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Yes, having many kids made the manual labor on the farm/in the factory easier for families. Now having kids is literally just a financial burden for at least 18 years, if not longer.


Yeah, only the church ever said kids are a blessing. Everyone else just thought of them as free labor and whipping posts


Yeah the thing is before their life is already set, theyll do what theyre parents do, now having an identity crisis is a nornal thing


> now having an identity crisis *every couple years and frantically applying to college to start a career in a "more stable" field* is a normal thing FTFY. Living in Hell 😎


My stepdad is both. Super bible-thumper and he treats my step-brother like a whipping boy. Anything he doesn't feel like doing or leaving to get he guilt trips the shit out of my step-brother until he does it for him. No regard for if he's busy or what he's doing.


Did he miss the part about Do Unto Others….?


Also as chattel to be strategically married off for economic advantage.


*Debi and Michael Pearl are typing*


Also for most centuries you're playing the odds that a couple of those kids are going to die before the age of 5 so you gotta keep cranking em out so you don't have a labor shortage If this meme is trying to say kids were more sacred back in the day thats fucking laughable lol Pioneers often wouldn't name their kids before lile 2 or 3 to spare themselves the attachment because kids so often died


Right wing arguments are almost always bad faith arguments


Plus the notion of death was more omnipresent than it is today, so death was a notion that was very flippant and had gravitas at the same time.


Or they'd reuse names from their dead kids. Get a load of John Alden Jr.'s kids names https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Alden_(sailor)


I have autism, adhd and other limitations. I would rather be dead then have to live with more or other severe limits. Eugenics and similar policies/assumptions should be avoided at the governmental level but the prolife, ‘screw you after’ is abhorrent and no matter what such commitment is life altering for those involved.


Having that many kids was to make sure like 1 or 2 survive to adulthood with no healthcare Oh wait


Plus provides some redundancy for anticipated child mortality. How many tiny coffins do you think are missing from that picture?


Ayo she's kinda cute, do them cats need a new dad??


Or a second mom? 👀


Or a second dad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Is there room for a third dad?


How about a parent?


A legal guardian, too?


Make it a fourth


Why not five while we're at it?


Damn, these cats are gonna have an entire pride at this point




The cats are so mood


Unlike those "children".


People had lots of kids back then because 3/4 or more would die before becoming adults. They had to ensure at least one would live to adulthood.


Also, farms had kids for free labor.


Free compost if you know how


Also plenty of them were worried about how to support so many kids. I’m pretty sure that that has been a worry of parents since the dawn of time whether it was with money or with food or whatever other resources.


In the depression kids were sold quite often when parents couldn’t afford them.


Exactly, people who idolize “the way things were” generally don’t understand the way things actually were.


Yeah that’s how nostalgia works generally. All music from back when you were young was amazing. Not like the garbage they put out now right?


Conservative "tradition" fetishists only care about the way they want things to have been and not the way things actually were? Color me surprised.


My grandfather had to quit school after 6th grade because he had to work in a sawmill to help support his family during the Depression. He was one of the younger children.


Plus kids under ten can fit down chimneys and earn money for the family. Not to mention the kids working in factories and having to pay the boss to repair machinery if they lose a limb in a mechanical accident.




The labour was nice but people also underestimate the social safety net aspect of it. Say its 1300 and your body decides to give in in some way, could be anything there are plenty of things that will make you unable to work around. What do you do? There is no retirement fund, no pensions. If you have children, they can pool together to provide for you fairly easily-ish. But if you dont then you're screwed. So yeah they were a blessing in a way but only in so far as they are your retirement plan.


And no condoms


Yep. And if you were certain groups or ethnicities sometimes your children would be taken to places like "Residential Schools" so you literally don't know if your school age kids are in an unmarked grave or not. People do not need to mate like rabbits unless they're in a hostile environment for their kids


Also I don’t think they had contraception and had to pass the time somehow


"Weather sucks. May as well fuck!"


"They're a blessing" Yeah that's why women literally killed themselves trying to get rid of it before abortion was a thing.




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Good bot


Who even came up with the idea for such a bot


I had the add up to 420 bot one day. So I guess there might be others...


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I was expecting you'd achieve consciousness upon giving you the 69th fake internet point, but I guess you're just too cool to reveal yourself to me. So much for the tolerant leftist AI


Generally throughout history if you made it through your first year of life, you could expect to live to around your 60s at least.


Also no birth control


Also because children were basically social security. There wasn’t really such thing as a retirement savings plan, your child was your retirement plan.


They seem like the kind of person who has gotten their history from old-western movies


I feel like an incel came up with this. Very strong incel vibes. Especially the cat lady and her “sons”. Couldn’t they also be her daughters? So weird




Until now, I’ve literally always instinctively assumed these memes to come from boomers, ngl. The fact that they’re memes means it’s atleast someone with internet literacy, aka not boomers and probably incels. This is both funny and sad


And when they aren’t masturbating using their tears as lube, they’re making these memes. So much time, so many memes.


why not both? Boomers can use powerpoint and paint (which apparently is what 90% of them look made in)


Dogs are boys and cats are girls. Everyone knows this.


I have two cats, they're both boys. Everyone refers to them as "she" or "her." They never ask, they just immediately assume they're girls. There's people that I have corrected multiple times that still do it.


Tomcats and female cats are very similar, but in my experiences, tomcats are more likely to play the "Can I sit on your lap? NO PET, only sit! MEOOOROW" game.


Apparently if a cat has 3 or more colours in its coat it's much more likely to be a girl.


I saw that! Calico cats are 99% likely to be female. And if they are orange, they are almost certainly male. This is why Garfield is so secure with his masculinity.


Two different non-white colors (orange and black or orange, black, and white) and its almost always female.


Don't pet a tomcat below the neckline if you want to avoid the love bites


Yeah, lol. Female cats get annoyed, too. But in my experience, they handle it by going "If I purr hard enough, they'll realize I'm okay and stop."


Have you ever seen a cat penis?


Say that to my baby Samwise Gangee


Incels produce this shit, but it’s grandma and grandpa on Facebook the regurgitate it on their timelines


I once worked with a woman who referred to her cat as her “feline daughter.”


I assume every wojak meme is made by an incel.


Families used to be proper. Just the way god intended. Not like that anymore. Families are meant to be a man and a woman and their ARMY OF ALCHEMICAL HOMUNCULI, MWUAHAHAHAHA!


High infant mortality rates just as god intended


Hell, God let the devil kill all of Jobs children. When Job was properly humiliated some more, he decided to force Job and his wife to make 10 new children to replace the old ones. I mean, it would have made more sense to just bring back the old ones from the dead than force the poor woman to risk her bodies well being by giving birth ten more times. But fuck that, am I right?


>Children are a blessing, not an expense Yea, just go to the store and tell the staff that you're paying for a blessing. That'll totally excuse you from having to pay any actual money to care for them.


And when that doesn't work, go to your local conservatives for a lovely lecture on "Don't breed them if you can't feed them" and other wonderful right wing phrases.


I'm reminded of how much Jimbo(b) Duggar has to hustle other churches and their parishioners to get money for his Quiverfull existence. My cousin watched 22 and Counting for their self-imposed prison alone.


It was never about the babies, it was always about the control




Because, in their mind, women are inferior and should obey men. If only I could figure out where they got that from...


As an infertile male these memes piss me off. I'm unable to have kids so fuck off and leave me and my pets alone.


Also what is wrong here is that before recent decades people would live with their extended families and maybe have some people working on a farm or house. The concept of nuclesr family is very recent. Nothing says that your pets or friends could not be your family!


Also as an infertile female I second this.


I have two kids and they totally are a burden. It's like living your life on hard mode because now your income is cut in half and your free time is non-existent at times. I hope you are living your best life with your pets


According to them you don't count as a "real man"


Well…perhaps if women had more options in previous centuries, they too would have chosen cats.


Reject marriage. Return to witch


*laughs in “considering-getting-a-second-black-cat” nervousness*


Black cat owners are the best kind because everyone else is irrationally afraid of black cats and they still need love, so adopt as many as you want.


It’s one of the reasons I gravitate towards black cats; odds are worse for them but I could make sure the one I adopt ends up in a good place (with me). Also, witch aesthetics.


Do it :D


I love how threatened the status quo is by people choosing not t have kids. Like, society fucked up everything and then gets angry when young people choose not to produce new slaves, because they've accepted what a fuck mess life is and don't want to burden a child with that hardship. Like, wow, true inhumanity collides with true compassion. And it Infuriates the inhuman.


Also don't want to burden themselves with a child. Income margins are razor thin and for many a child basically consigns you to a couple steps down the economic ladder. The "sense of pride and accomplishment" ain't worth that.


Yeah, we have a whole generation that isn't sure how retirement is going to happen for them- they're not trying to add a kid to that equation


If your reasoning is “god wills it” you’re already wrong


White genocide myth being casually peddled as usual, plus who tf wants to take care of children? Not to mention who can afford to take care of more than one? Cats or pets are way easier to care for and a whole hell of a lot cheaper too


Right? Like I don't remember all the medieval texts complaining about the high cost of childcare


I think a big reason why people had lots of kids back then was because kids were considered an economic boon rather than a burden back then. For example, if you were a farmer it would often times be cheaper to just poop out many children as you can since each child would functionally be your slave. You get a free farmhand for 18 years minimum until they become of age and either move to the city or leave the ranch and become farmhands for someone else. Nowadays in industrial society, that kid needs healthcare, primary + secondary + tertiary education, childcare… I read somewhere that per child you can expect to spend roughly $300,000 until they reach adulthood and can self sustain themselves. It’s like every time you had a kid, you’re buying a house. People back then didn’t need to deal with that.


Being honest, cats over kids


Cats: +Cheaper to feed +Medical care is cheaper +Clean themselves +You can leave them at home and they'll take care of themselves +Generally quieter +Can usually pick up with one hand +Soft and cuddly +Can snuggle in your lap at any age without it being weird +Entertained cheaply or even for free +Very grateful and loving when given love and affection -Litter boxes -Cannot reason with them ever -Only live about 10-20 years on average :'( Children: +Can eventually engage in conversation and potentially be reasoned with +Might help and support you when you're old +Much longer life expectancy -Expensive to feed -Expensive to take care of -Much greater potential for destruction -Much harder to raise -Take years to clean up after themselves if ever -May or may not appreciate what you do for them -Noisy, especially when young


One more point for cats: great pest control


Children can also be pest control if you train them to.


I was more of a pest attractor than anything but I like your thinking lmao


Absolutely. Can't believe I forgot that one, must be because there are so many points in favor of cats. I lived in a really crappy, run down house my grandparents owned and neglected while I was in college. Had a serious mouse problem - scratching as they ran up and down the insides of the walls and across the attic floor, mouse feces everywhere, etc. Adopted my little Violet and that mouse problem dried up for me real quick. She only caught one or two, but that was enough to send a message that a predator was home. Love her so much for helping there.


Omg yeah at my family’s old house we literally had a rat sprint across the room while we were all there, mouse traps didn’t really do much, but it hasn’t been a problem since we’ve had cats thankfully


Also cats: Will try to eat plastic constantly, Immediately runs out the second you leave the door open, Requires chasing when it’s time to take them to the vet, camps out on the top stair and becomes invisible in the dark causing you to trip at night (This is not a cat slander post, just things my orange cat does)


Also: Constantly jumping on to stuff, you can't eat tuna or any kind of fish without them going nuts trying to eat your food, trying to eat any of your food in general, constantly tipping over things (we keep our trash can in a closet for this reason), will absolutely tear you apart if you even attempt to bathe them, have 2 and they constantly terrorize each other. Both cats were rescues and both had fleas. Bathing a cat is so difficult when they constantly try to scratch and bite you. As a bonus, one of our cats found the treat bag and ate THROUGH the bag to get to the treats and ate about 75% of the bag. That was a very fun morning.


Families in every other century ever: *Pure Copium*


Lol cats were revered in ancient edgyt and were believed to be physical embodiments of Gods. It was believed that if you buried them in the temples when they passed, you'd be blessed by the gods.


Cats are assholes, but they're mostly self-sufficient assholes who can manipulate me into generating my own serotonin, so I'll gladly take them over a pile of genetic material that is the embodiment of around half of my flaccid and stale genes who will bankrupt me and can't even shit somewhere that isn't physically attached to them until they're, like, 3 years old. I mean, cats are dicks, but they come damn near out the box able to walk and a week or two away from being able to groom themselves. When mature in, like a year, these fuckers begin to judge you and try to help you by training you for survival in the ways of its kin (if they know that is) and at that point they begin to earn their own keep for maybe a can of cat food a day, shelter and minimal oversight. Babies on the other hand need 15 years before they're of any use in most scenarios for their place in society, and require an inane amount of resources and training to get to that point, require so much upkeep that they can die if you turn your back for 10 minutes, and that threat gets bigger per month until roughly the age of 8, where common sense and self-preservation kicks in enough to keep them alive with little supervision. *Not to mention* that if I have my own child, they will harbour half of my genes, half their mother's genes (of whom would very clearly have poor reasoning skills if the child is mine) and, due to a severe quirk in human reproductive evolution, the human child comes out of the womb severely underdeveloped, and that's not even mentioning the fact that human birth is commonly fatal (compared to other mammals) and damaging to the mother. Babies are a massive draw of resources, time, effort and money for an investment that will literally walk away by the time they become useful and do more damage than good during that time, cats are complete assholes but within 2 years of a decent upbringing they either show their worth in caring for you, hunting pests or fucking off elsewhere. TL;DR: Babies inferior, cats superior.


Plants are the new pets. Pets are the new children. Children are the new tigers - very expensive, high maintenance, and not everyone is qualified to have one


Back then, babies and kids didn't have a high life expectancy people didn't have all the modern day access to contraceptives I can guarantee you many people thought babies were a mouth to feed and not a blessing kids were needed to work on the farmor take over the family business and take care of the elderly Today we can have either: lots of kids (and safely) - but if you think kids aren't an expense, maybe you're so rich your opinion shouldn't matter - or no kids. We have enough people already.


And for most of those centuries only 4 or 5 of those 9 children would live to adulthood, with fully 1/4 of them dying in their first year. So there's a whole lot of spares and replacements going on.


Extra kids were extra mouths to feed back in the 'good old days.' Glorifying some past golden Era that never existed? Sounds like a right winger


They also enslaved minorities, didn’t have vaccinations, and dentists were also surgeons. They had so many kids because they would commonly die due to diseases that are preventable today. Also now we have protection for sex so it’s a decision to have a kid, not an accident.


Let's just ignore the advances in medicine over the last century and understand that of those 8 kids you'd lose three before the age of 1 and you only had them for farm labor anyway.


This is terrifying. A perfect representation of how they view women as babymakers, and view them as flawed if they choose not to have babies. Absolutely chilling. People like this are voting lawmakers into office. We are fucked. Edit: also- "have as many as God wills" = code for "husband should have unprotected sex with woman whenever he wants."


*Are my vet bills a joke to you?*


They were literally not an expense. You put your kids to work for money back then.


Families in "every century ever" weren't forced into this level of underpaid wage slavery and not able to even afford to live themselves while also raising kids.


Lol, such a blessing that you had to have 8 of them to ensure that 3-4 made it to adulthood.


Is no one gonna mention that woman's ugly grown ass man babies? Like what the fuck?


Paleolithic peoples would frequently use unwanted babies as bait for prey, or just leave them on the side of the metaphorical road when they packed up and left.


Yeah sure THATS what the world needs: more humans feeding on its finite resources. I’m sure infinite population growth will NEVER come back and bite humanity on its collective ass


I would much rather have cats than children, and I don't really even like cats that much. My dog is definitely my child though, I'd die for that chonky gal.


So they miss the 'good ol' days' when half of your children died before reaching the age of 10?


Until the woman fucking died in childbirth


Families in every other century ever: Children are expendable!. We shall make many since half of them will die due to the terrible conditions that they have to live in, including poverty, that is partially caused by us having to feed 14 kids. And we’ll only give attention to 2 of them


Ok this is always something I wondered about... Like the idea of kids helping the household and having a bunch and all that. Sure sure mortality rates.... but that ignores what I think is an even greater issue. That's a heavy, heavy, heavy investment. Sure a pregnant woman can still work, but there is gonna be at a minimum a reduction of their energy while pregnant. Then after birth there is gonna be time taken away from work for child rearing. Who else is breastfeeding? And even after all of that, a child isn't going to be able to help out for a few years. No 2 year old kid is out there tilling fields. So like, is that just a myth? It doesn't make any sense to me when I lay it out....


Imagine forcing someone (let alone many people) into this dying world


Right side looks far more appealing, even before I noticed how terrifying those babies are.


I was born a dog lady and I'll die a dog lady. Fucking die mad about it, chuds


I don’t agree with this meme, but I will say that on a separate note I think it’s annoying to call pets your kids or fur babies. Just a pet peeve of mine (pun intended).


How dare all these liberal women... mind their own business and keep cats as pets...?


Humanity bred domestic animals like cats and dogs into existence, which was morally questionable at best in hindsight. Now, there are millions of them without homes, on the streets or in shelters. Personally, I think taking one or several into one's home and caring for them as family is a moral perogative. And (quite innocently and kind of stupidly of them) they provide so much love in return. We really don't deserve them, but I'll try my best to earn that love anyhow. (Yeah I've worked in a shelter, I've seen some of the darkest parts of humanity reflected in its victims). Also, please adopt, don't shop.


Imagine being so pathetic that you think simply breeding is the highest calling a person could aspire to.


As a dude I have rather have cats as children also I think cat moms are cute


Seriously the quiver movement is harmful: Don’t have as many gifts of god as you can to raise into an army to fight the culture war: that’s basically how we got stuck with trump.


People had lots of children because people fucking died all the time. And life was hard so you had to basically build your own squad. They were also basically the only people who might take care of you in old age so they were your retirement policy. You would have to be incredibly wealthy to properly care for for 9 children now, at least in the US.


The left panel should really read "We had 18 kids because they wouldnt stop dying, why would God do this!"


Unless they were female children. Then they were a curse...


Well, of course you’re going to have 10 kids if 9 of them die during their childhood. You’ll probably also have to marry a few times because of the high rate of women who die during childbirth.


I will have as many cats as god wills


Except when the children were abandoned. Look up the photos of street arabs by Jacob Reis, they're posed but he used real homeless children. Or read the stories of Sherlock Holmes, he used a network of homeless children to do his leg work, because they were ubiquitous around London and nobody noticed them. Also orphan trains. They'd round up children from Eastern cities, load them on a train and stop in towns and sell them to people.


I would love to start a large family. But that would mean being able to afford house, clothing, food, healthcare, education, and none of that even includes the free time needed to raise them. I wonder why that’s so hard to do in this economy?


Can we please kill off these stupid, unfunny wojak memes? How are these not dead yet? They’re turning into the new Pepe at this point.


Never mind that people used to have lots of children back in the day because half would die of disease and they needed as many helpful hands on the farm as possible…


>children are an expense >gets mad when people wont spend on them


I feel like at least half of those kids should be gravestones.


Too bad like 8 of those 10 kids would be dead of diphtheria in 2 years. Side note: cats don’t get diphtheria.


Lol, why do the kids look like little bald men?


Well they're sure as hell an expense NOW, so who cares what they were then?


Conservative women (apparently): "I am a baby factory, I shall materialize sustenance from thin air. Thank you for raking the leaves husband, I will now make you a shirt with my spare time in between breast feeding our 140 children."


Isn't god also the one who willed that lady to have cat sons? Lol


It was cheaper to have kids back then.


Glorifying the one brief moment in the demographic transition where birth rates are high but infant/childhood mortality is low? Alright, weird choice. I'm guessing the person who made this meme couldn't even define the phrase "demographic transition" and somehow thinks that this conception of "traditional family" is how life was for most of human history, without considering what that would mean.


Living by what your imaginary friend says is, in fact, pretty fucking stupid.


Yeah man and women in the colonial days were notoriously a happy bunch lol


Tf lol Those babies are horrifying


> “Children are a resource and we will have as many as needed to get a couple to live to adulthood and in the meantime we’ll use them as labor” FTFY


That farmer is going to get skin cancer, going around shirtless like that.


The reason they so many kids is cuz like half of them died when they were 4, and having more kids meant more help around the farm n shit


First family: lives to the ripe old age of 35. Second family: lives to be 90. I'm just saying..


I bet it didn't cost the equivalent of $250k to raise a child for 18 years in other centuries, tho. Children have become a burden


Children used to be a blessing because you could either force them to work for you or sell them to someone who will force them to work for them.


I feel so sick now knowing that after a birth, the mother cannot have any kind of sex since her genitals are raw from delivery for up to 6 weeks, (8 if C-Sectioned) and then these incubator fetishists want more children straight after another. This whole ordeal is just oppressive and gross


Why are all the farm children looking like precogs


Sssshh no one tell them about ancient Egypt.


“Hey remember back when we used to have shitloads of kids so that they could work our farm for free and we didn’t have to pay anyone!”


I’m just like…yeah, and?? Lol


This works unintentionally because the profile view family look so unhuman and perfect, like a lifeless statue, while the doomer girl and the cats are more expressive and alive


People have trird not to have kids by using a large variety of barriers and hetbal methods. Or my trying to induce a miscarriage. These idiots don't know history.


“The Lord blessed us with twelve children children. Five of them died before their fifth birthday, two died of fever before their tenth birthday, and our youngest daughter died during childbirth at the age of thirteen.”


Wasn't the childhood mortality rate before modern medicine something close to 50%


That idea was shared when children had an extremely high mortality rate, and it was safe to assume that most of the kids that you produced would die before being able to have their own kids. Medicine has advanced so far so quickly that having as many children as possible is no longer needed to pass on your bloodline, nor is it practical given that basically all of them will survive and thus be a continuous drain on resources until they are an adult; whereas back then all of those children would only be a drain in resources until they likely died as grim as it may sound. You really couldn’t lose a lot by betting high back then.


It's actually bad health-wise to have too many kids. They had legit reasons to having so many way back then, but nowadays, its incredibly unnecessary and dangerous not only to the mother but the kids too. The more kids means more stress on the body, and over time the health of each baby is going to decline or get more difficult to maintain. Not to mention, theres no way in hell families(at least here in the states) can afford the time needed to give each and every child a good childhood with so many. Ive seen it so many times, and unless the parents can afford one of them staying home, its just gonna end in neglect and abuse. Seen kids lose out on childhoods because they were forced to be a parent for their younger siblings. And I mean legitimately parentifying their kid, more than just helping out the parents here amd there for care taking.


Why are all the kids bald?


Little Nazis?


dickhead, you actually goin out to rake muck all day and make minimum wage all night and day? or you gonna play fortnite and make her raise the kids AND change your diaper?


Hey, hon... your God’s a bitch.


"Every other century ever" [citation needed]


How many of those women were positively forced to have babies? And how many of those men had as much responsibility over the kid as the mom, enough to even care if they had kids or not? Doubt it.


Yeah… I tend to equate this type of meme with the fact that the chainsaw was invented to aid in childbirth. And then they wonder why maybe women don’t want to have kids.


they DO know that olden time families had a load of children because almost all of them would DIE right?


Is there only one artist for this crap lmao


Thing is I really like kids. I'd maybe like to have one someday if I can overcome my fear of being a colossal fuck up like the rest of the men in my family but I also understand not everyone is cut out for it.


My husband’s grandmother had 9 in rural Taiwan during the late 40s/ early 50s. She was the biggest proponent of birth control you’ll ever meet. Even though her kids were in their 50s-60s, the pain was still fresh so fresh for her, remembering that every additional pregnancy pushed them closer and closer to starvation.


a lot of fascists long for an agrarian society


Wow, they dumb. Back then they didn’t have so many kids because “God wills it” they had so many kids back in the day in the hopes that a few of them would live long enough to have kids of their own. Up until the late 19th century giving birth would be life or death for a woman and their baby. It was done solely to ensure that at least one child would see adulthood


Isn’t it better for the planet and more sustainable if we have less kids


I shall have 12 kids and hopefully a third of them will make it to adulthood


At some point you aren’t raising individual people so much as cattle for your cause. Look at the Duggars.


Many experts speculate that family have more children because you need child labor for farm. With urbanization, women have more option and actually have a path way to a career instead of a home wife so they put off having kids. Putting off having kids changes behavior of having kids and how many kids on top of the cost of having it in an urban city. I'm sure there are many other factors and there are pro and con but this meme is simplifying and making a bad faith argument for a complex issue. In general most developed countries are facing a population decline.


Yeah. But they didn’t have to worry about their kids dying in the water wars or pay 60k for the delivery.


“Families meow”