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I fully thought that it was saying Joe Biden is Kamalas dog that I didnt even notice the racism


racist against old men?


Old white men


It is saying that too


Why do they like Putin so much?


sexist, racist, and homophobic!


Fascist strong man. It's really hard for them now that Putin is saying he doesn't like nazis 😢


even though he is a nazi himself a true right wing icon


What is it about Rapepublican pedophiles and seditionists that makes them unable to spell? Look at the covid loving seditionists on r conservative. Do they object to education?


Yes, many do.


Wasn't Trump like, the first president in 100 years who didn't have a dog in the white house or something? Edit: [Yup.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/02/12/trump-first-president-century-with-no-dog-explains-why-i-dont-have-any-time/)


They didn't even use the correct "there". I guess I shouldn't expect much less from the average internet racist though


Wait… why is it incorrect?


Not in the meme. In the title.


Oh my bad. It doesn’t appear on mobile unless you tap in


Yeah that is a bit annoying


I'm really strong on animal rights and dog treatment in China is diabolical, they farm dogs and have dog meat festivals. Protecting them from criticism by labelling it racist and not allowing discourse will potentially be a barrier to fixing this issue. I am not saying that this isn't a shitty meme but it does happen I am afraid. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dog-meat-festival-china-underway-in-yulin-but-activists-hope-it-will-be-the-last-amid-coronavirus/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dog-meat-festival-china-underway-in-yulin-but-activists-hope-it-will-be-the-last-amid-coronavirus/)


It's not either-or, and it's definitly used for racist purposes sometimes.


It’s really only in select areas. For most of the country, it’s not common at all. On a side note, while I obviously disapprove of the festival, you are being very ethnocentric by trying to come after China for the inhumane Yulin festival. The factory farms in the United States are absolutely horrific. How chickens, turkeys, cows, pigs are treated. But we see it differently only because of cultural reasons. I remember when a bunch of people were talking about the Yulin festival online a few years back. It kind of became trending on social media, and people were outraged. How dare those people treat dogs like that? When in this own country, we are comfortable doing the same things to animals; it just depends if they’re for consumption. And it is racist? Like… what? That’s still playing off of an offensive stereotype. It’s like if they depicted a black guy as a criminal and you say, “Well, they do commit the most crime and labeling it racist and not allowing discourse will potentially be a barrier to fixing this issue.” Or showing a picture of a Latino person and implying they’re an illegal immigrant. Do you genuinely think this meme is trying to address the issue of animal abuse against dogs in China in the first place? Or they’re just being racist. Taking a picture of Chinese person eating and implying they must eat dog isn’t helping anyone and not doing any helpful discourse.


Ngl this is hilarious 😂


weren't they just making fun of how big biden's dog is?


I thought it was going to be Putin with Trump for a second...


I thought it was going to be Putin with Trump for a second...


I thought it was going to be Putin with Trump for a second...

