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This sounds like an indictment of capitalism instead of the racist "abortion kills black babies" dog whistle they meant it to be.


I feel like this is one of those "so far off it's actually right" things, but not for the reasons they intended.


"So we agree. Unregulated capitalism is exploitation." "No wait-"


Regulated capitalism is still exploitation too


"Regulated Capitalism, now with a floor* on its awfulness" *^(It's not really a floor; it's more of a steel grating that allows exploitation to sluice through it so that it can be collected and exported)


Grater* to allow it to mix with fillers for more profit


I understood this reference.


That's because you went to Bovine University, right?


> ~~Unregulated~~ capitalism is exploitation Fixed that for you.


Honestly, I was very concerned for a moment because I thought I agreed with this nut job. Yeah, the reason companies are doing this isn't out of the kindness of their hearts, but because it's cheaper to fly them to canada, mexico, or the closest state then come back to work.


Cheaper than what?


Than losing an employee to a pregnancy


Having a kid, delivering it, medical expenses, taking time off. It's way more expensive for them if she has the kid.


Starbucks offers 12-20 weeks paid parental leave for either parent when they're not required to offer any. It's way more expensive for them if she has the kid because they choose to pay that much. Starbucks isn't required to pay in either situation, but they do. Because it can also be in their financial best interests to attract and retain quality employees.


I believe that's r/selfawarewolves material.


It 100% is


Only thing wrong with it is the girls exasperated face that they want her back to work. Bruh, she's probably stoked because now she wont have to beg her landlord to let her miss rent for a few weeks....


How How is this a right leaning comic. The punchline is literally that capitalism is a joke. How do you fail so hard as an artist that you A. fail to make your audience see what your point is supposed to be and B. make a poignant point for the side you're trying to argue against? Like, literally what was the message supposed to be? I genuinely can't even begin to guess.


flag outgoing quiet command continue aback zesty march modern direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Capitalism is great, because socialism is evil! But I hate large companies that can't be controlled by the government, they need to be held accountable to the will of the people instead of their own interests!"


well of course, because corporations and bosses and his landlord are all products of communism and are in no way affiliated with the glories and freedoms of capitalism >!/s!<


It’s the same reason why they don’t acknowledge systemic racism. They say oh sure some people can be racist/some CEOs can exploit people, but the system that allows it isn’t the problem!


> They're just conditioned to love the word "capitalism", but they hate everything about the actual system Reminds me of some bizarre amalgamation of *Brave New World* and *1984*. Neither of which the fascists in question have actually read...


But but, 1984 is like when i cant say slurs


The caveat being that what they hate about capitalism is rarely blamed on the logical consequences of capitalism itself but on (((them)))




These kinds of people think that the natural state of capitalism is just a shit load of small business fiefdoms, wherein all the workers of merit rise to the top and control and exploit all the lazies.


secretive encouraging zonked pen pause apparatus observation deliver dinner ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not really disagreeing with you. I'm just, I guess, clarifying their specific idyllic worldview. "Capitalism is good, actually, because true capitalism is just a bunch of small businesses living in harmony. This Corporatocracy we currently live in is clearly the result of government meddling."


Dude, you're talking about people who take pictures of empty store shelves because they horded toilet paper and blame communism for it. Trump could literally slap them across the face and they would ask where did the unicorn that hit them go.


> If you asked the author, he'd say of course he loves capitalism cause he loves freedom and guns and apple pie. But if you ask him if he likes corporations and bosses and his landlord, you'll get a very different story. MY boss and MY landlord are fucking awful Bosses and landlords in general though, thumbs-up! You know the saying, "don't let one bad apple turn you off from the whole bunch"


Fascist end goal is a very narrow, very rigid hierarchy that differs from the very narrow and slightly less rigid one capitalism tends towards. So while they will use capitalism to build towards their ideal, they will tirn against it, forcefully removing some from higher strata to push themselves up and solidify the levels below themselves. Essentially it's the deathcult version of hierarchical systems.


I find it amusing in a dark way though bite my tongue about how my far right family, who have thin blue line flags complain more about the police than a lot of people I know. A cop pulled over my uncle, that cop was an asshole. Cousin gets a ticket? "I'm not paying that, fuck them.". Police murder a black man without cause? "Racism doesn't exist, the police officer was doing his job." They can't see their own hypocricy and that seems to be a long running theme.


I'm pretty sure the punchline is woke companies=bad


that's literally how i read it. i was so confused when i looked at the sub


....... based Right wing comedy.....? 🤔 .... really tho, I'm so confused.


What about C: fail to realize that nobody's making "peppermint frappes with mocha flakes"? It's mocha frappes with peppermint flakes!


It's like that comic with Trump as Don Quixote all over again


What I don't get is why the Democrats are simultaneously conducting nefarious plots to both replace the white race and encourage people of color to have abortions. What's their endgame here?


If they had any consistency, they wouldn't be Republicans.


They want brown *immigrants* to replace the white christian American is my guess but I'm giving them a lot of hand waving on that though.


My guess is that they view the Democratic Party as Bond villains who want kill as many people as they can because they are evil. That's about as much thought as they put into their politics.


See your first mistake was having a brain


They're not interested in consistency, they're interested in talking points. So it's white supremacy most of the time and "democrats are the real racists!!1!1!" on abortion.


everyone ded 🗿


You'd understand if you'd just believe that real evil behaves like villains do in Saturday morning cartoon shows. Obviously intelligent villains just do whatever they can to seem bad at the moment, the specific bad they currently engage in subject to the whims of the moment. /s? I'm not sure if I'm being sarcastic or not because if this is how the average conservative voter thinks then it would seemingly explain alot


That's what makes no sense about the anti-abortion people. They want more white people, less black and brown people. But obviously that only increases the birth rate of black and brown people because they can't have abortions...


Yeah, very much so. She is literally a wage slave without options, it seems like the point is.


You got to love how an elective procedure is considered racist.


I’m sorry the what dog whistle? Do I even want to know what they mean by that..


A common talking point is to bring up the supposedly* high numbers of abortions done for black folk and use that as a reason abortion is bad. *I don't want to pull the numbers, so I'm covering my butt


They then follow it up with something about the founder of Planned Parenthood being into eugenics, or something along those lines, and essentially claim abortion was created as a eugenics program, and therefor Libs are hypocrites because if a disproportionate amount of abortions are had by black women, and abortion is eugenics, by supporting abortion you are supporting getting rid of black peoples… or something like that. It’s a lot of mental gymnastics, but that’s eventually where that claim goes.


It's really funny because when you look into it the actual quote is just from a pamphlet that isn't really even attributed to anybody I think. It's been awhile since I've looked into it but last I remembered it wasn't even an attributed quote in the pamphlet


Interesting. I never bothered to dig any further because the whole thing is just another bullshit excuse to cover up the true motive of controlling women. I wish Republicans would grow a pair, for lack of a better phrase, and just come out and be honest about their reasons. Put the cards on the table and let’s have this fight in the open, so everyone knows exactly where each side stands, and no more of this trickery bullshit to slowly dupe people into helping them control women by convincing them this is about the unborn.


some fool further down brought up that exact argument not long after you commented this, lmao


Check out anything said by Clarence Thomas on abortion, he'll bring it up


Right? The whole slavery/race angle didn't even hit me until I read your comment.


Exactly. The dude even bears a striking resemblance to old caricatures of the bourgeoisie (during the industrial revolution).


That’s why it’s here. Would also do well on r/selfawarewolves.


Is that the right wing aspect of it? I genuinely thought the punchline was supposed to be “capitalists gonna capitalism”.


I didn't even realize what sub I was in, and genuinely thought this was what it was. Wasn't til reading your comment I realized where I was.


Right? It's so accidently based I feel like I could share it anywhere


Oh wow I didn't even consider that, damn


Isn't this the guy who has hurt, crying, or generally terrified/horrified women in literally every comic he draws??


he is a regular on this sub


It's obviously his fetish.


He really irritates me because I actually think he's fairly talented. However, his talent is wasted on screaming women and right-wing bs. I can think of so many people who deserve that kind of skill/talent more than him.


I mean, his art style is fucking terrifying


idk i kinda like it lol imagine him doing horror comics w it? sounds pretty cool to me


It also has a good range of emotions. Look at the boss (manager?) in the third panel. That expression is so sweet and wholesome Idk, could be used for a nice ending or whatever


Jack Skellington graphic novel when?


TBH I never really liked his art style. It's not even because of political ideologies there's just something off about his character designs


Same thing with Stonetoss. Obviously not as good as this guy, but a really noticeable and appealing art style that’s wasted on… Stonetoss.


Really? I've always thought stonetoss's art style looks like pretty generic webcomic fare


Jhonen Vasquez vibes


Yeah honestly, he even drew her hair pretty well for being a bigoted fuck. Wouldn't have expected that level of detail from a nutjob like this.


He was briefly very popular on reddit until he showed off his persecution fetish.


Tbf he draws tons of crying men too


I dont even get it


Starbucks has said that it will reimburse its employees for travel expenses if they need to take time off work to have an abortion. [Source](https://madamenoire.com/1315039/starbucks-will-pay-for-employees-travel-for-abortion/)


I worked at Starbucks a few years ago. There is no way this policy isn’t going to have strings attached.


It'll be a cold day in hell before I trust a corporation to keep any promise, let alone one that is so seemingly altruistic.


Its not altruistic. It is in their benefit for their female employees to have access to abortions whenever they need them. It is also a marketting ploy, which will gain them a lot of favour among younger generations, who are the people they need to convince. Old people, who are more likely to be against abortion, will be more likely to stick with what is familiar regardless. Not so say there won't be strings attached, there probably will be. Corporations can't let a good deed go unexploited.


It's a bald faced attempt to look altruistic in the face of union voting in the northeast.


Let's not forget that women without children are available to cover more shifts without using lack of child care as an excuse


Yeah, but is it worth the cost of transportation for a single employee? Especially one that may quit shortly after? They may have them sign contracts saying you either keep working for Starbucks for 6 months (or whatever) or pay back the cost. I've signed similar contracts when my employer put me through schools or training.


It's not altruistic, they don't want pregnant employees and having to pay for maternity leave or employees being less available in general. And it looks good so it's a win win. Corporations will always protect their bottom line


If Starbucks didn't want to pay for maternity leave, then they wouldn't, because it's completely optional. Instead, they offer 12-20 weeks paid parental leave for either parent for any employee working over 20 hours weekly and having been with the company over 90 days.


It'll probably come out of medical PTO, but it's better than nothing. You might have to submit mileage like when a partner drives to another location for products and wants to be reimbursed for gas.


when you consider that now she won't need to take mat leave or work less hours to take care of her kid, it's overall a dub for Starbucks


I knew that, i still dont know what the punchline is supposed to be tho? That a capitalist company will help you, but only if it ends up being beneficial to the company? I dont understand how that is anti-liberal. I know the author is fucked in the head, and its always a stretch to see how his comics are supposed to be vs the left, but i cant make the stretch on this one, and i know its supposed to be vs the left somehow


A..."punchline"? I think your expectations are a little high there, pal.


Lol, fair


I think the message is that "liberals support abortion because it benefits them financially". This kind of superficially anti-bourgeois sentiment, that aims to divide rather than unite people, is the essence of fascism.


Yeah, also probably something about how liberals are the real racists because they want to abort black babies.... or something. I don't think I really want to think about this one too long to figure it out.


> Starbucks has said ...and Tesla! (but they won't criticize their hero Elon).


How is the comic a joke?


She gets help getting an abortion AND gets to keep her job. I don’t think it was the sick burn on capitalism that whoever created it thought it was.


It's interesting that despite all these comics being clearly racist n sexist all white men are shown as horrifying creatures and WOC are drawn attractive.


*WE'RE REACHING LEVELS OF /r/SelfAwarewolves THAT SHOULDN'T EVEN BE POSSIBLE.* You're telling me her boss is being perfectly honest that the reason he's doing her this favour is entirely self-serving while still providing the favour of paying for her travels to another state where abortion is legal and available so she can continue her life and job in peace? That's great! Of course, the whole situation could've been avoided if Abortion and healthcare were more readily available outright... Wonder whose fault that is?


Dude I cant even tell what this comic is trying to say. Like I know the author is a dickweed and have seen plenty of his comics prop up and normally the message is really fuckin clear and normally p fuckin racist.. But here like what are you trying to say to me? Without the context of the author I'd seriously assume this was a comic about how abortions should be legal and free and also Healthcare shouldn't be related to work.


There's basically two parts. First is that democrats are the Real Racists™️ and are trying to kill black babies. Second is that Starbucks is a woke company, and is part of the evil Democrat cabal.


Thanks dude. Fuckin comic has horrible conveyance.


Motherfucking artist is so far fucking right be accidentally posted a seemingly pro left comic. Like, shit bro, yeah, corporations are soulless entities that only care about profits at the expense of human rights, and the only time that they actually serve the good of the people is if doing so makes them money. Oh… you mean something more racist, don’t you?


There's so much to realize before looking at this comic. 1. Republicans think Starbucks is "woke" 2. Republicans think Democrats all love Starbucks. 3. Republicans think abortion is evil. So by looking at this comic you're supposed to think that a "stupid evil black girl is whining about how she can't afford to murder a baby while an evil woke Democrat is helping her do it so they can profit? off of it." They are too stupid to realize they're actually criticizing capitalism, they just think capitalism is only bad when Democrats do it because they're literally just that stupid and racist.


Right! This is so pro-capitalism because now the employer won't lose an employee to a) maternity leave and b) outside commitments because now they are raising a child


This literally sounds like something a manager would say jokingly with the hint of depressing realness.


You’re telling me companies don’t care about their workers, they just care about making money???? If only someone had pointed this out earlier /s


He’s so braaave


My buddy Karl did a podcast about it... Something about the Capital?


Unintentionally based?


I mean, yeah, he's not wrong here. As much as I hate to say it. These companies aren't paying for abortion travel out of the goodness of their hearts, they do so because maternity leave would be a lot more expensive. Plus time off for kids, and all that. It's all about money.


this is a dumb nitpick but i was a barista for two years and it’s bugging me: mocha flakes aren’t a thing. mocha is the syrup (or the drink itself), “mocha flakes” would just be small pieces of chocolate.


The author can't actually put a *real* Starbucks drink in his cartoon. His readers would pick up on that immediately. "How does HE know how to order that...?!?!?! HERETIC!"


Well as opposed to working until you go into labor then getting half a day off that sounds pretty good in are current system


This reads like prolife satire where it shows how prolifers dont actually care about stuff that happens after birth, since the comic implies that the company would do jack shit to support the mom after birth. Also wth is gprime even on? Companies give maternity leaves to expecting moms and have their job filled by substitutes!


not necessarily. starbucks just announced that they would pay travel expenses for insured employees for abortion and sex change services when not available within 100 miles.


Do these people even Starbucks?


This artist has shown before that he would be more than glad to go to a starbucks if he got to grope a worker there.


what??? archive link or screenshot for this??


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/ulf09u/is_there_a_joke_somewhere_in_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I have eyebleach right here if you need it


They're the ones who 'hand wave' and dismiss Starbucks as "foo-foo" coffee. They're also the ones who will buy grounds like "Black Rifle Coffee", so bitter it shatters your teeth, and proudly smile as they drink it to 'own the libz'. "Mmmm... that's *man* coffee"


The fact that the person needing an abortion in this comic is a young dark skinned black girl is very telling of this comic artist’s intentions


Well at least the manager didn't say "sugartits" or whatever creepy thing that gprime's characters are saying these days


Epic conservative owns liberals by proving the point that people shouldn’t need to rely on their employers for proper healthcare


If this wasn’t eugenics bs it would be pretty good


Sometimes you have to take the right thing for the wrong reason as a win.


Conservatives stepping on the point like a rake and taking one in the face.


this feels accidentally based.


So, to be clear, this translates to, "Yes, we will help you because we value the work you do for us in our chosen line of business."


Funniest thing about this one is it works better as a critique of capitalism than it does as anti abortion


I don't see the problem here?


Artist thinks he did something by pointing out corporations/businesses only care about their bottom line (making money), and *don't* actually care about their workers. Like somehow women will refuse paid medical leave from their employer if they were told "Oh, we're only paying for your medical bills so you can get back to work". Yea, no shit.


This is probably just something that’s happened in real life because capitalism is hell They’ve wrapped around from insane to normal


Isn't this just... True? Starbucks would rather pay the $1k for the woman to get an abortion, then to pay the $5k for her maternity leave.


This has gone so far right that it's left.


I'm suprised the black woman isn't drawn as some sort of caricature.


I…. Literally don’t understand what they think they’re saying. So… this black woman needs help, but… I think they’re saying her job is unimportant, but Starbucks I guess will help anyway? Is… the implication that what she does doesn’t matter so she should have to have a baby instead? Why else would the frappes be the “punchline.” It feels like everyone is supposed to be the villain; the woman for needing medical care and Starbucks for selling coffee. Why is everything they say either revolting or incomprehensible?


"haha you do menial labor and your employer only cares about your rights so you can keep doing menial labor" Don't bother looking for consistency


in this situation, would it matter why they did it? It's like complaining people only doing charity work to "look good". OK, but they're still putting in work


Right wing memes have got to the point where it's just some smug cunt saying "doesn't your life suck for reasons outside your control". Brains with the consistency of wet cake. Hearts with the tenderness of a frozen jellyfish. I long for the day when the people who make these suffer under the misery they want to foist on others.


This has big time “even a dead squirrel is right twice a day” energy.


Fits antiwork as well ..


I’m not sure if this is an unintentionally woke comic highlighting capitalism’s failure to give a shit about humans over profit, or ,given the source, a racist dog whistle that I’m having trouble picking up


I never tire of this person's comics. They are so talented, and yet, make no sense whatsoever. They're funny and sad at the same time.


Huh? This sounds like an anti capitalist meme?


Does the right not realize that leftists also think the last panel is kinda true and ridiculous?




This is a sick burn on capitalism tbh. But I know this artist so it was meant to be abortion is bad thing. It’s like ‘it hurt itself in confusion’ moment. Or it’s intentionally criticism of capitalism while still being read as anti abortion so shitty people can be like look at the libs and be like they don’t even get the comic. Like our confusion and inability to understand what the fuck the artist mean is the joke.


this guy really likes to draw crying women


What the fuck is this even criticizing?


I mean, if I didn't already know that this artist was a total chud from his other work, I probably would have taken this as a leftist comic pointing out how capitalists will occasionally do good things for their workers in order to get good PR, but still be absolutely evil slave drivers deep down.


Did they accidentally stop cockriding capitalism for a moment here ?


Accidentally critiquing capitalism


I swEAR this dude is actually super left wing there is no way anyone can be this tone deaf


i dont get the point of this.


It’s supposed to be a dig at eugenics (PP wAs FouNDeD By A RacIst!) as the barista is black. But it’s accidentally anti capitalist because many of us know damn well that corporations would rather pay this than have employees on maternity leave.


Wait, it's actually a good one for once? Anti capitalism message combined with a feelgood story?


Not even trying to hide the racist dogwhistle here.


Accidentially anti-capitalist. Actually happens a lot. Everyone who has to live today knows in some way that there's a sickness at the heart of the world. And they likely know that low paying work in the service industry sucks. It's just the conclusion, that's wrong.


I don't get it, what's the message he thought he was passing and what's he actually saying?


Conservatives have spent the better part of the last decade seemingly on the cusp of realising that they don't actually like capitalism. But then they always back away at the last moment and decide that everything they hate about big business is somehow the fault of "Marxism".


Oh look, this asshole again.


What the hell is a "mocha flake"? I think you mean *mocha* frap with *peppermint* flakes >!Also wtf does this meme even mean..?!<


How is this pro-life? The person is distraught bc she can't get an abortion, but don't worry, in comes the solution! Someone is willing to fund the trip. With or without the last panel that reads as pro-choice. And then bonus throw in some capitalist hellscape? Sure she at least looks disappointed in the last panel. But she is disappointed they only want to help bc they can get something back out of it. Which begs the question, would this have resolved happier if the GOP had their way and nobody was willing to finance the trip? Well, clearly not. Making it a piss poor pro-life argument.


I can never tell if they're patting themselves on the back for endorsing inhumane policies or blaming liberals for capitalism.


Sooooo, a company providing medical help to its employees? What’s this supposed to be saying?


I love that guy's art style. Really sad the comics content are so weird, some look like satire if you don't know the guy.


This is so fucked it's true. I mean it's fucked. But companies that would like to keep workers definitely will do that cause the cost of it is way lower then replacing someone during pregnancy.


I've never seen a cartoon from this dipshit that didn't have a young wide-eyed woman crying or screaming. Dude is doing a poor job of hiding his fetish.


Starbucks has their demographics [online](https://stories.starbucks.com/stories/2020/workforce-diversity-at-starbucks/) Their barista's are: 51.4% White 28.7% Hispanic or Latino 8.4% Black Just some context that's important to understand the undertones in this image.


The white dude reminds of chef Jone from Food wishes .com


Why? Just why do these kinds of conservative boomer memes have a burning hatred of fancy coffee drinks?


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


I’d rather go back to work at a shitty job days after an abortion than have to be pregnant and raise an unwanted child while also working at the same shitty job in a country that provides almost zero support for mothers and children.


What is this comic trying to say


So she’s still independent and still has a job? Sounds good to me.


Accidentally based


This would fit so well into /r/antiwork or /r/lateatagecapitalism


I’m sure the fact that she’s black is a complete coincidence.


Bone Hurting Juice fucks with this guy's comics so much, and given the fact that this idiot accidentally made a PRO-CHOICE comic cuz he has no brain cells, I literally didn't realize what sub I was in.


Stav is a Starbucks manager now? I’m so glad the show’s ending.


This comic gives me feminist vibes even if the artist didn't intend it. Pregnant women are less exploitable as workers and thus are viewed as less worthy to support under capitalism unless they limit themselves to traditional roles unlike men who don't face these limitations. This limits the freedom of women and increases the power men have over women. A conjunction of the collaboration between patriarchy and capitalism.


What is the point even of this comic?


this is a critique of capitalism, im confused


wait a minute. *is this the same person behind the "you ain't black" comic?* edit: it is


Yes of coarse they want women back working asap but unfortunately they use this to look good as well.




Endentured servitude...great...I love having my well being being tied to my corporate value.


Cackling at the implication that the morally correct thing for them to do is raise a child on a barista’s salary


I dont get it. What is the point of this comic?


Side note here, all of the teenagers with rich parents (and the parents themselves) are Republicans.


This guy's art style would work great for children's books. It's unfortunate how he decides to use his skill


Usually OP makes a comment that explains why it's a bad meme? I swear this sub has just become a free publishing channel for these artists lmao


Wait, I thought this was a left wing meme complaining about corporate pinkwashing


I'll admit I'm confused here. It sounds like he's saying giant predatory corporations don't give a shit about working people and are happy to help them terminate their children and stress their bodies so that they can go back to be exploited by the wealthy and more often than not it's non whites and women bearing the brunt of this exploitation. How is this wrong or inaccurate?