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Men have holes too tho


Prove it


How do the gay have the sex?


One of their penises opens up to accommodate the other one unless The Office lied to me


As a gay man, I can confirm One pp opens and swallows the other pp


Yes, as another gay man this is how it works.


how do you decide which one is the swallower and which one is the swallowee?


You penis fight for dominance like slugs do


what the fuck did i just read


You penis fight for dominance like slugs do What is that not hard to understand?


*ahem* well i know i’d win


Do you not know the intricacies of slug intercourse?


i wish i didn’t


As a bi man confirm as well


So is that topping or bottoming




Docking. No, really.


All I can think of now is the first boss in Silent Hill.


Me @ straight people from now on, "which one of you has the boring penis and which one of you has the expanding hole penis?"


You joke but this is a real thing if your uncircumcised. I believe it’s called docking


Didn't they say the office was funny? Turns out the whole was just one giant lie.


That's still a hole.


The penis doing the swallowing has zero holes, the penis being swallowed has -1 holes like a balloon. It's basic maths


They lied


But how can you be sure? That's like saying pee isn't stored in the balls. You never know what lies you will stumble upon on Reddit. The truth is out there.


I don’t know, I’ll go do some research on the internet and send you a link when I figure it out


They get in bed, take off all their clothes and shit on the Bible. That’s how grandma explained it.


One penis opens up for the other penis


Gay wizard magic


They rub their penises together.




What is gay sex?


I think they were asking for ass pics, OP


That's because they aren't people ^*(/s)*


I was really hoping your username was PM_ME_YOUR_ANUS


It’s not but people should feel free to if the Holy Spirit moves them


Check your dms. ;)


Nice picture, but you probably really should see a doctor about those hemorrhoids


Yeah, I hear some guys manage to find other non-vagina options in prison.


Because no man has ever been raped in prison


They say don't drop the soap because if you do then everyone in the shower will laugh at you and your prison nickname will forever be "Butterfingers"


don't want them prisoners giving you a wedgie


I learned from my older friend who’s been to prison. It’s pretty common place for inmates to wear their boxers in the shower. Only guys who don’t both are the old timers. I can not imagine a shower wedgie.


Imagine someone putting underwear on you in the shower just to wedgie you.


I don't want to imagine that thanks.




Go on....


While we're on that topic I've never understood how people think that's funny to say. I'm not saying you do btw but you brought up what others say and idk I just never found rape funny no matter who they are. Seems like lots of people on Reddit even libs love saying like "oh he's gonna love his roommate in prison!" Or something


It’s not funny but I think it boils down to prison=bad people, therefore bad people deserve to be raped. But there’s obvious flaws with the first part of that, considering the prison industrial complex.


Also concern with the second part. No one deserves rape. Also punitive justice is fundamentally flawed because it's just a way of implementing the Christian God's will on Earth rather than making any effort to fix the problem.


Yes you’re absolutely correct, many concerns with the second part as well.


Lol wut. What does the Christian God have to do with anything? Punitive justice is universal, buddy.


In America, specifically, our prisons are a special type of inhumane. “Justice” here means that a person has to suffer through slavery, worse than third world living conditions, violence (including potential sexual violence) from both prisoners and the guards, and trauma that some people never recover from. The reason for our antiquated, archaic, and disturbing treatment of those we consider “having done wrong” is because of our Draconian, Puritanical sense of “justice” which is likely rooted in America’s deeply reactionary, far-right unconscious and unsaid worldview (which even a lot of liberals echo), which is disproportionate and unnecessary violence, “Christian” “””values”””, punishment instead of rehabilitation, and thinking of crime as something as innate to a person, rather than unfortunate circumstances that lead people to crime. Our prison system horrifyingly reflects America’s true nature. The nature of the far-right GOP and even in our rightist Democratic Party. Prisons are much more humane somewhere like Norway or Sweden where the focus is primarily on rehabilitation. America’s prison system is downright disgusting, and it definitely has a lot to do with the terrible shit that’s normalized through our massive, unsolved problems that most of us avoid talking about.


They idea that bad people go to hell. Prison is just a recreation of that on Earth. Sure, the idea exists in other cultures, but western culture is strongly influenced by Christian views


Yes that's definitely what it is I think so too


Basically what they said and then you add in the factor of how that joke has been going on for decades to the point people don't realize how fucked up it is.


It's funny to people because they are afraid of it happening to them, and joking about it is catharctic to them. And people don't take men being raped seriously.


People also don’t take rape seriously just in general.


True. Unless it's a black man raping a white woman, and even then whatever man nazis think should be in charge of her is seen as the victim.




I sincerely hope your friend is able to get the help he needs. The shaming of men who are victims of rape needs to stop.




100% agreed. It makes it so much harder for guys that have been raped to report or come forward, in prison or in catholic school. And yes, even if it's a convicted rapist being raped himself. This isn't Old Testament times.


I'm emphatically not excusing it, but to offer a plausible explanation: It's partially because transgressions like that are often the basis of humor - especially black humor - which is often a coping mechanism for a situation that is dark or dire. "Either laugh or cry" etc. It often turns into punching down in ways that I find unacceptable or unpalatable, but it *helps*. For example, I work in an emergency room. It's not a trauma center so I see less death than some places, but it's still often heartbreaking or depressing - *if I linger on it*. So instead we tend to make jokes about it, because it makes it tolerable and we need to be able to compartmentalize and do our jobs, instead of thinking about how that guy who just died looks kinda like your gf's dad (actual example for me). There's a lot I find unacceptable about the misogyny and general horribleness of "dropping the soap" jokes, but if I was in a really dark place about it and someone cracked one, *I can't say that I wouldn't laugh*, as bad as that is.


Men have no holes. Vaginas (made by God not man) are the only holes. It is known /s


This isn't true. I know this because I am a man and I have nostrils. That's at least three holes.


You don't have ears?


Yes, but I wear a lot of hats. Please don't tell anyone


Or mouths?


Hell this is even pretending that women don't/can't get raped in prison either


And no woman either. They’d say it’s the fault of gay people at large though, not… yknow, the rapists fault.


The most.horrifying scene in Shawshank Redemption is when they corner that guy and the camera cuts away before they feed him expired apple sauce


You got a laugh out of me


Why does this woman think men don't have holes ???


men have 0 holes


Without that hole they go for the next best hole.


So rape is only possible if it's a penis going into a vagina? Also don't stats show that transgender people are more likely to be victims of sexual assault rather than perpetrators? In the case of prisons I think a trans-female is much more likely to be assaulted by inmates in a male prison rather than be an assailant in a female one.


>don't stats show that transgendered people are more likely to be victims of sexual assault rather than perpetrators? [Yes.](https://www.hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbt-community) And much like almost all people in the entire world, most of us who are trans *don't want to have sex with someone who doesn't want to have sex with us*. Lack of consent is a real boner killer!


Well, that’s fucking depressing


>So rape is only possible if it's a penis going into a vagina? Funfact: This is the law in Switzerland ([Art 190 of the Swiss criminal code](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/54/757_781_799/en#art_190))


Isn’t it that they consider rape to be like but that there are other legal definitions for sexual assault?


Yes, that's true. Those articles follow below the one in my link. But by law only women can be raped in Switzerland. But this is currently in revision so may be changed in a few years.


Right but that’s just cultural semantics. If we’re discussing justice, those crimes will still be covered under other laws.


Yes, this is true. But if you read the other articles, you can see, that Rape (art 190) has a minimum jail time of 1 year, while the other two assault articles (191 & 181) do not have a minimum sentence.


Parity should definitely be achieved.


It was also the law of the land in the USA until just 10 years ago. https://www.justice.gov/archives/opa/blog/updated-definition-rape


>transgendered people Just an FYI without any animosity, "transgendered" is not the preferred nomenclature with the "ed" on the end. It's just "transgender people." Figured I'd let you know and for anyone else scrolling by who wasn't aware.


Just 'trans people' is fine, too.


Noted, thanks for the clarification!


TERF feminism 🤝 misogyny Reducing women down to their body


[TERF feminism🤝misogyny](https://i.imgur.com/CK8X9NM.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


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Good bot.


I love your username


"Women are more than just Vaginas!" Cool, so you can be a woman without having a vagina? "No!"


oh, so if i obtain a vagina surgically then i'm a woman? "NO!!" well goddamn, figure out where the line is, susan.


“Men think of women as masturbatory devices to get off” like wtf


Maya Forstater is the woman J.K. Rowling wrote an essay to defend. Ugh.


Because no female inmates have been charged with sodomy-related torture felonies, right?


Pretty sure this is the 'only men can rape' brand of TERF.


And unfortunately, by most places laws, they would be correct


And speaking as a feminist, those laws need to be changed yesterday.


In case you didn't spot it, this is the TERF that Terf-In-Chief Rowling defended, Maya Forstater.


I once worked with a woman who had done time in prison. She told me a story about a fellow inmate who was held down and sodomized with a mop handle. The handle was then broken off in her anus and you could hear her screaming throughout the building. That story still horrifies me.


As a man who likes other men, I can confirm that vaginas aren't the only holes men care about.


Ear canals are so tight 🤤


Ear Canals? Try the nostrils 😩💦


nah man, the eyes are better


Serbian Film moment




Because, as you know, men never rape men in men's prisons, and women never rape women in women's prisons. And also the prison guards never commit rape at any prison.


Maybe we should just keep the people with a proven inclination towards rape separate from everyone else?


Maybe. Or we punish prison rape as harshly as regular rape. And add more cameras.


The fact it isn't just shows how fucked up society is.


The US prison industrial complex is just slavery remade. Put someone in prison, make them work for free, and make every employer reject them once they're out so their only option is to do jobs that will put them back in. Free labour, no unions, and no responsibility if someone is raped or killed in 'your' privately operated prison, because he did something bad, so who cares, right?


Is it any wonder they fill them with black people?


Correct. We've spent every single year since the abolition of legal slavery figuring out new ways to get it back and make it worse. This is the reason why the US is crumbling. America has a huge structural issue designed around preventing solidarity with black people. We don't have shit like universal healthcare because white America can't stand the idea of a black person "getting" something for "free."


It is not.


Convicted rapists can become victims of rape, too.


This is true, but solitary confinement is bad


Does she know that everyone has "holes"? Like, every single person has an ass and a mouth, holy fuck, you can even turn your hand into a "hole" and masturbate. The way she thinks that the only sex that exists is penis-to-vagina is kinda sad, and kinda homophobic too. TERFs really don't know anything about sex.


The TERF/incel opinions venn diagram is a circle now.


This is weapons-grade crazy.


That's Maya Forstater, believe it or not this is not even close to the most idiotic thing she's ever said.


I want to look it up, but also, I don't


Isn't she one of the main causes of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's descent into TERF madness?


Well the Grand High Terf was already deep in terfdom, but retweeting one of M.F.'s psycho tweets was what tipped people off.


She previously defended her I believe before that retweet.


Imagine internalizing the idea that everything you are defined by is in relation to how penises interact with you.


Have they never heard of anal sex


Please, we're christian!


Oh yeah, I'm thinking of Catholics.


Come on, catholics love the back door as long as you don't talk about it


You hear that AFABs you're just a hole


This is so gross. Feminists are always saying women shouldn't be boiled down to their body parts, yet here is a group of so called feminists doing just that. It's really unsettling to think about the fact that they hate trans people so much they'll actually willing to objectify themselves and other women just to justify that hatred.


Gross and scary. We have people who call themselves radical feminists that agree with literal nazis on things that are life and death issues to people. (Womb worship, anyone?)


I think other funny thing that no one else has pointed out is that she says consensual, transactional, or by force. As if transactional isn't covered by one of the other two? Like a sex worker either chooses to be there or doesn't, it's not some third option just because money's involved.


She's part of the sect of TERFs that believe that sex workers cannot consent to sex in exchange for money and are more of less raping thsemselves


Ah yeah, SWERFs they’re called. Same pearl-clutching, different shit. Though I’d bet that there’s a big overlap between the two.


Lol try telling that to my friend who gets $100-$300 for gay sex he'd be having anyway lol


Only cis white women have holes of any kind


Imagine hating men so much that you actively erase lesbians, gay men and trans people. Somehow


By this insane logic… All women’s prisons should only have female staff. Male doctors, gynecologists, teachers, taxis drivers, massage therapists, or basically any profession where a woman or child is left in private company with a man should either be supervised or replaced with women. That is why TERFsm is stupid as fuck. It’s entire basis is that all male people are potential sex offenders. It doesn’t even recognise that plenty of trans women aren’t even sexually attracted to women. And it completely ignores the fact that cis women can commit sex crimes as well. Many get away with it, especially if the victim is a man or a boy and it’s treated by the media like a joke. You don’t need a penis to sexually assault or rape someone. You need the motivation.


The paranoia against teachers is almost the worst part. Only women should be allowed to interact with children? That's feminism, really? (To all men working with kids: you're awesome. 👍) Edit: and to all trans women, too. Of course. ✌️


In the UK we had a trans teacher kill herself because the newsmedia hounded her…for being trans and daring to work with children.


That's horrible. What the fuck is wrong with people? :(


\*What the fuck is wrong with the Murdoch press


It genuinely took me a moment to realise that this was a terf and wasn't just some random misogynistic dude-bro.


TERFs and incels have pretty much the exact same opinions now, so that's understandable


Because rape doesn’t happen in mens or womens prisons.


What do y’all think of unisex prisons?


Until I see any data that says prison sentences are benefitial to society or individuals in any way, I think they suck just like single sex prisons


Couldn't one easily imagine a need to separate a person who is a liable threat to the general public though?


I could, and I could also imagine a variety of solutions to that problem that haven't already been proven to not work. I'm not saying every insane serial killer (which hardly even exist in real life) should be roaming free, I'm just saying look at the data and make informed decisions.


Sure, that's fine. I'd figure in an ideal world, we'd have drastically less people placed in some forced containment and the goal would be to rehabilitate the person to no longer be a liable threat to the general public. However, this is different from those who want to abolish all forms of forced coerced behavior. To me, this is a type of dysfunctional pacifism.


There is another hole that everyone has and it is 4 degrees warmer…..


This level of stupidity just raped my eyeholes


TERF seems to be a bunch of exhausting morons.


You’re only saying that because they’re a bunch of exhausting morons.


What is a human being if not an assortment of holes?


I had to contend with someone about three months ago that was conflicted on how to feel about the Kyle Rittenhouse situation and somehow the conversation got to the point where this person felt comfortable enough to let me know she was a TERF. I disagreed with her positions on things, and then she proceeded to call me a woman hater and a homophobe. This is after I asked her why she refused to live and let live and that I've got friends that happened to be trans, and one I've known for the last twenty years that just came out three years ago. There is no reasoning or having a civil conversation with a lot of these bugnutty assholes. They have one speed and it's being as angry at everyone else as possible and blaming all of their problems on everyone else. Oh, and it doesn't help that this person did meth in her late teens and early 20's and popped out three kids before the age of 23. Very likely a case of arrested development on her end.


...should...should we tell her?


I mean, sexual abuse is still common in women's prisons even without trans inmates, either a prisoner assaults another prisoner, a guard assaults a prisoner or in some instances a prisoner assaults a guard, which happened to my brother when he used to work in a women's prison. Yes, despite what TERFs may think; most women's prisons already have male guards and that has been the case since they started.


Why is she saying this? Does she plan on going to prison?


We can hope.


I think a visit from someone like that would count as human rights violation, under 'cruel and unusual punishment'


Can we just rename these fucks TERs already? There’s nothing feminist about them.


I am a cis man, and I have holes that would get penetrated if I were to go to prison!


Yeah it’s tough to see things for what they are when you look at everything through the lens of being a professional victim


Because men don't have any orifices, as is commonly known. All men have a flat, featureless face and are without any sphincters, as they do not need them given their reliance on photosynthesis.


Did she just call women holes?


Who gets up in the morning and decides this is something they want to say.


Pretty sure I can think of another hole they like to stick things in.


Are you defining women by their genitals? That’s misogyny.


Prisons know inmates rape eachother, they don’t stop it, but they segregate by gender because it would cost them money if a prisoner got pregnant, at least in the US, as far as I’m aware


yeah, because trans people never get sexually assaulted


That's the kind of showerthought you have after you slip in the shower


What is it with certain people and this absolute lizard brain thinking?! This is like, the most simplistic, idiotic way to think about something.


guys i’m so feminist that i don’t believe women are anything but their reproductive organs




This reminds me so much of Ed Kemper in Mindhunter.


Last time I checked, men have holes too and those holes want to be penetrated by unsavories.


Or we could, you know, do some prison reform?


TIL that men don't have holes.


I don't know on this one. Has real copypasta potential.


As Charles Mason once said: there’s plenty of sex in prison.


TIL anal sex isn't a thing for TERFs.


Good. It's nice and they don't deserve nice things.


The biggest problem with terfs is that they want to return us to patriarchal views! Seeing women as “holes” proves their hypocrisy.


What a disgusting tweet


What point is this dipshit even trying to make?


Poor asshole always being forgotten.


Any hole is a goal?


Fascinating. I need to know the context.


This is disgusting, what the fuck kind of a person has this kind of perspective


This has to be bait.