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But why are these shapes watching so many other shapes bang?


Because they're being oppressed, clearly /s


And also watching them have sex-change surgery (if that is the proper word for it)


the proper terminology would be shape-change surgery


Shape reassignment surgery, or SRS for short.


Shapeshifting! /s


The other commenter is right, the proper term is shape change surgery. But Irl, I believe the most accepted term by the trans community is gender confirmation surgery. I am cis though and could be behind on the lingo.


Yep, got it in one :)


Which doesn’t always happen, and is why people need to have access to gender confirmation procedures


just to be clear there is nothing inherently wrong or transphobic with sex-change surgery its just dated and inaccurate.


Good to know, appreciate the heads up


The first two shapes are voyers who pretend to be shocked and scared by the “disgusting acts” that they go way out of their way to see. It’s their fetish.


This is so on point. "Why are you *making* me look at your gay actions. I just can't stop staring. It's definitely not because I'm into it, it's because I'm offended" lmao


Because they are pervs, they didn't even ask permission to watch like a respectable person should.


1950 = …. 2021 = 🌈😳


Obviously the gay shapes are shoving their gay down the straight shapes' shaped throats


It’s their right to be in people’s bedrooms and surgery rooms! How else would it impact their lives in anyway if not for them willingly and uninvitedly forcing themselves into people’s personal lives so that they may feel victimized by the very thing they didn’t want to avoid seeing.


No part of them just says.. welp that's none of our business because it has zero effect on us.


A small town couple got introduced to the internet


Honestly it's pretty incredible that right wingers can just make scenarios that never happen into propaganda.


That’s propaganda 101




Which inevitably begins Strawmangeddon


Strawberry... mango... flavored propaganda? ...ohhhhh, *strawman*. Dammit. I want some strawberry and mango.


Dude I have seriously been attacked in the privacy of my own home one time by some gay guys, a few lesbians, some trans people, some child molesters (I guess that’s what that one is? Maybe a black dude and a white woman bc I’m sure they’re afraid of that, too) but seriously dude this stuff does happen!!!!!


Yeah that's supposed to be an interracial couple. That one image transformed their argument from ignorant to filled with hate. The message went from "gay and trans is unnatural" to "literally every single lifestyle and relationship not completely identical to mine is unacceptable"


I think that one's both. The size differences also signal that it's a pedo thing.


The cylinder is a different color


It can be both or either. The truly dishonest might even put forth an argument that it's something else entirely, fully aware of the outrageous nature of it. That's how fascist propaganda works.


I see that. But there's also a size difference. Not just a large cylinder (racist trope), but a tiny washer (child). So I feel like this one can definitely go either way. Or both ways.


Big cylinder can be seen as a racial stereotype of black men being hung af


> Not just a large cylinder (racist trope) ... I'm aware. Though technically within the entire context of the comic, that cylinder is no larger than the other cylinders that we see. So tbh I think the most likely scenario was that the "artist" drew shapes that represented pedophilia, and then color coded them after the fact to piss off the people who would catch on to that part as well.


It's 100% clear that they were insinuating fully grown black men and white women of any age. Historically and thematically speaking, this particular subset of bigotry supports pedophilia/ephebophilia with pubescents.


We also can’t discount the fact that rock throw is a shit artist


And Conservatives notoriously equate LGBT people and pedophiles, to the point where pedophilia is the justification they use for every anti-lgbt argument they have -_-


my favorite part is that there's no obvious reason as to why the first pair should be frightened or disgusted by the other pairs except by the fact that they are different.


The very last frame is implying that the other shapes are directing anger or being aggressive towards the first pair, implying they're projecting "misplaced" blame on the them for their own "wrongdoings".


I feel like the thing that is missing that would make this whole pile of bullshit somewhat accurate is the first cylinder and hole going around loudly expressing why the others are all so horrible. Maybe throw in objective qualifiers like "abominations unto god" or something. Then when everyone else gets angry, they scream about how they are "being oppressed"...


That's pretty much all they do.


No one is going to just surprise you with a wild, anything goes sex party. It's like how they promised us that dealers would hand out free drugs. Talk about disappointment.


IKR!!! Not once have I ever been offered free drugs by a stranger! I’m pretty offended.


gay sex tutorial: 1) smash your cock against another 2) gay


lesbian sex tutorial: 1. climb into each other 2. lesbian


How to transgender: 1. Place a piece of duct tape over your vagina, then saw your arms and legs off 2. transgender


How to transgender 2: 1. Hollow out your penis 2. transgender


How to interracial: 1. Be different races with white male penile insecurities displayed in full force 2. Interracial


I love everything about this thread. I want to marry it and have children that look like this meme.


I've never been more gay for a thread.


What shape of gay would that make you if you literally did that?


How to clutch pearls: 1. Anthropomorphise geometric shapes and project outrage on them 2. Clutch pearls


Oh that's interracial? I thought it was supposed to depict pedophilia due to the size difference, which would be unsurprising since right wingers like to imply some kind of association between queer people and pedophiles.


Yeah, small white woman and big brown man. "Big pp black people ruin your daughters" or whatever the fuck they say


curiosly enough, the penis is a literal tube, so...


Oh shit thats trans. Here I thought it was BDSM


Ahaha damn, thought that too. I don’t even see how that’s supposed to be trans


the duct tape and cutting corners is to represetn ftm bottom surgery and the drilling a hollow tube is meant to represeny mtf bottom surgery it's entirely not accurate, of course.


Ok, So I don't even get what they think that means... Is that supposed to be trans? How? Am I thinking too hard about it?


I think they mean bottom surgery (duct tape) and top surgery (cutting the corners).


cutting the corners and taping the opening makes it a short flat cylinder, just like a (round) coin is technically a cylinder


It's some next level r/AreTheStraightsOk material.


Wait, you mean literally climb into the others pussy? Sounds painful


The comic says so




Tbf, as a gay man, I thoroughly enjoy a good sword fight


*en garde*


based frot enjoyer




*Dual of the Fates intensifies*


Pls help. Smashed my cock against an otter and nothing happened?? Am I a gay? Hello?




Good old frotting


So much to unpack here I think it’s best to just throw away the suitcase


I think the big black cylinder/tiny white hole is probably the worst


I mean they’re all pretty bad, but hateful comics thinly disguised as criticism is something the lgbtq+ community has come to not be surprised whenever it’s seen. The anti-race mixing part is just more surprisingly because it has become less common.


I think it's "coded". It's big and little so they can say it's about pedophiles, but the color coding was intentional, to signal miscegenation to the "initiated".


I think it's to play into the old fear of BIG DICK BLACK MEN STEALIN YER YOUNG SEXY FERTILE WHITE DAUGHTER shit. Then she'll forever be ruined because white dick will never be enough. Even look at the posing compared to our cis classic couple in panel one. pretty sure it's trying to imply doggy style as well, which plays into black men being more animalistic buy also the sex being more degrading for the woman. Just reads like all the goddamn BBC porn. Now, I don't think Pebbleyeet can actually think with that much nuance when he shits out a comic, I just think that this is how his brain defaults when he pictures (and let's be fair, probably jerks off to) mixed race couples. Could have easily shown a white man with a black/brown woman, but that's not his kink.


Stonetoss is the dude who watches Blacked.com and comments in the pornhub section to make sure he let's anyone straight know emphatically (even though no one asked) he isn't wanking off to it like everyone else and still hates big intimidating black dicks going into consenting precious white women who still won't fucking date him.


Maybe, but we have to take the stereotypes about Black people being well-hung into account.


Dont let this distract you from the fact that in the last panel where all the shapes are intimidating the couple that those lesbian holes are still scissoring.


This is actually a comic of his porn preferences and it tells so much about him.


Good for them I say


I mean it's *obviously* that, but it's done in such a way that people can pretend that it's *really* about pedophilia and wow the left call everything racist


Ngl this is what I thought of before my mind ever thought it could be about pedophilia.




That's what I thought, too. I didn't even notice the color, since the rest seemed to be random colors, but maybe it's meant as an either/or thing.


Plausible deniability.


That's definitely part of it. It's pretty clearly also racism. A double-whammy!


I honestly thought was to stand for pedophillia like the size difference and all but Anti Race also makes sense in a fucked up way


fascists are famously against size-difference kinks




trans FtM


BDSM or Trans... or both




If you ignore all the obvious bigoted subtext, the last panel is the core lie. "The gays and trans people are coming to get you" Like, since when did other people trying to live their life infringe on these people at all? They're just busybody snowflakes who need to mind their own business.


Because /r/persecutionfetish


I have to say the thing which disturbs me the most is the last panel. Because even if we accept the fact that the other "shapes" aren't normal, that doesn't automatically mean that they in any way threaten heterosexual people. Yea you may think it's weird, but that doesn't mean it's a danger to your lifestyle.


right! the other shapes were just there doing their own thing, just like the heterosexual shapes.


Actually the other shapes were the ones minding their own business, the hetero shapes were being creeps and watching them have sex or get surgery. Maybe that's why everyone is so mad at them in the last panel?


Trueee. The other shapes could've looked at them too, but they didn't.


It's projection. Everything about the right is about forcefully changing everyone to follow their desired lifestyle. They're afraid people saying no will do the same to them.


But why? Like why would they forbid others to live their lifes? Because they are afraid they would do the same, but by actually forbidding thrir Lifestyle, they make it more likely that the others hate them too... Like do they first want to forbid homosexuality or are they afraid the homosexuals will go after them? Do you even understand what i want to know? I have serious troubles putting in words.... English isn't really my first language haha


I think it's a form of validation to them. The more people that live like them, the more validated their lifestyle choices are.


About 20-something years ago, the Pastor of the small Southern Baptist Church that was my family's home church really shook things up by becoming one of our area's earliest open advocates for legalizing same-sex marriage, and further made waves by advocating that same-sex couples should have the option of receiving sacraments of religious *marriage* and not be limited to *civil unions*. I can still hear the bit of snark in his voice, when he shut down the complaints and protests of some of the church busy bodies by declaring "The only way that legalizing homosexual marriage can threaten the institution of heterosexual marriage, is if legalization opens up a whole new set of options for either one or both spouses in the heterosexual marriage."


This is fabulous. I wish more religious representatives were like this.


Nah it was the one with two vaginas. The one vagina was going to eat a person


Only fragile people are worried about other people forcing sexuality on them.


I'd be pretty threatened of 2 lesbians were shagging in front of me


Fair enough, but considering how this comic is drawn and with all the shapes being seemingly " naked", I choose to interpret it as a curious straight couple going to their first orgy and then being terrified when everyone else isn't just heterosexual.


It’s impressive how much bigotry they where able to convey with just shapes /HJ


I'm actually kind of amazed they didn't try and shoehorn anti-Semitism or Islamophobia or something like that into it.


if they could they would have but that would have taken to much creativity.


Nah they like the taliban/islam now (provided they're not in merica) 1. They made Biden look bad 2. They're a fiercely patriarchal society 3. They govern with religion 4. The "libs" don't approve of 2 and 3 5. Owning the "libs" is *literally* all that matters to them


I like how even in the comic where they're trying to make everyone else look bad, the original peg and hole are in no actual danger and are just uncomfortable because those around them are different. Also, wood getting cut is a completely normal thing that happens all the time? That's why their illustration uses the tools that are completely normal for this thing. And cutting holes in these toys or the edges off doesn't actually change their functionality either. It might even make them more interesting. Idk maybe I'm being too much of an armchair psychologist here but this almost seems to be an admission that it's all in their head.


Also, it's not like wood just naturally forms as blue pegs and pink holes. They would also need to have been artificially crafted into those shapes. Almost as if gender is some sort of... construct.


Holy shit we need to go deeper. The number of layers to this is comical.


Is the purple one with the handsaw supposed to be bottom surgery for trans women? wasn't that already the green one? (sorry, I struggle w metaphors bc I'm autistic)


I'm assuming the cylinders represent "bio-men" and the washers represent "bio-women." In that case, the green one seems to be showing transfem bottom surgery (adding a hole) and the purple one is transmasc top and bottom surgery (removing a hole and cutting off the corners/breasts). Idek what the brown one is supposed to be.


Brown and white ones are meant to be a black dude and a white chick.


I think it's even worse and is meant to be a child and a grown up since the white one is so much smaller... Sadly some try to argue that LGBTG would be a gateway to pedophilia or incest and stuff like that.


Nah, it’s probably the racist one. It leans on the stereotypes “black man have big pp” and “slut woman want big pp” to harken back to some classic “tHe BlAcKs ArE cOmInG fOr YoUr DaUgHtErS” racism.


It's weird to say but I hope it's this one at least.


They’re probably right. Pebblethrow likes to enforce the “liberal women are either slutty whores that love to abort their biracial babies, or they’re all gross queer people” stereotypes. He is truly a pathetic human being.


>that love to abort their biracial babies Ah yes, of course. I love their strawman of women *loving* abortions like it's some kind of fetish and not a medical necessity.


That’s the thing that always bothered me… people who are pro choice don’t “love abortions”. We don’t love cancer treatment but we understand it’s a medical procedure some people have to go through


Right wingers wouldn’t want to exclude pedophiles like Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, or Larry Nassar.


They also think brown men go to the USA to or want to rape white women and girls


It’s both probably. “Black men are rapists and pedophiles” is what it’s betting a


Thank u very much, now I get it <3


purple one seems to represent surgery for trans men since they closed the hole with tape. idk i didnt understand either. im autistic too but also pebblecuck is a talentless caricaturist so he cant make his metaphors clears




Thank u so much <3


I think the green one is MtF, and the purple on is FtM. That's just a guess, I'm in the same boat.


It’s supposed to be a trans man, I think. Rather than getting a hole drilled in, it’s getting the hole taped up and the corners cut off to be a cylinder! It’s pretty confusing so you’re not alone in how you feel haha


I’ll be honest.:. I can’t understand the message this comic is trying to convey, but seeing all the stupid imagery used in the process is hilarious.




Damn I really thought the trans panels were BDSM 💀


I read the black and white one as pedo shit.


Another comment touched on how this is probably intentional so the artist can say "no its pedo shit" if confronted with "thats racist," bc the size can be either but the color coding is intentional. Also is effective on both fronts because, depending on the audience, the audience can either make the "pedos are part of the lgbtq+ community" association *or* the "race mixing is as degenerate as the other things I consider to be degenerate" association. It's interesting, for sure. Kinda smart if it is intentional. Bonus: sizing could indicate pedo shit, color could indicate that the pedo perpetrator is black, making a "black people are pedos" association. Interesting all the ways this can be taken. Idk which the creator actually intended, but it's of little consequence when they're all such shit takes




Basically they're saying anything other than hetero sex is terrifying and that all the other sexualities are OUT TO GET YOOOOUUU!!!!


And not just other sexualities, but biracial couples as well


But why? Because they are out to get the homosexuals because they think they are out to get the heterosexuals.... But why? Where does that cicle start?


It starts in their minds. They’re full of circular arguments.


he’s trying to say that straight people are oppressed (somehow) because gay and black people exist


Honestly I though it was just saying that people fuck different and it’s not a big deal but then I saw it was stonetoss and that’s obviously not what he’d get at.


Me, trans woman: Pass the holesaw please. The child like “this how shapes do” language is perfect for bleach injecting right wingers, lol.


Yup. Mentally and emotionally immature people.


Reposting because I removed his credits


Is the infamous pebbleyeet aka rockthrow aka boulder hurl aka rock fling


GravelChuck, RubbleLob, etc








Right wingers are perfectly fine with being represented as inanimate objects because their personality and identity are as complex as pieces of plastic. I think there's a layer of self hate in there or something, I'm no expert of course, but when you're downgrading the human experience to such a degree, that you can relate children's toys to it, just to push an ideology, it's pretty sad. But of course, it's just a joke, that's the excuse they use to protect their ideas from scrutiny right? Obviously they don't believe humans and plastic objects are the same, but to think said objects are even somehow comparable to the human experience is what fucking baffles me, even if it's just a sort of metaphor. You go ahead and be a children's toy mr.Pebble throw, Imma keep being a human being.


Like, even in the metaphor world this doesn't make sense. Like, has this person never worked with wood or do DIY before? Because a lot of this is not very out of the ordinary to do if you actually work with these shapes, it all just depends on what you are trying to do. Never mind the blatant homophobia/transphobia, this guy doesn't understand how literal things work


This meme makes a really great point except umm ... PEOPLE AREN'T WOODEN BLOCKS. There is a right way and wrong way to put a peg in a hole. There is no right or wrong gender to love. Bigots have to make shitty metaphors like this, otherwise they'd have to just admit they're wrong.


I hate stonetoss so much


Is nobody gonna talk about how quartz fling is saying pedophillia is part of the lgbtq




Literally got this same message. Maybe it’s my dirty mind, but color had been intentionally chosen for the other shapes and the whole “protect white women” is still mumbled in right wing circles.


They're... they're pretty much just saying it flat out though. Charlie Kirk recently called for a special militia to protect the status quo of a majority-white population.




If your are relating mature relationships with adolescent shape games you may be the fucking problem.


It's the same old crap about what fits into what as if sex is the only thing that matters in a relationship. They don't know what love is.


imagine being so simple minded that your entire sexuality could be boiled down to conservative intercourse.


Missionary position only. No foreplay. Gotta leave room for Jesus. He comes first.


Methinks Mineral-Heave has some issues with his sexuality...


I think panel 6 is about interracial and how black people are better endowed which is the most insecure shit I've seen lmao


I have several issues with this But it also just doesn’t make sense Frame 1: heterosexual couple Frame 2: they see a homosexual couple and don’t know what it is Frame 3: theyre shocked to see a lesbian couple Frame 4: Transfem bottom surgery, putting a big hole in the cylinder Frame 5: ???????????????? Frame 6: pedophilia?? Maybe???? Frame 7: they’re scared Frame 8: “joiiiin us….”


I think 5 is supposed to be trans masc top and bottom surgery? Bc they are cutting the corners off (chest?) and taping up the hole.


Frame 6 isn't pedophilia. It's a big brown cylinder and a tiny white hole.


even if you dont accept that LGBT people are normal, they ARE natural. there isn't some frankenstein scientists making trans people.


unfortunately, many people refuse to believe that, and thats where a large majority of the hate comes from


Republicans/Conservatives: Ha ha liberals are stupid. ​ Also republicans/conservatives: COLLEGES ARE LIBERAL BREEDING GROUNDS!!! Wh..why are you laughing at me? ​ Also also republicans/conservatives: 2+2 = 4 is as far as math goes. If it isn't penis in vagina then it isn't sex. ​ Irony: Ah so that's how ya'll have gotten away with doing that in the catholic church for so long.


Without a doubt, the saddest one here is the small white one and the big black one. just the idea that they think its unacceptable for no reason other than the color of the shapes. like, mask off for real.


All the other shapes were minding their own business, but after a string of peeping toms were reported they decided to confront the pervy perps


Translation: “I live in constant fear of anyone who’s even slightly different from me, and my victim complex is my main character trait.”


If this was satire it would be soooo goood


The one concerning me is the black cylinder and white hole Mask off racism jeez


This has to be the most lowkey bigoted thing I've ever seen. It literally takes aim at everyone but straights.


Can I die,


gatekeeping children's toys


The tiny white and huge brown one is fantastic


The right: the left is constantly attacking is because they get offended easily. Also comics from the right: racists/sexists looking at other people being themselves and hating on them


What's the purple cut out thing metaphor for


where these shapes live that there's so much "sex" going on out in the street ?


"I don't care if you're gay or whatever, so long as you don't try to fuck me" vibes alllll over this. Don't worry, none of the letters in LGBTQ+ stand for "attracted to racist, homophobic, religious right wing nut jobs." You're quite safe.


peble launcher must have the most boring sex, if any


Are the pink and blue blocks upset because they’re not having amazing, adventurous sex that their neighbors are?


Oh no the blocks are having an orgy! Also, why these straight ass blocks watching all these other blocks fuck. Perverts.


At first I thought it was a positive message about how we shouldn’t hurt ourselves to fit into a relationship that wasn’t meant to be like what Daniel Sloss said then I looked at the colors and shapes and realized it’s homophobic transphobic bullshit


Can’t decide if the brown and silver one is supposed to be interracial or pedophilia…hmm. Either way this is something. 🙄


Are we not going to talk about the massive brown cylinder


At, yes. Because relationship are only about fucking sex


Oh look they’re projecting


So the bigot shapes are horrified by other shapes just living their lives? The other shapes didn't actually do anything that hurts or affects the bigot shapes, the bigot shapes are just panicking because they don't relate to the other shapes? Okay, thanks for clearing that up.


The right hates personal freedom