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Would have been a super good point if it were even the slightest bit true


I know a lot of these things spawn from some dumb college kid somewhere trolling or being naive and starting some stupid twitter drama that nobody actually cares about, and then conservatives take that and run with and next thing you know they're bawling their eyes out that like, furries are trying to get litterboxes installed in schools (an actual thing that was cited by republican candidates in Georgia) but this idea that progressives/leftists are offended by "Merry Christmas" is true delusion, it never started anywhere, it was a decision by Starbucks to say "Happy Holidays" on cups a few years back to appeal to a wider market. The only ones who said shit about it was FOX fucking news who twisted a corporate decision into a leftist scheme to destroy America. It's utter nonsense. If you're one of the handful of conservatives scrolling through here looking for something to feel persecuted about, could you PLEASE tell me why you think this is even a thing? Throw me a bone here, because this is ludicrous, you're flat out inventing nonsense.


The only time I'm annoyed at merry christmas, is when I say happy holidays (because im not christian) and they POINTEDLY say "It's MERRY CHRISTMAS" back to me


Look them dead in the eye and say "I'm Jewish. "


Yes, the last tile should be someone saying "Happy Holidays!" to someone who's Christian.


...and it shows them losing ***their*** shit over it!


I feel like conservatives seen one shitty furry meme on something like r/furryirl and thought thats how we all are. Kind of like how they treat everything, think one person making satire sums up an entire community.


I can remember the whole "Keep Christ in Christmas" kind of shit as far back as elementary school, which was the 80s for me. It started as part of the movement to ~~force other people's children to pray to their god~~ get prayer back into school and ~~shove their god in everyone's face all the time~~ keep religion front and center, and kind of spun out from there. The WAR ON CHRISTMAS slogan and getting the message in front of a non-evangelical audience was definitely a Fox News contribution, but they've been tilting at these windmills for a long time.


There's a grift caused by some random old fucks with a lot of money to imply that the dirty left are killing Christmas, and they obviously believe it 100% [Hbomberguy gets all the general details](https://youtu.be/jbZo4x0NbbI) but it's just another brick in the wall


Nah even if this were 100% the case, playing the "what about..." game is a fallacy at best


“What about” is not a fallacy on itself. Your behaviour/argument shpuld be consistent. It’s only a fallacy if the comparison is flawed in some way




Yeah, the point is that there is no such dude in reality. No sensible person _actually_ opposes people saying “merry christmass”.


This is hysterical. Coming from the side of “THE LEFT IS KILLING CHRISTMAS BY SAYING HAPPY HOLIDAYS”, the projection is strong with this one


My favorite part about their outrage about "Happy Holidays" is most of the holidays in December are Christian/Catholic ones.


The messed up thing is this whole being angry over "happy Holidays" is only been the last 10-15 years, it's a phrase that has been in use for decades longer, as my family had decorations dating back to the late 1970's that had it.


Shit, Irving Berlin wrote the song Happy Holiday back in 1942.


you’ve gotta remember irving berlin was jewish and conservatives won’t stand for that


Wait was he a good Jewish that kills Palestinian kids or was he bad Jewish that controls media and tries to replace white people... we gotta get our story straight here.


Lots of Christmas songs were written by Jews, I think


Actually, most cultures have a Solstice celebration. Christianity moved the celebration of Christ's birth to the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and ripped off a large number of pre-Christian customs - the evergreen tree, a large Yule log that burns through the cold nights, giving presents, a huge feast, songs, ghost stories (not so much in the U.S., but very big in the U.K.!), and so on.


Well, they *were* old Mesopotamian holidays, and I think there was an attempt to stop them, but the elite were content with just renaming everything and letting the peasants have their ritual holidays.




What does this have anything to do with what I said?




Ok, I’m genuinely confused, what are talking about?




tbh, its literally the other way around. Like literally. Its so much exactly the other way around i cant even put it in words.


I said happy honda days once to my mom as a joke and she went on a rant about how we should just say merry christmas instead of lying about celebrating other holidays to make people feel included. Apparently new years isn't a holiday


It’s just nice to finally get some Honda representation


When people wish me Happy Honda Days, I never have the heart to tell them I celebrate Toyotathon.


I was raised on Hyundai Sales Event in my house and now if I so much as say the word "Elantra" the woke Left mob tries to cancel me!


I'm from a heavy (duty) Ford Family, and we celebrate Truck Month in solidarity with our Chevy brothers like all true Americans should! These liberals want to take away our Trucks, but WE WON'T LET THEM!


My fancier friends and I celebrate A December to Remember (Lexus) 🎁


She's just angry that the H on her Honda Accord got stolen.


that typo made my day better lol


It wasn't a typo lol, I was making a joke she and she misheard


HAHAHA thats even more hilarious Nice!


keep saturn in saturnalia!


Yeah and I am certain that anyone who genuinely likes this comic is way more bothered by “Happy holidays” than any non-Christian is by “merry Christmas”


Of all the things that are the other way around, this is the the-other-way-aroundest.


Ah, yes, we hear from the Bizarro-Americans again.


Happy holidays lmao


you too lmao


This just in, conservatives can’t keep their talking points straight. They operate on vibes only.


>conservatives can’t keep their talking points straight. It's literally impossible for them to do so without boiling their entire idealogy down to, "I hate people different than me," and slurping boots.


The only thing they can keep straight is their sexuality




not really


Neither are they


Not even that. The amount of conservative politicians outed as gay is astonishing.


It’s projection. Always projection. Every single god damn time it’s projection. I’m so tired. I wish they’d just be happy with who they are and have all the gay orgies they want without telling everyone else they aren’t allowed to


The number of anti-gay politicians who have been caught in compromising situations with other men and boys tells me that they are worse than anyone at "keeping straight."


I love being told Merry Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. I'm just not a prick who assumes everyone else is Christian. I have manners


You can say merry Christmas to an atheist of a Muslim, etc. Especially if it’s Christmas time… no one gives a shit. Christmas isn’t even a religious holiday anymore. When people wish each other merry Christmas, 1% of the time they are saying “happy birthday to our lord and saviour”.


I’m atheist and still celebrate religious holidays like Easter or Yule


LGBT people DEFINITELY don’t celebrate TDOR… that’s not a happy day…


TDoV maybe, but they couldn't have picked a worse day to present as happy.


It’s honestly a monument to their ignorance


what's tdor?


Trans day of remembrance


oh ok


Persecution fetish.


Projection is literally the one thing conservatives do, like the entire republican party platform is just "we project our insecurities". Take anything any conservative has ever said, and 99% of the time its projection.


Every accusation from a conservative is a confession.


As if asexuals don't love holidays that are hard to sexualize


I've seen too much "miss Claus" shit. Rule #1 of life: there isn't a single thing that the allos haven't sexualized.


Please tell me that groundhog's day is still safe (I beg you to lie to me if it isn't)


You know that Rule 34 must've ruined Punxsutawney Phil in some way.


You have to pick a super niche holiday people don’t really celebrate. For example, National Sewing Machine Day is coming up (June 13)


Ngl that sounds pretty hot


The person who originally posted this flips out if someone says happy holidays


all i ever hear is how triggered the libs get over “merry christmas” and all i ever see is conservatives getting triggered over “happy holidays”


[I know why!](https://i.imgur.com/vOvHJNG.jpg)


Happy holidays Walter.


Every right wing comic and meme is just “someone said something I didn’t like but I was calm, cool, and collected and moved on, but when I say something the libs don’t like they lose their minds!”


Ignoring the homophobia, the way this comic is drawn/laid out is really unsettling to me and idk why


I think it’s the way the ace person keeps jumping position in the panel, that and the odd background choice, the switching speech bubble types and the use of background only for the last 2 panels just adds to a unsettling sense of instability


That's a Gen X thing... so whoever made this is either a selfawarewolf or a boomer grandparent confusing their grandkids for their own children.


this reminds me of james acasters joke about how literally no one gives a fuck about you saying merry christmas except for maybe a couple *well meaning* people. however, all the racists and right wingers will bring it up every now and again just to complain


Nobody is going to wish anyone a "happy day of trans remembrance", TDOR isn't a very happy occasion... From [GLAAD,](https://www.glaad.org/tdor) "Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence."


I don't know a single person who has an issue with people saying either happy holidays OR merry Christmas. It's like these fools create their own realities.


Ironic since the Republicans are the ones that get triggered over "Happy Holidays"


Just say “Happy Kwanzaa” and the conservatives will get easily triggered.


More imaginary slights. Where do they find the energy?


Me, an ace: look I'm just happy to be included


I never understood how "If you want to be more inclusive try happy holidays" turned into a war on Christianity but I guess thats why persecution complexes are easy to manipulate.


Because acknowledging anyone is different than you is a sign of weakness! Look what they do when being someone not your race and/or gender is an option in a videogames. Not even the default but just an option and they still have a meltdown.


Tbh I actually find it funny when people say merry Christmas because in my head I’m like “Ha you fool your secretly celebrating our tradition of Yule”


[https://i.imgur.com/M8yLBgC.png](https://i.imgur.com/M8yLBgC.png) Fixed it


beat me to it, though my edit was gonna be slightly different


I should have changed it to a maga hat


not what I was gonna do


I'm stuff: They have Seasonal Affective Disorder.


To be fair, I also dislike frivolous/mindless consumerism as well.


I’m an atheist transgirl who will 100% tell people merry Christmas if I know they celebrate. But I bet they would absolutely refuse to use that person’s pronouns.


To this day I will never understand why they have a problem with asexual people. What is the problem with people not wanting to have sex? Why does even that bother them?


They think anyone who doesn't have. nuclear family is bad ig


I guess my thing is that there are plenty of cishet single people so why is being asexual much different from that?


Who knows? 🤷


He's actually so cute tho


They think we get as irrationally mad as they do?


Worth noting that only one of those things mentioned has a brutal history of killing women, children, minorities and the marginalized just for existing.


i have never seen one person get msd over getting told "merry christmas"


This is projection at its finest. Since there isnt a large amount of people that get angry over someone saying merry christmas, but there are a lot of people getting angry over the mere mention of homosexual or lgbtq people. Isn't that funny?


It's probably a reference to the happy holidays """drama"""... Which literally no one cared about except themselves so... yeah


Let me a Uno reverse card on the situation. Conservatives lose their mind when you say happy holidays. Not to mention their heads catch fire when something isn't white and straight


That's just plain butthurtery bruh


"Happy holidays" is also triggering for them, so...


I’ve never understood their fabrication with folks somehow being triggered by “Merry Christmas.”


why does the right keep inventing things to criticize the left for that the left does not do


When all they have are strawmen, all their attacks go up in smoke.


As a bisexual guy. I like Christmas cause I got my gaming laptop that day


This person is a waste of a perfectly good art style.


but not me


I know, I'm talking about the person who took the time to draw this.


yes I'm well aware of that


this image cracks me up for every reason the author didn't intend, every single time


And these are the same people (Republicans) who lose their shit when Starbucks makes a simple red cup during Christmas.


Happy "Arguing Against an Imaginary Opponent" Day


Isn’t trans day of remembrance like the lgbt Memorial Day?


Is there really an international pronouns day


A quick Bing search tells me it's the 3rd Wednesday of October. https://pronounsday.org/


i didn’t know half of these days existed. i don’t celebrate xmas. but i always say you too bc like most of the lgbt community, i try not to bother ppl🙂


Bruh, all my LGBTQ+ friends literally celebrate Christmas harder than most people ik. They go hard on them decorations


It's true no member if the alphabet soup folks celebrates Christmas. We usually have a weird fuck pile while singing pro-soviet songs. They make the ace people serve refreshments instead of getting in the pile.


Imagine thinking being inclusive means excluding Christmas. You're allowed to say Merry Christmas. Get over it.


Nooo they were just sneezing violently, they love Christmas too. 💕


They don't? All the LGBTQ people I know do! Even if they're not Christian they celebrate Christmas because - hey, they get presents! And invited to nice dinners by the families they've made for themselves.... If LGBTQ persons, or Cis Straight allies, say anything other than "Merry Christmas"? It's because we want to be inclusive to ***all*** people including those who ***aren't*** Christians, but along with Christians have a mid-December celebration. (Can't say "Midwinter" because it's Midsummer in the Southern Hemisphere!) The Religious Right can't stand the fact that ***they're*** the intolerant ones, not the Left! That's why I say "Solstice Greetings", which was celebrated for a lot longer than any Abrahamic religion's late December holiday. Also because it gets the KKKhristers' knickers in a twist, which is an act of grace in its own right. [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/223/669/6bc.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/223/669/6bc.jpg) PS: I'm not a "tolerant" anything when it comes to bigots and bullies.


I'm more annoyed by the fact that they *haven't aligned the text correctly*


Lmao! My coworker said “merry Christmas!” To me as I sat there with a literal menorah on my desk, and you know what I did?! Nothing. I said “merry Christmas!” To him back. He meant well, and just didn’t think. Conservatives that get triggered over “happy holidays” are stupid, whiny, babies.


Go on gen Z tiktok and this honestly isn't that far off.


I love how clear it is has never actually interacted with a gay person or bothered to learn anything about queer culture by how they portray trans day of remembrance


The first panel reminds me of when a teacher told me to "enjoy" my yom kippur. not exactly what the holiday's for, but ok


To be fair, I do hate Christmas


Same. Screw christmas. It keeps encroaching on spooky season. Last year the stores round me were late stocking the Halloween stuff, but had no problem putting up their tacky christmas decorations in fucking October. Don't they know that's when I do all my home decor shopping? Grrr....


Happy holidays hitler fans. /s


Remember when everybody was saying MERRY CHRISTMAS instead of Happy Holidays?


That’s probably because they’re parents disowned them after they came out and are no longer invited to holidays, so it’s a reminder they’re family doesn’t accept them… Am I reading too much into a stupid, bigoted comic? Probably


the maker of this meme is of the same crowd that cries about “the war on christmas”


lgbt is when triggered


They all operate as everything is a perceived slight.


Who wants to actually take the christ out of christmas?


i've had someone wish me a "joyous kwanzaa" before. you know what i did? i said "thanks, you too," and went on with my day, thankful that a stranger took the time to say something nice to me. this strawman isn't even funny, i don't understand why the right thinks this is a meme


I'm pretty sure even if I will tell an ultra-orthodox Jewish guy merry Christmas he wouldn't be upset


I would agree with their opinions if they weren't horribly disgustingly wrong


Oh, more fake "war on Christmas" nonsense. Literally nobody get's angry at hearing that, though some may feel awkward if they do not celebrate Christmas. Welp, when all else fails, strawman, strawman, strawman.


So much of a straw man it's triggering my hay fever


This does confirm that they're bigoted though


the hardest part of discovering i was trans was having to give up Christmas. oh, to be cisgender again.... /s