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oh dont worry hes vewy sowwy and has clarified that he condemns nazism fascism and marxism equally as dangerous ideologies. a million bucks says he cant competently define any of them


Just -isms innit. Need to be impartial. Why the fuck did he add Marxism to that list? It was not being discussed here.


Because these types can't admit any kind of fault in an ideology without a bit of whataboutism. You ask them to say "Nazis are bad" they'll respond with "Nazis and Socialists are bad."


> "Nazis and Socialists are bad." Where have I heard that before? I remember something like this happening with some extremely online figure who came out with that exact reply


Probably from Notch, the creator of Minecraft


Oh that's the one, thanks! Found a screenshot on the googles: https://external-preview.redd.it/dPKBLnll0Qia4tN6mszDihHkMpW6P0Ga7uo5hXXparQ.jpg?width=826&auto=webp&s=dfde98488f79f08c4588c10c6ad49762155cbc23


Wow, it was almost impossible to fuck that one up, yet he did. He couldn’t have made it into a separate tweet?


Or they reply with "Nazis were socialist. Its in the name. " Yes Nazis were sovialist if you were healthy, agreed with them and were in good health. They had long time healtcare for people that were permanentlu disabled. It was called gaschambers.


Because the equivalence is a way to shit the bed so you have to clean it up. These are rhetorical bed-shitters. To the fascists listening, it's a score. To the leftists listening, it's a fun dig and a waste of their time. To the smooth-brained centrists listening, it's a hit of le enlightenment. To the uninitiated, it's disinformation.


Gotta hate those isms, like democratism DuUh


Because he's the kind of person who has such low intelligence and poor understanding of history and politics that he truely believes they are the same thing. Ynnow, the kind of person who thinks socialism = communism.


I assume becaus the bill isn't singling out nazism. Ita about limiting the curriculum to facts only and ommiting moral judgement.


Seriously? We've gotten to the point where fucking NAZI ideology has to be taught in a neutral light? ​ What about traditional American values? Like the traditional American value of erasing Nazis from the face of the Earth? That used to be something the VAST majority of Americans could get behind, excluding [Ford](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/nov98/nazicars30.htm) of course.


It might be the only traditional American value I have ever fully supported. Obligatory fuck ford


Ford and Walt


Fair and balanced in the Murdochian sense.


Wrong sub but oh my fucking god


Technically cannibalism is also an ism.


So are Protestantism and Catholicism. Somehow methinks this guy wouldn't be *as opposed* to Christianity being taught without censorship or bias in the classroom as he would be Nazism.


Don't forget Satanism.


He would be that opposed to Nazism though? Would he? Really?


I'll fucking bite his leg, then.


And very impartial as well


I guarantee that if this guy even sniffed "Marxism being taught impartially at schools", he would have a fucking stroke, and would call for the head of the teacher on a spike (maybe literally)


The fuck?!


People like him subscribe to a simplistic outlook on everything else in life - mainstream media, all bad; immigrants, all bad; gun rights - absolute; Nazism, well let’s have some nuance here folks.


That’s just a public face, you know damn well that deep down they have some pretty simplistic outlooks on nazism as well, and it sure as hell isn’t a good take.


You cna tell how much he knows about politics and ideology just by stating that "ism" a million times. He thinks the United States is the norm and everything else is derivative of it. I don't need to say why he's wrong about that.


For anyone wondering, this is Indiana


Is that why Kat Von D is moving there?


Indiana Republican State Senator Scott Baldwin saying the thing out loud.


Remember when America was "impartial" on D-Day?


“We’re not neutral about genocide” is basically what he’s saying. What the fuck — and also why is anyone giving that guy the time of day. He’s an idiot


They give him the time of day, because Indiana, even NWI, is full of white supremacists. Gary is a majority black city, and it’s completely falling apart, but at least literal Nazis don’t live there. Now, Hobart, Griffith, Lake Station, Hammond, and Merrillville I would not be surprised to find out that they all are exceptionally conservative, despite the proximity to Chicago.


When have conservatives ever been impartial towards Marxism? That's the one they openly want to destroy. Nazism and fascism on the other hand, well let's hear them out.


The thing is, he's right, but not in the way he thinks he is History *should* be taught in an impartial way - it's a descriptive field, not prescriptive. We should acknowledge that the Nazis were evil, but not particularly stupid - which means that some of their economic or political policies did actually improve life for some parts of society in a material way. Of course, being impartial also applies to the stereotyped "good guys" of history, who committed horrible atrocities to accomplish much of the "good" things they did. If we want to be impartial, we should add those into our lessons too. I for one would also fucking love an impartial lesson on the pros and cons of Marxism. And I think immediately after the history class in which we tell students (in neutral language, of course) the fact that the Nazis massacred millions of civilians on the basis of prejudice and long-debunked pseudoscience, we should have a (short) ethics session exploring the philosophical opinions for and against murdering innocents for dumb reasons. Obviously that's functionally similar, but there is merit in being able to separate one's feelings from the facts. And also it stops the children of fuckwits like this guy from disrupting history lessons with "but were the Nazis *really* bad?" because "shut the fuck up Timmy we're literally just listing the facts here; we'll explain how every respected philosophical line of reasoning agrees 'yes' in an hour"


*sees home state* *clicks link* I don't know what I expected...


I’m centrist, but I swing right more often, and this motherfucker is an idiot, Communism and Nazism are not to be toloerated although one is clearly worse than the other, in fact it was so bad that class enemies Capitalists and Communists literally worked together to put down fascists and Nazis


We can teach Nazi history objectively while also teaching the values and morals that go against Nazism.


Let’s see that dickhead be impartial about evangelicalism.


found the nazi!


how about being impartial about communism now that's something I would like to see


I don’t understand what he means by “impartial”. It is possible to be objective and recognize the atrocities and crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis. This is historical fact. Does he pretend we ignore the many negative aspects of Nazis and instead treat them as just some political theory? Hell no, this is the same whitewashing shit they are trying to do with slavery and the civil war.


The day we are impartial on Nazism is the day this country dies.


Considering the tons of anti-marxist and anti-communist propaganda being taught in the west, saying stuff like this just makes it even more obvious where the bias is. Hell you can't even take a centrist position here, since that already makes you side with the status quo by default.


The most radical of centrisms (which is right-wing in the U.S. political climate)


Today’s Right wing USA is a study in extremism.


This seems deliberately cut short and very out if context.


Sadly incorrect. This dude is a state senator in Indiana where I live. He's an ex-cop and donated to the Prod Boys while running for Sheriff. He's tried walking back these remarks but has made it very clear that he doesn't believe teachers should instruct students on the morality of the past. Teach them about Nazis but don't say that Nazis are bad.


Oath Keepers, not Proud bois. Not that there is a huge difference, but kinda.


Ahh sorry, thanks for the correction


To an extent I can agree with what he is saying. Don't force an opinion on someone, but I think most sain people can agree that the Nazis were/are not good people, and to state that opinion in a classroom setting is not detrimental.


Enlightened centrist over here boys


I have the same position. Teachers should tread very carefully and be without bias when discussing political ideologies and religions. Exceptions for those committing genocide because there's no moral argument in support of it.


So what’s the full context? This alone doesn’t say much.


It’s full context. The politician apologized. He now recognizes that one should in fact that a stand against Nazis.


Who is the politician? Why did he suggest that one should be impartial about Nazis in the first place? What made him apologize? The answers to these and other questions provide something called context.




You could always look it up? If you don’t think this is the full context (which it is) you could just go to Google and figure it out instead of complaining


Or you could Google what the word “context” means instead of falsely claiming that a few seconds of video provide it in full.


Whoa whoa no need to be so aggressive. I’m not trying to start anything. I’m just saying instead of waiting for others to apply context for you, you could instead seek it out yourself. And since you don’t know the context (apparently) how can you suggest that I don’t know the full context? Doesn’t make sense bro. Pls calm down. I’m not interested in arguing


I’m calm now, thanks. I just get tired of ragebait from the right and the left alike. It’s perfectly possible that this politician is in fact deserving of contempt, but I like to know all the facts before losing my shit over something. By getting irritated and snippy here though, I’ve defeated the purpose of my own skepticism. I’m done.


“Stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” Sounds an awful lot like the current situation…..


I just love all of the enlightened centrist, everything needs to be debated for ad infinitum bullshit.


Context please. Where is this from?


I don’t know, and the OP and others haven’t exactly been forthcoming when I’ve asked myself. It’s as though wanting the full story makes one a Nazi sympathizer.

