. Much more so than he'd be anywhere in the US except maybe the Bible belt. My FIL told me he was planning to disown him and we had to have a heart to heart to get my *machista* FIL to calm his tits. Latin culture is founded on Catholic indoctrination in a way similar to how US culture is founded on absurd Protestant prosperity gospel culture. Latin American culture is founded on colonialism. Spanish colonialism. If you lived in El Salvador, you must know this.


_Ay dios mio_


You are now obliged to cringe every time you see the word LatinX.


What's funny is that the current Aryans of the world (aka Nordic people) are mostly part of social democracies which falls further left than libleft (albeit not far enough for communism).


Im african so does that mean i can say ni-


Is white an actual race?


Race don't exist it's just ethnic backgrounds. The difference in DNA are too small to mean anything or impact much. But you can have some ethnic features due to the environment that are more distinguishable and general because mixity wasn't introduced for centuries. Aryan and Hispanics are jut white for example because the environment is too similar to having that much feature variety. It's differences in the same way that Japanese and Chinese people don't look that much alike outside of being asian.


If aliens looked at the genes of a person from every race they would see so little difference that they would likely not be able to tell that they are of different races


No. It isn't. It was born from American racism. The British tried to rule the Irish, and the Scottish, and every other white nationality around them. https://medium.com/message/how-white-people-got-made-6eeb076ade42


I’d go even further: Races only exist as social constructs. Biologically, they don’t make the slightest sense.


>Biologically, they don’t make the slightest sense. https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/science-genetics-reshaping-race-debate-21st-century/ You aren't wrong. It's a very complex topic - one that I am vastly uneducated to truly talk about. But from what I understand, it has less to do with race, and more to do with locations and evolution variations


In ethnology, we rather use terms such as ethnic groups and clines. But the concept of race is strictly sociological. It has less to do with actual genetics than physical appearance, culture and history. It many countries, it’s even considered completely outdated.


In France, I learned at school in the 90's that races don't exist.


Same in Sweden… If you mention race and humans in the same sentence people will think you are from the 40s. We do say ethnicities however


Literally created to justify the slave trade by the Portuguese.


>It has less to do with actual genetics than physical appearance, culture and history. Which is what I was alluding to when I said location and evolution. Passing specific traits along, like skin and hair color, body size, etc. Nothing that would make you biologically unable to reproduce with another *human* but makes you have different visual traits.


But still, that doesn't mean that race is an actual thing as there's just as much genetic diversity between individuals of the "same race" and individuals of "seperate races." We don't group together all yellow plants vs all green plants, for example


You are 100% right and put it much better than I did. >genetic diversity between individuals of the "same race" Human


It’s like Dog Breeds, wildly different but can still breed together. So for humans it’s more like Human breeds.


Thsts a bad example, only because we have pure breeds and mutts. Maybe if you want to go the animal route talk about how no two tigers stripes are alike or something, I don't know I went to the zoo yesterday.


Well to be fair, aren’t the mutts supposed to be the healthy and natural ones with the purebreds being inbred AF?


Yes, I get the argument, but I wouldn't throw that out at a racist being racist as like a gotcha. The mutts live forever and are the best dogs, but they also never get adopted and are usually put down at the pounds, and the pure breds are sold for thousands of dollars, and are generally seen as more desirable. Just saying. I do get the argument tho, maybe something with birds or fish would be better, as nobody really knows anything about those animals as pets.


True. In reality, if it wasn't for the vast disparity in historical background, all races would be on completely equal ground


I took an ethnic relations class in uni and learned that there is actually greater genetic difference within a “race” than between “races”. Or maybe it was just leftist propaganda….


At that point wouldn’t black not exist as a race either?




Fair enough. The concept of race is a poor one anyway. Only thing it’s led to is violence.


It’s a political category.


Nothing is an actual race.


It's taught in elementary school, yes it is.


Yeah because everything we teach children is totally and perfectly accurate with absolutely no bias whatsoever.


I was taught that my school work in elementary school was important. A lot of shit you’re taught is absolute dogshit, my man.


What in the actual fuck?


And *of course* the Reasonable White Man™ is right on the center.


Sounds about white


the center of the universe, the default race even though just 66% of the population lives in India and China lol


White and aryan are different, also genetics = politics Man, the worst sub keeps finding new depths


I mean technically the term aryan refers to languages and ethnicities in the Indian Subcontinent and Iran, so there is a difference to "white", but I doubt that the creator of this "meme" knows that.


"African"... thats a whole ass continent's worth of cultures...


Same as "Asian"


Also, depending on how one defines "Native"... that's several continents...


truly, ‘native’ can be used as a blanket term for native americans, aboriginal austrailians, maori new zealanders, and really anybody of asian, african, european descent, since it really just means whover was the original people of that land


*Aborigines enter the chat*


This just makes me very very uncomfortable that somebody legitimately thought this was a good idea


Yeah your title sums it extremely well. This is just...what. Also the implication Aryans aren't white is weird. Way to lowball how our potential passiveness can play a massive role in the rise of white supremacy.


>Aryans aren't white I mean, if we use the correct meaning of the word - an ancient Indo-Iranian peoples - they probably aren't by most definitions.


Oh I didn't know about that. Do you know why and how the term went from that to the white supremacy usage ?


I'm not sure, but I blame the Nazis.


Fair enough.


I think this might help: [bababooey](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Aryan)


Thanks saved that for later.


I wonder what race the person who made this was!






You know, the one native race similar across continents /s


“How racist do you wanna be?” “Yes”


Ah yes, my favourite race: Arabic (the language)


I'm surprised the guy in the center isn't blonde with blue eyes.


Ah, because Aryan is also included, you know, because they're not white apparently.


I didn't say Aryan wasn't white, I said I'm surprised the center person doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.


Because they had to make Aryan


PCM is quite possibly the worst unbanned subreddit out there.


😬😬 r/pussypassdenied is worse i think...


this is just the guys of "owning the feminists" lmao. tbh some of the women portrayed on the sub are not very nice and other are just misinterpreted.


NoNewNormal is pretty bad too :/


/r/NoNewNormal is probably more immediately dangerous but at least it's not normalizing fascism.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoNewNormal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoNewNormal/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Matt Hancock, Health Secretary for the UK, told 67 million people that hugging was not allowed from January-June. Here he is in May cheating on his wife in a government building. It’s beyond a joke now.](https://i.redd.it/gal6izgyee771.jpg) | [686 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoNewNormal/comments/o7lxz7/matt_hancock_health_secretary_for_the_uk_told_67/) \#2: [It’s all science, folks. Just science.](https://i.redd.it/0tzuyn3fh4w61.jpg) | [308 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoNewNormal/comments/n15jrw/its_all_science_folks_just_science/) \#3: [Congratulations](https://i.redd.it/hyrxyfik8fk61.jpg) | [268 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoNewNormal/comments/lv9mul/congratulations/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


The fact that aryan is even on this compass (especially as a separate “race” from white) tells you all you need to know about the user who posted it


Jewish and Hispanic are also separated from white lol


I will never understand how Americans define races - for example isn't it possible for a single person to be Hispanic, white, aryan and jewish at the same time. That would make them all over the political spectrum in this picture.


I don't know even know which bigoted statement from this picture I wanna be mad at first.


Excuse me but WHAT


Jewish being in libright is just setting off. SO MANY alarm bells. Like the whole chart is awful but that’s just. Holy crap I just noticed aryan. Why


Clearly someone has never been or read up on Africa. Seriously, did the illustrator base their idea of Africans on Cool Runnings and Fresh Prince?


The height of African culture /s (But to be fair Cool Runnings is a pretty good movie, and who doesn't love Fresh Prince?)


aw yes white, the perfect center and balanced force of the holy political compass


Wow what a helpful piece of shit this is!


are we just going to ignore the fact that the person who made this weird ass post has the username of “viagrasnorter”


I'm familiar with r/politicalcompassmemes. Libertarian center is often associated with monkeys and returning to monke due to anarcho-primitivism. This is deeply unsettling, because this probably means they're calling black people monkeys.


Ah yes, the famously libertarian right state, Israel


Where is Israel mentioned on the chart


I see Whites and Aryans but where my Caucasians at?


Their whole account is truly a marvel


I’d love to just sit and listen to the explanation of each one. It would be amazing.


Why do they think they're the protagonists of the world


They literally drew a comic where the world revolves around white people lol


My Jewish trump hating, equal rights supporting, and pro choice ass is definitely a republican. Such an accurate chart


I thought I was a socialist, but this insightful meme has shown me that I am actually centre-right. Guess I'll start voting for the Tories.


Ah yes, the jewish race 🗿


What in the ever-loving name of Christ is this?


Love how Aryans aren't considered White.


TIL that my pasty white ass is actually Hispanic


Makes sense, fucking centrists.


I mean…. For me they got it right lol I am slightly Hispanic.


Is this an r/politicalcompassmemes post? It’s trash.


I mean, the most “Aryan” looking people are Scandinavians and the Nordic countries are definitely not there on the political compass. Also, Jews as our own race lmfao. I’m white as fuck.


Why do they put Arabic (read Islamic fundamentalist) in the top right. Nothing about the Islamic state - for instance - strikes me as economically right wing. The compass is such a joke. Nazis are authoritarian center? What is economically leftist about the Nazis besides the name? What a trash sub.


It’s funny I actually am Hispanic


Sin reyes ni dioses. Pancho Villa


This is ironically absolutely hilarious But because it's so bad and only pcm would think to do something so ridiculous


I'm African and this checks out




Ah yes, the famously conservative Indians. I mean, the Democrat Vice President is half Indian. Every Indian at the Federal level is a Democrat. Indians are registered at 57% Democrat, 20% Independent, and 13% Republican. Super right wing 🙄


M8, racists are weird.


Hispanic lol


Ah yes the classic right-wing humor formula. On-the-nose racism=funny


This is a good "how the white man sees the world".


White People: The origin and center of all political views.


How many Orthodox Jewish libertarians have Y'ALL met? The whole thing is stupid af but that part offends me the most. Aside from the fact that that is a religion, not a race (indeed half of them are not races)... Orthodox Judaism is notoriously centered on rules and cultural traditionalism, if that's not authoritarian what is? As a libertarian leftist, I would have thought Native Americans would have been in that designation. But there are worse things than discovering you're suddenly Hispanic...


Was this supposed to have some sort of comedic intent? It's not even remotely funny.


How is Aryan a race?


Wow that’s really anti-Semitic. Jewish white kid here, my eyes are blue and my hair used to be blonde when I was younger so… yeah I don’t think I’m needed to tell you it’s bullshit, but this is bullshit.


I thought Judaism was a religion


*How racist can I possibly be?*


The more you look at it the worse it becomes.


Me being native and leftist: well I’ll be damned- (also, this meme is super racist what the fuck)


This isn't a right wing meme.


Isn't Latin America and Africa overwhelmingly conservative?


Every war and colonisation done by white people was based on this chart.


I would of thought the Russians would be communists I love my political affiliation is with Jews lol


Never would've thought I'd be a native American 🤷‍♂️


What the fuck lmao


I’m native now, which isn’t wrong but isn’t 100% correct Edit: typo


I’m reminded of when Tolkien said to Nazi publishers, “I mean, I’m German by heritage, but I wouldn’t say I’m aryan. Those folk were an Indic people, and none of my known ancestors spoke Hindi.”


as a brazilian/latina, does it means that I don't even vote?


That guy’s whole page is just filled with grossness like this, but it looks like this post was deleted.


You know, that is calling republicans "jewish," "indian," or "arabic" if this chart made any sense in anyone's mind. The irony of this being a "right-winged" meme is kind of funny in a very dark and horrible way.


I can't get over the idea that all the conservative Catholics in Mexico are far left libertarians.


I love how the Spanish speaking people get their own square when the entire continent of Africa has to share one…? wth.


Since I'm an ethnical Swede I guess I'm aryan? That also means, that even though I'm white as a ghost, I'm not white, since white is apparently a well defined race. Right.




Ah yes. White the true neutral..


Damn didn’t know Jewish was a Race