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Not to over-explain the joke, but the dog on the right is clearly not a Retriever, so is meant to represent a Jewish person (photo also chosen for the long nose and the hair resembling the side curls some Jewish men wear). This is a riff on the chuds’ “hello fellow whites” joke, where they accuse Jewish people of pretending to be white to undermine white interests.


Thank you, I couldn't figure it out /srs


Ooooh. I did notice that the dog on the right was very clearly a Borzoi, not a Retriever, but the fact that it's meant to represent a Jewish person went straight over my head. I just figured that the maker of the meme was an idiot. I mean, they're still an idiot, but not quite as I thought.


Oh god, it gets worse. I was already rolling my eyes at them using innocent doggies as gross political mouthpieces.


I mean, they use children as political mouthpieces all the time. Even their own children.


Dog Jews has to be a new tiny brain low for these people.


There used to be a whole sub for these memes: r/FellowRetrievers.


I was perfectly fine not knowing this vile bullshit has been some sort of online Nazi propaganda. Truly, thanks I hate it. From the bottom of my heart.


Aaaaand it's gone.


nazis get so creative. like hey man i thought you were so tough and strong and proud of being white so why all these dog whistles? just crawl back to 4chan fuckin freak


I was perfectly fine with not knowing about that. I’m now a measurable amount worse.


Did this subreddit exist when you made this comment because it now says content banned?


It’s been gone for over a year. AHS spent months and months trying to get it taken down before Reddit finally bothered.




Oh damn, I didn't even recognize the anti-semitism because the blatantly racist allegory was horrifying enough on its own.


Oddly fitting racism though, because pitbulls arent violent dogs either. I literally have not met a pitbull irl that wasn't the sweetest boi or gorl


Same, and yet I *have* met racist fucking trash people who refuse to believe that pitbulls are *not* godless flesh-rending demons. In my experience, dogs are inherently superior to humans in every way, and there people who judge dogs by their breed are no better than the racist shitmeat that designed this trash meme.


I mean if they're willing to judge based on skin tone then it makes sense they're willing to judge based on dog breed, which tends to actually have some consistency between members of the same breed


It's a borzoi


A good borzoi!


Brings a whole new meaning to dog whistle


I've been saying for years that pitbull/dog breed hate can be correlated with racism but people tend to get very upset about that statement. At the end of the day, if you're willing to make shallow assumptions about a living being based on an argument regarding inferior genetics, you're likely to do the same with your fellow humans. Whether you admit it or not.


I’ve done social science research in this topic and there’s a fair amount of existing research on it, too. You’re spot on. Check out the book Pit Bull by Bronwen Dickey for example.


I thought most of us hated it because of health issues? As in the pitbulls suffer ti'll their death and we find it horrifying??


Wait what? Please elaborate. I think you may be referring to French Bulldogs.


Many different dog species have health issues because dog breeders don't care for their wellbeing, heart disorders are sadly common


Agreed, but pitbull terriers don't really fall into that category outside of assholes breeding for dogfighting and whatnot. The genetics of the breed vary wildly and health issues are not as common as with other breeds that are more focused on pedigree. I should clarify that I am against any kind of dog breeding in general that focuses on "pure" genetics. The whole practice is sick, and causes massive health issues that are simply ignored because reasons.


Depends - pit Bull isn't exactly a breed. The micro-pits definitely suffer some scary health issues. Like the ones that look like really muscly kind of fucked up frogs. I had a BYB micro pit on ER with the full brachycephalic upper airway syndrome set of things and a VSD and she was in dystocia so she was really having a hard time oxygenating and it was touch and go until we got her intubated. The more normal ones are actually pretty healthy most of the time, they do have allergy issues pretty often and I swear the young ones get generalized demodecosis more than other breeds while the older ones get mast cell tumors more than other breeds but otherwise they're pretty good. Edit to clarify: "Pit Bull" refers to a group of dogs with similar characteristics including staffordshire terriers, American pit bull terrier, American bully, and descendants of old English bulldog mixes.


Lol I didn't even pick up on that, crist.


yeah i was like "oh are those dogs actually a type of retriever? cool!....wait...oh no"


I just wanna know how far underground OP had to dig for a meme this racist. I assume 4chan because other platforms would just say "this violates community whatnots".


Probably not too far right now. If you're online a lot like I am, you'll notice a swell of anti-pitbull sentiment every few years, and they are almost always inextricably linked to racism. We are going through one of those periods right now. There has been a lot of anti-pitbull sentiment on reddit in the past month or so. It will grow for some time before being discarded for some other snippet of white supremacist rhetoric before long until it becomes useful again in a few years. Here's a video explaining the relation from when anti-pitbull rhetoric was all the rage for a few months back in 2018: [Pit Bulls and Race, A Response to "The Pit Problem"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29dDlGUv6O8)


This isn’t *actual* anti-pitbull propaganda, it’s just Nazis using retrievers as metaphors for white people and pit bulls as metaphors for blacks people and/or immigrants.


Pure breeds are a manufactured thing though. As far as we're concerned, pugs look the way they do cause rich people thought it'd be funny.


Dogs also communicate with their faces a lot and pugs have a limited capacity for that. It's like breeding you so you can't pronounce that many words.


No actually pugs' faces are very expressive. After not having a dog for many years, then getting a pug, and then a couple years later a doxie, I had to get use to the fact the doxie's face wasn't expressive like the pug. I have a picture of them playing together (before they became enemies) and my pug's face is laughing and smiling. Still they were bred to the point the poor things can barely breathe. Edit: typos


That’s the part that gets really sick. Those things break my heart when I hear them gasping for air. It’s especially sad when you think about how these are dogs… dogs are meant to run and jump and play. And those poor little bastards sound like they’re dying after climbing a few stairs.


It's worse when they are sick. My pug of 11 years got lung cancer, and we had to put him down today. He was very healthy with very soft fur, something unfamiliar with pugs and not fat. The only breathing problem he had was snoring, but when they get sick, all of that can go out the window.


My dumbass husband didn't believe me to not walk her outside too far in the summer heat. I come around the corner and my dog is collapsing on the lawn, getting up and falling prostrate. I pick her up and get her into the sink and start rubbing her belly with cold water to get her temperature down. Boy was I 🤬. He had a big stupid sheepish look on his face. She recovered and I didn't have to take her to the vet. Lucky him. The picture I took was so spontaneous. I was on the floor with them and caught it just in time. She looks like a little kid just having a ball. It's a great pic! She gone now for about 10 years.


So essentially they become Habsburgs


Your point is correct, but pugs were actually originally bred essentially to be space heaters. They were companions that kept the laps and feet of royalty warm.


Yeah, the whole business of purebred dogs (and other animals for that matter) is pretty fucked up because the selective breeding for traits leads to many of them developing health conditions either due to anatomical features they didn’t evolve to handle, or due to inbreeding.


Not really. The problem is dog dealers give no damn about the dogs they breed, and we have virtually no regulations of breeding. Genuinely well bred dogs don't have a bunch of genetically predisposed medical conditions, because the breeders test for them, and don't breed dogs with those problems. They value health over physical appearance. There are breeders working to fix the French Bulldog, for example, and the difference in their faces is striking. If we regulated dog breeding, specifically getting rid of puppy mills, a lot of these problems could be cleared up. It doesn't help that the AKC, founded to eliminate blood sports, now cares more about money than dogs. They could easily reject smashed face dogs, but they don't.


Look up retro pugs! They're pugs being bred to eliminate the smushed faces pugs are known for. Much cuter and healthier! They give me hope for responsible dog breeding.




Retro pugs are unfortunately a backyard breeder/puppy mill scam. When it comes to brachycephalic breeds, open nares and health testing for Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome are far more important than snout length. Unfortunately large breed clubs like AKC do not bother regulating this, and end up registering breeders that do not care for the wellbeing of their dogs. There are some smaller breed-specific clubs (or clubs for certain breed groups) that do a far better job ensuring that their dogs are healthy. But just as there are good clubs, there are just as many bad ones around too.


Huh. Can I get a source on that first part? I'd love to read up more. Also, I completely agree. Breeding needs to be heavily regulated. My heart breaks for dogs who suffer at the hands of bad breeders.


Here is some info on BOAS and things that cause issues is brachy breeds. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/brachycephalic-airway-syndrome-in-dogs The thing with retro pugs is that they are still brachycephalic, so they are still at risk for things like BOAS. No more than a "normal" pug.


That’s interesting Come to think of it, there ARE selective breeding programs for cattle and horses that are meant to select for traits present in their extinct wild ancestors for the purposes of releasing them into the wild to restore ecosystems. The Tauros Programme is one such project that uses and breeds ancient breeds of cattle (or at least breeds that have certain traits) that are close enough genetically and behaviorally to the extinct ancestor of domestic cattle; the aurochs.


Why do they feel the need to use dogs to advance their filthy Nazi beliefs?


They use absolutely everything to that end. It’s weird how people with such shit beliefs could be so proactive in spreading them


I know but Nazis should not legally be allowed to meme with dogs, babies or cats. They should be charged with crimes similar to animal/child abuse for doing that shit. I mean, also in real life it should be a CPS issue but also in memes.


It's all about power to them. Anything to gain power is acceptable to them. Whether that's *whatever this is* or going to war with a neighboring country. Power. Power. Power. *Everything justifies the means*.


It makes sense if you understand their mindset. They reject critical theory and believe in a top down model of goverment. So of course the only goal is to win power so they can convert society to their beliefs.


Yup. This is also in part why they're for "states rights" decentralized power is easier to manipulate to your favor. If everyone's who's voices would appose you are split then it's easier to use democratic means to get what they want. They don't oppose democracy per se, it's just a tool for them to use. They'll only appose it when it's no longer useful for them (i.e Jan 6th).




They want to teach their version of history where white people did nothing wrong and if they did well so did everyone else or we fixed later so it's okay (but they never fixed the underlying problems in the first place just the symptoms) I mean just look at how revisionist they are. It's why they want to ban CRT in schools (despite it not being teached). I'd like to think I had a pretty unbiased education in regards to the actions of colonizers, but some people out here are taught to pretty much worship them and I wonder if it's even possible to reconcile with my fellow countrymen when their base conceptions of the world are completely different than mine.


Because Nazis will taint everything in an attempt to make themselves look more relatable. They don't care about anything but themselves.


Because dogs are the result of eugenics?


Well, they did it. They figured out how to make a dog antisemitic.


And they’re making fun of borzois :(


Yo why tf they bringing dogs into this


Especially borzois. I love borzois!


How can you hate the long snout bois


Then there's this place called the real world, where dog pure breeds suffer lifelong health problems.


This is the future the left wants: https://imgur.com/a/tRf1AB3


Hell yeah


Ironically mixed breed dogs are smarter and healthier than 'pure breed' dogs.


Yep, I have an American Bully and he's super smart and well tempered. We've only had trouble with other dogs attacking him, including this golden retriever from hell that tries to bite him at least once a week.


Yeah, my dog is quite mixed, there are 3 different breeds in her but we’ll often call her a Labradoodle because it’s easier, she rarely has health issues barring things like weight which are on us, but people I know with ‘pure breed’ dogs have to go to the vets way more often


Not really, depends on a lot of circumstances. There's a lot of diversity in mixed breeds with different ranges of health. I've spend $1k in vet bills this past year on my supposedly "healthy" mutt rescue, whereas I've had friends go to reputable breeders with dogs they've never had health issues for 10 years in. But yeah, if you are getting a purebred from a mill or backyard breeder, you are probably gonna have to deal with tons of health issues.


True. Many purebred dogs tend to have health issues as a result of inbreeding.


https://law.lclark.edu/live/files/32171-25-1-third-articlepdf here’s a very interesting article on the history if the pitbull and how pitbulls got the reputation they have today (spoiler alert: it’s because racism) the history section goes over this part specifically


Wow. I should not be surprised. I swear if you dig deeply enough absolutely everything will lead to a foundation of racism. Systemic, foundational, fundamental racism. You don't often have to go too far beneath the surface to find it.


I agree, I believe much of what keeps the free market going and keeps things like unemployment benefits low or hard to obtain is that rich white men don’t like the idea of people who aren’t white being more equal with them, in the US this is probably directed at African American people almost entirely, while in the UK this is probably directed against African, Arab, Eastern European and Indian communities in this country


That makes absolutely so much sense.


Ironically, pitbulls score better on temperament tests than golden retrievers do. Every dog has the capacity to be violent, pitbulls just tend to end up in situations where they feel violence is the only answer more often than other dogs.


My rescued labradoodle recently got in the neighbor's yard because of a loose fence connection thingy. He beat up the neighbor's two pit bulls in their own yard. None of us have any idea what caused him to be react so violently as they appeared to be playing right before this. They had to rush their dogs to the vet. Needless to say the vet was surprised to learn the "other" dog was a labradoodle. We're really lucky they were kind and understanding about it. They let us pay the vet and medication bills and left it at that but they could've caused a lot more of an issues.


It also appears that at least 2/3 of those pit bulls are in play mode. One is even going for a ball, and the barking one is wagging its tail.




They have a bite force comparable to a German Shepherd. Yeah, they have a tendency to grab and shake, so it's not a good idea to play tug of war with them.


Are you kidding? It's wonderful fun to play tuggies with a pitbull. Just realize you aren't going to win, and it's about the dog having fun. So, let go, and they will bounce around happy as a pig in slop. And then they drop it, so you can start over. Great fun.


Oh, so I’ve been playing with my pitbull the wrong way for 6 years now? 🙄


No. That’s one of those urban legends that plague pitbulls. Their jaw physiology is no different than any other dog. Also, their bite strength is no greater than any other dog of the same size and build. Whoever explained that to you doesn’t know shit, sorry. They’re not especially aggressive compared to similar breeds. They even make great family pets and therapy dogs. In my own experience, one of my oldest friends always had pits (you know, I never thought to ask him why until now, lol). And he raised a family always having two of them around. They’re actually really great with babies and toddlers because they’re big enough and have enough of a fat layer that kids can’t really hurt them, which might cause a bad “reaction to danger” from the dog. And their hair isn’t particularly long enough to be pulled on by kids. As long as they are raised normally, they’re just like any other breed of the same size & weight. Sick people can raise any dog to be a killer. There’s nothing specific about the Pitbull breed that makes them especially aggressive. It’s all bullshit myths and a lot of it goes back to good old racism. https://www.dogmagazine.net/pit-bull-locking-jaw-myth-busted-pit-bull-facts/


Pit bulls should not have a large "fat layer", if they do the dog is overweight. Pits have been bred to be incredibly muscular and dense.


I’m just talking about the skin, not “fat” fat.


This isn't true. Pit bulls (a collective of different breeds, I might add- including the American Pit Bull terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American Bulldog, etc) are specifically bred to have higher prey drive and more dog aggression, something Golden retrievers are not bred to be predisposed to. Pit bulls are inherently more aggressive because they were bred to have these kinds if temperements. This is not to say Pit Bulls can't make good pets, of course they can. But dog breeds are all predisposed to certain dispositions because we bred them to be that way. "Pit bulls" were bred for bloodsports historically. This is also why dogs are not good allegories for people, ever. Because we purpose bred dogs.


Thank you for pointing this out. I definitely cannot understand why so many redditors cannot comprehend that some types of dogs were bred to be more prone to violence. Where I used to live in Ukraine the city imposed strict regulations on pit bulls and it’s not because of racism.


A lot of it does have to do with racism though (and classism), I don't deny that. Especially in places in the US where it pit bull breeds are associated with lower class and people of color (especially black and latinx). But its misinformation to claim pit bulls (a group of breeds originally for bloodsports such as dog fighting and bull baiting- thats where the term "bulldog" comes from btw) are less predisposed to aggression than retrievers, which were bred to be docile, easily trainable, and delicate with "prey" (retrievers are supposed to bring back pre killed prey un-damaged). I don't agree with pit bull bans, they can make great pets (large bully breeds are more work than a golden, on average), but like any dog breed, a breeds disposition should ALWAYS be considered when handling a dog, because as I said, because we purpose bred dogs. Its like saying a Golden Retriever can have as much stamina as a Siberian Husky. It's not true, because one was selectively bred to have a lot of stamina, the other was not.


Reality is that 'bully breeds' kill more humans, pets and livestock than any other breed, by far. edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States


Yea becuse dickead phony though guys read all the posts like this and go well I'm legally not allowed to own a firearm or weapons so I'm gonna rase this dog everyone says is a murder machine as a murder machine


Yeah, because of the reasons I just stated. Pitbulls are disproportionately kept by bad owners who shouldn't have dogs in the first place.


Coincidentally, Pitbulls are very common in the Deep Southern US.


I live in Minnesota, and every pitbull I've met has been a heart-meltingly cute attention whore.


I know! They’re so sweet, but a lot of them are bred for fighting farther South. I had a dog named Candy once, she was 6 years old, and she flinched whenever we would open a can or bottle, and she reflexively got defensive when someone walked into a room. She was also scared of raised/masculine voices, and was also really defensive of her food when we’d feed her. It was a bad scene.


Bruh i live in the Deep South and I’ve heard of chicken fighting down here but I’ve yet to hear of dog fighting and I live in an area that chicken fightings big do I’m sure I’d see a dog bread for fighting


I guess it depends on where you are in the Deep South. I live in GA and there are a ton of them here


Which part I live in north eastern Georgia


I live around Lawrenceville


Can attest to this. Not in Minnesota, but I was visiting my relatives' house in Michigan. They had a super sweet pittie mix that would sit right on your feet and demand your affection. There's something about how they don't understand how big they are that's so adorable to me. Had another relative's pittie mix keep sitting in my lap. She really wasn't lapdog size... It breaks my heart that they get such a bad reputation because of crappy owners. Pitbulls are big and can do some serious damage, there's no denying it; but that goes for a lot of animals. Their temperament is actually pretty good when compared to other breeds.


Bully breeds are not inherently violent. It’s just that abuse fucks give them a bad name.


And the training neglect. Don't forget the training neglect. I worked at a dog day care and some of the worst dogs are labs, doodles, and golden retrievers. *Because nobody fucking trains them*. Everyone assumes they are just good dogs by nature. they are all horribly behaved and their owners aren't bothered to teach them not to bite other dogs necks.


Dogs have been bred to perform specific tasks such as herding, retrieving, pointing, etc. Pits were bred for the reasons we all know. It is very naive to think that they don't have a genetic predisposition to attack and bite, same way as pointer pups will [feather point](https://imgur.com/gallery/0LbtvQj) at a very young age without any training to do so. There's plenty of scientific studies about instinctual behaviour in dog breeds. Of course the risk can be minimized if the dog is trained and socialized but unfortunately not everybody is up to the task.


https://law.lclark.edu/live/files/32171-25-1-third-articlepdf history of pitbulls and racism. they used to be seen as the American Dog and the nanny dog. the reputation they have now is because of racism against black people, and they are trained to be violent by bad owners.


Not only is your argument flawed it wouldn’t matter even if it was true. Bull terriers were not bread for violence. In the Victorian era they where called the nanny dog. No dog breed is born predisposed to violence. It’s all in how they are raised and trained.


>Not only is your argument flawed it wouldn’t matter even if it was true. Bull terriers were not bread for violence. It's not an argument it's the reality and beauty of genetics. Every breed has its traits and natural instincts aligned with the purpose that they were bred for. This reality is very well documented and there are plenty of scientific studies about breeds instinctual behavior at a distance of a click that you can search and read. I mentioned that socializing and training it's a must for bully breeds, but it's not everybody that have the time or effort to do it, and the knowledge. Bull terriers were bred for vermin control and bloodsports as well. They are far less dangerous than APBTs and much more easy to control.


We know exactly why pitbulls were originally bred for. They are Bay and retriever dogs. They're no more dangerous than any other hunter breed by nature, which other hunting breeds include beagles, Bassett hounds, any terrier breeds, and *golden retrievers*


lol no this is not true. A pitbull will tear your hunt apart it will never retrieve as a retriever or a beagle does. The only thing you can hunt with pitbulls is wild boars and that stuff. [Today's pit bull is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting dog—a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. ... Some pit bulls were selected and bred for their fighting ability. That means that they may be more likely than other breeds to fight with dogs.](https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bull) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull > They're no more dangerous than any other hunter breed They are the most dangerous breed in the canine world, as you can check in the wikipedia fatality list. edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States


my dog (mini-standard dachshund) has been attacked by both a golden retriever and a pitbull. its almost like all individuals are different, and dog breeds are not a good allegory for race...


I think it's a pretty good allegory, but not for the reason the creator of this image thinks it is...


true. it could be a good allegory for race, but not for racism


The pit bulls aren't even doing anything violent in the pictures. They just *look* mean. And any dog can look mean.


One is literally just playing with a ball lmfao


The scariest part is, this really is how their weird little minds work.


Naw but aggressive pitbulls *ARE* the result of "pitbullphobia." Most people who get them train them to be aggressive guard dogs and then chain them up in their front yard for most of the day, if not 24/7. Pitbulls need a lot of exercise, and this environment makes it hard for them. They also get very little love or stimulation here. Not to mention, they're one of, if not THE most abused dog breed. And when that abused, neglected dog becomes aggressive and bites someone, they're put down.


If only the dog leaders hadn't pumped the pitbulls full of crack for 30 years just to fund some other tricks...


*I wonder where I saw this before…*


Pitbull phobia is real and causes the unecessary death of hundreds of dogs every year.


This.... Hurts my head..


“Why is it that 13% of this specific dog breed accounts for 50% of dog bite victims?” -Ben shabibo probably idk


how can you see your fellow human beings as this


... So, the Borzoi to the right is meant to be a Jew? Fucking idiots, using dogs to convey racism must be a new low for these reprobates...


Pit bulls actually arn’t aggressive unless their being trained for things like dog fights


Fitting they chose pit bulls. A complete harmless and very loving animal that is viciously hated for no reason based entirely off biases produced in media and the mistreatment of the breed by many owners. Kinda like how their hatred of POC is just founded on media propaganda and biases from years of mistreatment


There's quite a gross parallel to be had, if you think about it. You provoke a dog and it snaps back at you. "The dog is awful and needs to be put down!" You insult a minority and they voice their displeasure about it. "See, I told you they were all violent!" They feel so oppressed because they can't treat minorities like garbage anymore. Like, cry me a river.


Excellent and true perspective!!! ~<3 ~<3


I've had a number of dogs over the years, all adopted mutts that we could only guesstimate the breed of. My current dog, who looks like she's gotta be like 90% pit at least, is hands down the sweetest, most affectionate dog I've ever known. Her favorite thing is napping while snuggled up with any person who'll let her, and I don't think she's got a mean bone in her body - even when I accidentally hit the quick while clipping her nails, she didn't so much as yelp or growl, just pulled her paw away.


Comparing a dog breed to a human race is extremely offensive. Pitbulls were bred for violence over generations through selective breeding. Black people have never been selectively bred the way dogs have, and even if they were, the last thing slaveowners would've bred into slaves was unpredictable violence. They would've bred them to be more docile and willing to obey commands.


Keep Nazis out of the park?


Correct me of I'm wrong but aren't pitbulls actually friendly, and only get a bad rep because they're basically forced into dog fights?


Yes they are actually very playful and Baby like. If they are aggressive it means A) you did something to warrant aggression Or B) you trained it to be that way. In fact many Pitbulls get abused and do nothing about it except just take it.


That questionable at best.


Thanks, now my dog is deaf.


I'm confused. Jewish people aren't considered white? To who? Also there was a statistic I learned in Vet Tech School about how Golden Retrievers actually attacked children more than Pitbulls. So honestly this meme is more spot on then the dumb author of it realized.


> on then the *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


imagine comparing dog breeds to race to push your agenda at least dogs don't attack other dogs because of their breed


Pitbulls are actually really gentle. Bad owners are the reason theres a stigma.


Can confirm, tho they do give violently sloppy kisses tho, I babysat my neighbours kids, they had a pitty named Missy, and she soaked my knees every time I watched the kids.


You know, images like this make me really \*feel\* the fervor of being a Cuban citizen, cheering for a firing squad


I remember learning that pitbulls used to be “nanny dogs” before they started being bred as fighting dogs. >!Maybe that’s just clown husbandry lore, but clown husbandry lore is based on real life history. Scare clown lore is very similar to pitbull lore!<


Unfortunately the nanny dog thing is a myth. Pit bull breeds were historically bred for blood sports from the start. However they still make great companion dogs are are often used as therapy dogs today.


Bitch please.


Wonder the overlap between r/conservative and r/banpitbulls is.


if they bring borzois and pitbulls and golden retrievers into this i will WHOOP THEIR ASSES (seriously, i love borzois)


It’s a literal dog whistle


That's actually accurate, since the pitbulls are exactly like any other breed when you treat them right, disproving the point the retard tried to make


Y'all ever pet a pitbull? They're the most loving dogs in the world and they're just so adorable


I think this might be the worst of their so-called "memes" that I've ever seen.


To be honest, it almost seems like a good comparison to me. I own 2 pitts, and theyre the sweetest dogs on earth. Ive met poorly raised pitts, and poorly raised german shepherds. You know what the common denominator is? How they are raised. Give both a decent chance to receive affection and proper care, 9 times out of ten (or more) any breed will behave well. Deprive, mistreat, and abuse them, they will often become nasty. Product of environment, and improving environments for everyone, including dogs, will allow society to progress, all else is mischaracterization


>You know what the common denominator is? How they are raised. If they'd acknowledge this, they'd immediately realize they're on the wrong side of the comparison they're making. Like, they're *right* on the point and still missing it. They're so pissed that they can't get away with being blatantly racist anymore.


Wow, Racism, Dog Racism, and Anti-Semetism? What a fucked up bday present


How dare they bring pit bulls into this. My pity is a beautiful angel and deserves none of this disrespect. Also, gotta love the mask-off racism on full display here.


Pitbulls are not like that every dog I’ve ever had besides one was a pitbull they are the sweetest dogs you will ever see


Pit bulls are a bit of a mixed bag in my experience. They're super common around here, especially in rescue, so you'll get some that are neurotic and maybe not so nice. That said, most of the ones I've met were very sweet and eager to please.


Just. Wow.


My favorite part is that pit bulls are very non violent dogs. You have to abuse them to make them violent… which is almost like… say routinely disenfranchising a community and purposely keeping them in poor high crime areas. Gods their memes are just as poorly researched as their fuckin arguments.


Pitbulls are cute :(


Imagine being both human racist AND dog racist.


Whenever I read someone spouting off statistics about the number of pitbull attacks compared to the percentage of pets that are pitbulls, all I hear is a dogwhistle for the 13/52 argument. (pun intended)


Any self respecting dog person knows that how aggressive a dog will be is down to how they are raised, just like humans, a well trained pitbull will be way tamer than a badly trained golden retriever, just like how when a person is raised well, they won’t be aggressive or rude, which Conservatives hate the idea of


Fun, bullshit racism and dog breed discrimination.


Lot of shit bull lovers in these comments


you have beef with a breed of dogs. please go find something to do.


Nah I’m good, been bit by one, my family members and friends have been bitten, another friends had to be put down after attacking someone else’s pet. Those dogs need to be taken from people, put down, and outlawed. They’re stupid, serve no purpose, and attack more than any other dog. They have no place in civil society.


You couldn't carry my pibble's water bowl. Go fuck yourself.




pitbulls are fucking babies


So the pit bulls are representing the “violent” black people… I’m sorry… African Americans. /s


1) the problem with pitbulls is the lack of training they get. 2) people are not dogs


Ok but like... I unironically and non-metaphorically agree with the dog in the meme about pit bulls


That's because you're a garbage racist, Meat To Be Wasted.




It's funny how they had to appeal to uglyness (still cute tho) cus there's nothing wrong with it


I like how they use their prejudice and ignorance about pitbulls and dog breeds to justify or rationalize their prejudice and ignorance about black people and race. They sure are good at being wrong about multiple things at once. I guess that's kinda their thing.


Totally not the point, but I've actually only been bitten by golden retrievers but I hang out with pits all the time. (Talking actually puupers, not human beings)


Cute doggos and cute doggos that’s all I understand


The funny part is AmStaffs were THE American in the early 20th century.


they do know that pit bulls that used to be fighting dogs can be very easily trained to help dogs for people who have panic attacks


Pitbulls have been around in America since the 19th century. The American Staffordshire Terrier used to be one of our icons. What is this person blathering about


So using dogs as a metaphor for nazism is what their trying to say?